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  United Nations     UNEP/GEF South China Sea      Global Environment
Environment Programme        Project             Facility

         Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends
                  in the
          South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand


          Third Meeting of the Regional Task Force
              on Economic Valuation

         Fangchenggang, China, 18th – 21st April 2005

                Bangkok, April 2005
First published in Thailand in 2005 by the United Nations Environment Programme.

Copyright © 2005, United Nations Environment Programme

This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit
purposes without special permission from the copyright holder provided acknowledgement of the
source is made. UNEP would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication
as a source.

No use of this publication may be made for resale or for any other commercial purpose without prior
permission in writing from the United Nations Environment Programme.

Project Co-ordinating Unit,
United Nations Environment Programme,
UN Building, 2nd Floor Block B, Rajdamnern Avenue,
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel.   +66 2 288 1886
Fax.   +66 2 288 1094


The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of UNEP or the GEF. The
designations employed and the presentations do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever
on the part of UNEP, of the GEF, or of any cooperating organisation concerning the legal status of
any country, territory, city or area, of its authorities, or of the delineation of its territories or boundaries.

Cover Illustration:    Outline of the Framework for Valuing the Impacts of Land-based Pollution,
             John C. Pernetta.

For citation purposes this document may be cited as:

UNEP, 2005. Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of
Thailand. Report of the Third Meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation.
                             Table of Contents

1.  OPENING OF THE MEETING......................................................................................................... 1
   1.1 WELCOME ADDRESS ................................................................................................................... 1
   1.2 INTRODUCTION OF PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................................ 1
2.  ORGANISATION OF THE MEETING ............................................................................................. 1
   2.1 DESIGNATION OF OFFICERS......................................................................................................... 1
   2.2 DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE TO THE MEETING............................................................................. 2
   2.3 PROGRAMME OF WORK............................................................................................................... 2
3.  ADOPTION OF THE MEETING AGENDA...................................................................................... 2
   POLLUTION .................................................................................................................................... 2
   OF ECONOMIC VALUATION ......................................................................................................... 3
   CONTAINED IN THE STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME......................................................... 4
     ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................................................. 4
     RESOURCE VALUATIONS AT NATIONAL AND REGIONAL LEVELS...................................................... 4
8.  ANY OTHER BUSINESS ................................................................................................................ 5
9.  DATES AND PLACE OF THE NEXT MEETING OF THE TASK FORCE ..................................... 5
10. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE MEETING........................................................................ 6
11. CLOSURE OF THE MEETING........................................................................................................ 6

                              List of Annexes

ANNEX 1       List of Participants

ANNEX 2       List of Documents

ANNEX 3       Agenda

ANNEX 4       Framework and Procedures to Value Impacts of Land-based Pollution on
           Coastal Habitats

ANNEX 5       Proposed Outline for a Manual on the Evaluation of Ecosystems that are of
           Interest to the South China Sea Project

ANNEX 6       Draft Summary Table for Empirical Data Relating to Economic Valuation of
           Mangrove Extractive (direct) Uses.

ANNEX 7       Memorandum of Understanding Between the United Nations Environment
           Programme and National Institute or Agency of the Members of the Task Force

ANNEX 8       Work Plan for the RTF-E (2005-2006) and Schedule of Meetings for the
           UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project
                                              Page 1

                   Report of the Meeting


1.1   Welcome Address

1.1.1 The Project Director, Dr. John Pernetta, welcomed participants to the Third Meeting of the
Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation (RTF-E), and officially opened the meeting on behalf of
Dr. Klaus Töpfer, the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and
Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Assistant Deputy Executive Director of UNEP and Director, Division of Global
Environment Facility Co-ordination (UNEP/DGEF).

1.1.2 The Project Director noted that the UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project had been under
implementation since early 2002 and that, the two Task Forces had been created by the Project
Steering Committee in December 2002. The fourth meeting of the Project Steering Committee in,
Guilin, China, in December 2004, had decided to allocate financial resources to the two Task Forces
to undertake relevant activities in the second phase of the Project. The Project Director noted that, a
major item for discussion during the meeting was to be the finalisation of the details of the
Memoranda of Understanding between UNEP and members of the Task Force. If it were possible, to
finalise these agreements during the meeting this would ensure timely transfer of the funds for
members to undertake activities related to environmental economic valuation.

1.1.3 The Project Director apologised for the fact that the Project Co-ordinating Unit (PCU) had
been unable to follow up the activities closely following the last meeting, which had resulted from the
fact that the PCU has been operating under severe staffing constraints. He informed the meeting that
the Executive Director of UNEP had recently approved the appointment of two professional staff
members to the PCU, and he expected that the full staffing of the PCU would improve execution of
activities under the Task Force.

1.2   Introduction of Participants

1.2.1 The Project Director noted, with regret that Dr. Thanwa Jitsanguan from Thailand, and
Dr. Nguyen Huu Ninh from Viet Nam, were unable to be present in the meeting and that they had
nominated Dr. Nuchanata Mungkung and Dr. Nguyen The Chinh as alternate members respectively.
In addition, Dr. Herminia A. Francisco had informed the PCU that as of June 2005 she would assume
the post of Deputy Director of the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia and as
such she would be unable to participate in the work of the RTF-E in her personal capacity.

1.2.2 Participants were invited to introduce themselves to the meeting. There followed a tour de
table during which the meeting participants introduced themselves to the meeting. The list of
participants is attached as Annex 1 to this meeting report.

2.1   Designation of Officers

2.1.1 Members were reminded that the Rules of Procedure (UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.1/Inf.4) for the
RTF-E state, “The Chairperson, Vice–Chairperson and Rapporteur shall hold office until the
subsequent meeting of the Task Force. They shall be eligible for re-election no more than once. No
officer may continue to hold office once the National Technical Focal Point terminates their
membership of the Task Force for the Project.”

2.1.2 Members noted that during the first meeting of the RTF-E convened in Phuket, Thailand
September 2003 Dr. Matius Suparmoko, Dr. Thanwa and Dr. Khalid were elected as Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteur respectively. During the subsequent meeting held in Cambodia in
June 2004 these officers were re-elected consequently they were no longer eligible for re-election to
the same offices.
Page 2

2.1.3 In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, members were invited to nominate individuals to
act as Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteur for the inter-sessional period to the next
meeting. Dr. Suparmoko nominated Dr. Noel Eusebio Oyardo Padilla as the Chairperson, and Dr.
Tridoyo Kusumastanto nominated Dr. Li Kaiming, and Mr. Sy Ramony as Vice-Chairperson and
Rapporteur respectively. There being no other nominations, Dr. Padilla, Dr. Li and Mr. Ramony were
duly elected as Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteur for the meeting.

2.2   Documentation Available to the Meeting

2.2.1 Ms. Sulan Chen, Secretary to the meeting briefly introduced the discussion and information
documents available to the meeting and apologised for their late dispatch to members. The list of
documents is contained as Annex 2 to this meeting report.

2.3   Programme of Work

2.3.1 Ms. Chen briefed participants on the administrative arrangements for the conduct of the
meeting, and the proposed organisation of work (UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/Inf.3). Formal sessions of
the meeting would be conducted in English, and in plenary as far as possible.

2.3.2 Ms. Chen noted that time might be set aside to finalise Memoranda of Understanding
between UNEP and members of the Task Force, and on the last day of the meeting the Project
Document for the Fangchenggang mangrove demonstration site would be signed between UNEP and
the Specialised Executing Agency of the mangrove sub-component. This would involve a short formal
ceremony during which various news agencies would be present together with representatives of the
Provincial and local governments and Xindi Company.


3.1   The Chairperson introduced the provisional agenda prepared by the PCU as document,
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/1, and the annotated provisional agenda prepared as document
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/2 and invited members of the RTF-E to propose any amendments or
additional items for consideration, prior to the adoption of the agenda.

3.2   No additional agenda items or amendments to the provisional agenda were proposed by the
members, and the meeting adopted the provisional agenda without change. The adopted agenda is
attached as Annex 3 to this report.


4.1   Members recalled that during the previous meeting it had been agreed that Dr. Francisco’s
research associate would conduct a literature review on existing studies on economic valuation of the
impacts of land-based pollution. The report had been previously circulated to members and was now
available for consideration by the RTF-E as contained in document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/4.

4.2   The Chairperson invited the Associate Expert to introduce document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-
E.3/4, which summarises the content of the report. The Associate Expert briefly outlined the
background to the commissioning of this review. She noted that the existing literature covered by the
report does not provide a comprehensive framework for valuing the impacts of land-based pollution,
and that no specific valuation methods or techniques are suggested for the valuation of particular
types of impact resulting from land-based pollution.

4.3   Ms. Chen pointed out that the literature review suggested that most studies in the region were
theoretical, and few studies have been conducted to obtain the monetary value of the impacts of land-
based pollution. She further commented that the majority of cases included in the report were from
China, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand. No studies had been reviewed in Cambodia, Malaysia
and Viet Nam. The two cases reviewed in China were for inland cities, in Wuhan and Wuxi, which
were geographically distant from the South China Sea marine environment. In addition, the cases in
the report focused on the loss of fisheries from the land-based pollution and ignored other major
impacts resulting from land-based pollution, such as for example loss of amenity value (particularly
tourism), reduction in aquaculture production and human welfare.
                                               Page 3

4.4   The report provides an overview of some of the existing frameworks and methodologies for
valuing the impacts of land-based pollution, however, the report did not propose a comprehensive
framework for the economic valuation of the impacts of land-based pollution. The Associate Expert
invited members to formulate an appropriate framework, along with supporting methodologies and
techniques for the valuation of the impacts of land-based pollution.

4.5   There followed a lengthy discussion on the various impacts of land-based pollution and
differing sources of pollution. Members initially attempted to categorise various types of impacts, i.e.
direct or indirect impacts, and tangible and intangible impacts. It was noted that the impacts of land-
based pollution were complex, and some of the impacts were mixed, and reflected impacts
consequent on both land-based and sea-based pollution. The Task Force noted that indirect impacts
were complex, and to some extent very difficult to value. It was agreed that the valuation framework
should focus on three types of direct impacts, i.e. productivity, amenity value and human welfare.

4.6   Several members mentioned the importance of identifying the sources of land-based
pollution. It was then pointed out by the Project Director that it would be more useful to identify the
types of pollutants and their possible impacts on coastal habitats, since the valuation would focus on
the impacts of land-based pollution on habitats, disregarding the sources of the pollution. To formulate
the framework for valuing the impacts of land-based pollution on coastal habitats, the Task Force
agreed to identify types of pollutants, the impacts resulting from each type of pollutant, and to
categorise these impacts under the three classes of changes to production, amenity value and human
welfare. Table 1 of Annex 4 presents a checklist of the impacts of land-based pollution in the four
habitats considered by the project.

4.7   The Task Force identified and discussed various types of pollutants, their possible impacts,
and applicability of these impacts to ecological habitats. Following a consideration of the types of
impacts, the Task Force proceeded to formulate procedures to be used in valuing the impacts
including data needs, and appropriate valuation techniques. Annex 4 of this report contains the tables
of frameworks and procedures for valuing the impacts of land-based pollution, Tables 2.1 to 2.4
outline the impacts of land-based pollution on mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass and wetlands
according to the three classes of changes to economic value; and Tables 3.1 to 3.4 include detailed
procedures to be used in undertaking the valuation of these impacts.


5.1   Members recalled that during the second meeting of the RTF-E it had been agreed that a
manual of procedures and techniques would be developed for use in valuing coastal habitats. It was
further agreed that a draft outline/contents was to have been produced and circulated by the end of
June 2004, at which time members would indicate their willingness to draft particular sections with a
view to producing a final draft by the end of October 2004. Dr. Padilla had drafted an outline of such a
manual and circulated to the RTF-E members according to the original agreement, regrettably no
follow up actions had been undertaken.

5.2  The Chairperson introduced the draft outline for the manual, contained in document
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/8. Members considered, amended and adopted the outline as included in
Annex 5 of this meeting report.

5.3   The meeting further discussed and agreed upon the individual responsibilities for drafting the
various sections of the manual. Dr. Pernetta indicated that he would circulate a draft introduction to
the Task Force within ten working days of the closure of the meeting. Individual members volunteered
to take the lead in drafting various sections of the manual, as indicated in Annex 5. It was agreed that
all members would circulate their inputs no later than the end of July 2005 following which there
would be one month for member's response and comments and a further month for finalisation of the
text prior to its publication in time for distribution during the Regional Scientific Conference.
Page 4


6.1  Review of the Elements of Economic Valuation Contained in the Demonstration Site

6.1.1 The Chairperson invited the Project Director to introduce document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-
E.3/5, which provided an overview of the typical elements of the demonstration site activities, which
encompass the economic valuation of coastal environmental goods and services and the evaluation
of alternative livelihoods. The Project Director noted that likely outputs from these activities would
include economic valuations conducted at a site level according to the agreed frameworks and
procedures recommended by the RTF-E. Consequently, the Task Force could expect to obtain a set
of values collected according to the same regionally agreed frameworks and procedures that might
serve as a yard-stick for comparison of other empirical values.

6.1.2 The meeting noted that in the past two years the expertise of the Task Force had not been
fully utilised by the Specialised Executing Agencies. The meeting took note that the economic
valuation activities included in the demonstration site project documents should follow the frameworks
and procedures formulated by the Task Force, and that the execution of these activities should
involve directly the expert members of the Task Force. The Project Director noted that in the case of
the Trat Province mangrove demonstration site, Dr. Thanwa was directly involved in the study of
alternative livelihood in Trat Province. The Project Director indicated he would continue to encourage
the Specialised Executing Agencies to utilise the expertise of members of the Task Force, and in
appropriate cases members should be financially compensated for their time spent on executing
specific activities.

6.1.3 It was noted that members of the Task Force should be directly involved in the economic
valuation component of the demonstration site activities, and the costs of this work should be paid for
from the demonstration site budget.

6.2  Discussion of the Procedures and Actions Required to Assemble, Empirical Data on
    Resource Valuations at National and Regional Levels

6.2.1 The Chairperson invited the Project Director to introduce document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-
E.3/6, which presented alternative approaches to developing a regional database of empirical
economic values for coastal goods and services for discussion and decision by the RTF-E.
Dr. Pernetta noted that one important task of the RTF-E was to develop regionally applicable
valuations of coastal habitats, using empirical data collected in the region and standardised
approaches taken by the demonstration sites.

6.2.2 The RTF-E had already agreed on the need to develop a regionally acceptable “value” for
particular habitats as the basis for determining the economic benefits of action compared to non-
action as previously attempted in the draft Strategic Action Programme. The Regional Task Force,
during its’ second meeting, held preliminary discussion of the need for, and possible alternative
approaches to aggregating local economic values at national level, and national values at the regional
level. It was agreed that an initial step would be the preparation of a database of existing economic
values from the region, although the manner in which this was to be assembled was not finalised.
Members were therefore invited to consider the activities and manner in which such data might be

6.2.3 The Project Director pointed out that values used in the previous cost-benefit analysis had
been taken from studies conducted in other regions. The meeting agreed that a regional database
should be developed to compile values collected in the existing studies undertaken in this region
using local net price.

6.2.4 Members' attention was drawn to a proposed format for the compilation of data and values
taken from valuation studies conducted within the region. The meeting discussed, revised and agreed
on the proposed format for the compilation of data and information on values obtained in various
studies and this format, is included as Table 1 of Annex 6 of this meeting report, which would provide
                                               Page 5

guidance to members in compiling data and information for determining regional values of coastal
habitats. The meeting took note that the format provided in Table 1 was specifically designed to
compile information on mangrove valuation. The Task Force should take this format, and based on
the frameworks for valuation of the other habitats, including coral reefs, seagrass and wetlands, adapt
the format for the compilation of data and information on values of the resources and uses of these
other coastal habitats.

6.2.5 The Project Director noted that the Project Steering Committee, during its fourth meeting in
Guilin, China, December 2004 had agreed to allocate financial resources to the execution of the work
of the two Regional Task Forces and it was proposed that Memoranda of Understanding be signed
between UNEP and the members of the RTF-E on behalf of their Institutions that would permit
members to hire research assistants to compile the required national data under their supervision.
Document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/6 contained a proposed text of a framework Memorandum of
Understanding, which was adopted by the meeting without changes, and is contained in Annex 6 to
this meeting report.

6.2.6 The Project Director informed the meeting that each member should propose a budget based
on the activities to be undertaken during year 2005-2006. The maximum funding for the proposed
activities was set at US$13,000. Members were encouraged to submit their proposed budgets as
promptly as possible, preferably during the meeting of the RTF-E so that a Memorandum of
Understanding could be signed to ensure the transfer of funding from UNEP to the institute or agency
of the Task Force members as promptly as possible.

6.2.7 The Project Director further noted that another addition to the MoU would be the agreed work
plan and timetable that would be finalised under the next agenda item.


7.1   The Chairperson invited the Associate Expert to introduce document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-
E.3/6, Draft Work Plan for the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation. Members considered,
amended and agreed on the work plan and timetable for the Regional Task Force, which is attached
as Annex 7 to this meeting report.


8.1   The Chairperson invited members to consider and discuss any additional items of business.

8.2   Dr. Suparmoko inquired whether budgets could be used to support meetings or travel by the
members of the RTF-E, for collecting the data and information needed to compile the regional
database of economic value. The Project Director drew members’ attention to the budget table of the
Project, included in document UNEP/GEF/SCS/PSC.3/3, and invited members to review the project
budget in order to understand what the available funds could be used for.

8.3   In response to an inquiry raised by members regarding the purchase of equipment with UNEP
funds, Dr. Pernetta indicated that the title of any equipment purchased with UNEP funding for the
execution of activities in the Memorandum of Understanding rests with UNEP. In the case of the
project, the Project Director noted that title to such equipment could be transferred to the Institutions
upon completion of the project.


9.1   The Chairperson invited members to consider and agree upon the dates and location of the
next meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation. In doing so, members should take
into consideration the decision made by the Project Steering Committee that all future regional
meetings take place in potential demonstration sites. The Task Force considered appropriate dates
for the next meeting, and decided that the dates for the fourth meeting of the Task Force will be 27th –
30th March 2006.

9.2  With respect to the venue of next meeting, the Chairperson recalled that during the second
meeting of the RTF-E, Seam Reap, Cambodia, Dr. Ninh had issued an invitation to hold the third
Page 6

meeting of the RTF-E in Viet Nam. The Project Director indicated that he would liase with Dr. Ninh to
find out whether the invitation still stood for the next meeting of the RTF-E. The Task Force
considered some appropriate places, including Phu Quoc Island and Balat Estuary in Viet Nam as a
possible venue for the next meeting, and considered that Phu Quoc Island would be the most

9.3    In the event that it would not be possible to hold the meeting in Viet Nam, Dr. Khalid indicated
his willingness to host the meeting in Malaysia.


10.1  The Rapporteur, Mr. Ramony, presented the draft report of the meeting, which was
considered, amended, and adopted as it appears in this document.


11.1   The Chairperson invited members to make any final comments and/or remarks prior to calling
for a formal motion to close the meeting. Members expressed their appreciation to the hard work of
the Chairperson and the PCU members, and the hospitability of Fangchenggang local government
and people.

    The Chairperson officially closed the meeting at 17:00 on the 21st of April 2005.
                                             Annex 1
                                             Page 1
                       ANNEX 1

                   List of Participants

                Government Designated Members

Cambodia                      People’s Republic of China

Mr. Sy Ramony, Chief                Dr. Li Kaiming, Vice President
National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary Office     South China Institute of Environmental
Department of Nature Conservation and Protection,  Sciences, SEPA
Ministry of Environment               7 West Yuancun Road
#48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk             Guangzhou 510655
Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon        Guangdong Province, China
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
                          Tel:  (86 20) 8554 1496
Mobile: (855) 12 832 933              Fax:  (86 20) 8552 4450
Tel/Fax: (855 23) 211 381              E-mail:;

Indonesia                      Malaysia

Dr. Matius Suparmoko                Dr. Khalid Abdul Rahim, Professor
Faculty of Economics                Faculty of Economics and Management
Jenderal Soedirman University            University Putra Malaysia
Kampus Grendeng, PO. Box 109            43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Purwokerto 53122
Central Java, Indonesia               Tel:  (603) 8946 7653
                          Fax:  (603) 8948 6188
Tel:  (62 281) 37970 (O); (62 21) 733 4623    E-mail:;
Fax:  (62 281) 40268; (62 21) 733 4623

Philippines                     Thailand

Dr. Noel Eusebio Oyardo Padilla           Dr. Nuchanata Mungkung, Lecturer
Development Management Officer V          Department of Agricultural and Resource
Policy Studies Division               Economics, Faculty of Economics
Planning and Policy Studies Service         Kasetsart University
Department of Environment and Natural        50 Phahonyothin Rd., Chatujak
Resources, DENR Compound              Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Visayas Ave., Diliman,
Quezon City, Philippines              Tel:   (662) 942 8649-51 ext. 131;
                          Mobile:  06 904 2780
Tel:  (632) 925 1183; 929 6626-35 local 2046
                          Fax:   (662) 942 8047; 942 8525
Fax:  (632) 925 1183

Viet Nam

Dr. Nguyen The Chinh, Ass. Prof. Dr
Senior Economist
Dean of Faculty of Environmental Economics
Hanoi University of Economics
Duong Giai Phong, Hanoi, Viet Nam

Tel:   (844) 854 0376; (84) 09 1330 7559
Fax:   (844) 869 8231
Annex 1
Page 2

                     Expert Member

Dr. Tridoyo Kusumastanto
Professor of Marine Economics Policy
CCMRS - Bogor Agricultural University
Jl. Sedap Malam II/20
Taman Yasmin, Bogor 16310, Indonesia

Tel:   (62 251) 624 815; (62) 81 611 33170
Fax:   (62 251) 621 086

                Project Co-ordinating Unit Member

Dr. John Pernetta, Project Director
UNEP/GEF Project Co-ordinating Unit
United Nations Environment Programme
2nd Floor, Block B, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Tel:   (66 2) 288 1886
Fax:   (66 2) 288 1094

               UNEP/GEF Project Co-ordinating Unit

Ms. Sulan Chen, Associate Expert          Ms. Sriskun Watanasab, Secretary
UNEP/GEF Project Co-ordinating Unit         UNEP/GEF Project Co-ordinating Unit
United Nations Environment Programme        United Nations Environment Programme
2nd Floor, Block B, United Nations Building     2nd Floor, Block B, United Nations Building
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue                Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200, Thailand               Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Tel:  (66 2) 288 2279               Tel:   (66 2) 288 2608
Fax:  (66 2) 288 1094               Fax:   (66 2) 288 1094
E-mail:                E-mail:
                                             Annex 2
                                             Page 1

                      ANNEX 2
                   List of Documents
Discussion documents

UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/1         Agenda
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/2         Annotated Agenda
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/3         Report of the Meeting
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/4         Economic Valuation of the Impacts of Land-based Pollution in
                    the South China Sea
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/5         Overview of Demonstration Site Activities, Which Involve the
                    Economic Valuation of Coastal Environmental Goods and
                    Services and the Evaluation of Alternative Livelihoods
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/6         Alternative Approaches to Developing a Regional Database
                    of Empirical Economic Values for Coastal Goods and
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/7         Draft Work Plan for the Regional Task Force on Economic
                    Valuation for 2005-2006
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/8         Manual for the Valuation of Ecosystems that are of Interest to
                    the South China Sea Project: Proposed Outline

Information documents
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/Inf.1     List of Participants
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/Inf.2     List of Documents
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.3/Inf.3     Draft Programme
UNEP/SCS/SAP Ver. 3         Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea (Draft
                  Version 3, 24 February 1999) East Asian Seas Regional
                  Coordinating Unit. 69pp.
UNEP/GEF/SCS/PSC.4/3        Fourth Meeting of the Project Steering Committee for the
                  UNEP/GEF Project “Reversing Environmental Degradation
                  Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand”. Report
                  of the Meeting. Guilin, China, 13th – 15th December 2004
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RSTC.5/3        Fifth Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical
                  Committee for the UNEP/GEF Project “Reversing
                  Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea
                  and Gulf of Thailand”. Report of the Meeting. Fangchenggang,
                  China, 9th – 11th December 2004 UNEP/GEF/SCS/RSTC.5/3.
The following documents are provided in published form.
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.2/3       Second Meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic
                  Valuation for the UNEP/GEF Project “Reversing Environmental
                  Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of
                  Thailand”. Report of the Meeting. Siem Reap, Cambodia, 31st
                  – 2nd June 2004 UNEP/GEF/SCS/RTF-E.2/3.
UNEP/GEF/SCS/PSC.3/3        Third Meeting of the Project Steering Committee for the
                  UNEP/GEF Project “Reversing Environmental Degradation
                  Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand”. Report
                  of the Meeting. Manila, Philippines, 25th – 27th February 2004
UNEP/GEF/SCS/RSTC.4/3        Fourth Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical
                  Committee for the UNEP/GEF Project “Reversing
                  Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea
                  and Gulf of Thailand”. Report of the Meeting. Pattaya,
                  Thailand, 15th – 17th February 2004 UNEP/GEF/SCS/
                                        Annex 3
                                         Page 1

                      ANNEX 3


   1.1  Welcome Address
   1.2  Introduction of Participants

   2.1  Designation of Officers
   2.2  Documentation Available to the Meeting
   2.3  Programme of Work





   6.1  Review of the Elements of Economic Valuation Contained in the Demonstration
      Site Activities
   6.2  Discussion of the Procedures and Actions Required to Assemble, Empirical Data
      on Resource Valuations at National and Regional Levels.





                                               Annex 4
                                               Page 1

                       ANNEX 4

  Framework and Procedures to Value Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coastal


During the first meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation (RTF-E), Phuket,
Thailand, 11th -13th September 2003, the Task Force agreed on a framework to value coastal habitats
in the South China Sea. The Regional Working Group on Land-based Pollution subsequently sought
assistance from the Task Force in formulating a framework for the valuation of the impacts of land-
based pollution. During the second meeting of the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation, held
in Siem Reap, Cambodia, 31st May – 2nd June 2004, it was agreed that the Project Co-ordinating Unit
would commission on behalf of the Task Force a literature review of existing studies of the economic
valuation of the impacts of lad-based pollution.

In July 2004, the Project Co-ordinating Unit engaged a consultant and two drafts of the report were
circulated to members of the Task Force for their comments before the finalisation of the report. The
final report was received and circulated to members in December 2004, and included in the
documents available to the meeting.

Framework and Procedures to Value Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coastal Habitats

During the Third Meeting of the RTF-E in Fangchenggang, China, 18th – 21st April 2005, the Task
Force reviewed the consultant report on existing literature, and considered alternative approaches to
formulate a framework and procedures to value the impacts of land-based pollution on coastal

The meeting agreed that the types of pollutants, to some extent, determined the types of impacts on
the coastal habitats, hence it was important to identify types of pollutants and their impacts on coastal
habitats. Table 1 provides a checklist of possible impacts of various pollutants on coastal habitats
relevant to the UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project, mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass and wetlands.
The Task Force recognised that the impacts of land-based pollution on coastal habitats were complex
and intertwined, hence the Task Force decided to narrow down the scope of impacts for economic
valuation, and agreed to include three types of impacts, i.e. productivity, amenity and human welfare.
Tables 2.1 – 2.4 provide a framework for valuing the impacts of land-based pollution on the four
coastal habitats, in terms of productivity, amenity and human welfare.

To assist the technical people working in the demonstration sites to value the impacts of land-based
pollution on coastal habitats, the Task Force decided to outline specific procedures to provide
guidance to technical staff in following the frameworks. The Chairperson took the lead in drafting the
procedures overnight, the meeting reviewed, considered and adopted the procedures, included in
Tables 3.1 – 3.4 to value impacts on mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass and wetlands respectively.
 Annex 4
 Page 2

    Table 1   Checklist of the Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coastal Habitats.
  Types of
               Impacts       Mangroves  Coral Reefs Seagrass   Wetlands
Heavy metals     Water quality          v      v      v       v
           Reduced reproductive      v      v      v       v
           capacity in molluscs
           Contamination of human     v      v      v       v
           food sources
           Bio-accumulation        v      v      v       v

Organic matter    Water quality          -      v      v       v

Nutrients      Eutrophication         -      v      v       v
           Algal blooms          -      v      v       v
           Red tides            -      v      v       v
           Anoxia – fish kills       -      v      v       v
           Fish shellfish poisoning    -      v      v       v

Oil and       Contamination/tainting of    v      v      v       v
hydrocarbons     aquaculture and wild fish
           Extreme spills smothering    v      v      v       v
           of organisms

Sediments      Smothering of coral reefs    -      v      v       -
           and seagrass
           Reduced light penetration    -      v      v       v
           from increased turbidity
           leading to reduced
           primary production

POPs         Water quality          v      v      v       v
           Contamination of seafood    v      v      v       v
           Reduced fish
           reproductive capacity      -      v      v       v

Solid waste     Smothering of organisms     -      v      v       v
(plastics)      Loss of amenity value      -      v      v       v

Thermal pollution  Reduced productivity      v      v      v       v
           Loss of species         v      v      v       v

Bacterial      Loss of amenity value      v      v      v       v
contamination    Contamination of human     v      v      v       v
           food sources
                                            Annex 4
                                            Page 3

 Table 2.1     Framework for Valuing Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Mangroves.
Types of Pollutants         Impacts                       Human
                                Productivity  Amenity
Heavy metals      Water quality                 v      v    v
            Reduced reproductive capacity in       v      -     -
            molluscs                   -      -    v
            Contamination of human food          v      -    v
Organic matter     Water quality                 -      -     -

Nutrients       Eutrophication                -      -     -
            Algal blooms                 -      -     -
            Red tides                   -      -     -
            Anoxia – fish kills              -      -     -
            Fish shellfish poisoning           -      -     -

Oil and        Contamination/tainting of           -      -    v
hydrocarbons      aquaculture and wild fish
            Extreme spills smothering of         v      v     -
Sediments       Smothering of coral reefs and         -      -     -
            seagrass                   -      -     -
            Reduced light penetration from
            increased turbidity leading to reduced
            primary production

POPs          Water quality                 -      -    v
            Contamination of seafood           -      -    v
            Reduced fish reproductive capacity      -      -    -

Solid waste      Smothering of organisms            -      -     -
(plastics)       Loss of amenity value             -      v     -

Thermal pollution   Reduced productivity             v      -     -
            Loss of species                v      -     -

Bacterial       Loss of amenity value             -      v    v
contamination     Contamination of human food          -      -    v
  Annex 4
  Page 4

    Table 2.2     Framework for Valuing Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
                                         Coral Reefs
Types of Pollutants            Impacts                       Human
                                    Productivity  Amenity
Heavy metals        Water quality                  v      v     -
              Reduced reproductive capacity in molluscs    v      -     -
              Contamination of human food sources       -      -    v
              Bio-accumulation                 v      -     -

Organic matter       Water quality                  v      v     -

Nutrients         Eutrophication                  v      -     -
              Algal blooms                   v      -     -
              Red tides                    v      -     -
              Anoxia – fish kills               v      -     -
              Fish shellfish poisoning             -      -     v

Oil and hydrocarbons    Contamination/tainting of aquaculture and    -      -     v
              wild fish
              Extreme spills smothering of organisms      v      v     -

Sediments         Smothering of coral reefs and seagrass      v      v     -
              Reduced light penetration from increased     v      v     -
              turbidity leading to reduced primary

POPs            Water quality                  v      -     -
              Contamination of seafood             -      -     v
              Reduced fish reproductive capacity        v      -     -

Solid waste (plastics)   Smothering of organisms             v      v     -

Thermal pollution     Reduced productivity               v      -     -
              Loss of species                 v      -     -

Bacterial contamination  Contamination of human food sources       -      -     v
                                             Annex 4
                                             Page 5

   Table 2.3      Framework for Valuing Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.
Types of Pollutants            Impacts                    Human
                                 Productivity  Amenity
Heavy metals        Water quality               v       v     -
              Reduced reproductive capacity in     v       -     -
              Contamination of human food        -       -     v
              Bio-accumulation             v       -     -
Organic matter       Water quality               v       v     -

Nutrients          Eutrophication              v       -     -
              Algal blooms               v       -     -
              Red tides                 v       -     -
              Anoxia – fish kills            v       -     -
              Fish shellfish poisoning         -       -     v

Oil and hydrocarbons    Contamination/tainting of         -       -     v
              aquaculture and wild fish
              Extreme spills smothering of       v       v     -

Sediments          Smothering of coral reefs and       v       v     -
              Reduced light penetration from      v       v     -
              increased turbidity leading to
              reduced primary production

POPs            Water quality               v       v     -
              Contamination of seafood         -       -     v
              Reduced fish reproductive capacity    v       -     -

Solid waste (plastics)   Smothering of organisms          v       v     -

Thermal pollution      Reduced productivity           v       -     -
              Loss of species              v       -     -

Bacterial contamination   Contamination of human food        -       v     v
  Annex 4
  Page 6

    Table 2.4     Framework for Valuing Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
Types of Pollutants            Impacts                    Human
                                 Productivity  Amenity
Heavy metals        Water quality               v       v    v
              Reduced reproductive capacity in     v       -     -
              Contamination of human food        -       -     v
              Bio-accumulation             v       -     -

Organic matter       Water quality               v       v     v

Nutrients          Eutrophication              v       v     -
              Algal blooms               v       v     -
              Red tides                 v       v     -
              Anoxia – fish kills            v       -     -
              Fish shellfish poisoning         -       -     v

Oil and hydrocarbons    Contamination/tainting of         -       -     v
              aquaculture and wild fish
              Extreme spills smothering of       v       v     -

Sediments          Smothering of coral reefs and       v       v     -
              Reduced light penetration from      v       -     -
              increased turbidity leading to
              reduced primary production

POPs            Water quality               v       v     v
              Contamination of seafood         -       -     v
              Reduced fish reproductive capacity    v       -     -

Solid waste (plastics)   Smothering of organisms          v       v     v

Thermal pollution      Reduced productivity           v       -     -
              Loss of species              v       v     -

Bacterial contamination   Contamination of human food        -       -     v
                                                                                     Annex 4
                                                                                      Page 7

    Table 3.1     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Mangroves.
  Types of                             Indicator of
                    Valuation Technique                           Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                            Measurement
Heavy metals    Water quality  On site sale value for   Total annual value of   For direct valuation:                   Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                   marketed goods using net  production for each    On site market price of each product (before and after)
          Reduced     price            product (US$)       Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away    Market price can be adapted to account for
          reproductive                              and used (before and after)                seasonal and other price changes.
          capacity in   For directly used goods,               Total areas under consideration (before and after)
          molluscs     use market values for                 Concentration level of heavy metals            Market price represents true market value
                   equivalent goods. If not                                            within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                   available use indirect                For indirect valuation:                  prices are not distorted).
                   opportunity cost approach               Price per unit for equivalent goods
                   (using wages forgone for               Cost of material inputs                  All externalities are identified and included in
                   harvesting goods)                   Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product    the price.
                                              Equivalent local wage for labour
                                              On site market price of each product (before and     Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                                              after degradation of water quality)
Oil and       Extreme spills  On site sale value for   Total annual value of   For direct valuation:                   Values prior to the impact to be determined.
hydrocarbons    smothering of  marketed goods using net  production for each    On site market price of each product (before and
          organisms    price            product (US$)       after release of oil and hydrocarbon)           Market price can be adapted to account for
                                              Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away    seasonal and other price changes.
                   For directly used goods,               (before and after)
                   use market values for                                              Market price represents true market value
                   equivalent goods. If not               Total areas under consideration (before and after)    within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                   available use indirect                                             prices are not distorted).
                   opportunity cost approach
                                                                           All externalities are identified and included in
                   (using wages forgone for
                                                                           the price.
                   harvesting goods)
                                                                           Exchange rates and the years of data collected
Thermal       Reduced     On site sale value for   Total annual value of   For direct valuation:                   Values prior to the impact to be determined.
pollution      productivity   marketed goods using net  production for each    On site market price of each product (before and
                   price            product (US$)       after thermal pollution)                 Market price can be adapted to account for
                                              Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away    seasonal and other price changes.
                   For directly used goods,               (before and after)
                   use market values for                 Total areas under consideration (before and after)    Market price represents true market value
                   equivalent goods. If not                                            within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                                              For indirect valuation:                  prices are not distorted).
                   available use indirect
                   opportunity cost approach               Price per unit for equivalent goods
                   (using wages forgone for               Cost of material inputs                  All externalities are identified and included in
                   harvesting goods)                   Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product    the price.
                                              Equivalent local wage for labour             Exchange rates and the years of data collected
    Annex 4
    Page 8

    Table 3.1 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Mangroves.
  Types of                            Indicator of
                 Valuation Technique                            Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                           Measurement
        Loss of     On site price for marketed  Total annual value of   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
        species     products           production for each    On site market price of each product (before and
                               product (US$)       after thermal pollution)                 Market price can be adapted to account for
                                             Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away    seasonal and other price changes.
                                             (before and after)
                                             Total areas under consideration (before and after)    Market price represents true market value
                                                                         within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                                             For indirect valuation:                 prices are not distorted).
                                             Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                             Cost of material inputs                 All externalities are identified and included in
                                             Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product    the price.
                                             Equivalent local wage for labour
                                                                         Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                                             For substitute price approach:
                Substitute price of                                                Substitute material acceptable
                                             Price of equivalent goods
                products*                                                     Market values not distorted
                                             Quantities of equivalent products harvested, sold,
                                             given away (before and after)
                                             For all approaches:
                                             Species identified before and after
Heavy metals  Water quality  Travel cost: Amount of    Annual recreational    Data from visitors survey                Access to the site is available to all
                money and time spent on    value of the site (US$)  Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
                the site                         Geographic origin (before and after water        Demand function relationship can be specified
                                             contamination)                      No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water      use
                                             contamination)                      Market prices used in valuation are not
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                                                         Subjects understand choices offered and give
                Contingent valuation:     Recreational value of   Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    meaningful and honest answers
                willingness to pay for good  the site as valued by   game technique/ dichotomous choice            Subject have sufficient information to give
                water quality         willingness to pay by                                informed choices
                               users (US$)                                     Sample is representative and captures the full
                               Total cost value                                  spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                         No free riders
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences
                                                                                    Annex 4
                                                                                    Page 9

    Table 3.1 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Mangroves.
  Types of                             Indicator of
                  Valuation Technique                            Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                            Measurement
                 Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost value     Type of pollutants                    Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                 clean up heavy metals                  Sources of pollutants                  available and the cost of technologies is
Oil and     Extreme spills  Travel cost: Amount of    Annual recreational    Data from visitors survey                Access to the site is available to all
hydrocarbons  smothering of  money and time spent on    value of the site (US$)  Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
        organisms    the site                        Geographic origin (before and after oil/ hydrocarbon   Demand function relationship can be specified
                                             spill)                          No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after oil/       use
                                             hydrocarbon spill)                    Market prices used in valuation are not
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                             after oil/ hydrocarbon spill)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                             oil/ hydrocarbon spill)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                             water contamination)

                 Contingent valuation:     Recreational value of   Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good  the site as valued by   game technique/ dichotomous choice            meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality         willingness to pay by                               Subject have sufficient information to give
                                users (US$)                                    informed choices
                                                                         Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                         spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                         No free riders
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences

                 Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost value     Type of pollutants                    Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                 clean up oil and                    Sources of pollutants                  available and the cost of technologies is
                 hydrocarbons                      Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons       affordable
Solid waste   Smothering    Travel cost: Amount of    Annual recreational    Data from visitors survey                Access to the site is available to all
(plastics)   of organisms   money and time spent on    value of the site (US$)  Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
                 the site                        Geographic origin (before and after site         Demand function relationship can be specified
                                             contamination by solid waste)              No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after site      use
                                             contamination by solid waste)              Market prices used in valuation are not
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                             after site contamination by solid waste)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                             site contamination by solid waste)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                             site contamination by solid waste)
    Annex 4
    Page 10

    Table 3.1 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Mangroves.
  Types of                            Indicator of
                 Valuation Technique                            Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                           Measurement
                Contingent valuation:     Recreational value of   Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    Subjects understand choices offered and give
                willingness to pay for good  the site as valued by   game technique/ dichotomous choice            meaningful and honest answers
                water quality         willingness to pay by                                Subject have sufficient information to give
                               users (US$)                                     informed choices
                                                                         Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                         spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                         No free riders
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences
                Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost value (US$)  Sources of solid waste
                clean up solid waste                  Volume of solid waste                   Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                                                                         available and the cost of technologies is
Bacterial    Contamination Travel cost: Amount of     Annual recreational    Data from visitors survey                 Access to the site is available to all
contamination  of recreational money and time spent on    value of the site (US$)  Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
        areas      the site                        Geographic origin (before and after site         Demand function relationship can be specified
                                            contamination by bacteria)                No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after site       use
                                            contamination by bacteria)                Market prices used in valuation are not
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                            after site contamination by bacteria)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                            site contamination by bacteria)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                            site contamination by bacteria)

                Contingent valuation:     Recreational value of   Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    Subjects understand choices offered and give
                willingness to pay for good  the site as valued by   game technique/ dichotomous choice            meaningful and honest answers
                water quality         willingness to pay by                                Subject have sufficient information to give
                               users (US$)                                     informed choices
                                                                         Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                         spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                         No free riders
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences
                Prevention cost        Total cost to prevent   Cost of constructing facilities for individual economic
                               bacterial contamination  activities
                                            Cost of volumes of projected waste
                                            Size of impacted areas
                                            Sources of contaminants
                                                                                     Annex 4
                                                                                     Page 11

    Table 3.1 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Mangroves.
  Types of                            Indicator of
                  Valuation Technique                             Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                           Measurement
                                            Human Welfare*
Heavy metals  Water quality  Cost of illness       Total l value of lost human Salaries/wages for labour                 Health and productivity can be restored to
                               labour (US$), and total   Duration of illness and recovery (number of days lost)  previous levels
                               cost of hospitalisation and Hospitalisation and treatment cost
        Contaminatio   Substitute price approach:  Total annual cost of     Quantity of food consumed                Equivalent and substitute food available
        n of human    cost of sourcing food    sourcing food from      Price per unit quantity of food sourced         Food consumed reaches minimum standards
        food sources   elsewhere/cost of      alternative         elsewhere/equivalent food                set by governments.
                 equivalent food       sites/equivalent food    Duration and cost of finding new sources of food.
                                              Transport cost of new sources of food.

        Bio-       Cost of illness       Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour                Health and productivity can be restored to
        accumulation                 labour (US$), and total    Duration of illness and recovery (number of days    previous levels
                               cost of hospitalisation and  lost)
                               treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost

Oil and     Contamination  Substitute price approach:  Total annual cost of     Quantity of food consumed                Equivalent and substitute food available
hydrocarbons  /tainting of   cost of sourcing food    sourcing food from      Price per unit quantity of food sourced
        mariculture   elsewhere/cost of      alternative          elsewhere/equivalent food
        and wild fish  equivalent food       sites/equivalent food     Duration and cost of finding new sources of food.
                                              Transport cost of new sources of food

POPs      Water quality  Cost of illness       Total l value of lost human  Salaries/wages for labour                Health and productivity can be restored to
                               labour (US$), and total    Duration of illness and recovery (number of days    previous levels
                               cost of hospitalisation and  lost)
                               treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost

        Contamination Substitute price approach:   Total annual cost of     Quantity of food consumed                Equivalent and substitute food available
        of seafood  cost of sourcing food      sourcing food from      Price per unit quantity of food sourced         Food consumed reaches minimum standards
               elsewhere/cost of        alternative          elsewhere/equivalent food                set by governments.
               equivalent food         sites/equivalent food     Duration and cost of finding new sources of food.
                                              Transport cost of new sources of food.

Bacterial    Contamination Contingent valuation:      Recreational value of the  Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    Subjects understand choices offered and give
Contamination  of recreational willingness to pay for    site as valued by      game technique/ dichotomous choice            meaningful and honest answers
        areas      good water quality      willingness to pay by users                              Subject have sufficient information to give
                               (US$)                                         informed choices
                                                                          Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                          spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                          No free riders
                                                                          No strategic bias/influences
   Annex 4
   Page 12

   Table 3.1 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Mangroves.
Types of                           Indicator of
                Valuation Technique                           Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
Pollutants                          Measurement
               Cost of illness      Total value of lost human  Salaries/wages for labour                Health and productivity can be restored to
                            labour (US$), and total   Duration of illness and recovery (number of days lost)  previous levels
                            cost of hospitalisation   Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                            and treatment

       Contamination Substitute price approach:  Total annual cost of    Quantity of food consumed                Equivalent and substitute food available
       of human food cost of sourcing food    sourcing food from     Price per unit quantity of food sourced         Food consumed reaches minimum standards
       sources    elsewhere/cost of      alternative         elsewhere/equivalent food                set by governments.
              equivalent food       sites/equivalent food    Duration and cost of finding new sources of food.
                                          Transport cost of new sources of food.
                                                                                        Annex 4
                                                                                        Page 13

Table 3.2   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
  Types of                            Indicator of
                   Valuation Technique
           Impacts                                     Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
 Pollutants                           Measurement
Heavy metals   Water quality   On site sale value for   Total annual value   For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                  marketed goods using net  of production for   On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
         Reduced      price            each product (US$)   and after degradation of water quality)     seasonal and other price changes.
         reproductive                             Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
         capacity in fish  For directly used goods,              away and used (before and after degradation   competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
         species (e.g.   use market values for               of water quality)                distorted).
         molluscs)     equivalent goods. If not              Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                  available use indirect               after)                      price.
         Bio-        opportunity cost approach             Concentration level of heavy metals       Exchange rates and the years of data collected
         accumulation    (using wages forgone for                                      Heavy metals affect the functions of distance
                  harvesting goods)                 For indirect valuation:             current and other physical variables
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
Organic matter  Water quality   On site sale value for   Total annual value   For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                  marketed goods using net  of production for   On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
                  price            each product (US$)   and after degradation of water quality)     seasonal and other price changes.
                                            Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
                  For directly used goods,              away and used (before and after degradation   competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                  use market values for               of water quality)                distorted).
                  equivalent goods. If not              Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                  available use indirect               after)                      price.
                  opportunity cost approach             Concentration level of organic matters      Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                  (using wages forgone for
                  harvesting goods)                 For indirect valuation:
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
Nutrients    Eutrophication   On site sale value for   Total annual value   For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                  marketed goods using net  of production for   On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
         Algal blooms    price            each product (US$)   and after eutrophication)            seasonal and other price changes.
                                            Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
         Red tides     For directly used goods,              away and used (before and after         competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                  use market values for               eutrophication)                 distorted).
         Anoxia – fish   equivalent goods. If not              Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
         kills       available use indirect               after)                      price.
                  opportunity cost approach             Concentration level of nutrients         Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                  (using wages forgone for
                  harvesting goods)                 For indirect valuation:
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
Annex 4
Page 14

 Table 3.2 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
   Types of                            Indicator of
                    Valuation Technique
           Impacts                                     Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
   Pollutants                           Measurement
  Oil and    Extreme spills   On site sale value for   Total annual value  For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
  hydrocarbons  smothering of    marketed goods using net  of production for  On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
         organisms      price            each product (US$)  and after spills/ release of oil and       seasonal and other price changes.
                                            hydrocarbon)                   Market price represents true market value within a
                   For directly used goods,             Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                   use market values for              away (before and after spills/release of     distorted).
                   equivalent goods. If not             hydrocarbons)                  All externalities are identified and included in the
                   available use indirect              Total areas under consideration (before and   price.
                   opportunity cost approach            after)                      Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                   (using wages forgone for             Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons in
                   harvesting goods)                the water

                                            For indirect valuation:
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
  Sediments   Smothering of    On site sale value for   Total annual value  For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
         coral reefs     marketed goods using net  of production for  On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
                   price            each product (US$)  and after sedimentation)             seasonal and other price changes.
                                            Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
                   For directly used goods,             away and used (before and after         competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                   use market values for              sedimentation)                  distorted).
                   equivalent goods. If not             Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                   available use indirect              after)                      price.
                   opportunity cost approach            Level of sedimentation and sedimentation rate  Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                   (using wages forgone for
                   harvesting goods)                For indirect valuation:
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
         Reduced light    On site sale value for   Total annual value  For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
         penetration from  marketed goods using net  of production for  On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
         increased      price            each product (US$)  and after increased turbidity)          seasonal and other price changes.
         turbidity leading                          Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
         to reduced     For directly used goods,             away and used (before and after increased    competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
         primary       use market values for              turbidity)                    distorted).
         production     equivalent goods. If not             Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                   available use indirect              after)                      price.
                   opportunity cost approach            Volume of suspended sediment in the water    Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                   (using wages forgone for
                                            For indirect valuation:
                   harvesting goods)
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
                                                                                    Annex 4
                                                                                    Page 15

Table 3.2 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
  Types of                          Indicator of
                 Valuation Technique
          Impacts                                   Data Needed                 Notes and Assumptions
 Pollutants                         Measurement
POPs      Water quality  On site sale value for   Total annual value  For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                marketed goods using net  of production for  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
        Reduced fish  price            each product (US$)  and after)                   seasonal and other price changes.
        reproduction                           Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
        ability     For directly used goods,             away and used (before and after)        competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                use market values for              Total areas under consideration (before and   distorted).
                equivalent goods. If not             after)                     All externalities are identified and included in the
                available use indirect              Concentration level of POPs           price.
                opportunity cost approach            For indirect valuation:             Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                (using wages forgone for             Price per unit for equivalent goods
                harvesting goods)                Cost of material inputs
                                        Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                        Equivalent local wage for labour
Solid waste  Smothering of  On site sale value for   Total annual value  For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
(plastics)   organisms    marketed goods using net  of production for  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
                price            each product (US$)  and after solid waste contamination)      seasonal and other price changes.
                                        Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
                For directly used goods,             away and used (before and after solid waste   competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                use market values for              contamination)                 distorted).
                equivalent goods. If not             Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                available use indirect              after)                     price.
                opportunity cost approach            Volume of solid waste              Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                (using wages forgone for
                harvesting goods)                For indirect valuation:
                                        Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                        Cost of material inputs
                                        Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                        Equivalent local wage for labour
Thermal    Reduced     On site sale value for   Total annual value  For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
pollution   productivity  marketed goods using net  of production for  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
                price            each product (US$)  and after thermal pollution)          seasonal and other price changes.
                                        Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
                For directly used goods,             away and used (before and after thermal     competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                use market values for              pollution)                   distorted).
                equivalent goods. If not             Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                available use indirect              after)                     price.
                opportunity cost approach            Temperature                   Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                (using wages forgone for
                harvesting goods)                For indirect valuation:
                                        Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                        Cost of material inputs
                                        Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                        Equivalent local wage for labour
Annex 4
Page 16

 Table 3.2 continued    Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
   Types of                            Indicator of
                   Valuation Technique
           Impacts                                       Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
   Pollutants                           Measurement
         Loss of species  On site price for marketed   Total annual value   For direct valuation:               Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                  products            of production for   On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
                                  each product (US$)   and after thermal pollution)           seasonal and other price changes.
                                             Quantities of products harvested, sold, given   Market price represents true market value within a
                                             away (before and after)              competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are not
                                             Total areas under consideration (before and    distorted).
                                             after)                      All externalities are identified and included in the
                                             For indirect valuation:              Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                                             Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                             Cost of material inputs
                                             Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                  Substitute price of products             Equivalent local wage for labour

                                             For substitute price approach:
                                             Price of equivalent goods
                                             Quantities of equivalent products harvested,
                                             sold, given away (before and after)
                                             For all approaches:
                                             Species identified before and after
  Heavy metals  Water quality   Travel cost: Amount of     Annual recreational  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
                  money and time spent on    value of the site   Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
                  the site            (US$)         Geographic origin (before and after water     Demand function relationship can be specified
                                             contamination)                  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water   Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                             (before and after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Concentration level of heavy metals

                  Contingent valuation:     Recreational value   Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                  willingness to pay for good  of the site as     survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                  water quality         valued by       choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give informed
                                  willingness to pay                            choices
                                  by users (US$)                              Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                      spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                      No free riders
                                                                      No strategic bias/influences

                  Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost of clean-  Type of heavy metals               Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  clean up pollutants      up (US$)        Sources of heavy metals              available and the cost of technologies is affordable
                                             Concentration level of heavy metals
                                                                                          Annex 4
                                                                                          Page 17

Table 3.2 continued    Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
  Types of                            Indicator of
                  Valuation Technique
           Impacts                                      Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
 Pollutants                           Measurement
Organic matter  Water quality  Travel cost: Amount of    Annual recreational  Data from visitors survey              Access to the site is available to all
                 money and time spent on    value of the site   Socio-economic variables               Visits have a single purpose
                 the site           (US$)         Geographic origin (before and after water      Demand function relationship can be specified
                                            contamination)                    No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                            Time spent travelling (before and after water    Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                            (before and after water contamination)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                            after water contamination)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                            after water contamination)
                                            Concentration level of organic matters

                 Contingent valuation:     Recreational value   Answers to valuation questions from         Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good  of the site as     survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous      meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality         valued by       choice                        Subject have sufficient information to give informed
                                willingness to pay                             choices
                                by users (US$)                               Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                      spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                      No free riders
                                                                      No strategic bias/influences

                 Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost of clean-  Type of organic matters               Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                 clean up organic matters   up (US$)        Sources of organic matters              available and the cost of technologies is affordable
                                            Concentration level of organic matters
Oil and     Extreme spills  Travel cost: Amount of    Annual recreational  Data from visitors survey              Access to the site is available to all
hydrocarbons   smothering of  money and time spent on    value of the site   Socio-economic variables               Visits have a single purpose
         organisms    the site           (US$)         Geographic origin (before and after oil spill)    Demand function relationship can be specified
                                            Time spent travelling (before and after oil spill)  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site      Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                            (before and after oil spill)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                            after oil spill)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                            after oil spill)
                                            Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons

                 Contingent valuation:     Recreational value   Answers to valuation questions from         Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good  of the site as     survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous      meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality         valued by       choice                        Subject have sufficient information to give informed
                                willingness to pay                             choices
                                by users (US$)                               Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                      spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                      No free riders
                                                                      No strategic bias/influences
                 Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost of clean-  Type of pollutants                  Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                 clean up oil spills      up (US$)        Sources of pollutants                available and the cost of technologies is affordable
                                            Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons
Annex 4
Page 18

 Table 3.2 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
   Types of                           Indicator of
                   Valuation Technique
           Impacts                                      Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
   Pollutants                          Measurement
  Sediments   Smothering of  Travel cost: Amount of    Annual recreational  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
         coral reefs   money and time spent on    value of the site   Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
                  the site           (US$)         Geographic origin (before and after        Demand function relationship can be specified
                                            sedimentation)                  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                            Time spent travelling (before and after      Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                            (before and after sedimentation)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                            after sedimentation)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                            after sedimentation)
                                            Sedimentation level and sedimentation rate

                  Contingent valuation:     Recreational value   Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                  willingness to pay for good  of the site as     survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                  water quality         valued by       choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give informed
                                 willingness to pay                            choices
                                 by users (US$)                              Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                     spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                     No free riders
                                                                     No strategic bias/influences

                  Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost of clean-  Type of sediments                 Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  clean up the sediments    up (US$)        Sources of sediments               available and the cost of technologies is affordable
                                            Sedimentation level and sedimentation rate
         Reduced light  Travel cost: Amount of    Annual recreational  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
         penetration   money and time spent on    value of the site   Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
         from increased  the site           (US$)         Geographic origin (before and after turbidity)  Demand function relationship can be specified
         turbidity                               Time spent travelling (before and after      No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
         leading to                              turbidity)                    Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
         degradation of                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
         biological                              (before and after turbidity)
         diversity                               Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                            after turbidity)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and  Subjects understand choices offered and give
                                            after turbidity)                 meaningful and honest answers
                                            Volume of suspended sediment in water       Subject have sufficient information to give informed
                  Contingent valuation:                                         choices
                  willingness to pay for good  Recreational value   Answers to valuation questions from        Sample is representative and captures the full
                  water quality         of the site as     survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    spectrum of users who value the site
                                 valued by       choice                      No free riders
                                 willingness to pay                            No strategic bias/influences
                                 by users (US$)

                  Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost of clean-  Type of pollutants                Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  clean up the sediments    up (US$)        Sources of pollutants               available and the cost of technologies is affordable
                                            Level of degradation of biological diversity
                                                                                         Annex 4
                                                                                         Page 19

Table 3.2 continued    Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
  Types of                             Indicator of
                  Valuation Technique
          Impacts                                       Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
 Pollutants                            Measurement
Solid waste   Smothering of   Travel cost: Amount of     Annual recreational  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
(plastics)   organisms     money and time spent on    value of the site   Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
                 the site            (US$)         Geographic origin (before and after solid     Demand function relationship can be specified
                                            waste contamination)               No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                            Time spent travelling (before and after solid   Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                            waste contamination)
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                            (before and after solid waste contamination)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                            after solid waste contamination)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                            after solid waste contamination)

                 Contingent valuation:     Recreational value   Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good  of the site as     survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality         valued by       choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give informed
                                 willingness to pay                            choices
                                 by users (US$)                              Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                     spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                     No free riders
                                                                     No strategic bias/influences

                 Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost of clean-  Volume of solid waste               Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                                            Sources of solid waste
                 clean up the plastics     up (US$)                                 available and the cost of technologies is affordable
Bacterial    Contamination   Travel cost: Amount of     Annual recreational  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
Contamination  of recreational  money and time spent on    value of the site   Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
        sites       the site            (US$)         Geographic origin (before and after bacterial   Demand function relationship can be specified
                                            contamination)                  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                            Time spent travelling (before and after      Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                            bacterial contamination)
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                            (before and after bacterial contamination)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                            after bacterial contamination)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                            after bacterial contamination)
                                            Level of contamination

                 Contingent valuation:     Recreational value   Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good  of the site as     survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality         valued by       choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give informed
                                 willingness to pay                            choices
                                 by users (US$)                              Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                     spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                     No free riders
                                                                     No strategic bias/influences
                 Replacement cost: cost to   Total cost of going  Distance of other sites              Alternative location comparable/ accessible
                 visit other areas to see the  to alternative sites  Cost of going to the site             Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                 species            (US$)
Annex 4
Page 20

 Table 3.2 continued    Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
   Types of                           Indicator of
                   Valuation Technique
           Impacts                                     Data Needed                Notes and Assumptions
   Pollutants                          Measurement
                                          Human Welfare
  Heavy metals  Contamination   Substitute price approach:  Total annual cost of Quantity of food consumed            Substitute food acceptable
         of human food   cost of sourcing food    sourcing food from  Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
         sources found   elsewhere/cost of      alternative      elsewhere/equivalent food
         in coral reef   equivalent food       sites/equivalent
         habitat                    food

                  Cost of illness       Total value of lost  Total number of people affected        Health and productivity can be restored to previous
                                 human labour and    Salaries/wages for labour           levels
                                 total cost of     Duration of illness and recovery (number of  Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                                 hospitalisation and  days lost)
                                 treatment (US$)    Hospitalisation and treatment cost
  Nutrients   Fish shellfish  Substitute price approach:  Total annual cost of  Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
         poisoning     cost of sourcing food    sourcing food from   Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                  elsewhere/cost of      alternative      elsewhere/equivalent food
                  equivalent food       sites/equivalent

                  Cost of illness       Total value of lost  Total number of people affected        Health and productivity can be restored to previous
                                 human labour and    Salaries/wages for labour           levels
                                 total cost of     Duration of illness and recovery (number of  Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                                 hospitalisation and  days lost)
                                 treatment (US$)    Hospitalisation and treatment cost
  Oil and    Contamination/  Substitute price approach:  Total annual cost of  Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
  hydrocarbons  tainting of    cost of sourcing food    sourcing food from   Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
         mariculture and  elsewhere/cost of      alternative      elsewhere/equivalent food
         wild fish     equivalent food       sites/equivalent

                  Cost of illness       Total value of lost  Total number of people affected        Health and productivity can be restored to previous
                                 human labour and    Salaries/wages for labour           levels
                                 total cost of     Duration of illness and recovery (number of  Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                                 hospitalisation and  days lost)
                                 treatment (US$)    Hospitalisation and treatment cost
  POPs      Contamination   Substitute price approach:  Total annual cost of  Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
         of seafood    cost of sourcing food    sourcing food from   Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                  elsewhere/cost of      alternative      elsewhere/equivalent food
                  equivalent food       sites/equivalent

                  Cost of illness       Total value of lost  Total number of people affected        Health and productivity can be restored to previous
                                 human labour and    Salaries/wages for labour           levels
                                 total cost of     Duration of illness and recovery (number of  Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                                 hospitalisation and  days lost)
                                 treatment (US$)    Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                                                                            Annex 4
                                                                                            Page 21

  Table 3.2 continued      Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Coral Reefs.
   Types of                               Indicator of
                      Valuation Technique
             Impacts                                        Data Needed                 Notes and Assumptions
   Pollutants                              Measurement
  Bacterial     Contamination   Substitute price approach:    Total annual cost of  Quantity of food consumed            Substitute food acceptable
  contamination   of human food   cost of sourcing food      sourcing food from   Price per unit quantity of food sourced     Market prices used in valuation not distorted
           sources      elsewhere/cost of        alternative       elsewhere/equivalent food
                    equivalent food         sites/equivalent

                    Cost of illness         Total value of lost   Total number of people affected         Health and productivity can be restored to previous
                                     human labour and    Salaries/wages for labour            levels
                                     total cost of      Duration of illness and recovery (number of   Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                                     hospitalisation and   days lost)
                                     treatment (US$)     Hospitalisation and treatment cost

Table 3.3    Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                                 Indicator of
            Impacts       Valuation Technique                            Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                                Measurement
Heavy metals    Water quality   On site sale value for marketed   Total annual     For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                    goods using net price        value of       On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                      production for    degradation of water quality)              seasonal and other price changes.
                    For directly used goods, use     each product     Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                    market values for equivalent     (US$)         used (before and after degradation of water quality)   within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                    goods. If not available use                Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                    indirect opportunity cost                 Concentration level of heavy metals           All externalities are identified and included in
                    approach (using wages forgone                                            the price.
                    for harvesting goods)                   For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                                 Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                                 Cost of material inputs                 Heavy metals affect the functions of distance
                                                 Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product    current and other physical variables
                                                 Equivalent local wage for labour
          Reduced      On site sale value for marketed   Total annual     For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
          reproductive    goods using net price        value of       On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
          capacity in fish                    production for    contamination by heavy metals)              seasonal and other price changes.
          species (e.g.   For directly used goods, use     each product     Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
          molluscs)     market values for equivalent     (US$)         used (before and after contamination by heavy metals)  within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                    goods. If not available use                Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                    indirect opportunity cost                 Concentration level of heavy metals           All externalities are identified and included in
                    approach (using wages forgone                                            the price.
                    for harvesting goods)                   For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                                 Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                                 Cost of material inputs Time spent
                                                 harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                                 Equivalent local wage for labour
Annex 4
Page 22

Table 3.3 continued    Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                              Indicator of
           Impacts      Valuation Technique                        Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                             Measurement
         Bio-       On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
         accumulation   goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                   production for  bio-accumulation)                    seasonal and other price changes.
                  For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                  market values for equivalent   (US$)      used (before and after bio-accumulation)         within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                  goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                  indirect opportunity cost             Concentration level of heavy metals           All externalities are identified and included in
                  approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                  for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                           Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                           Cost of material inputs
                                           Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                           Equivalent local wage for labour
Organic matter  Water quality  On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                  goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                   production for  degradation of water quality)              seasonal and other price changes.
                  For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                  market values for equivalent   (US$)      used (before and after degradation of water quality)   within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                  goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                  indirect opportunity cost             Concentration level of organic matters          All externalities are identified and included in
                  approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                  for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                           Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                           Cost of material inputs
                                           Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                           Equivalent local wage for labour
Nutrients    Eutrophication  On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                  goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
         Algal blooms                    production for  eutrophication)                     seasonal and other price changes.
                  For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away   Market price represents true market value
                  market values for equivalent   (US$)      and used (before and after eutrophication)        within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
         Red tides    goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                  indirect opportunity cost             Concentration level of nutrients             All externalities are identified and included in
         Anoxia – fish  approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
         kills      for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                           Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                           Cost of material inputs
                                           Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                           Equivalent local wage for labour
                                                                                       Annex 4
                                                                                       Page 23

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                               Indicator of
           Impacts       Valuation Technique                        Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                              Measurement
Oil and     Extreme spills   On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
hydrocarbons  smothering of    goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
         organisms                       production for  spills/ release of oil and hydrocarbon)         seasonal and other price changes.
                   For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away    Market price represents true market value
                   market values for equivalent   (US$)      (before and after spills/release of hydrocarbons)    within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                   goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                   indirect opportunity cost             Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons       All externalities are identified and included in
                   approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                   for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
Sediments    Smothering of    On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
         sea grass      goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                    production for  sedimentation)                      seasonal and other price changes.
                   For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                   market values for equivalent   (US$)      used (before and after sedimentation)          within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                   goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                   indirect opportunity cost             Sedimentation level and sedimentation rate        All externalities are identified and included in
                   approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                   for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
         Reduced light    On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
         penetration from  goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
         increased                       production for  increased turbidity)                   seasonal and other price changes.
         turbidity leading  For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
         to reduced     market values for equivalent   (US$)      used (before and after increased turbidity)       within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
         primary       goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
         production     indirect opportunity cost             Volume of suspended sediment in water          All externalities are identified and included in
                   approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                   for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
Annex 4
Page 24

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                             Indicator of
           Impacts     Valuation Technique                        Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                            Measurement
POPs      Water quality  On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                 goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                  production for  degradation of water quality)              seasonal and other price changes.
                 For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                 market values for equivalent   (US$)      used (before and after degradation of water quality)   within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                 goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                 indirect opportunity cost             Concentration level of POPs               All externalities are identified and included in
                 approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                 for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                           Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                           Cost of material inputs
                                           Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                           Equivalent local wage for labour
         Reduced fish   On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
         reproductive   goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
         ability                      production for  POPs contamination)                   seasonal and other price changes.
                 For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                 market values for equivalent   (US$)      used (before and after POPs contamination)        within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                 goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                 indirect opportunity cost             Concentration level of POPs               All externalities are identified and included in
                 approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                 for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                           Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                           Cost of material inputs
                                           Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                           Equivalent local wage for labour
Solid waste   Smothering of  On site sale value for marketed  Total annual   For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
(plastics)   organisms    goods using net price       value of     On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                  production for  solid waste contamination)                seasonal and other price changes.
                 For directly used goods, use   each product   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                 market values for equivalent   (US$)      used (before and after solid waste contamination)    within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                 goods. If not available use            Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                 indirect opportunity cost             Volume of solid waste                  All externalities are identified and included in
                 approach (using wages forgone                                        the price.
                 for harvesting goods)               For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                           Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                           Cost of material inputs
                                           Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                           Equivalent local wage for labour
                                                                                        Annex 4
                                                                                        Page 25

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                              Indicator of
           Impacts      Valuation Technique                          Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                             Measurement
Thermal     Reduced      On site sale value for marketed  Total annual    For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
pollution    productivity   goods using net price       value of      On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                   production for   thermal pollution)                    seasonal and other price changes.
                  For directly used goods, use   each product    Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away and  Market price represents true market value
                  market values for equivalent   (US$)        used (before and after thermal pollution)        within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                  goods. If not available use              Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                  indirect opportunity cost               Water temperature                    All externalities are identified and included in
                  approach (using wages forgone                                         the price.
                  for harvesting goods)                 For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                             Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                             Cost of material inputs
                                             Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                             Equivalent local wage for labour
         Loss of species  On site price for marketed    Total annual    For direct valuation:                  Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                  products             value of      On site market price of each product (before and after  Market price can be adapted to account for
                                   production for   thermal pollution)                    seasonal and other price changes.
                                   each product    Quantities of products harvested, sold, given away    Market price represents true market value
                                   (US$)        (before and after)                    within a competitive market at equilibrium (i.e.
                                             Total areas under consideration (before and after)    prices are not distorted).
                                             Water temperature                    All externalities are identified and included in
                                                                         the price.
                                             For indirect valuation:                 Exchange rates and the years of data
                                             Price per unit for equivalent goods           collected
                                             Cost of material inputs                 Substitutes are acceptable
                                             Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing product
                                             Equivalent local wage for labour

                  Substitute price of products*             For substitute price approach:
                                             Price of equivalent goods
                                             Quantities of equivalent products harvested, sold,
                                             given away (before and after)
                                             For all approaches:
                                             Species identified before and after
Heavy metals  Water quality   Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                Access to the site is available to all
                  and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
                                   value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water        Demand function relationship can be specified
                                   (US$)        contamination)                      No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water      use
                                             contamination)                      Market prices used in valuation are not
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Concentration level of heavy metals
Annex 4
Page 26

Table 3.3 continued    Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                              Indicator of
           Impacts      Valuation Technique                          Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                             Measurement
                  Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    Subjects understand choices offered and give
                  willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice            meaningful and honest answers
                  water quality           as valued by                                 Subject have sufficient information to give
                                   willingness to                                informed choices
                                   pay by users                                 Sample is representative and captures the full
                                   (US$)                                    spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                         No free riders
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences

                  Replacement cost: cost to clean  Total cost of    Type of heavy metals                   Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  up heavy metals          clean-up (US$)   Sources of heavy metals                 available and the cost of technologies is
                                             Concentration level of heavy metals           affordable
Organic matter  Water quality  Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                Access to the site is available to all
                  and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
                                   value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water        Demand function relationship can be specified
                                   (US$)        contamination)                      No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water      use
                                             contamination)                      Market prices used in valuation are not
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Concentration level of organic matters

                  Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    Subjects understand choices offered and give
                  willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice            meaningful and honest answers
                  water quality           as valued by                                 Subject have sufficient information to give
                                   willingness to                                informed choices
                                   pay by users                                 Sample is representative and captures the full
                                   (US$)                                    spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                         No free riders
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences

                  Replacement cost: cost to clean  Total cost of    Type of pollutants                    Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  up organic matters        clean-up (US$)   Sources of pollutants                  available and the cost of technologies is
                                             Concentration level of organic matters          affordable
                                                                                        Annex 4
                                                                                        Page 27

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                             Indicator of
           Impacts     Valuation Technique                          Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                            Measurement
Oil and     Extreme spills  Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                 Access to the site is available to all
hydrocarbons  smothering of  and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                  Visits have a single purpose
         organisms                     value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water         Demand function relationship can be specified
                                  (US$)        contamination)                       No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                            Time spent travelling (before and after water       use
                                            contamination)                       Market prices used in valuation are not
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and   distorted
                                            after water contamination)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                            water contamination)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                            water contamination)
                                            Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons
                 Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding     Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice             meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality           as valued by                                  Subject have sufficient information to give
                                  willingness to                                 informed choices
                                  pay by users                                  Sample is representative and captures the full
                                  (US$)                                     spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                          No free riders
                                                                          No strategic bias/influences
                 Replacement cost: cost to clean  Total cost of    Type of pollutants                     Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                 up oils and hydrocarbons     clean-up (US$)   Sources of pollutants                   available and the cost of technologies is
                                            Concentration level of pollutants             affordable
Sediments    Smothering of  Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                 Access to the site is available to all
         seagrass     and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                  Visits have a single purpose
                                  value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water contamination)  Demand function relationship can be specified
                                  (US$)        Time spent travelling (before and after water       No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                            contamination)                       use
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and   Market prices used in valuation are not
                                            after water contamination)                 distorted
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and after water
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                            water contamination)
                                            Level of sedimentation and sedimentation rate

                 Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding     Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice             meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality           as valued by                                  Subject have sufficient information to give
                                  willingness to                                 informed choices
                                  pay by users                                  Sample is representative and captures the full
                                  (US$)                                     spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                          No free riders
                                                                          No strategic bias/influences
Annex 4
Page 28

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                               Indicator of
           Impacts       Valuation Technique                          Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                              Measurement
                   Replacement cost: cost to clean  Total cost of    Type of pollutants                     Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                   up sediments           clean-up (US$)   Sources of pollutants                   available and the cost of technologies is
                                              Level of sedimentation and sedimentation rate       affordable
         Reduced light    Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                 Access to the site is available to all
         penetration from  and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                  Visits have a single purpose
         increased                       value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water         Demand function relationship can be specified
         turbidity leading                   (US$)        contamination)                       No factors aside from travel cost influence site
         to degradation                              Time spent travelling (before and after water       use
         of biological                               contamination)                       Market prices used in valuation are not
         diversity                                 Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and   distorted
                                              after water contamination)
                                              Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                              water contamination)
                                              Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                              water contamination)
                                              Volume of suspended sediment in the water
                                                                           Subjects understand choices offered and give
                   Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding     meaningful and honest answers
                   willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice             Subject have sufficient information to give
                   water quality           as valued by                                  informed choices
                                    willingness to                                 Sample is representative and captures the full
                                    pay by users                                  spectrum of users who value the site
                                    (US$)                                     No free riders
                                                                           No strategic bias/influences

                   Replacement cost: cost to clean  Total cost of    Type of pollutants                     Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                   up sediments           clean-up (US$)   Sources of pollutants                   available and the cost of technologies is
                                              Volume of suspended sediment in water           affordable

POPs      Water quality    Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                 Access to the site is available to all
                   and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                  Visits have a single purpose
                                    value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water contamination)  Demand function relationship can be specified
                                    (US$)        Time spent travelling (before and after water       No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                              contamination)                       use
                                              Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and   Market prices used in valuation are not
                                              after water contamination)                 distorted
                                              Frequency and duration of visits (before and after water
                                              Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                              water contamination)
                                              Concentration level of POPs

                   Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding     Subjects understand choices offered and give
                   willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice             meaningful and honest answers
                   water quality           as valued by                                  Subject have sufficient information to give
                                    willingness to                                 informed choices
                                    pay by users                                  Sample is representative and captures the full
                                    (US$)                                     spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                           No free riders
                                                                                        Annex 4
                                                                                        Page 29

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                              Indicator of
           Impacts      Valuation Technique                          Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                             Measurement
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences

                  Replacement cost: cost to clean  Total cost of    Type of pollutants                    Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  up POPs              clean-up (US$)   Sources of pollutants                  available and the cost of technologies is
                                             Level of concentration of pollutants           affordable
Solid waste   Smothering of   Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                Access to the site is available to all
(plastics)   organisms     and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
                                   value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water        Demand function relationship can be specified
                                   (US$)        contamination)                      No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water      use
                                             contamination)                      Market prices used in valuation are not
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Volume of solid waste

                                   Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding    Subjects understand choices offered and give
                  Contingent valuation:       value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice            meaningful and honest answers
                  willingness to pay for good    as valued by                                 Subject have sufficient information to give
                  water quality           willingness to                                informed choices
                                   pay by users                                 Sample is representative and captures the full
                                   (US$)                                    spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                         No free riders
                                                                         No strategic bias/influences

                  Replacement cost: cost to clean  Total cost of    Sources of solid waste                  Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  up sediments           clean-up (US$)   Volume of solid waste                  available and the cost of technologies is
Thermal     Loss of species  Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                Access to the site is available to all
pollution             and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                 Visits have a single purpose
                                   value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after water        Demand function relationship can be specified
                                   (US$)        contamination)                      No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water      use
                                             contamination)                      Market prices used in valuation are not
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and  distorted
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after
                                             water contamination)
                                             Water temperature
Annex 4
Page 30

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                             Indicator of
           Impacts     Valuation Technique                          Data Needed                    Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                            Measurement
                 Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding      Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice              meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality           as valued by                                   Subject have sufficient information to give
                                  willingness to                                  informed choices
                                  pay by users                                   Sample is representative and captures the full
                                  (US$)                                      spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                           No free riders
                                                                           No strategic bias/influences

                 Replacement cost: cost to visit  Total cost of    Distance of other sites                   Alternative location comparable/ accessible
                 other areas to see the species  going to      Cost of going to the sites                  Market price used in valuation are not
                                  alternative sites                                distorted.

Bacterial    Contamination  Travel cost: Amount of money   Annual       Data from visitors survey                  Access to the site is available to all
contamination  of human food  and time spent on the site    recreational    Socio-economic variables                   Visits have a single purpose
         sources                      value of the site  Geographic origin (before and after site contamination    Demand function relationship can be specified
                                  (US$)        by bacteria)                         No factors aside from travel cost influence site
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after site        use
                                            contamination by bacteria)                  Market prices used in valuation are not
                                            Expenditures incurred in visiting the site (before and    distorted
                                            after site contamination by bacteria)
                                            Frequency and duration of visits (before and after site
                                            contamination by bacteria)
                                            Number of visitor-days for the site (before and after site
                                            contamination by bacteria)
                                            Level of contamination

                 Contingent valuation:       Recreational    Answers to valuation questions from survey/bidding      Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for good    value of the site  game technique/ dichotomous choice              meaningful and honest answers
                 water quality           as valued by                                   Subject have sufficient information to give
                                  willingness to                                  informed choices
                                  pay by users                                   Sample is representative and captures the full
                                  (US$)                                      spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                           No free riders
                                                                           No strategic bias/influences

                 Prevention cost          Total cost to    Cost of constructing facilities for individual economic   Market prices used in valuation are not
                                  prevent bacterial  activities                          distorted
                                  contamination    Volumes of projected waste
                                  (US$)        Size of impacted areas
                                            Sources of contaminants

                                           Human Welfare
Heavy metals  Contamination  Substitute price approach: cost  Total annual cost Quantity of food consumed                   Substitute food acceptable
         of human food  of sourcing food elsewhere/cost  of sourcing food  Price per unit quantity of food sourced           Market prices used in valuation not distorted
         sources     of equivalent food        from alternative  elsewhere/equivalent food
                                                                                         Annex 4
                                                                                         Page 31

Table 3.3 continued   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Seagrass.

  Types of                              Indicator of
           Impacts      Valuation Technique                           Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
  Pollutants                             Measurement
                  Cost of illness          Total cost of     Total number of people affected             Health and productivity can be restored to
                                   hospitalisation    Salaries/wages for labour                previous levels
                                   and treatment     Duration of illness and recovery (number of days lost)
                                              Hospitalisation and treatment cost
Nutrients    Fish shellfish  Substitute price approach: cost  Total annual cost   Quantity of food consumed                Substitute food acceptable
         poisoning     of sourcing food elsewhere/cost  of sourcing food   Price per unit quantity of food sourced         Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                  of equivalent food        from alternative   elsewhere/equivalent food
                  Cost of illness          Total cost of lost  Total number of people affected             Health and productivity can be restored to
                                   human labour and   Salaries/wages for labour                previous levels
                                   total cost of     Duration of illness and recovery (number of days lost)  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                                   hospitalisation and  Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                   treatment (US$)
Oil and     Contamination/  Substitute price approach: cost  Total annual cost   Quantity of food consumed                Substitute food acceptable
hydrocarbons  tainting of    of sourcing food elsewhere/cost  of sourcing food   Price per unit quantity of food sourced         Market prices used in valuation not distorted
         mariculture and  of equivalent food        from alternative   elsewhere/equivalent food
         wild fish                      sites/equivalent
                  Cost of illness          Total cost of lost  Total number of people affected             Health and productivity can be restored to
                                   human labour and   Salaries/wages for labour                previous levels
                                   total cost of     Duration of illness and recovery (number of days lost)  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                                   hospitalisation and  Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                   treatment (US$)
POPs      Contamination   Substitute price approach: cost  Total annual cost   Quantity of food consumed                Substitute food acceptable
         of seafood    of sourcing food elsewhere/cost  of sourcing food   Price per unit quantity of food sourced         Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                  of equivalent food        from alternative   elsewhere/equivalent food
                  Cost of illness          Total cost of lost  Total number of people affected             Health and productivity can be restored to
                                   human labour and   Salaries/wages for labour                previous levels
                                   total cost of     Duration of illness and recovery (number of days lost)  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                                   hospitalisation and  Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                   treatment (US$)
Bacterial    Contamination   Substitute price approach: cost  Total annual cost   Quantity of food consumed                Substitute food acceptable
contamination  of human food   of sourcing food elsewhere/cost  of sourcing food   Price per unit quantity of food sourced         Market prices used in valuation not distorted
         sources      of equivalent food        from alternative   elsewhere/equivalent food
                  Cost of illness          Total cost of lost  Total number of people affected             Health and productivity can be restored to
                                   human labour     Salaries/wages for labour                previous levels
                                   and total cost of   Duration of illness and recovery (number of days lost)  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                                   hospitalisation    Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                   and treatment
Annex 4
Page 32

  Table 3.4   Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
   Types of
           Impacts    Valuation Technique    Indicator of Measurement            Data Needed                 Notes and Assumptions
   Heavy    Water quality   On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:               Values prior to the impact to be determined.
   metals             marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
         Reduced      net price         (US$)             and after)                    seasonal and other price changes.
         reproductive                                Quantities of products harvested, sold, given   Market price represents true market value within a
         capacity in fish  For directly used                    away and used (before and after)         competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
         species (e.g.   goods, use market                    Total areas under consideration (before and    not distorted).
         molluscs)     values for equivalent                  after)                      All externalities are identified and included in the
                   goods. If not available                 Concentration level of heavy metals        price.
         Bio-        use indirect                                               Exchange rates and the years of data collected.
         accumulation    opportunity cost                     For indirect valuation:
                   approach (using                     Price per unit for equivalent goods
                   wages forgone for                    Cost of material inputs
                   harvesting goods)                    Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                               Equivalent local wage for labour
   Organic   Water quality   On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
   matter             marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
                   net price         (US$)             and after degradation of water quality)     seasonal and other price changes.
                                               Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
                   For directly used                    away and used (before and after degradation   competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
                   goods, use market                    of water quality)                not distorted).
                   values for equivalent                  Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                   goods. If not available                 after)                      price.
                   use indirect                       Concentration level of organic matter      Exchange rates and the years of data collected.
                   opportunity cost
                   approach (using                     For indirect valuation:
                   wages forgone for                    Price per unit for equivalent goods
                   harvesting goods)                    Cost of material inputs
                                               Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                               Equivalent local wage for labour
   Nutrients  Eutrophication   On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                   marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
         Algal blooms    net price         (US$)             and after)                    seasonal and other price changes.
                                                Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
         Red tides     For directly used                    away and used (before and after)         competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
                   goods, use market                    Total areas under consideration (before and   not distorted).
         Anoxia – fish   values for equivalent                  after)                      All externalities are identified and included in the
         kills       goods. If not                      Concentration level of nutrients         price.
                   available use indirect                                          Exchange rates and the years of data collected.
                   opportunity cost                     For indirect valuation:
                   approach (using                     Price per unit for equivalent goods
                   wages forgone for                    Cost of material inputs
                   harvesting goods)                    Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                               Equivalent local wage for labour
                                                                                       Annex 4
                                                                                       Page 33

Table 3.4 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
 Types of
         Impacts    Valuation Technique   Indicator of Measurement           Data Needed                 Notes and Assumptions
Oil and   Extreme spills   On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
hydro-    smothering of   marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
carbons   organisms     net price        (US$)             and after spills/ release of oil and      seasonal and other price changes.
                                            hydrocarbon)                  Market price represents true market value within a
                 For directly used                   Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
                 goods, use market                   away (before and after spills/release of    not distorted).
                 values for equivalent                 hydrocarbons)                  All externalities are identified and included in the
                 goods. If not                     Total areas under consideration (before and   price.
                 available use indirect                 after)                     Exchange rates and the years of data collected.
                 opportunity cost                    Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons
                 approach (using
                                            For indirect valuation:
                 wages forgone for
                                            Price per unit for equivalent goods
                 harvesting goods)
                                            Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
Sediments  Reduced light   On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
       penetration    marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
       from increased   net price        (US$)             and after increased turbidity)         seasonal and other price changes.
       turbidity                                 Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
       leading to     For directly used                   away and used (before and after increased    competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
       reduced      goods, use market                   turbidity)                   not distorted).
       primary      values for equivalent                 Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
       production     goods. If not                     after)                     price.
                 available use indirect                 Volume of suspended sediment in the water    Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                 opportunity cost
                 approach (using                    For indirect valuation:
                 wages forgone for                   Price per unit for equivalent goods
                 harvesting goods)                   Cost of material inputs
                                            Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
POPs     Water quality   On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                 marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
       Reduced fish    net price        (US$)             and after)                   seasonal and other price changes.
       reproduction                               Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
       ability      For directly used                   away and used (before and after)        competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
                 goods, use market                   Total areas under consideration (before and   not distorted).
                 values for equivalent                 after)                     All externalities are identified and included in the
                 goods. If not                     Concentration level of POPs           price.
                 available use indirect                                         Exchange rates and the years of data collected.
                 opportunity cost                    For indirect valuation:
                 approach (using                    Price per unit for equivalent goods
                 wages forgone for                   Cost of material inputs
                 harvesting goods)                   Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                            Equivalent local wage for labour
Annex 4
Page 34

  Table 3.4 continued      Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
   Types of
           Impacts     Valuation Technique   Indicator of Measurement           Data Needed                 Notes and Assumptions
   Solid    Smothering of    On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
   waste    organisms      marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
   (plastics)            net price        (US$)             and after solid waste contamination)      seasonal and other price changes.
                                               Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
                   For directly used                   away and used (before and after solid waste   competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
                   goods, use market                   contamination)                 not distorted).
                   values for equivalent                 Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                   goods. If not                     after)                     price.
                   available use indirect                 Volume of solid waste              Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                   opportunity cost
                   approach (using                    For indirect valuation:
                   wages forgone for                   Price per unit for equivalent goods
                   harvesting goods)                   Cost of material inputs
                                               Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                               Equivalent local wage for labour
   Thermal   Reduced       On site sale value for  Total annual value of     For direct valuation:              Values prior to the impact to be determined.
   pollution  productivity    marketed goods using   production for each product  On site market price of each product (before  Market price can be adapted to account for
                   net price        (US$)             and after thermal pollution)          seasonal and other price changes.
                                               Quantities of products harvested, sold, given  Market price represents true market value within a
                   For directly used                   away and used (before and after thermal     competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
                   goods, use market                   pollution)                   not distorted).
                   values for equivalent                 Total areas under consideration (before and   All externalities are identified and included in the
                   goods. If not                     after)                     price.
                   available use indirect                 Water temperature                Exchange rates and the years of data collected
                   opportunity cost
                   approach (using                    For indirect valuation:
                   wages forgone for                   Price per unit for equivalent goods
                   harvesting goods)                   Cost of material inputs
                                               Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                               Equivalent local wage for labour
                                                                                         Annex 4
                                                                                         Page 35

Table 3.4 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
 Types of
         Impacts    Valuation Technique   Indicator of Measurement            Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
       Loss of species  On site price for    Total annual value of      For direct valuation:               Values prior to the impact to be determined.
                 marketed products    production for each product   On site market price of each product (before   Market price can be adapted to account for
                             (US$)              and after thermal pollution)           seasonal and other price changes.
                                             Quantities of products harvested, sold, given   Market price represents true market value within a
                                             away (before and after)              competitive market at equilibrium (i.e. prices are
                                             Total areas under consideration (before and    not distorted).
                                             after)                      All externalities are identified and included in the
                                             Water temperature                 price.
                                                                      Exchange rates and the years of data collected.
                                             For indirect valuation:
                                             Price per unit for equivalent goods
                                             Cost of material inputs
                                             Time spent harvesting/gathering/ culturing
                                             Equivalent local wage for labour
                                             Water temperature

                 Substitute approach:   Total cost of sourcing     For substitute price approach:          Substitute of product/raw materials available and
                 Price of products/raw  products/raw materials from   Price of equivalent goods             acceptable
                 materials*        other sites           Quantities of equivalent products harvested,   Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                             sold, given away (before and after)
                                             For all approaches:
                                             Species identified before and after
Heavy    Water quality   Travel cost: Amount   Annual recreational value of  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
metals             of money and time    the site (US$)         Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
                 spent on the site                    Geographic origin (before and after water     Demand function relationship can be specified
                                             contamination)                  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water   Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                             (before and after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Concentration level of heavy metals
                 Contingent valuation:  Recreational value of the    Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for  site as valued by willingness  survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                 good water quality    to pay by users (US$)      choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give
                                                                      informed choices
                                                                      Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                      spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                      No free riders
                                                                      No strategic bias/influences

                 Replacement cost:    Total cost of clean-up (US$)  Types of heavy metals               Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                 cost to clean up                     Sources of heavy metals              available and the cost of technologies is
                 pollutants                        Level of concentration of heavy metals      affordable
Annex 4
Page 36

  Table 3.4 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
   Types of
           Impacts    Valuation Technique   Indicator of Measurement            Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
   Organic   Water quality   Travel cost: Amount   Annual recreational value of  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
   matter             of money and time    the site (US$)         Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
                   spent on the site                    Geographic origin (before and after water     Demand function relationship can be specified
                                               contamination)                  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                               Time spent travelling (before and after water   Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                               Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                               (before and after water contamination)
                                               Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                               after water contamination)
                                               Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                               after water contamination)
                                               Concentration level of organic matters
                   Contingent valuation:  Recreational value of the    Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                   willingness to pay for  site as valued by willingness  survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                   good water quality    to pay by users (US$)      choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give
                                                                        informed choices
                                                                        Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                        spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                        No free riders
                                                                        No strategic bias/influences
                   Replacement cost:    Total cost of clean-up (US$)  Type of pollutants                Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                   cost to clean up                     Sources of pollutants               available and the cost of technologies is
                   pollutants                        Concentration level of pollutants         affordable
   Nutrients  Eutrophication   Travel cost: Amount   Annual recreational value of  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
                   of money and time    the site (US$)         Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
         Algal blooms    spent on the site                    Geographic origin (before and after        Demand function relationship can be specified
                                               eutrophication)                  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
         Red tides                                  Time spent travelling (before and after      Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                               Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                               (before and after eutrophication)
                                               Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                               after eutrophication)
                                               Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                               after eutrophication)
                                               Concentration level of nutrients
                   Contingent valuation:  Recreational value of the                             Subjects understand choices offered and give
                                               Answers to valuation questions from
                   willingness to pay for  site as valued by willingness                           meaningful and honest answers
                                               survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous
                   good water quality    to pay by users (US$)                               Subject have sufficient information to give
                                               choice                      informed choices
                                                                        Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                        spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                        No free riders
                                                                        No strategic bias/influences
                                               Type of pollutants                Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                   Replacement cost:    Total cost of clean-up (US$)
                                               Sources of pollutants               available and the cost of technologies is
                   cost to clean up
                                               Concentration level of pollutants         affordable
                                                                                           Annex 4
                                                                                           Page 37

Table 3.4 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
 Types of
         Impacts    Valuation Technique   Indicator of Measurement             Data Needed                   Notes and Assumptions
Oil and   Extreme spills   Travel cost: Amount   Annual recreational value of  Data from visitors survey              Access to the site is available to all
hydro-    smothering of   of money and time    the site (US$)         Socio-economic variables               Visits have a single purpose
carbons   organisms     spent on the site                    Geographic origin (before and after oil spill)    Demand function relationship can be specified
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after oil spill)  No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site      Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                             (before and after oil spill)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                             after oil spill)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                             after oil spill)
                                             Concentration level of oil and hydrocarbons

                 Contingent valuation:  Recreational value of the    Answers to valuation questions from         Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for  site as valued by willingness  survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous      meaningful and honest answers
                 good water quality    to pay by users (US$)      choice                        Subject have sufficient information to give
                                                                        informed choices
                                                                        Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                        spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                        No free riders
                                                                        No strategic bias/influences

                 Replacement cost:    Total cost of clean-up (US$)  Type of pollutants                  Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                 cost to clean up the                   Sources of pollutants                available and the cost of technologies is
                 oil spill                        Concentration level of pollutants          affordable
Sediments  Increased     Replacement cost:    Total cost of clean-up (US$)  Level of sedimentation                Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
       difficulty of   cost to clean up                     Sources of sedimentation               available and the cost of technologies is
       transportation   sediments                                                   affordable
       in wetlands
POPs     Water quality   Travel cost: Amount   Annual recreational value of  Data from visitors survey              Access to the site is available to all
                 of money and time    the site (US$)         Socio-economic variables               Visits have a single purpose
                 spent on the site                    Geographic origin (before and after water      Demand function relationship can be specified
                                             contamination)                    No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                             Time spent travelling (before and after water    Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                             Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                             (before and after water contamination)
                                             Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                             after water contamination)
                                             Concentration level of POPs

                 Contingent valuation:  Recreational value of the    Answers to valuation questions from         Subjects understand choices offered and give
                 willingness to pay for  site as valued by willingness  survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous      meaningful and honest answers
                 good water quality    to pay by users (US$)      choice                        Subject have sufficient information to give
                                                                        informed choices
                                                                        Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                        spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                        No free riders
                                                                        No strategic bias/influences
Annex 4
Page 38

  Table 3.4 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
   Types of
           Impacts    Valuation Technique   Indicator of Measurement            Data Needed                  Notes and Assumptions
                  Replacement cost:    Total cost of clean-up (US$)  Type of pollutants                Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  cost to clean up                     Sources of pollutants               available and the cost of technologies is
                  pollutants                        Concentration level of pollutants         affordable

   Solid    Smothering of   Travel cost: Amount   Annual recreational value of  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
   waste    organisms     of money and time    the site (US$)         Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
   (plastics)           spent on the site                    Geographic origin (before and after solid     Demand function relationship can be specified
                                               waste contamination)               No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                               Time spent travelling (before and after solid   Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                               waste contamination)
                                               Expenditures incurred in visiting the site
                                               (before and after solid waste contamination)
                                               Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                               after solid waste contamination)
                                               Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                               after solid waste contamination)

                  Contingent valuation:  Recreational value of the    Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                  willingness to pay for  site as valued by willingness  survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                  good water quality    to pay by users (US$)      choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give
                                                                        informed choices
                                                                        Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                        spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                        No free riders
                                                                        No strategic bias/influences

                  Replacement cost:    Total cost of clean-up (US$)  Volume of wastes                 Technologies to clean up the pollutants are
                  cost to clean up                     Sources of wastes                 available and the cost of technologies is
                  plastics                                                  affordable
   Thermal   Loss of species  Travel cost: Amount   Annual recreational value of  Data from visitors survey             Access to the site is available to all
   pollution           of money and time    the site (US$)         Socio-economic variables             Visits have a single purpose
                  spent on the site                    Geographic origin (before and after)       Demand function relationship can be specified
                                               Time spent travelling (before and after)     No factors aside from travel cost influence site use
                                               Expenditures incurred in visiting the site    Market prices used in valuation are not distorted
                                               (before and after)
                                               Frequency and duration of visits (before and
                                               Number of visitor-days for the site (before and
                                               Water temperature

                  Contingent valuation:  Recreational value of the    Answers to valuation questions from        Subjects understand choices offered and give
                  willingness to pay for  site as valued by willingness  survey/bidding game technique/ dichotomous    meaningful and honest answers
                  good vegetation     to pay by users (US$)      choice                      Subject have sufficient information to give
                                                                        informed choices
                                                                        Sample is representative and captures the full
                                                                        spectrum of users who value the site
                                                                        No free riders
                                                                        No strategic bias/influences
                                                                                     Annex 4
                                                                                     Page 39

Table 3.4 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
 Types of
         Impacts    Valuation Technique  Indicator of Measurement            Data Needed               Notes and Assumptions
                 Replacement cost:   Total cost of going to     Distance of other sites            Alternative location comparable/ accessible
                 cost to visit other  alternative sites (US$)    Cost of going to the site           Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                 areas to see the
                                         Human Welfare
Heavy    Water quality   Cost of illness    Total value of lost human  Salaries/wages for labour            Health and productivity can be restored to
metals                        labour (US$) and total cost Duration of illness and recovery (number of   previous levels
                            of  hospitalisation and  days lost)                   Types of water use can be identified
                            treatment          Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                          Number of affected people

                 Substitute price   Total annual cost of      Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
                 approach: cost of   sourcing food from       Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                 sourcing food     alternative sites/equivalent  elsewhere/equivalent food
                 elsewhere/cost of   food
                 equivalent food
       Contamination   Cost of illness    Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour           Health and productivity can be restored to
       of human food              labour (US$) and total cost  Duration of illness and recovery (number of  previous levels
       sources                 of  hospitalisation and   days lost)                  Market price used in valuation are not distorted
                            treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                           Number of affected people

                 Substitute price   Total annual cost of      Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
                 approach: cost of   sourcing food from       Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                 sourcing food     alternative sites/equivalent  elsewhere/equivalent food
                 elsewhere/cost of   food
                 equivalent food

Organic   Water quality   Cost of illness    Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour           Health and productivity can be restored to
matter                        labour (US$), and total cost  Duration of illness and recovery (number of  previous levels
                            of hospitalisation and     days lost)                  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                            treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost
Oil and   Contamination/   Substitute price   Total annual cost of      Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
hydrocarb  tainting of    approach: cost of   sourcing food from       Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
ons     aquaculture    sourcing food     alternative sites/equivalent  elsewhere/equivalent food
       and wild fish   elsewhere/cost of   food
                 equivalent food

                 Cost of illness    Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour           Health and productivity can be restored to
                            labour (US$), and total cost  Duration of illness and recovery (number of  previous levels
                            of hospitalisation and     days lost)                  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                            treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                           Number of affected people
POPs     Water quality   Substitute price   Total annual cost of      Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
                 approach: cost of   sourcing food from       Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                 sourcing food     alternative sites/equivalent  elsewhere/equivalent food
                 elsewhere/cost of   food
                 equivalent food
Annex 4
Page 40

  Table 3.4 continued     Procedures to Undertake Valuation of Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Wetlands.
   Types of
           Impacts    Valuation Technique  Indicator of Measurement            Data Needed                Notes and Assumptions
                  Cost of illness    Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour           Health and productivity can be restored to
                             labour (US$), and total cost  Duration of illness and recovery (number of  previous levels
                             of hospitalisation and     days lost)                  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                             treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                             Number of affected people
         Contamination   Substitute price   Total annual cost of      Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
         of human     approach: cost of   sourcing food from       Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
         source food    sourcing food     alternative sites/equivalent  elsewhere/equivalent food
                  elsewhere/cost of   food
                  equivalent food

                  Cost of illness    Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour           Health and productivity can be restored to
                             labour (US$), and total cost  Duration of illness and recovery (number of  previous levels
                             of hospitalisation and     days lost)                  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                             treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                             Number of affected people
   Solid             Cost of illness    Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour           Health and productivity can be restored to
   waste    Breeding                labour (US$), and total cost  Duration of illness and recovery (number of  previous levels
   (plastics)  ground for               of hospitalisation and     days lost)                  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
         disease                 treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                             Number of affected people

                  Clean-up cost     Total cost of cleaning up   Amount of solid waste
                             solid waste
   Bacterial  Contamination   Substitute price   Total annual cost of      Quantity of food consumed           Substitute food acceptable
   contamin   of human food   approach: cost of   sourcing food from       Price per unit quantity of food sourced    Market prices used in valuation not distorted
   ation    sources      sourcing food     alternative sites/equivalent  elsewhere/equivalent food
                  elsewhere/cost of   food
                  equivalent food

                  Cost of illness    Total value of lost human   Salaries/wages for labour           Health and productivity can be restored to
                             labour (US$), and total cost  Duration of illness and recovery (number of  previous levels
                             of  hospitalisation  and  days lost)                  Market prices used in valuation not distorted
                             treatment           Hospitalisation and treatment cost
                                             Number of affected people
                                            Annex 5
                                            Page 1

                      ANNEX 5

Proposed Outline for a Manual on the Evaluation of Ecosystems that are of Interest
             to the South China Sea Project

I.   INTRODUCTION (Dr. Pernetta)

    This portion will deal with the importance of doing economic valuation of the ecosystems to
    the project. This will also deal with how general valuation framework and the ecosystem-
    specific valuation frameworks were arrived at/formulated.


    This portion will discuss the conceptual frameworks of ordinary and extended cost benefit
    analysis, and their major elements or components. It will include the definition of cost and
    benefit, formula, indicators and investment criteria (net present value, benefit-cost ratio,
    internal rate of return).

    A.   Ordinary cost benefit analysis
        Net present value
        Benefit-cost ratio
        Internal rate of return
        Payback period
        Sensitivity analysis

    B.   Extended cost benefit analysis
        External cost and benefit
        Net present value
        Benefit-cost ratio
        Internal rate of return
        Payback period
        Sensitivity analysis


    This portion will discuss the various elements of the framework (total economic value) use
    value (direct, indirect, option), non-use value (quasi-option, bequest, existence). Included
    in the discussion is the definition of each element and their appropriate usage.

    Total Economic Value

    A.   Use Value
      1. Direct Use (discuss also the types of direct uses i.e., extractive, non-
        extractive, etc.)
      2. Indirect Use (discuss also the various indirect uses i.e., environmental
        services, biological diversity, etc.)
      3. Option Use
Annex 5
Page 2

    B.   Non-Use Value
       1. Quasi-Option Use
       2. Bequest Use
       3. Existence Use


This portion will discuss the various techniques and their appropriate usage. The outline for this
section can be as follows:

    A.    Market Based Value (Dr. Tridoyo)
       1. Direct Value (On site value)
       2. Indirect Value
        a. Change in Productivity
        b. Shadow Project
        c. Defensive/Preventive Expenditure
        d. Cost of Illness
        e. Replacement Cost

    B.    Surrogate Market Based (Dr. Suparmoko)
       1. Hedonic Price
       2. Travel Cost

    C.    Simulated Value Survey-Based (Mr. Ramony)
       1. Contingent Valuation
       2. Choice Modelling


This portion will deal with how to arrive at the economic values of the various ecosystems
(Mangrove, Seagrass, Coral Reef, Wetlands). Included in the discussions are the sources of
values (based on the adopted framework for valuation of mangroves), data required (based on the
agreed matrix) and techniques of generating the data. The outline for this section can be as

    A.    Mangrove Ecosystem (Dr. Thanwa)

       1. Sources of values and method of computation
        a. Direct Use (Extractive)
          i.  Timber (what are they used for; how is the economic value computed?)
          ii. Firewood (uses, e.g., domestic cooking, bakery, etc.; how is the economic
            value computed?)
          iii. etc.
        b. Direct (Non Extractive)
          i. Tourism/Recreation (ways of enjoying the ecosystem; how is the economic
            value computed?)
          ii. Research and education (types of undertakings; how is the economic
            value computed?)
        c. Indirect (Environmental Services)
          i. Shoreline protection (how do they protect?; how is the economic value
                                             Annex 5
                                              Page 3

           ii. Windbreak (how do they function as such?; how is the economic value
           iii. ETC.
        d. Indirect (Biological diversity)
          i. Value of genes, etc. (computation of economic value)
          ii. ETC.
        e. Option (Dr. Chinh)
        f.  Bequest (Dr. Chinh)
        g. Existence (Socio-cultural significance)
          i. Religious/spiritual significance (how are they significant?; how is the
          economic value computed?)
          ii. ETC.

       2. Data required and techniques to generate them

       This subsection will follow the outline of the previous subsection, this time identifying
       the various data requirements and the ways of generating the data to enable the
       researcher to compute for the economic value for a particular use.

    B.    Coral Reef Ecosystem (Dr. Suparmoko)

        This section can likewise follow the previous section’s outline and discussion

    C.    Wetlands Ecosystem (Dr. Ninh)

        This section can follow the outline of the previous section, including the elements of

    D.    Sea grass Ecosystem (Dr. Khalid)

        This section can also follow the previous section’s outline and the discussion



This will encourage the reader to apply the methods and techniques indicated.
                                                                             Annex 6
                                                                             Page 1

                                             ANNEX 6

      Table 1       Draft Summary Table for Empirical Data Relating to Economic Valuation of Mangrove Extractive (direct) Uses.
                            Date of           Total Area  Volume   Unit Net        Value   Valuation
                                     Location                    Currency
                                                          1                  3
                            Valuation            (ha)    (per ha)  Price        (per ha)  Method
    Reference A
                 Reference B
                 Reference C
    Reference A
               Reference B
    Leaves/palm fronds (Thatch,
    Bark (tanning & dyes)
    Sap (sugar, alcohol, Acetic acid)
    Wood tar
    Fish capture
    Crab capture
    Prawn capture
    Shellfish collection
    Insect and larvae collection
    Honey & wax
    Other uses (specify)

  Unit net price is the market price minus harvesting and production cost.
  Currency used in original studies, references or publications.
  The valuation methods should include details of prices used.
                                                     Annex 7
                                                     Page 1

                           ANNEX 7

[Insert National Institute or Agency of the Members of the Task Force] ON THE EXECUTION OF
                    GULF OF THAILAND”
                (Ref.: UNEP/GEF/SCS/Cam/MoU###)

1.    PARTIES. This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into between the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP), and [Insert National Institute or Agency of the Members of the
Task Force], for the execution of activities on economic valuation under the framework of the
UNEP/GEF Project entitled “Reversing environmental degradation trends in the South China Sea and
Gulf of Thailand”.

2.   BACKGROUND. The UNEP/GEF Project Brief entitled “Reversing Environmental
Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand” (hereafter called the South China
Sea Project) was approved by the GEF Council in November 2000, following its approval by the 15th
meeting and special session of COBSEA4, held in Pattaya, Thailand, 11-12th September 2000. The
project brief was endorsed by the GEF Operational Focal Point for [Insert country name] on behalf of
the Government, [Insert date of endorsement].
The overall goals of the South China Sea Project are: to create an environment at the regional level,
in which collaboration and partnership in addressing environmental problems of the South China Sea,
between all stakeholders, and at all levels is fostered and encouraged; and to enhance the capacity of
the participating governments to integrate environmental considerations into national development

The Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation was established by the Project Steering Committee
(PSC) during its second meeting, in Hanoi, December 2002, to serve as the principal source of
economic advice and information to the PSC, the Regional Scientific and Technical Committee
(RSTC), and Specialised Executing Agencies. To fulfil the tasks stipulated in the Terms of Reference
of the Task Force, and provide the advice regarding economic valuation of coastal habitats and
resources the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation has developed valuation frameworks for
use in the context of the demonstration sites that will be initiated during 2005.

The role of the members of the RTF-E is primarily to gather and consolidate information on the
economic valuation of coastal environmental goods and services, and provide advice
regarding regional values that can be applied in the framework of the Strategic Action

3.    PURPOSE. Under this Memorandum of Understanding the [Insert National Institute or
Agency of the Members of the Task Force] agrees to make available the services of [Insert Mr./Dr.
Member of the Task Force] in [Insert Country]. It is critical to the project that all RTF-E members
from the participating countries function effectively if the overall goals of the project are to be
met, hence the [Insert National Institute or Agency of the Members of the Task Force] agrees to
release [Insert Mr./Dr. Member of the Task Force] for an estimated 10% of their time over the next
year in order to fulfil the tasks and responsibilities detailed in this agreement.

4.   GENERAL CONDITIONS. The United Nations Standard Conditions for Memoranda of
Understanding are attached as Annex I and form a part of this Memorandum.

  UNEP, 2000. Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Co-ordinating Body for the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) on the East
  Asian Seas Action Plan (Special Session for the UNEP GEF Project in the South China Sea) and Report of the Meeting of
  National Experts for the UNEP GEF Project in the South China Sea. UNEP(DEC)/EAS IG.11/3.
Annex 7
Page 2

5.    TASKS BY DESIGNATED INSTITUTION. The Expert Member on behalf of the Institution, in
close collaboration with the Members of the National Technical Working Group, and with the support
of the National Technical Focal Point, agrees to carry out the tasks, outlined below and in accordance
with the work plan, agreed during the third meeting of the RTF-E (Figure 2).

    1.  Engage the services, and direct the work of, a research assistant in compiling existing
       empirical data regarding the economic values of goods and services in accordance with
       the uses listed in the agreed frameworks for Mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass and
       wetlands and in the format attached as Annex 2 to this agreement.

    2.  Direct the work of the assistant in analysing the national information both published and
       un-published with a view to providing data regarding standardised values that can be
       compared between countries.

    3.  Produce a synoptic report on the outcome of the review of economic valuations of coastal
       resources and environments in [insert name of country].

6.   TASKS BY UNITED NATIONS. UNEP agrees to perform the following tasks:

Provide the financial resources according, to the agreed schedule, detailed in Table 1 of this
Memorandum, established between UNEP and [Insert National Institute or Agency of the
Members of the Task Force].

7.   TRANSFER OF PAYMENTS AND RELEASE OF FUNDS. Transfer of payments and release
of funds will be undertaken as follows:

    i.   Monetary contributions by UNEP will be made in US dollars by wire transfer to the
    following account:

    Name of Account Holder:
    Account number:
    Name of Bank:
    Address of bank:
    Swift Code:

    ii.  The initial cash advance will be made upon final clearance of this agreement by the
    GEF and signature by UNEP.

    iii.  The Specialised Executing Agency shall report the end year expenditure accounts at
    31 December, certified by a duly authorised official, but, in addition, UNEP requires that the
    end of year expenditure account should be reported in an opinion by a recognized firm of
    public accountants (for a government, by Government auditors), which shall be dispatched to
    UNEP by 31 March. In particular, the auditors should be asked to report whether, in their

    •  Proper books of account and records have been maintained;
    •  All project expenditures are supported by vouchers and adequate documentation; and,
    •  Expenditures have been incurred in accordance with the objectives outlined in the
       Memorandum of Understanding.

8.    REFUND OF UNSPENT BALANCE. The Designated Institution will refund to UNEP in US
dollars any unspent balance of the funds provided by UNEP within 30 days after completion of the
final task. Such refund should be wired to:

    Name of account holder:     ESCAP
    Account number:         001-1-014313
    Name of bank:          Chase Manhattan Bank
    Address of bank:         New York
    ABA number:           021000021
                                             Annex 7
                                             Page 3

9.   CORRESPONDENCE. All correspondence regarding this agreement should be addressed to:

In [Insert Country Name]:

[Insert Co-ordinates of the Member of the Task Force]

Copied to:
[Insert the Co-ordinates of the National Focal Point]


    Project Director,
    South China Sea Project Co-ordination Unit,
    United Nations Environmental Programme,
    United Nations Building, 2nd Floor, Block B,
    Rajdamnern Nok Avenue,
    Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
    Tel:  (662) 288 1886
    Fax:  (662) 288 1094

Copied to:

    Chief, Budget and Financial Management Services,
    United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON)
    P.O. Box 30552,
    Nairobi, Kenya.
    Tel:   (254 20) 623 637, 623 632
    Fax:   (254 20) 623 755, 623 614

10.   EFFECTIVE DATE. This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into effect when signed
in duplicate by the authorised persons below and shall expire on 31 December, 2006. Three months
prior to the expiry of this agreement a new agreement may be negotiated taking into account the
decisions of the Project Steering Committee regarding activities to be executed during the remainder
of the project period.

    ______________________________       ___________________________

                          Project Director,
    Insert Co-ordinates of the Member of
                          South China Sea Project Co-ordination Unit,
    the Task Force
                          United Nations Environmental Programme,
                          United Nations Building, 2nd Floor, Block B,
                          Rajdamnern Nok Avenue,
                          Bangkok 10200, Thailand.

    Date:__________________________        Date:__________________________
                                                                                     Annex 8
                                                                                     Page 1

                                                ANNEX 8

            Work Plan for the RTF-E (2005-2006) and Schedule of Meetings for the UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project
   Table 1      Work Plan for the Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation for 2005-2006.

                                          Year           2005                     2006
                                          Month  4  5  6  7  8   9  10  11  12  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
                       Second Regional Scientific Conference
                                Fourth RTF-E Meeting
1. Development of a framework and procedures to value the impacts of land-
  based pollution
 1.1   Drafts to be completed during the 3 RTF-E meeting
 1.2   Comments or other inputs to be provided to the PCU prior to
     finalisation of the framework and procedures
2. Development of an economic valuation manual for use in the demonstration
  sites and pilot activities
  2.1  Agree on the format and individual responsibilities
   2.3  Draft sections circulated by members                             X
   2.4  Comments from RTF-E members
   2.5  Revision of drafts based on comments received
   2.6 Manual compiled into first draft for distribution during the second Regional
     Scientific Conference
  2.7  Final editing and clearance of the manual based on feedback from the
     Regional Working Groups
3. Development of a regional database of empirical economic values for
  coastal goods and services
   3.1  Agree on activities and budgets
   3.2  Prepare and sign Memoranda of Understanding
   3.3  Members undertake the agreed activities
   3.4  First compilation of data submitted to the PCU and other members of the
   3.5  Comments/discussion by Members on the first draft
   3.6  Development of procedures for deriving “national” and regional values
   3.7  Further amplification of data and procedures and compilation of second draft
   3.8  Discussion and agreement of procedures for deriving “national” and
      “regional” values
4.   Inputs to the updating of the Strategic Action Programme
Annex 8
Page 2

   Table 2      Schedule of Meetings for 2005. (RWG = Regional Working Group; -M = Mangroves; -CR = Coral reefs; -SG = Seagrass; -W = Wetlands; -F= Fisheries;
            LbP = Land-based Pollution; RTF-E = Regional Task Force on Economic Valuation; RTF-L = Regional Task Force on Legal Matters) (H = United Nations Holidays)

          S  M  T  W   T  F  S  S  M  T  W   T   F   S  S  M   T   W  T  F  S  S  M   T  W  T  F  S  S  M  T   W  T  F  S  S  M

    January                1  2  3  4  5   6   7   8  9  10  11   12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

                            H                                                  H

    February      1  2   3  4  5  6  7  8  9   10  11   12  13  14  15   16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28
                                   Chinese NY                                 H

    March        1  2   3  4  5  6  7  8  9   10  11   12  13  14  15   16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

    April               1  2  3  4  5  6   7   8   9  10  11  12   13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30

                                 H                      H

    May    1  2  3  4   5  6  7  8  9  10  11   12  13   14  15  16  17   18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31


    June          1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9   10   11  12  13  14   15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30

    July                1  2  3  4  5  6   7   8   9  10  11  12   13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

    August     1  2  3   4  5  6  7  8  9  10   11  12   13  14  15  16   17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

              RWG-M-6                                                    RWG-CR-6

    September            1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8   9   10  11  12  13   14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30

                              RWG-F-6                  RWG-W-6                                    RWG-SG-6
    October                1  2  3  4  5   6   7   8  9  10  11   12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

    November      1  2   3  4  5  6  7  8  9   10  11   12  13  14  15   16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30

              Ramadan                                 RSC-2

    December            1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8   9   10  11  12  13   14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31

                                       RSTC-6         PSC-5                           Xmas
                            H                                                         H
by Elise Granek last modified 11-10-2006 13:35

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