Huntington Beach bacterial contamination
Temporal and spatial variability of fecal indicator bacteria in the surf zone off Huntington Beach, CA. Rosenfeld et al. (2006) Mar. Env. Res. 61:471-493
Sampled 3 types of fecal indicators bacteria (FIB) on the shore and surf zone (shore and ship-based) between July 1, 1998 and December 31, 2001. The objective was to determine the temporal and spatial dynamics of FIB “events” along the shore using high-frequency (space-time) sampling protocols
Data collection:
- Spatial scales:
17 mandatory +1 stations (18) along Huntington Beach extending 11.9 km north and south of the Santa Ana river (SAR) and separated by 914.4 or 1828.8 m ( ~ one station every 1.4 km)
11 stations along the surf zone coinciding with shore based samples but over 11.9 km ( ~ one station every 1.08 km)
- Temporal scales:
During the late springs-summers of 1998-2001 samples collected 5 days/week including one weekend (one sample every 1.4 days)
November 1999 to March 2000 samples two days a week (every 3.5 days)
September-October 1999 samples collected 7 days a week (every day)
remainder of the period samples collected 3 days a week (every 2.3 days)
late Spring and summer 2001 six 48 h surveys samples collected hourly (24 samples a day)
Biological response (bacterial events):
California Health and Safety Code mandates beach closures when FIB exceed a standard (AB411) which we call a bacterial event.
- Spatial scales:
More common North of the SAR (~ 11.9 km) and over two small and contiguous areas (~ 4.6 km)
-Temporal scales:
cell division is ~30'
semidiurnal cycle (every 0.5 days)
tidal (fortnightly) cycles (60% probability to occur on any spring tide day ~ 14 days)
Institutional response (beach closures):
- Spatial scales:
Orange county (county scale)
Huntington Beach (~ 10 km)
Posted (~ 60 m, 150 sampling stations in OC)
- Temporal scales:
from April to October
30-day geometric mean
from 1 to 5 days/week (may switch to daily adaptively)
Economic response:
- Spatial scales:
Not specified
- Temporal scales:
Not specified