Up one levelData related to recreational SCUBA diving activities in California
- Dive Sites — by Carrie Kappel — last modified 30-10-2006 15:00
- Monterey, Santa Barbara, LA and San Diego area dive sites: Names and locations of dive sites identified during diving activity surveys
- Walking and swimming distances to Monterey dive sites from shore access points — by Carrie Kappel — last modified 12-02-2007 17:34
- This workbook has multiple worksheets. Open excel file to access full content. Compiled by Dan Brumbaugh and Susanne Menzel.
- locations recreational dive sites monterey — by susanne menzel — last modified 31-01-2007 12:07
- from mlpa Who created the data: John Wolfe, REEF Volunteer Date and time: July 30, 2005 abstract: These dive site locations have been verified and modified per the pinnacles and reefs shown on California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) sidescan sonar seafloor maps. Shore dive access locations along the coastline were also added using the coastline maps from the CSUMB seafloor mapping project. Coastline and seafloor maps were downloaded from: http://seafloor.csumb.edu/SFMLwebDATA.htm . Site location verification was made using a registered copy of Global Mapper shareware software. (DATUM: WGS84.) In some cases, precise dive site or shore access lat/long coordinates were copied and pasted directly from CSUMB seafloor and coastline maps (using the Global Mapping software) into the attached Excel spreadsheet. Divers Christy Pattengill-Semmens, Brice Semmens, Beto Nava, Chuck Tribolet, Phil Sammet and Kawika Chetron played key roles in contributing to the attached database, either through the original REEF database project, or subsequently for the MLPA effort. John Ugoretz caught dive site several replication errors, and Will McClintock specified the spreadsheet format that could most readily be imported into UCSB's mapping software, and translated previous versions of the spreadsheet data into the UCSB MLPA mapping website.