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Lead Author journal volume start page use?? notes
pfister AmNat 146 271 no calculating competition coefficients of predator fishes
berlow EcoMon 67 435 yes fig. 4, fig. 6, fig. 7?, fig. 10-13?
menge   64   yes Ian doing already
benedetti-cecchi EcoMon 70 45 no succession, no predators
duffy EcoMon 70 237 yes fig. 7-8
abreu estuaries 17 575 yes fig.5
freeman BehEcol     no no pred/prey data
estes science 282 473 yes fig. 2
estes EcoMon 65 75 yes fig. 4, fig. 5?
sanford science 300 1135 no % mortality along lat gradients
micheli science 285 1396 yes GET data from trophic cascade group
sala PNAS 99 3678 no herbivore-algae interactions
ruesnick PNAS 95 6843 no hermit crab - diatom relationship
berlow ecology 80 2206 yes fig. 6-7, fig. 11
paine nature 355 73 no herbivore-algae interactions
wootton EcoMon 67 45 yes table 6
ivves ecology 80   maybe fig. 1 -- 7 yr dataset
shears MEPS       no time series data; other data from TC databased
byrnes EcoLett 9 61 yes no time series data; fig. 4
duggins ecology 61 447 no no pred/prey data
breitburg LimnOcean 44 837 no data for pred response to changes in prey, but not the other way
fulton JEMBE 72 67 yes fig. 3
wootton ecoscience 2   no no data presented
uitto       yes? fig. 1
shears oecologia 132 131 yes Fig. 2
heiskanen MEPS 145 195 no no pred/prey data
berlow nature 398 330 yes fig. 3
worm ecology 84 162 yes? fig. 3
holbrook ecology 85 979 no no pred/prey data
peacor ecology 85 2754 yes? table 1-2
emmerson JAE 73 399 yes get data from Mark
berlow JAE 73 585 no review, no data
stibor EcoLett 7 321 maybe only if can get raw data from authors
bruno EcoLett 8 1048 yes fig. 2
navarette EcoLett 9 526 yes fig. 2
bergstrom oikos 97 251 maybe fig. 1?
navarette oikos 100 251 yes fig. 2, fig. 4?
raffaeli       yes table 17.1, table 17.2
cote JEMBE 264 189 yes fig. 3?, fig. 4?
olsson JEMBE 158 249 yes fig. 4, others?
mcclanahan JEMBE 218 77 maybe table 3 -- but not a predator removal (only a protected vs. fished area)

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by Benjamin Halpern last modified 14-10-2006 15:06

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