Generating Basin KMLs
Conversion procedure to convert our basin shapefile layers to managable KML files for use with Google Earth.
- Define Projection: af_basin_n.shp as the local Lambert Equal Area Azimuthal Projection
- Open af_basin_n.shp Attribute table, Create new column `area', type double
- Calculate Values and check the Advanced Box:
Dim dblArea as double
In the result box at the bottom, type dblArea
Dim pArea as IArea
Set pArea = [shape]
dblArea = pArea.area / 1000000 - Select By attributes: WHERE "area" < 12
- Iteratively change the area value, to limit the feature count to 20,000: more features will make Google Earth intolerably slow to work with.
- Right click on the layer, Data: Export Data to "af_bas_n_gt12.shp".
Define Projection: af_bas_n_gt12km.shp as the local Lambert Equal Area Azimuthal Projection
- ArcToolbox: Data Management Tools: Projections and Transformations: Feature: Project
- Select "af_bas_n_gt12km.shp" as the input, and "af_bas_n_gt12km_w84.shp" as the output. The output projection should be set to WGS 1984.
- Copy the file to a location on the server.
- From an ssh connection to the server and while in the same directory as the basins layer, type:
ogr2ogr -f "KML" af_basins.kml af_bas_n_gt12km_w84.shp
- Open the KML output in Google Earth. Sweet!