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8 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Endnote update [1%] by bhalpern, 17-10-2006 08:39
all of craig's and ben's searches combined
Endnote references Oct. 16 2006 [1%] by bhalpern, 16-10-2006 15:00
up-to-date references to consider, as of 3pm Oct. 16, 2006
Meta-analysis sub-group [1%] by bhalpern, 16-10-2006 14:57
Files for the meta-analysis group
test file no sharing [1%] by bhalpern, 14-10-2006 15:06
test file for sharing [1%] by bhalpern, 14-10-2006 15:04
Huntington Beach contamination case study [1%] by bhalpern, 02-06-2006 10:53
temporal and spatial scale results from Boehm et al. 2002
060526_EBM_scales_BH.doc [1%] by bhalpern, 30-05-2006 12:56
Latest version of our draft ms
bhalpern [1%] by bhalpern, 25-04-2006 08:55

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