Meeting Two Agenda
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Science Frameworks for EBM
A Synthetic Approach to the Science
Of Ecosystem Based Management
Working Group Meeting 2
NCEAS, Santa Barbara, CA
September 13-17, 2006
Participants in this second meeting are:
Fiorenza Micheli (Stanford University)
Andy Rosenberg (University of New Hampshire)
Irit Altman (University of New Hampshire)
Kenny Broad (University of Miami)
Bernardo Broitman (NCEAS)
Dan Brumbaugh (American Museum of Natural History)
Chris Costello (UC Santa Barbara)
Mike Fogarty (National Marine Fisheries Service)
Steve Gaines (UC Santa Barbara)
Ben Halpern (NCEAS)
Carrie Kappel (NCEAS)
Rebecca Martone (Stanford University)
Susanne Menzel (York University)
Chato Osio (University of New Hampshire)
Jim Sanchirico (Resources for the Future)
David Siegel (UC Santa Barbara)
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Science Frameworks for EBM
Wednesday, September 13
8:30 a.m. Introductions
8:40 a.m. Meeting overview and objectives (Andy Rosenberg)
8:50 am Update on EBM website (Carrie Kappel)
9:00 a.m. Updates from working groups: system model (Chris Costello)
9:30 am Updates from working groups: network model (Mike Fogarty)
10:00 am Updates from working groups: valuation (Susanne Menzel)
10:30 am Coffee break
10:50 am Updates from working groups: ecosystem boundaries (Carrie Kappel)
11:20 am Updates from working groups: human impact analysis (Rebecca Martone)
11:40 am Case studies: MBNMS (Fio Micheli)
12:00 pm Group discussion on issues emerging from presentations
12:30 p.m. Lunch
2:00 pm Discussion of the work plan, possible re-organization of working groups
3:00 pm Working Group meetings
5:30 pm Adjourn
Thursday, September 14
8:30 a.m. Updates from working groups, group discussion and feedback on reports from
working groups
9:30 a.m. Working Group meetings
12:30 p.m. Lunch
5:30 p.m. Adjourn
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Science Frameworks for EBM
Friday, September 15
8:30 a.m. Updates from working groups, group discussion and feedback on reports from
working groups
9:00 a.m. Working Group meetings
12:30 p.m. Lunch
3:00 p.m. Working group reports and group discussion (10 min each)
4:30 pm Discussion of products and next steps
5:30 p.m. Adjourn
Saturday, September 16:
8:30 a.m. Group discussion about next steps and timeline for project.
9:30 a.m. continue work in subgroups
Sunday, September 17: continue work in subgroups
A Synthetic Approach to the Science
Of Ecosystem Based Management
Working Group Meeting 2
NCEAS, Santa Barbara, CA
September 13-17, 2006
Participants in this second meeting are:
Fiorenza Micheli (Stanford University)
Andy Rosenberg (University of New Hampshire)
Irit Altman (University of New Hampshire)
Kenny Broad (University of Miami)
Bernardo Broitman (NCEAS)
Dan Brumbaugh (American Museum of Natural History)
Chris Costello (UC Santa Barbara)
Mike Fogarty (National Marine Fisheries Service)
Steve Gaines (UC Santa Barbara)
Ben Halpern (NCEAS)
Carrie Kappel (NCEAS)
Rebecca Martone (Stanford University)
Susanne Menzel (York University)
Chato Osio (University of New Hampshire)
Jim Sanchirico (Resources for the Future)
David Siegel (UC Santa Barbara)
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Science Frameworks for EBM
Wednesday, September 13
8:30 a.m. Introductions
8:40 a.m. Meeting overview and objectives (Andy Rosenberg)
8:50 am Update on EBM website (Carrie Kappel)
9:00 a.m. Updates from working groups: system model (Chris Costello)
9:30 am Updates from working groups: network model (Mike Fogarty)
10:00 am Updates from working groups: valuation (Susanne Menzel)
10:30 am Coffee break
10:50 am Updates from working groups: ecosystem boundaries (Carrie Kappel)
11:20 am Updates from working groups: human impact analysis (Rebecca Martone)
11:40 am Case studies: MBNMS (Fio Micheli)
12:00 pm Group discussion on issues emerging from presentations
12:30 p.m. Lunch
2:00 pm Discussion of the work plan, possible re-organization of working groups
3:00 pm Working Group meetings
5:30 pm Adjourn
Thursday, September 14
8:30 a.m. Updates from working groups, group discussion and feedback on reports from
working groups
9:30 a.m. Working Group meetings
12:30 p.m. Lunch
5:30 p.m. Adjourn
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Science Frameworks for EBM
Friday, September 15
8:30 a.m. Updates from working groups, group discussion and feedback on reports from
working groups
9:00 a.m. Working Group meetings
12:30 p.m. Lunch
3:00 p.m. Working group reports and group discussion (10 min each)
4:30 pm Discussion of products and next steps
5:30 p.m. Adjourn
Saturday, September 16:
8:30 a.m. Group discussion about next steps and timeline for project.
9:30 a.m. continue work in subgroups
Sunday, September 17: continue work in subgroups