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Huntington Beach bacterial contamination

Sampled 3 types of fecal indicators bacteria (FIB) on the shore and surf zone (shore and ship-based) between July 1, 1998 and December 31, 2001.

Temporal and spatial variability of fecal indicator bacteria in the surf zone off Huntington Beach, CA. Rosenfeld et al. (2006) Mar. Env. Res. 61:471-493

Sampled 3 types of fecal indicators bacteria (FIB) on the shore and surf zone (shore and ship-based) between July 1, 1998 and December 31, 2001. The objective was to determine the temporal and spatial dynamics of FIB “events” along the shore using high-frequency (space-time) sampling protocols

Data collection:

- Spatial scales:


17 mandatory +1 stations (18) along Huntington Beach extending 11.9 km north and south of the Santa Ana river (SAR) and separated by 914.4 or 1828.8 m ( ~ one station every 1.4 km)


11 stations along the surf zone coinciding with shore based samples but over 11.9 km ( ~ one station every 1.08 km)

- Temporal scales:


During the late springs-summers of 1998-2001 samples collected 5 days/week including one weekend (one sample every 1.4 days)

November 1999 to March 2000 samples two days a week (every 3.5 days)

September-October 1999 samples collected 7 days a week (every day)

remainder of the period samples collected 3 days a week (every 2.3 days)


late Spring and summer 2001 six 48 h surveys samples collected hourly (24 samples a day)

Biological response (bacterial events):

California Health and Safety Code mandates beach closures when FIB exceed a standard (AB411) which we call a bacterial event.

- Spatial scales:

More common North of the SAR (~ 11.9 km) and over two small and contiguous areas (~ 4.6 km)

-Temporal scales:

cell division is ~30'

semidiurnal cycle (every 0.5 days)

tidal (fortnightly) cycles (60% probability to occur on any spring tide day ~ 14 days)

Institutional response (beach closures):

- Spatial scales:

Orange county (county scale)

Huntington Beach (~ 10 km)

Posted (~ 60 m, 150 sampling stations in OC)

- Temporal scales:

from April to October

30-day geometric mean

from 1 to 5 days/week (may switch to daily adaptively)

Economic response:

- Spatial scales:

Not specified

- Temporal scales:

Not specified

by Bernardo R. Broitman last modified 06-06-2006 16:14

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