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Banzhaf et al. 2004 Resources for the Future

Valuation of natural resource improvements in the Adirondacks

Spencer Banzhaf, Dallas Burtraw,
David Evans, and Alan Krupnick

September 2004
      Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements
             in the Adirondacks
  Spencer Banzhaf, Dallas Burtraw, David Evans, and Alan Krupnick


    For 20 years the debate about clean air regulation has centered on acid rain and
the controversy about acid rain in the Adirondack Park, which covers some six million
acres in New York State. But until now policymakers have never had an estimate of the
economic value of improvements to the park to New York State residents. Our five-year
study quantifies the change in total economic value (the sum of use and nonuse value)
that would result from an improvement in the ecological attributes of the Adirondack
Park that could be expected to follow from policies currently under consideration, such
as Clear Skies. To obtain these estimates a contingent valuation survey was
administered to a random sample of New York State residents through the Internet,
Web TV, and mail.
    Our preferred estimates of the mean willingness to pay (WTP) using the base
case characterization of ecological improvements range from $48 to $107 per year per
household in New York State. The alternative scope case scenario yields mean WTP
ranging from $54 to $159 per year per household. Multiplying these population-
weighted estimates by the approximate number of households in the state yields
benefits ranging from about $336 million to $1.1 billion per year. The instrument passes
an external scope test and a test of sensitivity to bid, both of which are important
measures of validity for stated preference studies.
    The results of this study help complete the two-decade-long project of integrated
assessment across natural and social sciences, resulting in economic estimates that can
be used to guide policymaking to address the ecological effects of acid rain in North
America. The values above exceed cost estimates of reducing SO2 and NOx emissions
from power plants subject to the Clear Skies initiative if the cost share is determined
according to the share of these emissions actually being deposited in the park.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1

2. From Science to Survey ....................................................................................... 4

3. Description of Survey Instrument ....................................................................... 6

4. Survey Protocol ................................................................................................. 13

5. Results .............................................................................................................. 14

6. From Survey to Policy ....................................................................................... 22

7. Conclusions....................................................................................................... 24

Tables and Figures................................................................................................ 26

Appendix A: Geographic distribution of respondents within New York State. .... 36

Appendix B: Screen and page captures from survey ............................................. 37

References ............................................................................................................ 40
       Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements
             in the Adirondacks
  Spencer Banzhaf, Dallas Burtraw, David Evans, and Alan Krupnick ∗

1. Introduction

    For 20 years the debate about clean air regulation has centered on acid rain and
the controversy about acid rain has centered on the Adirondack Park, which covers
some six million acres in New York State. The park was prominent when Congress
created the 1980 National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP), which
coordinated the expenditure of roughly $500 million to study the effect of acid
precipitation on the Adirondacks’ ecosystem and other natural resources in the
United States. The 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, an important legislative
milestone in the protection of air quality, dedicated a separate title to the reduction of
acid rain that initiated the well-known sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission allowance-
trading program. More recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
cited the reduction in acid precipitation as a benefit of further reductions in SO2 and
nitrogen oxides (NOX) in its support of the Bush administration’s Clear Skies
legislative initiative and its regulatory alternative, the Clean Air Interstate Rule. New
York State justifies its own regulatory policies and lawsuits against utilities by
emphasizing the benefits of reduced acid deposition in the Adirondacks.

∗ This research was supported by the U.S. EPA (CX 826562-01-2). Victor Adamowicz, Joseph Cook,
Raymond Kopp, and Terrell Stoessel contributed significantly to the project. We wish to thank our
project officer at the Clean Air Markets Division, Ann Watkins, as well as Rona Birnbaum, Sam
Napolitano, Joe Kruger, and Brian McClean for their vision and faith in us. We also want to thank the
peer reviewers for their insights and support: Richard Carson (University of California, San Diego),
Myrick Freeman, III (Bowdoin College), Richard Bennett (ex-NYDEC), and Richard Bishop (University
of Wisconsin). Stefan Subias, Kathy Dykeman, and Mike Dennis of Knowledge Network provided
engaged and careful administration of the survey. Finally, we wish to thank the natural scientists who
helped us understand the scientific issues. These include Charles Driscoll (Syracuse University), David
Greenwood (Adirondack Council), Walter Kretser (NYDEC), Greg Lawrence (USGS), Karen Roy
(Adirondack Park Agency), Howard Simonin (NYDEC), and Tim Sullivan (E&S Environmental
           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

    Until now, all of these abatement initiatives have taken place in the absence of
economic estimates of the total benefits that would result from improvements to the
park’s ecosystem.1 In part, this mismatch is explained by the large health benefits that
independently justify most policies that reduce acid rain precursors as in U.S. EPA
1999. But it has resulted primarily from an inadequate link between the ecological
science and social science necessary to enable economic valuation of the benefits of
emission reductions. This mismatch has also resulted from a lack of information on
the ecological effects of changes in emissions and deposition to support that linkage.
    Accordingly, while analyzing the environmental pathways linking changes in
emissions to economic benefits, Burtraw et al. (1998) identified the quantification of
nonuse values as a key gap in the literature and thus a priority area for future
research. Indeed, the need for improved estimates of nonuse benefits from ecosystem
protection has arisen in many policy contexts. Consequently, the EPA and other
agencies are placing increased emphasis on gathering this information, as seen, for
example, in the recent formation of the EPA Science Advisory Board Committee on
Valuing the Protection of Ecological Systems and Services.
    This study seeks to fill this gap within the important context of air pollution
policies by estimating the change in the total economic value (the sum of use and
nonuse value) to New York State residents that would result from an improvement in
the Adirondack Park ecosystem through further reductions in air pollution. Because
stated preference is the only method capable of estimating nonuse values and because
our research application focused on a total value rather than a value function of
attributes, we employed a contingent valuation survey. The survey was administered
both on the Internet and via mail, providing a comparison of mode of administration
and an indirect test of convergent validity. While these different modes have their
pros and cons, the key survey results are remarkably consistent across modes.
    This survey was designed to meet or exceed the stringent protocols for stated
preference surveys developed by the NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation (1993)
and the OMB (2003). One of these protocols stresses that the “commodity” being
valued map closely to the underlying science. Following this guideline, we
interviewed a number of top experts on ecological damages in the park and

1 The NAPAP research effort did include a partial assessment of benefits, including an estimate of $4-
15 million annual recreational fishing benefits in the Adirondacks, from a 50 percent reduction in acid
deposition (NAPAP 1991). No study has ever attempted to estimate the total value of improvements in
the Adirondacks.

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

developed a summary of the science report (Cook et al. 2002).2 The report serves as
the foundation for the description of the park’s condition as well as the commodity
being valued; that is, the type and magnitude of improvements reasonably following
further reductions of acid deposition precursors.
    A major effort of our research was to accurately but meaningfully distill this
information and convey it to a general audience. To this end, during development of
the survey we convened 31 focus groups and conducted two major pretests to
develop and extensively assess alternative text, debriefing questions, and graphics.
    Our scientific review indicated that there remains much uncertainty about the
future status of the park in the absence of intervention and about the benefits of
intervention. Nonetheless, focus group results clearly indicated that credibility of the
survey depended on respondents believing that scientists understand the problem
and how to fix it. Consequently we developed two versions of the survey to span the
range of opinion about the status of the park. We use the terms base case to refer to the
survey that describes a constant baseline (in the absence of a policy intervention)
paired with small ecosystem improvements (in the presence of an intervention) and
scope case to refer to a gradually worsening baseline paired with larger ecosystem
improvements. This design choice has the added advantage of permitting an external
scope test of preferences, a key test of contingent valuation performance highlighted
by the NOAA Panel. We find strong evidence that our instrument is in fact sensitive
to scope.
    A common criticism of contingent valuation is that the hypothetical nature of
the exercise tends to yield overestimates of willingness to pay (WTP). In response, we
typically followed a cautious or conservative approach when faced with questions of
appropriate survey design by characterizing the science, presenting information, and
applying statistical methods in ways that are expected to yield estimates likely to
understate rather than overstate the true WTP for the improvements described.
    Our preferred estimates of the mean WTP using the base case characterization
of ecological improvements range from $48 to $107 per year per household in New
York State. The alternative scope case scenario yields mean WTP ranging from $54 to
$159 per year per household. Multiplying these population-weighted estimates by the

2A draft of this report was peer-reviewed by field scientists, advocates, and staff at the New York
Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC).

         Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

approximate number of households in New York State yields benefits ranging from
about $336 million to $1.1 billion per year.
    The results of this study help complete the two-decade-long project of
integrated assessment across natural and social sciences, resulting in economic
estimates that can be used to guide policymaking to address the ecological effects of
acid rain in North America. The above values exceed cost estimates of reducing SO2
and NOx emissions from power plants subject to the Clear Skies initiative if the cost
share is determined according to the share of these emissions actually being
deposited in the park.

2. From Science to Survey

    Comprising both public and private lands, the Adirondack Park covers 20
percent of New York State, encompassing nearly three times the area of Yellowstone
National Park. One-sixth of the park is designated as wilderness—85 percent of all
wilderness area in the northeastern United States. The park has 2,769 lakes larger
than 0.25 hectares, six major river basins, and the largest assemblage of old growth
forests east of the Mississippi River. Thirty tree species, along with numerous
wildflowers and a multitude of shrubs, herbs, and grasses, are native to the park.
These attributes draw nine million visitors each year.
    The Adirondacks’ watersheds are particularly sensitive to potential
acidification from atmospheric deposition of sulfates and nitrates, in part because
they tend to have shallow soils and bedrock with low acid-neutralizing capacity.
However, as is said in the survey, “[m]ost of the lakes affected by past air pollution
are small; they are typically much smaller than Central Park in New York City. The
large lakes that you may have heard of (such as Saranac Lake or Lake George) are
much bigger than Central Park and are not lakes of concern.”
    Table 1 shows some of the conclusions reached in our analysis of the scientific
research and how they translated into descriptions in the survey. Currently, a small
fraction of the lakes in the park are acidic due to natural causes (roughly 10%), but
most degradation is a result of acidification linked to emissions from power plants
and other sources. About half of the lakes are degraded in quality, some of these
without fish populations. The actual cause of declining populations of fish is often
increased aluminum concentrations, a by-product of the process of acidification.

          Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

    The future baseline for the park’s ecosystem depends largely on nitrogen
saturation. If a watershed becomes nitrogen saturated, then increased nitrogen
deposition will lead to greater chronic acidification of the receiving water body.
Significant reductions in SO2 and NOX emissions resulting from the 1990 Clean
Air Act Amendments (CAAA) have led to some recovery of acid-neutralizing
capacity and surface water pH in the Adirondacks, but not in proportion to the
drop in emissions (Driscoll et al. 2001a; 2001b; 2003; Stoddard et al. 1999).
Estimates of the time scale for reaching saturation vary considerably from
watershed to watershed. Some may never become saturated at current or forecasted
deposition levels; others may and would thus require further reductions in deposition
for recovery.
    This variability and underlying uncertainty implies a range for the future
baseline of chronically acidic lakes (assuming constant future deposition) from great
degradation to a modest improvement. Assuming full implementation of the 1990
CAAA and no further emission reductions, the share of lakes that are chronically
acidic could rise from 19 percent in 1984 to 43 percent or more by 2040 with
saturation at 50 years or fall to 11 percent or less by 2040 if saturation is never reached
(EPA 1995). Our response to this information was to develop base case and scope
case alternatives.
    We found widespread scientific consensus that acidification also has harmed
forests (Driscoll et al. 2001a; 2001b; Lawrence 2001). In particular, because acid
deposition has been implicated in declines of high-elevation spruce stands, in the
base case scenario respondents are told that the improvement program would yield
small benefits to these stands. Moreover, there is mounting but as of yet not definitive
evidence that damage to sugar maple and white ash stands also can be caused or
exacerbated by acidification.
    In the scope case scenario the described damage to the spruce stands is greater,
damage to sugar maple and white ash is described, and it is stated that the stands are
expected to decline in the future. Improvements from the current and future state of
the forests also are more significant in the scope version of the survey.
    There is also mounting evidence that acidification is affecting some bird
populations. In the base case scenario, acidification is implicated in reduced, but
stable, populations of the common loon and hooded merganser. The improvements to
these species as a result of the policy intervention are characterized as minor in the
base case scenario. In the scope case ecosystem acidification also is implicated in loss

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

of nesting places and changes to songbird populations of wood thrush and tree
swallow in the park. In the scope case, all four species are expected to gradually
worsen without the policy intervention.

3. Description of Survey Instrument

    To develop an estimate of societal WTP to avoid the effects of acidification, we
employed a contingent valuation (CV) survey, an approach that has been used since
the early 1960s (Davis 1963) to determine both use and nonuse values and has been
extensively examined (Mitchell and Carson 1989; Haab and McConnell 2002) in a
wide variety of applications. Of the thousands of CV instruments administered to
date, there is generally a handful of studies that are considered models. One relatively
famous example is the application of the CV technique to estimate damages from the
Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound in 1989 (Carson et al. 2003). A later,
widely known, and thorough application by the same team of researchers estimated
damages from the Montrose Corporation’s release of DDT and PCBs off the coast of
Los Angeles (Carson et al. 1994). These studies served as models for the organization
and treatment of information in our study provided below.3 This information is
followed by treatment of several thematic issues, which arose from our objective of
developing a cautious, valid WTP estimate grounded in science and useful for policy.

    The introductory section of the survey is designed to place the proposal into a
broad context of household and public decisionmaking and address the embedding
problem, which is a tendency of respondents to expand the commodity definition to
include many other things than those intended to be valued (Kahneman and Knetsch
1992). Respondents are helped to think about substitutes to the proposal without
explicitly asking them to choose among different goods. The opening is austere, with
the title “Policy Priorities Study: Adirondacks Version,” giving respondents the

3A burgeoning literature on valuing ecosystems is increasingly able to inform policy but it is rarely
capable of providing estimates of specific value that can be used in benefit–cost analysis (for example,
Nunes et al., 2003; Simpson et al., 1996). In a limited application Morey and Rossman (2003) use stated
preference methods to measure the value of delaying damage to cultural materials from acid

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

impression that there are many different versions of the survey addressing different
issues and public policy priorities. Respondents are asked if they felt their income
taxes are too high or low.
    To encourage consideration of public goods trade-offs, subjects are asked to
specify whether more or less state spending in various areas (such as crime
prevention or providing and maintaining natural areas) is called for. They are
explicitly reminded that spending increases or decreases may result in higher
or lower taxes. Respondents are then told that their version of the survey deals
with a tax-and-spending program to improve the health of lakes in the Adirondack
Park, while other versions focus on such diverse topics as infant health care and
fire protection.

    Subjects are next introduced to the Adirondack Park and educated about
damages to the ecosystems of the park’s lakes with specific attention paid to their
altered fish populations. We call the affected lakes the “lakes of concern,” a sterile
term intended to discourage overly dire interpretations of their status.4 We state that
about half (1,500 lakes of approximately 3,000 total) are lakes of concern. We
emphasize that these lakes are generally smaller and less well known than the large
lakes, such as Saranac Lake or Lake George, that attract most of the park’s visitors. In
the base case, the condition of forests and bird populations is also characterized. In
the scope case more forest and more bird species are characterized as damaged.
Subjects learn that the cause of these problems is acid deposition, acting directly and
through aluminum leaching from the soil.
    Respondents learn that acid deposition has slowed dramatically thanks to
programs to reduce air pollution and that, in the base case, acid deposition is not
expected to harm any additional lakes in the future, but nor will the lakes improve on
their own. As seen in many polls (Bowman 2004), in general people believe the
environment is worsening over time. That view applied to the Adirondack Park
would be erroneous, based on our understanding of the science. We appealed to the

4Initially we defined lakes as “healthy,” “sick,” or “dead,” and found in focus groups that many
subjects had graphic images of “dead” lakes and “sick” lakes and thought that a “dead” lake could not
be recovered. We found that using the term “lakes of concern” did not create such a vivid mental
image and allowed a more dispassionate description of the commodity. Similarly, we used sterile
black-and-white pictures to introduce the affected animals.

         Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

authority of scientists studying the lakes and the Environmental Protection Agency
(as our focus groups indicate great trust in these groups) to refute this preconception.
In the scope case we say that the lakes, forests, and bird populations will worsen
slowly without intervention.
    A potentially troublesome concern in creating the survey was that the
respondents would associate human health damages with damage to the lakes. There
are no direct human health hazards from contact with the affected lakes. To address
this issue respondents are told that the acidity of the lakes is no more than that of
orange juice, that they are safe for swimming, and that there are no health effects
from eating affected fish. They are also told that there is no commercial market for
these fish.

    A scenario for the improvement must be plausible to respondents but, as seen
in the Montrose and Exxon Valdez surveys and many others, need not be a real
scenario currently acted upon or even under consideration. What is important is that
the improvement approach is credible, is a public good requiring payment by
individuals and not so expensive or cheap to make cost an issue. A perfect scenario is
transparent and uses a payment vehicle that avoids any bias in WTP responses.
Telling the truth—that imposing reductions on power plants and other sources of air
pollution is the best way to fix the problem—could very well lead to biased
responses, which is what we found in initial focus group settings.
    Our solution was to develop a fictional program that “scientists determined to
be the safest and most practical” for improving the Adirondacks ecosystem, involving
the application of a Norwegian technology to lime lakes (each year for ten years) and,
in the scope case, forests by airplane. In fact, liming of lakes to reduce acidity on an
individualized basis does occur, but it remains controversial and, to our knowledge,
an application of the scale described in the survey has never been recommended.
However, liming constitutes an active, public program that would require the
collection of additional taxes—and, hence, the opportunity to elicit WTP.
    The ten-year improvement period is probably in reality too short a time for the
ecological improvement from reducing acidification precursors to be fully realized.
We choose a ten-year horizon for benefits for two reasons. Practically, focus group
participants equated long time frames with uncertainty of outcome, which reduced

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

the perceived effectiveness of the intervention and thus biased WTP downward.
Furthermore, emission reductions under Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments
have shown a change from trend in the Adirondacks lakes in less than ten years since
the program took force in 1995, so that important improvements could in fact be
expected in this time frame (Driscoll et al. 2003).
    Focus group responses pointed to distrust of the ability of the New York State
government to implement the program as described, and there was concern that the
government would use the taxes raised for the program for other purposes.
Consequently, we invoked “an independent Adirondacks Management Board of
scientists, a representative from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other
experts” that would oversee the program. In focus group testing, this board appeared
to deflect many of the concerns about management credibility.
    In response to concerns that anglers will reap benefits and should pay their
share of the costs of improvements, we said that, where necessary, the fish would be
restocked using revenue from fish license fees. To fill out the scope case, we said that
a tree-planting program would supplement the liming of the forest.

    The effects of this program, and the commodity to be valued, vary for the base
and scope cases. In the base case, the improvement5 is to 600 lakes of concern (out of
1,500), which will take place over a ten-year period, after which the lakes will be
stocked with fish. Small improvements in the populations of two bird species and one
tree species will also occur, limited to areas surrounding the affected lakes. In the
scope case, improvement is to 900 lakes, plus two additional bird species and two
additional tree species. The status of the lakes with and without the intervention is
summarized in a pie graph and recapped in a summary table along with the baseline
and changes to tree and bird populations. For the scope version, improvements to the
forests are displayed using a pictograph with each square on a grid representing

5In early focus groups, we described the resource as being “restored,” but found considerable
evidence of loss aversion in voting decisions as many people felt that ethics demanded we “clean up
our messes.” We believed that, though such ethical perspectives are an important element of the policy
debate, the issue is independent from a measure of the benefits from the particular resource. A
cautious approach to valuing benefits required that we divorce stated WTP for the particular
improvements from the general desire to rectify past harm. As a solution, we turned to “improvement”
over “restored.”

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

some number of trees of various species, and their health, as a portion of total forests
in the park.

Payment Vehicle
    Respondents (speaking for their households) are then presented with an
opportunity to pay increased taxes annually for ten years, if the majority of voters
agree. To strengthen the certainty of the government’s commitment, the funding
instrument for the program is a revenue bond that must be paid off by the increased
tax revenue. Prior to voting, respondents are presented a balanced list of three
reasons they may want to vote for or against the program. They are also presented
with “cheap talk” language that warns the respondent of a tendency by people to
answer survey questions about WTP in a different way than they would behave in
actual decisions and to try to consider their choice as though it were an actual

Eliciting WTP
    Finally, we elicit a vote in referendum format for or against the program, plus
a single follow-up vote in referendum format, motivated by the idea that engineering
costs are uncertain. Based on the results of two pretests, we targeted initial annual
payment (bid) levels at approximately the median and the 30th and 70th percentiles
of the WTP distribution for the base case improvements. We also sought information
in the right-hand tail given that estimates of mean WTP can be particularly sensitive
to distributional assumptions in that region. Initial bids were set at $25, $90, $150, and
$250. Follow-up bids, conditional on a “no” or “yes” response on the initial bid in the
first vote were set at ($10, $50), ($50, $150), ($90, $250), and ($150, $350).6 The first
number in the follow-up bid is if they voted “no” initially and the second is if they
voted “yes.”

    After they voted for the program, we asked participants several debriefing
questions. The primary purposes of these questions were: (i) to solicit respondents’

6 In addition, one of the pretests, used in the final data analysis, had initial bids set at $35, $85, $150,
and $200.

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

beliefs about the information and improvement scenario they were provided; (ii) to
give them some limited opportunities to revote when their beliefs were at odds with
the survey’s intent (if they believed there were health effects,7 if they voted “no” only
because New York State was responsible for implementing the improvement plan or
if they voted “no” because they believed upwind electric utilities should pay); and
(iii) to examine their more general attitudes and beliefs that might lead them to
provide “nay-saying,” or “yea-saying” responses (see below). We also asked
demographic questions in this section, including one rarely asked about the
respondent’s future family income. This question was asked because the payment
was to be over a ten-year period. This variable turned out to be more significant than
current income in explaining WTP.
     After the demographic questions, at the end of the survey we inform
respondents that the liming program is not being considered by the New York State
government and is not feasible. Respondents are also told that these improvements
would actually occur through further reductions in pollution and who the sponsors
of the survey were.

Expansive Priors
    One may reasonably ask why we bother to introduce the effects of the
intervention on forests and birds in the base case if these endpoints do not improve
significantly as a result of the intervention. Initially our approach was to simply limit
the description of the damage to the aquatic ecosystem in the base case. However, we
discovered in focus groups that omitting mention of forests and birds in the base case
was inconsistent with respondents’ prior beliefs. Because it was judged so unlikely
that forests and birds were neither being currently damaged nor would be helped by
an improvement plan, respondents substituted their own expansive priors, ascribing
much broader and larger effects to our improvement plan than we intended or that
the science can substantiate. There is some evidence that this substitution had the
effect of actually making their WTP higher for the base case than for the scope case.
Accordingly, we validated respondent priors by both narrowly identifying effects on

752 percent accepted that there were no human health effects, 38 percent thought that there may be
minor health effects, and 10 percent thought there were important health effects. Of those who had
voted for the program and thought there were health effects, about 12 percent changed their vote to
“no” when asked to suppose there were no health effects.

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

forests and birds and describing their improvements as minor. In focus groups we
found this change made the information treatment more credible, so that respondents
suspended their priors and accepted our characterization.8 A similar challenge was to
make credible and certain the characterization of a constant future baseline and
limited health effects, as discussed above.

Yea-saying and Warm Glow
    One potential concern with contingent valuation is a presumed tendency of
respondents to vote “yes” for programs in a pro forma way, perhaps out of a sense of
obligation or desire to please the survey administrator, but in any case without truly
registering the economic trade-offs involved and hence without truly revealing
preferences. A special case is “warm glow,” in which respondents value the giving
per se as much as the commodity acquired (Andreoni 1990). Including warm glow
would overstate values for the actual commodity, in this case the Adirondacks.
    As noted previously, the introductory pages of the survey are designed to
make respondents immediately think about the opportunity cost of paying for the
program, and before voting they were reminded of costs and other reasons to vote
“no.” In addition, we took pains to use line drawings and other design features to
minimize embedding and to avoid emotional triggers. Also, we asked a series of
debriefing questions that could be used to identify this type of vote. In particular, we
asked respondents if they agreed that “costs should be a factor when protecting the
environment.” Fully 75 percent of the respondents agreed that costs should be a
factor, suggesting they believe in the trade-offs inherent in a willingness-to-pay
exercise. Moreover, of the others, one-fifth exhibited implicit acceptance of the maxim
when they switched their vote to “no” in the follow-up valuation question when the
bid was changed.

    In contrast to yea-saying, nay-saying is a tendency for respondents to vote
against a program for reasons that are extraneous to its benefits and costs. This
includes respondents who reject the scenario or choice construct as presented or who
use their vote to register some other protest. For example, some people vote against
8Moreover, this nuance in fact made the scenario more consistent with the science than the simplistic
no-terrestrial-effects description.

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

the program on the principle of limiting taxes or because they do not trust the New
York State government to implement the program or because they do not think the
program will work. Although our cautious approach made us more tolerant of nay-
saying than yea-saying, we nevertheless designed the survey to limit and identify this
phenomenon. About 79 percent of the sample agreed in principle that there are
programs that could justify new taxes. But as with our debrief targeting warm glow,
actions speak louder than words here, with almost half of the remaining 21 percent
voting for the program and its tax increases at some bid level. Moreover, as discussed
below we asked several debriefing questions on beliefs about the baseline and the
feasibility of our program, with most respondents accepting the scenario.

4. Survey Protocol

    The survey was administered by Knowledge Networks (KN) from August
2003 through February 2004 to residents of New York State. We selected this
population for several reasons. First, New Yorkers are most likely to hold nonzero
values for improvements to the Adirondacks. Second, designing an acceptable
method of payment was easier if the sample were limited to New York. Third, by
ignoring people out of state we were being cautious in our total benefit estimates.
    Table 2 summarizes the total sample, useful completions, and response rates
for the different modes of survey administration. Results from a second pretest were
included in the data analysis.9 Response rates to KN’s preselected panel were, as
expected, quite high, ranging from 84 percent for the pretest to 74 percent for the final
implementation. The group comprises 53 percent of our total completed surveys.
    To boost the sample size provided by Knowledge Networks and to examine
the potential sample selection caused by attrition in the KN panel, the survey was
given to a group that had withdrawn from the panel. This version was administered
over the Internet and, with the exception of some demographic debriefing questions,
was the same as the version given to the panel. The response rate for this group was
14 percent and totals 16.8 percent of our completed surveys. Although this response
rate seems low, it is not surprising from a group of subjects who had already declined
participation in one venue.

9 An initial pretest was omitted from the final analysis, as it was too different from the final

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

    As a formal test of mode of administration, as an additional check on the KN
panel, and to further boost sample size, a final wave was mailed using a random-digit
selection of telephone numbers that were in turn matched to available addresses. The
response rate for the mail survey was 24 percent, and the group constitutes 31.3
percent of our completed surveys.10
    Table 3 presents descriptive statistics of the demographics of each sample. It
illustrates the difference among the samples and, where possible, compares them to
the general population of New York State. While there are some differences across the
samples (for example, the mail sample had the oldest average age, while the
withdrawn sample had the youngest), in general they display fairly consistent
attributes. On each measure, the samples are proximate to the characteristics of the
general adult population in New York State.

5. Results

    With the NOAA Panel protocols and OMB guidelines putting the burden of
proof squarely onto the researchers to show that their results are valid, we start with
showing the validity of our results before actually summarizing what they are.

Measures of Validity
     We present three basic measures of validity: the external scope test, sensitivity
of vote to bid, and construct validity, that is, the extent to which patterns in the data
reflect common sense and expectations based on economic theory.
     The external scope test examines whether two separate samples have different
average WTP for differing scales of environmental improvements (Boyle et al. 1994).
It is a test both of the subjects’ comprehension of and attention to the scenario and
vote, as well as warm glow and embedding, or what Mitchell and Carson (1989) call

10 Techniques used to induce response from respondents varied amongst the samples. Members of
KN’s panel received compensation equivalent to about $10 in Internet service in exchange for
completing the survey while withdrawn and mail respondents received $10. In addition to these
incentive payments, subjects received reminders to complete their surveys. Members of the panel
received reminder e-mails encouraging completion of the survey. Members of the withdrawn and mail
samples received follow-up phone calls and reminder letters. For the mail sample up to five attempts
at person-to-person calls were made to contact the potential respondent to directly request that they
take the survey.

         Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

“part-whole bias.” The scope test has been a major standard for contingent valuation
since the NOAA Panel report.
    A fundamental issue in designing a scope test is determining which
dimensions of the resource or service to expand. For example, Boyle et al. (1994)
failed to find sensitivity to the scope of a program to save migratory waterfowl from
oiling themselves in dirty ponds. The scope was measured as a variation in the
number of birds (in three different versions, 2,000, 20,000, or 200,000 birds would be
saved respectively). Some have criticized this scope test on the grounds that the
commodity is mistakenly defined: people might care more about the availability of
the clean ponds themselves than the birds or perhaps measured birds in flocks rather
than individuals or, again, in percentage terms rather than numbers. On the other
hand, Carson et al. (1994) passed a test of scope when comparing a project that would
improve the health of two fish species in Los Angeles Harbor to a project that would
in addition improve the health of bald eagles and peregrine falcons. This approach to
a scope test is in contrast open to the criticism that the scope of a commodity has not
been measured at all, but rather an entirely new commodity that is more greatly
valued than fish.
    Our approach to the scope test attempted a compromise between the narrow
more-individuals and the broad more-commodities approaches. We defined the
resource to be scaled as the health of the Adirondack Park as a system of lakes, forests,
and animals. Specifically, we varied the quantity of lakes improved (analogous to
Boyle et al.) and also varied the number (and quantity, in percentage terms) of tree
and bird species improved. Our results provide strong evidence of sensitivity to
scope. Table 4 reports the share of “yes” votes at each bid level for the base and
scope versions.
    Several approaches can be used to test for scope sensitivity using these data.
The most nonparametric and perhaps most persuasive is to test for differences in the
mean share voting for the program at each bid level. P values for this chi-square test
are provided in the final column of the table. As seen in the table, more respondents
vote for the program under the scope scenario at each bid level, and the difference is
statistically significant. Respondents are thus willing to pay more when they
understand there will be greater improvements. In addition, estimates of mean WTP
are higher for the scope version under a variety of model specifications (see the
section on willingness to pay estimates below), and these differences are also
statistically significant.

          Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

    Finally, other results corroborate the interpretation that respondents were
paying careful attention to the description of the resource. For example, when we
asked whether respondents accepted our description of the baseline state of the
Adirondack Park, in the base survey instrument 24 percent of the sample said that it
was probably worse than we described it, compared to only 6 percent with the scope
instrument, a statistically significant difference. Similarly, 15 percent of the sample
thought that the survey was biased in favor of the program with the base instrument,
but 27 percent thought so with the scope instrument. The relatively low numbers here
overall are also evidence of content validity.
    The second important statistical test is sensitivity to the level of the bid, that is,
whether fewer respondents vote “yes” when the bid level is increased within each
given scenario. In fact we find that responses are strongly statistically significant for
both the base and scope versions (with the exception of those cells with few
observations, accounted for by the pretest). Even including these cells, the difference
is statistically significant according to a chi-squared test of the equality of means.
Moreover, according to Kendall’s tau test these differences are statistically ranked
monotonically by bid, showing a consistent increase.

    Figure 1 concisely illustrates the sensitivity to scope and bid, omitting the
sparse cells from the pretest. Sensitivity to scope is indicated in each bid category
by the higher percentage who voted “yes” in the scope scenario than the base
scenario. Sensitivity to bid is indicated by the decline in the share of respondents
willing to vote for the program as the initial bid level is increased, for both the base
and scope scenarios.

    The third set of construct validity tests verifies that the other patterns in the
data conform to theory and common sense. We find that they generally do. Table 5
provides a representative regression output covering three types of variables:
demographic, attitudinal, and the degree to which respondents accept the concepts in
the survey and other information provided to them (protests or indications of yea- or
nay-saying). Model 1 contains only demographical and attitudinal variables, model 3
contains only the protest variables, and model 2 contains both. Some of these
variables may be considered endogenous, an issue we return to below in the
discussion of willingness to pay.
    Models 1 and 2 in the table show households with the highest incomes have
the highest WTP, as expected. The poorest households are also more likely to vote for

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

the proposal, presumably because they do not expect to have to pay for it, but the
effect is not significant. Consistent with the permanent income hypothesis and with
the fact that payment would occur over a ten-year period, those who expected
their future income to be higher are willing to pay more than those who thought
otherwise. Household size is also a consistently significant factor, with larger
households less likely to vote for the program, although the effect is not significant.
On the other hand, holding household size constant, households with more
children are significantly more likely to vote for the program.11 Other standard
demographic variables (age, race, sex) are unsigned as hypotheses and were not
considered in our analysis.
    Measures of personal stake in the resource are also important. Households that
frequently visit the park (more than ten times a year) are willing to pay more for the
program than others who visit less frequently. In addition, those living farther from
the park are willing to pay less, with WTP falling by about $0.08 per kilometer from
the household’s closest entrance (by road) to the park and with an elasticity of WTP
to distance of about 0.4 when controlling for indicators of protests (model 2).12 This
information is important for this study because of the inferences one might make
about WTP of households outside of New York. The finding is consistent with
previous work (Johnson et al. 2001).
    Regarding the effect of attitudes on voting, self-classified environmentalists are
more likely to vote for the program, just as self-proclaimed conservatives and those
who think taxes are too high are more likely to vote against. We also asked people in
the beginning of the survey if they are interested in the government spending more
on nature and wildlife programs and on air and water pollution control programs,
among other things. Those who favored more government spending on the
environmental programs are more likely to vote for the program. In alternative
models, we replaced these variables with indicators for those who describe
themselves as “liberal” or “conservative,” and find that the former are more likely to
vote for the program while the latter are less likely to do so.

11The model includes an indicator variable for the presence of children, plus a linear term for the
number of children. The former is negative, but the latter is positive and offsets the former at two
12 Afterconditioning on distance, those living within the park’s boundaries do not appear to pay more
than other households.

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

Willingness to Pay
    We designed our strategy for estimating willingness to pay to limit three
potential sources of bias: the representativeness of the sample, anchoring in the
follow-up vote on the program, and yea-saying or nay-saying votes.
    The first potential source of bias is the possibility of an unrepresentative
sample, especially for the KN panel of regular survey takers. To address this potential
problem, first we weighted all responses by all observable demographics, including
location of residence, to reflect the New York State population. To address
unobservable factors, we included a random mail-based sample of the entire New
York population as a check on the KN panel. After weighting the data to account for
the differing demographics of the sample (see Table 3), we could not reject the
hypothesis of equal WTP from the differing survey modes.
    Furthermore, one of the advantages of the KN panel is that Knowledge
Networks elicited initial background demographic and attitudinal questions for all its
panel members. Thus, we have individual-level details about the nonrespondents.
This information provides a unique opportunity to estimate sample-selection models
against both those currently on the panel, but not completing our survey, and those
who have dropped out of the panel over time. We estimate a Heckman sample
selection model with a joint normal distribution between the unobserved component
of responding to our survey (among all those ever on the KN panel) and the
unobserved component of voting for the program. With this model, we cannot
reject the hypothesis that the correlation is zero, again implying no differences among
the samples.13
    The second potential source of bias is the use of the follow-up dichotomous
choice question, giving double-bounded rather than single-bounded data. Using
double-bounded data provides gains in efficiency (Hanemann et al. 1991), but may
induce bias if the WTP distributions differ across the two equations, for example,
because the new price in the follow-up question sends a signal about the program
quality or suggests that a strategic game may be being played (see Haab and
McConnell 2002, for discussion). Estimating willingness to pay with a lognormal
distribution and restricting a completely general binary probit model to be consistent
with a single distribution (Cameron and Quiggin 1994), we reject the hypothesis of

13The test is in the context of a model implying that WTP is lognormally distributed, one of the
econometric models presented below.

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

identical distributions at the one percent level using a log-ratio test.14 Although we
cannot reject the hypothesis of constant median WTP, estimated mean WTP is lower
using the double-bounded data, a typical finding. Still, as with others using
dichotomous choice data, we prefer to make use of the additional efficiency afforded
by the follow-up question. Moreover, any potential bias introduced by this approach
is downward, which is consistent with our cautious philosophy.
    The third type of potential bias is yea-saying or nay-saying. If these problems
came undetected, they would contaminate the estimates of WTP for the intended
commodity with values for other commodities. As discussed above, we attempted
to identify such problems by probing people’s beliefs about the scenario and their
willingness, in principle, to make trade-offs between taxes and public goods.
Table 6 summarizes the key probes and divides them into those tending to bias WTP
upward (yea-saying) and downward (nay-saying). It also shows the share of
respondents whose answers raised flags and our response. In some cases, when we
identified problems (such as a belief that human health would be improved by the
program), we asked respondents to hypothetically accept our premise and revote. If
they did not change their vote, or in cases where we did not ask them to revote, we
then have the opportunity to eliminate the respondents from the sample or to control
for them econometrically. As discussed below, our results are robust to these
differing treatments.
    Using the full double-bounded data, we used standard methods for analyzing
interval data (Hanemann et al. 1991; Haab and McConnell 1997), and assumed that
the responses are distributed according to Weibull and lognormal distributions.
These distributions imply that WTP is always positive. They generally provide
similar estimates of the effect of covariates, but mean WTP is generally larger with the
lognormal distribution because of a thicker right-hand tail.
    We estimated population-weighted interval models of the WTP distribution,
controlling for indicators of scenario or task rejection. In estimating WTP, we did not
control for demographic and attitudinal variables, such as those in models 1 and 2 of

14 However, employing a nonparametric test suggested by Haab and McConnell (2002), we find that,
for those bid levels used both in initial votes and in follow-ups ($150 and $250), the percentage voting
“yes” in the second vote, conditional on voting “yes” in the first vote, was higher than the
unconditional percentage voting “yes” in the first vote. This finding is consistent with the existence of
a single distribution, and so constitutes a failure to reject the hypothesis of a constant value across
votes (compared to the alternative hypothesis of falling values in the follow up). Admittedly, this is a
weak test.

          Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

Table 5, as these variables have no “right” answer and can simply be integrated over
in computing mean WTP as long as they are properly weighted to reflect the New
York population.
    In order to control for yea-saying and nay-saying, we either dropped
respondents or controlled for them econometrically. Model 3 in Table 5 presents the
regression results for the all-econometric-control case using the lognormal
distribution. Table 7 presents the full array of mean WTP estimates arising from
different combinations of these two approaches (drops and controls) for the base case
survey. Table 8 does the same for the scope case. Each cell contains estimates of the
mean WTP for the lognormal and Weibull models. The columns represent
adjustments made for nay-saying controls, while the rows represent adjustments
made for yea-saying controls.
    To decide which variables to target for dropping (instead of adjusting
econometrically), we ran a series of regressions to determine which variables had the
most important affect on WTP. For yea-saying, the most significant variables are the
attitude that costs should not be a factor when protecting the environment and the
belief that health effects are important; for nay-saying, the most important variables
are the belief that taxes should not be raised under any circumstances and the belief
that the liming program was not practical.
    In the various treatments indicated in Tables 7 and 8 these variables are either
dropped or else controlled for econometrically by calculating WTP from the
estimated regression coefficients after redefining the targeted variable’s value
appropriately (for example, setting the “thought there were health effects” variable to
zero). All other variables of concern listed in Table 6 were similarly controlled for
    Looking down the first column of data on Table 7, note how close the estimates
are to one another, ranging from $58 to $80. This implies that the results are
remarkably robust to various attempts to correct for warm glow and other yea-saying
effects. The results appear to be less robust when adjusting solely for the nay-sayers
in the first row of the table, but still fairly robust overall. As expected, the lognormal
model produces substantially larger estimates than that of the Weibull model,
although results based on the latter model are fairly similar.
    The other rows and columns of this table provide results for various
combinations of controls on the different groups of people in the sample. The
diagonal is particularly important, as it represents a symmetric treatment of yea- and

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

nay-sayers. Across all the cells with some form of control (either econometric controls
or dropping specific variables) the results are quite close to one another, ranging from
$156 to $266. This suggests that our estimates are quite robust to the choice of
dropping or controlling econometrically for these responses. However, comparing the
middle of the table with various choices of dropping or controlling econometrically to
the first row and column, it is clear that our results are sensitive to treating various
yea-sayers and nay-sayers in some form versus not at all. We tend to favor models
with more controls, but a case could be made for omitting some controls if it is
believed responses to the debriefs are endogenous with responses to the vote. In other
words, after the vote, people might look for additional reasons to justify their vote
when they respond to the debriefing questions.15
    We consider the symmetric, all-econometric-controls option as our preferred
model in Table 7 since it maintains the largest sample size and symmetrically controls
for both yea-sayers and nay-sayers. The Weibull model gives an estimate of $159,
while the lognormal model gives an estimate of $213. Turning to Table 8 for the scope
case, the corresponding best estimates are $179 and $308 per household per year.
    The range of results across the cells of the table, and between the Weibull and
lognormal models, represents model uncertainty in the WTP estimates. The range
between the base and scope estimates represents the scientific uncertainty about the
baseline state of the Adirondacks and the effects of policy interventions. Each of these
estimates is further subject to statistical uncertainty, as indicated in Figure 2. The
figure reflects uncertainties in WTP from the regressions with only econometric
controls and shows that statistical uncertainties are quite small for the Weibull model
and considerably larger for the lognormal model. Ninety-five percent confidence
intervals for the latter are two to two-and-one-half times greater than the mean on the
high side, compared to about a 25 percent confidence interval on the Weibull models.
    An even more cautious approach, using the most conservative design, is to
estimate the Turnbull lower bound (Carson et al. 1994, Haab and McConnell 1998).
This approach considers the WTP of each household to be the lower bound of each
interval of data. For example, if a respondent answers “yes” to an initial bid of $25
and “no” to $50, this approach would interpret $25 to be the actual WTP. In fact it is

15 One might in particular accept respondents' statement that they would not have changed their vote
if there were no health effects or even if New York State were not involved, obviating any need to
control for those responses. Dropping those controls lowers estimates by about one-fourth and widens
the differences between the base and scope cases.

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

the lower bound of the $25-to-$50 interval. Besides being unassailably cautious, this
approach has the advantage of avoiding any distributional assumptions.16
    Using the double-bounded referendum format, the Turnbull lower-bound
estimates in the base case scenario yield an estimate of mean WTP of $53 per
household using all the data and $46 per household dropping those who say costs
should not be a factor, who believed there were significant health effects, or who
thought taxes should not be raised for any reason. The Turnbull lower bound
estimates of the mean WTP for the scope case are $155 and $111 per household

6. From Survey to Policy

    The foregoing results, although they are weighted to represent the population
of New York, lack three elements to make them policy relevant. The first is that they
are developed from a particular temporal phasing of payments and benefits that is
unique to the survey. Converting them to annualized benefits over an infinite time
period would make them more generally useful. Second, they provide total values for
improvements at the park. But in some applications it may be important to have some
idea of the use and nonuse value components. Third, as with any estimate of benefits,
the question arises: are these big numbers or small numbers? That question is
answered by comparing the estimates to a cost benchmark.

    The WTP estimates computed directly from responses as provided above are
for payments over a ten-year period beginning immediately to obtain a stream of
benefits that won’t begin in full until the end of that ten years. For use in a benefit–
cost analysis, we need to convert these estimates into an annualized infinite stream.
Assuming benefits phase in linearly over ten years, the equation below provides this

16Note that because it is a nonparametric estimator, the Turnbull lower bound cannot control for
protest attitudes. Thus, respondents must be either maintained in the sample or dropped.

         Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks


                               ∑δ     i

                               i =0
        Annualization Factor =                           =10r
                            ⎛1      ⎞9
                                   ⎟ + ∑ 0.1 i * δ
                       δ    *⎜
                         10                  i
                            ⎜      ⎟
                            ⎝ 1− δ    ⎠ i =0
where δ =    and r is the discount rate.
      1+ r
    Using the factor associated with a three percent discount rate, for instance, the
$159 best Weibull estimate with economic controls for all yea-saying and nay-saying
variables provided above is multiplied by 0.3, reducing WTP to $48 per year per
household for a benefit phased in over ten years and continuing indefinitely. As an
upper bracket on the range of values for the base case, we take the lognormal estimate
of $213 times 0.5 (the factor associated with the five percent discount rate), for a WTP
of $107. For the scope case we similarly take the estimates of $179 and $308 from the
same cell, times the respective three and five percent adjustment factors, for a WTP
range of $54 to $154.

Total Value versus Use and Nonuse Values
    People who recreate in the Adirondacks hold use and nonuse values. People
who do not recreate in the Adirondacks hold nonuse values. Thus, it is possible to get
some insight into the subcategories of values by examining WTP for the two groups.
To do this, we first regressed variables for frequency of use and the standard variable
list against vote responses. We found that the only significant distinction was
between those whose visit frequency is over ten times in the previous five years (23
percent of the sample) and those with less frequent visits (or no visits). Using this
variable, we predicted WTP for the two groups and found that the frequent users had
a WTP about 70 percent higher than that of the infrequent and nonusers, implying
relatively large use values.

Are the Benefits Large?
    Are our WTP estimates “big” numbers? First, note what is not included in
these numbers that would be relevant to a formal benefit–cost analysis concerning
reductions in acid deposition precursors. They omit benefits to residents of other
states, be they users or nonusers of the Adirondack Park. Our results on the effect of
location on WTP suggest that such benefits may be smaller per household than those

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

enjoyed by New York State residents. They also exclude benefits to other ecological
assets and those to other types of endpoints, most importantly the health effects
related to fine particulate exposure.
    Second, these numbers can be compared to a cost benchmark. EPA (2004) has
estimated the costs of its Clear Skies proposal to utilities to be $4.3 billion in 2010,
rising to $6.3 billion per year by 2020.17 Clearly only a fraction of these costs should be
attributable to improvements in the Adirondacks because only a fraction of utility
emissions affects that region. Although there is no universally accepted way to
make such allocations, a reasonable approach is to assign cost shares to each utility in
accordance with the fraction of their emissions falling in the Adirondacks. Using the
TAF model (Bloyd et al. 1996) for the source-receptor relationships to do this
and model runs that provide the costs by electricity-producing region, we find that
on average, 2.3 percent of utility SO2 emissions fall on the Adirondacks. Multiplying
each region’s share by their costs for implementing Clear Skies gives an estimate
of $86 million in 2010 and $126 million in 2020 for costs attributable to Adirondack
improvements. These cost estimates are significantly less than our estimates of
the benefits.

7. Conclusions
    This paper has presented the first-ever results for the total value of the
ecological improvements to the Adirondack Park that might be expected from
another round of reductions in air pollution emissions. These estimates matter
because damage to the Adirondacks has been a focal point in the clean air debate for
over 20 years. Further emissions reductions are being justified, in part, by how they
will improve this unique resource. How much these improvements are worth to the
public is important to understand.
    Not surprisingly, there are a large number of results, reflecting uncertainties in
the science, the underlying model of people’s preferences for such improvements,
normal statistical uncertainties, and a variety of assumptions. Because these results
have policy significance, we work through these uncertainties and assumptions to
provide a range of best estimates for use in the policy process. We adopt a cautious
interpretation of the natural science and cautious design and analytical decisions to

17Clear Skies ultimately would lead to reductions of 75 percent in SO2 and 65 percent in NOx by
sometime after 2020 when allowance banks are exhausted.

         Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

provide a value for an ecological outcome that scientists and economists can agree
would be achieved at a minimum by policy proposals to reduce precursor emissions.
    The resulting cautious, best defensible estimates of the mean WTP using the
base case characterization of ecological improvements and adjusting for discount
factors ranging from three to five percent range from $48 to $107 per year per
household in New York State. The alternative scope case scenario yields mean WTP
ranging from $54 to $159 per year per household. Multiplying these population-
weighted estimates by the approximate number of households in New York State
yields benefits ranging from about $336 million to $1.1 billion per year. Accounting
for statistical uncertainties underlying these estimates could halve them or more than
double them.
    This study was designed to adhere closely to scientific information about the
park and to build a bridge between the natural and social sciences that could allow
people to meaningfully express a willingness to pay for ecological improvements in
the Adirondacks. The methodology adheres to all the appropriate protocols
suggested by the NOAA Panel and OMB and passes their suggested tests, most
importantly the scope tests. As such our results are the culmination of over two
decades of a major federal research effort and provide long-sought and valuable
information about the benefits of air pollution policy.

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

Tables and Figures

     Table 1. Summary of the Science of Acid Precipitation at Adirondacks Park
Science                     Instrument

Approximately 3,000 lakes,           In description.
mostly small; half degraded or devoid of

Fish decline attributable to acidification   In description.
through aluminum mobilization; some from
natural causes.

Effect on forests, but less well understood.  Base case: Effect on one tree and two bird species.
Possible effect on birds.
                        Scope case: Effect on three tree and four bird species.

1990 CAAA reductions leave stable        Base case: Baseline not worsening, not improving.
ecological baseline or improving slightly;
potential of nitrogen saturation.        Scope case: Baseline worsening.

Uncertainty in time period for recovery;   Uncertainty excluded.
uncertain time period to nitrogen saturation.

No health effects.               Explicitly addressed and excluded in instrument.

Expected changes from lower acidification    Base case: 20% increase in lakes that support fish in ten
include improvements in between 20% and     years. Slight improvements to forests and birds.
40% of lakes; small improvements in forests
and bird populations.              Scope case: 40% improvement in lakes that support fish in
                        ten years; larger improvements in more types of forest and
                        bird populations.

           Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

               Table 2. Summary of Survey Administration

                                  Useful       Response  Share of
Administration   Mode    Versions    Surveyed      Responses†     Rate    Sample

                                  118         84%     6.5%
          TV/     Base      141*
KN Panel

          TV/     Base and Scope 1,143*        841         74%     46.2%
KN Panel

KN Withdrawn    Internet  Base and Scope 2,120*        293         14%     16.8%

Mail        Paper    Base      2,372††       570         24%     31.3%

ALL              Total/Base/   5,776/4,150/1,626  1,822/1,254/568
*To exhaust the New York residency on KN’s panel certain households had multiple members
surveyed. If a household had one or more surveys where there was a response to the first referenda
question, the first member of the household that completed the survey was kept as part of the sample
and the remaining members were not counted as surveyed. If there was no response from the
household, only the member of the household first solicited to take the survey was retained in the
calculation of response rates. Thus, the response rates should be viewed as a household response rate.
†Useful responses include those surveys where respondents answered at least the first referendum

question and completed the survey in a reasonable amount of time. Respondents who indicated they
had not realized that the payment was over a ten-year period were also excluded from being a useful
††3,905 mail surveys were distributed. The reported figure is adjusted for the number of addresses that

were not English-speaking residences or were forwarded to addresses outside New York. The response
rate for mail is calculated using “response rate one” (RR1) in American Association for Public Opinion
Research (2004), defining cases with no answer during a fifth disposition reminder call as ineligible.

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

Table 3. Mean and Standard Deviation of Demographic and Attitudinal Questions,
         by Survey Wave and for New York Population

                                              New York
                  Panel     Withdrawn   Mail      Total
Variable Description                                    State Adult
                  (N=959)    (N=293)    (N=570)    (N=1822)

Age in years            48.2      42.1      51.4      48.2
                  (14.3)     (13.1)     (15.1)     (14.7)
Female               58.2%     46.8%     41.4%     51.2%    52.7%
Nonwhite              22.8%     20.8%     12.4%     19.3%    32.1%
Household size           2.50      3.33      2.67      2.68
                  (1.43)     (1.35)     (1.72)     (1.54)
Number of children per HH     0.55      1.11      0.64      0.67
                  (0.99)     (1.10)     (1.13)     (1.07)
Annual household income*      $57,928    $72,021    $67,411    $63,078
                  ($38,903)   ($39,001)   ($49,071)   ($42,585)
Expectation of income in five years
Lower than current         55.0%     52.1%     57.1%     55.2%    N/A
Same as current          14.2%     10.2%     18.6%     15.0%    N/A
Higher than current        30.8%     37.7%     24.3%     29.9%    N/A
High school educated        96.4%     99.6%     96.3%     96.8%    79.1%
Heard of Adirondack Park      90.1%     91.1%     92.0%     90.8%    N/A
Distance (mi) to Park entrance 149.4       150.5     144.7     148.1
                  (63.3)     (61.0)     (64.0)     (63.2)
Reside in a metropolitan area   93.3%     94.5%     89.0%     92.2%    92.1%
NY resident 5+ years        96.2%     96.1%     97.0%     96.4%    91.8%
Paid NYS taxes last year      84.5%     91.5%     85.1%     87.0%    N/A
Environmentalist          12.3%     11.7%     22.0%     15.4%    N/A
Self-identified political persuasion
Liberal              18.4%     17.6%     18.8%     18.5%    N/A
Moderate              67.0%     65.1%     61.5%     65.0%    N/A
Conservative            14.4%     17.3%     19.7%     16.5%    N/A
*Computed assuming each household is at the midpoint of its income range.
†Drawn  from 2000 U.S. Census.

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

          Table 4. Share Voting for Program by Bid and Scenario
                 (Sample Size in Parentheses)
First Vote Bid Level      Base Scenario        Scope Scenario        P-value
                  65.6%            73.5%
      25                                       0.10
                  (291)            (147)
                  44.8%             —
      35*                                       —
                   (29)            (0)
                  39.3%             —
      85*                                       —
                   (11)            (0)
                  50.9%            63.4%
      90                                       0.02
                  (275)            (142)
                  41.8%            57.9%
      150                                      <0.01
                  (316)            (140)
                  32.3%             —
      200*                                       —
                   (10)            (0)
                  36.3%            51.5%
      250                                      <0.01
                  (289)            (134)
                   <0.01           <0.01
                   0.03            0.04
  (Kendall’s tau)†
*Bid  values were used in the second pretest only, so sample sizes are small.
†The  chi-square test provides a test of simple joint inequality across bid levels; Kendall’s tau is a
stronger test of monotonic ordering.

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

        Table 5. Lognormal Econometric Models (Base Instrument)
Variable                             Model 1    Model 2   Model 3
Constant                             4.6277***   4.0116***  4.4076***
                                  (5.53)     5.23   (20.08)
Sigma                                1.5432     1.2737   1.3825
                                   —       —     —
Income < $20k                            0.5221     0.3929
                                  (1.41)     (1.53)
Income $20-35k                           0.2331     0.1210
                                  (0.94)     (0.54)
Income $35-50k                           0.2464     0.2208
                                  (1.09)     (1.10)
Income $85-125k                           0.2237     0.2991
                                  (0.91)     (1.37)
Income >$125k                           0.5569**    0.6611***
                                  (2.41)     (2.90)
Future income higher                       0.2191**    0.2267***
                                  (2.32)     (2.81)
Household size                           -0.0849    -0.1036
                                  -(0.87)     -(1.22)
Presence of children (0/1)                     -0.4767    -0.5286*
                                  -(1.41)    -(1.90)
Number of children                         0.2717*    0.3491**
                                  (1.73)     (2.39)
Female                               -0.0688    -0.1846
                                  -(0.38)     -(1.30)
Black (Not Hispanic)                        -0.2058    -0.5227*
                                  -(0.68)     -(1.93)
Other (Not Hispanic)                        0.0608     0.1080
                                  (0.16)     (0.34)
Hispanic                              -0.3397    -0.4557
                                  -(0.82)     -(1.50)
Age                                -0.0181     0.0200
                                  -(0.61)     (0.75)
Age2                                0.0002    -0.0002
                                  (0.50)     -(0.58)
Reduce spending on clean air & water                -0.7298    -0.4684
                                  -(1.38)     -(1.08)
Increase spending on clean air & water              0.9370***    0.3284
                                  (3.89)     (1.53)
Environmentalist                         0.7453***   0.4484***
                                  (3.83)     (2.57)
Frequent visitor to park                     0.4874**    0.2903*
                                  (2.35)     (1.65)
Live in park                            -0.5603     0.0027

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

                                  -(1.21)     (0.01)
Distance to park (km)                       -0.0019**    -0.0008
                                  -(2.01)     -(1.08)
Protect environment at any cost (warm glow)                    1.3655***  1.3915***
                                           (7.34)   (7.22)
Health effects (minor)                               0.5519***  0.7562***
                                           (3.41)   (4.43)
Health effects (significant)                            1.4671***  1.1737***
                                           (4.87)   (3.12)
Future w/o liming is worse than survey depicts                    0.2899   0.2939
                                           (1.63)   (1.62)
Future w/o liming is better than survey depicts                   -0.3603   -0.1557
                                           -(1.18)   -(0.54)
Other animals affected                                0.1029   0.0986
                                           (0.69)   (0.63)
Didn’t pay taxes                                   0.3207   0.3112
                                           (1.32)   (1.45)
Liming not practical                               -1.1779***  -1.4697***
                                           -(4.24)   -(4.63)
Not confident in NY State to admin. program                    -0.4930***  -0.5117***
                                           -(3.56)   -(3.23)
Don’t raise taxes for any reason                          -0.2508   -0.2225
                                           -(1.31)   -(1.18)
Vote doesn’t matter                                 -0.1460   -0.0138
                                           -(1.00)   -(0.09)
Upwind polluters are at fault                           -1.1976**  -1.8245***
                                           -(2.40)   -(2.71)
N                                   938       872    1056
Log Likelihood                           -925.75     -678.10   -921.22
Z-scores in parentheses.
*significance at 10% level
**significance at 5% level
***significance at 1% level

            Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

      Table 6. Identification of Possible Yea-saying and Nay-saying Votes
                          Share of Final
Indicator                      Sample       Treatment
Costs should not be a factor            24.9%       Dropped or controlled.
Some health effects                 38.1%       Given chance to revote. Others
Significant health effects             10.3%       Given chance to revote. Others
                                    dropped or controlled.
The future status of Adirondacks is worse than   18.4%       Controlled.
Other animals are affected beyond those       58.5%       Controlled.
Does not pay taxes                 13.0%       Dropped or controlled.

Taxes should not be raised for any reason      21.1%       Controlled.
The future status of Adirondacks is better than   8.3%        Controlled.
Not confident in New York State government to    37.1%       Given chance to revote. Others
run the liming program                         controlled.
Liming program not practical            15.0%       Dropped or controlled.
Voted against program solely because upwind     19.1%       Controlled.
polluters should reduce instead

                    Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

           Table 7. Base Improvement: Mean WTP, By Yea-saying Controls, Nay-saying
            Controls, and Distributional Assumption (L=Lognormal, W=Weibull)*
                                    Nay-saying Controls
                                     Econometric  Econometric
                            All                         controls,
                                     controls,   controls, drop if
                    None      econometric                     drop if tax
                                     drop tax    tax hater AND
                            controls                       hater OR lime
                                     haters     lime rejector
Distribution              L   W    L   W     L   W    L    W      L   W
   None               324  180   986  565    817  505   1037  609     721 441
                       N=1175     N=1099      N=884      N=1024       N=795
           All       66   58    213  159    203  159   223   173     201 156
           econometric       N=1102     N=1056      N=848      N=983       N=763
           Econometric   77   63    223  156    194  156
           controls, drop     N=841      N=800      N=638
Yea-saying Controls

           warm glower
           Econometric   67   58    231  166            238   180
           controls, drop     N=1050     N=1004              N=932
           if warm
           glower AND
           Econometric   80   63    266  179                      233  180
           controls, drop     N=810      N=770                        N=544
           if warm
           glower OR
*N applies to both lognormal and Weibull distributions.

                      Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

           Table 8. Scope Improvement: Mean WTP, By Yea-saying Controls, Nay-saying
             Controls, and Distributional Assumption (L=Lognormal, W=Weibull)*
                                        Nay-saying Controls
                                               Econometric     Econometric
                               All       Econometric
                                               controls, drop if  controls, drop if
                       None      econometric   controls, drop
                                               tax hater AND    tax hater OR
                               controls     tax haters
                                               lime rejector    lime rejector
Distribution                 L   W    L   W     L    W    L    W      L    W
   None                  730  316   1791  841    2597 1962    1962   782     2921   866
                          N=532      N=515       N=424      N=497        N=388
            All econometric    135  98    308  179    316   135   336   179     346   144
            controls           N=523      N=506       N=417      N=488        N=384
            Econometric      122  98    331  192    341   142
Yea-saying Controls

            controls, drop        N=394      N=380       N=307
            warm glower
            Econometric      134  98    308  180             337    180
            controls, drop if      N=487      N=470                 N=452
            warm glower
            AND health
            Econometric      123  99    332  188                      384   155
            controls, drop if      N=359      N=346                         N=252
            warm glower
            OR health
*N applies to both lognormal and Weibull distributions.

                  Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

                  Figure 1. Share Voting for Program by Bid and





        Pe rce nt
         Vote d   50%
         For    40%



                                                      S co pe
                     $25                             Base

                         Annual House hold Tax Paym e nt

               Figure 2. Model and Statistical Uncertainty of Mean WTP
                      for All Econometric Models



Mean Household WTP









               Lognormal      Weibull        Lognormal      Weibull
                     Base                   Scope

       Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

Appendix A: Geographic distribution of respondents
      within New York State

             Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

Appendix B: Screen and page captures from survey
   a. Map illustration of size of affected lakes.

                                        Size of New York
                                       City’s Central Park


       New York

                                                  About 7 miles
This map illustrates one small part of the Adirondack State Park. This part is located where the
red dot is on the inset map. Most of the lakes affected by past air pollution are small; they are
typically much smaller than Central Park in New York City. The large lakes that you may have
heard of (such as Saranac Lake or Lake George) are much bigger than Central Park and are not
lakes of concern.

      Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

b. Chart representing how the program will affect the lakes.

     Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks

c. Representation of forest improvement.

         Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks


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