Notes for Ecosystem Creation
notes on how the ecosystem layers were created that are part of the marine threats analysis
All of these layers are rasters that have a cell size of 934.478877m, and the following extent:
This data is binary data in the ESRI GRID format .
Rocky Intertidal:
This layer is a ribbon around the entire landmask created by the basins generation process. this layer is 1 cell size wide (934.478877m), and the extent is:
Salt Marsh:
Same as Rocky Intertidal
Suspension Reef:
Same as Rocky Intertidal
Intertidal Mud:
Same as Rocky Intertidal
Same as Rocky Intertidal
This data layers is derived from the original seamounts point data layer. the layer was rasterized so that each point became one cell. Focal Statistics was run on the raster layer to buffer each raster cell to a 5 total-cell plus sign. this layer was then clipped to the basin landmask and then clipped to the bathymetry contour line at -60m, to remove all seamounts in shallow water.
This layer is the SRTM30plus layer classified to include everything below -60m in depth
Pelagic Deep:
same as pelagic
This layer was created by rasterizing the original.......
Bottom Type:
This was created by using the bottom type generated by Shawn Benison, reclassifiying it into categories using the depth classes -60m, -200m, and -2000m. This data was then clipped using the seamounts data so that the seamounts were preserved.
This is the unep datalayer rasterized and clipped to our basins mask.
This is the unep datalayer rasterized and clipped to our basins mask.
This is the unep datalayer rasterized and clipped to our basins mask.