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An ecohydrology model of the Guadiana Estuary

Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science
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        An ecohydrology model of the Guadiana Estuary (South Portugal)
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           Eric Wolanski a,*, Luıs Chicharo b, M. Alexandra Chicharo b, Pedro Morais b
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                   Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB No. 3, Townsville MC, Queensland 4810, Australia
      Centro de Ciencias do Mar, Faculdade de Ciencias do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
            ˆ                ˆ
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                             Received 30 January 2005; accepted 20 March 2006
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     A 1-D ecohydrology model is proposed that integrates physical, chemical and biological processes in the Guadiana Estuary during low flow
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   conditions and that predicts the ecosystem health as determined by the following variables: river discharge, nutrients, suspended particulate mat-
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   ter, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bivalves, zooplanktivorous fish and carnivorous/omnivorous fish. Low flow conditions prevail now that the Al-
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   queva dam has been constructed. The ecological sub-model is based on the non-linear LotkaeVolterra equation. The model is successful in
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   capturing the observations of along-river changes in these variables. It suggests that both bottom-up and top-down ecological processes control
   the Guadiana Estuary ecosystem health. A number of sensitivity tests show that the model is robust and can be used to predict e within likely
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   error bounds provided by the sensitivity tests e the consequences on the estuary ecosystem health of human activities throughout the river catch-
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   ment, such as the irrigation farming downstream of the Alqueva dam, reclamation of the salt marshes by urban developments, and flow regu-
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   lation by the Alqueva dam. The model suggests that the estuarine ecosystem health requires transient river floods and is compromised by flow
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   regulation by the Alqueva dam. Remedial measures are thus necessary.
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   Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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   Keywords: ecohydrology; marine ecology; flushing; modelling; dam; flow regulation; Portugal; Alqueva dam; Guadiana Estuary
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                                              The impact on estuaries is commonly still ignored when
   1. Introduction
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                                            dams and irrigation farming are proposed on rivers. In addi-
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   1.1. The need for an ecohydrology estuarine model                 tion, estuaries are often regarded as sites for future develop-
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                                            ment and expansion, and have been increasingly canalized

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    Throughout human history, the coastal plains and Lowland            and dyked for flood protection, and their wetlands infilled
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   River valleys have usually been the most populated areas over           for residential areas.
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   the world (Wolanski et al., 2004). At present, about 60% of the            All these factors impact on the biodiversity and productiv-
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   world’s population lives along the estuaries and the coast (Lin-          ity and, hence, the overall health of estuaries and the ecosys-
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   deboom, 2002). This is degrading estuarine and coastal waters           tem services they provide to humans (Nixon, 2003; Erzini,

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   through pollution, eutrophication, increased turbidity, overf-           2005). They increasingly lead humans away from the possibil-
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   ishing, and habitat destruction. The pollutant supply does             ity of ecologically sustainable development of the coastal
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   not just include nutrients; it also includes mud from eroded            zone. Integrated coastal zone management plans are drawn
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   soil, heavy metals, radionuclides, hydrocarbons, and a number           up worldwide (e.g., Haward, 1996; Bille and Mermet, 2002;
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   of chemicals including new synthetic products.                   Tagliani et al., 2003; Pickaver et al., 2004; Lau, 2005). How-
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                                            ever, in the presence of significant river input, most are bound
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                                            to fail because they commonly deal only with local, coastal is-
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                                            sues, and do not consider the whole river catchment as the fun-
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                                            damental planning unit. It is as if the land, the river, the
   * Corresponding author.
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                                            estuary, and the sea were not part of the same system. When
    E-mail address: (E. Wolanski).
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   0272-7714/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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   dealing with estuaries and coastal waters, in most countries        assumed to follow those described by Wolanski et al. (2004)
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   land-use managers, water-resources managers, and coastal          and are sketched in Fig. 1. These processes are briefly sum-
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   and fisheries managers do not cooperate effectively due to          marised below.
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   administrative, economic and political constraints, and the          The ecological health of estuaries is determined by the
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   absence of a forum where their ideas and approaches are           interaction between organisms and variations in salinity,
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   shared and discussed (Wolanski et al., 2004). To help alleviate       currents, waves, suspended particulate matter (SPM), bed
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   this problem, UNESCO e IHP has launched the ecohydrology          sediments, temperature, air exposure, hypoxia, wetland
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   program. In this program, the concept of ecohydrology is          contaminants and biodiversity. Like the health of a living
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   introduced as a holistic approach to the management of rivers,       organism, the health of an estuary or a coastal water body, can-
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   estuaries and coastal zones within entire river catchments, by       not be measured by one single variable, indeed a number of
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   adopting science-based solutions to management issues that         variables are important (Balls, 1994). Well-flushed estuaries

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   restore or enhance natural processes as well as the use of tech-      are intrinsically more robust than poorly flushed systems. As
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   nological solutions (Zalewski, 2002).                    a result, environmental degradation is most often apparent dur-

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     This science-based management requires the use of a holis-        ing periods of reduced freshwater inflows, e.g. during drought
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   tic model to quantify the human impact on the ecosystem           or when human activities reduce the freshwater flow. There-
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   health of estuaries and to enable the exchange of information        fore, this ecohydrology model focuses on low flow conditions
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   between oceanographers, biologists, ecologists, engineers, so-       when vertically well-mixed conditions often prevail.
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   ciologists, economists and water-resources managers at local          Once riverine-derived suspended particulate matter enters the

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   and national governmental levels, and the community.            estuary, it can be trapped within an estuarine turbidity maximum
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                                         (ETM) zone (Fig. 1). The ETM is commonly located in the
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                                         very low salinity reaches of an estuary. The maximum, depth-
   1.2. The science behind the model
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                                         averaged, suspended solid concentration (SSC) at high water
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                                         within an estuary can be predicted semi-empirically as a function
     The model is process-based. The dominant physical, chem-
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                                         of the tidal intrusion and the tidal range (Uncles et al., 2002).
   ical, biological and human-related processes in an estuary are
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               Fig. 1. Sketch of the dominant processes operating in an estuary. Adapted from Wolanski et al. (2004).

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     Sediment particles and aggregates within the ETM can give       of the food web and influences the fisheries (Chıcharo et al.,
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   rise to marked changes in water quality. Fine particles can        2002; Erzini, 2005).
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   adsorb metal ions and organic macro-molecules from solution         Several pollution sources exist in the Guadiana Estuary
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   to such an extent that some metals can be completely removed       area, mainly resulting from urbanisation, agriculture (fertil-
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   from solution within a strong ETM (Salomons and Forstner,         izers, pesticides, and herbicides), cattle breeding and olive
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   1984; Ackroyd et al., 1986). Once nutrients enter an estuary,       oil production. The freshwater flow reaching the estuary is
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   non-conservative behaviour can be pronounced. Key processes        at present regulated by more than 100 dams, including the
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   responsible for this non-conservative behaviour include burial      Alqueva dam whose construction was completed in 2002
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   in sediment reservoirs and desorption processes particularly if      and that forms the largest reservoir in Europe (Alveirinho
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   the sediment is nutrient-rich. Nutrients are generally mainly in     et al., 2004).
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   particulate form (i.e. absorbed to the mud particles in suspen-

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   sion) in freshwater and can be released in solution in saline       1.4. Aims
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     The salt marshes of Western Europe generally produce           This study aimed to develop an ecohydrology model to be
   more than 1 kg mÀ2 yrÀ1 of above-ground dry matter (Boor-
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                                        applied to the low flow conditions in the Guadiana Estuary. It
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   man et al., 1994a,b; Lefeuvre, 1996). Salt marshes export         describes such a model designed specifically for vertically
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   some of this organic matter. Salt marshes and their tidal creeks     well-mixed estuaries. The ecological sub-model is also simple,
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   are also an important nursery ground, and a refuge, for larvae      though still realistic. It incorporates the seven state variables:

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   and post-larvae of bivalve, carnivorous/omnivorous fish and        nutrients, suspended particulate matter, phytoplankton, zoo-
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   zooplankton.                               plankton, bivalves, zooplanktivorous fish and carnivorous/om-
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     The estuary is modelled as a converter of living phyto-        nivorous fish in the estuary and it predicts the ecosystem
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   plankton to detrital particles; it is also a conveyor of detrital     health.
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   matter to the sea. Fishes help transfer energy and matter
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   from estuarine plants to upper trophic levels. The great bulk       2. Material and methods
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   of the organic matter produced (sometimes 90%) is processed
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   through the detrital system. Zooplankton, planktivorous fish,       2.1. Field data
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   interstitial micro and meiofauna, surface deposit-feeding mol-
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   luscs, fishes and polychaeta, and filter-feeding invertebrates         Estuarine physical, chemical and biological data were

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   consume a much greater proportion of the primary production        obtained from the papers of M. Chicharo et al. and P. Morais
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   of the phytoplankton and benthic microalgae. Annual plant         et al. in this issue and from Pinto (2000), and Esteves et al.
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   growth and decay provide continuing large quantities of          (2000). Data from river inflow were obtained online from
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   organic detritus. In addition, there is often a considerable input    Water National Institute (INAG), National System of Hydro-

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   of detritus from river inflow. Detrital particles and their asso-     logical Resources ( from the hydrometric
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   ciated microorganisms provide the basic food source for          station Pulo do Lobo (lat. 37 480 N, long. 7 380 W), located

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   primary consumers such as zooplankton, most benthic            a few kilometres above the last point of tidal influence
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   invertebrates and some fishes. The first trophic level in the          ´
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   estuarine ecosystem is therefore best described as a mixed tro-
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   phic level of detritus consumers, which in varying degrees are      2.2. The estuarine ecohydrology model
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   herbivores, omnivores or primary carnivores (Knox, 1986).

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                                          The prototype is the Guadiana Estuary at low flow
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   1.3. Study area                              conditions e because such low flow conditions prevail now
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                                        that the Alqueva dam exists. For a freshwater flow Qf <
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     The Guadiana River is one of the largest in the south of the      50 m3 sÀ1, the Guadiana Estuary is vertically fairly well-
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   Iberian Peninsula, crossing extensive rural areas and includes      mixed in salinity (Fortunato et al., 2002). In a vertically

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   the Iberian Pyritic Belt (Gonzalez, 1995).                well-mixed estuary, the distribution of salinity S is determined
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     The fluvial regime is characterised by low flows during         from the solution of the 1-D advectionediffusion equation
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   summer and episodic runoff periods in winter with the result-       (Fischer et al., 1979):
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   ing discharge of sediments into the estuary and coastal zone.
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   The estuary is 60 km long, it has a maximum width of           vðSAÞ=vt þ vðQSÞ=vx ¼ vðEA vS=vxÞ=vx             ð1Þ
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   550 m and the maximum depth varies between 5 and 17 m.
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   The tidal regime of the estuary is meso-tidal, with an average      where t is the time, Q is the flow rate (driven by tides and
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   amplitude of 2 m (Michel, 1980).                     river flows), E is the longitudinal eddy diffusion coefficient,
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     The estuary has an important nursery function for several       and A is the cross-sectional area. Eq. (1) is solved for a series
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   fish species, such as the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus sensu       of cells of volume V distributed along the length of the estu-
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   lato and several Sparidae, and crustacean species such as the       ary from the tidal limit to the mouth. The time step dt is set
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   brown shrimp Crangon crangon. Moreover, the outwelling          to 1 day, thereby averaging over the tides. The open bound-
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   from the estuary to the coastal area promotes the development       aries are located at the tidal limit and at the mouth. At the

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   Fig. 2. Observed and predicted along-channel distributions of salinity in the Guadiana Estuary around the times of (square) high tide and (circle) low tide for
   salinity of (a) 2 m3 sÀ1 and (b) 50 m3 sÀ1. Cell # 1 is located at the tidal limit, 60 km upstream of cell # 20 that is located at the mouth.
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   tidal limit, the model assumes that the salinity S ¼ 0 and it           vðCAÞ=vt þ vðQCÞ=vx ¼ vðEA vC=vxÞ=vx þ DC                ð2Þ
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   also assumes that Qf is known. At the mouth, the salinity
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   is assumed to be 35. Turbulent diffusion is due to tides,             where DC is derived from the ecological sub-model described
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   wind, and freshwater runoffs and is parameterised by the pa-           below.
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   rameter E. In the model, this is determined by mixing coef-             The ecological sub-model is based on the non-linear
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   ficients that quantify the fraction of water in a cell that is           LotkaeVolterra equation. It is based on a finite-element model
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   exchanged with adjoining cells during the time step (1              with the same cells as those used in the salinity model. A num-
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   day). This parameter is varied until the solution fits well            ber of modeling equations are possible. In the absence of
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   with the observations. This is shown in Fig. 2 for the case            excretion and death not due to predation, the predatoreprey
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   of the Guadiana Estuary for two values of the freshwater dis-           relationship is often calculated by the non-linear equations

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   charge Qf (2 and 5 m3 sÀ1).                            (Brauer and Castillo-Chavez, 2001; Kot, 2001).
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     The model enables one to readily calculate the flushing time
                                            vX=vt ¼ bXð1 À X=Xo ÞHðY; Yo1 Þ                     ð3Þ
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   of the estuary. To do that, in the model the freshwater discharge
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   is set to be a constant and the estuary is initially filled with uni-

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   form seawater salinity at t ¼ 0. The system is then allowed to
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   evolve, and in the model salt is progressively expelled from           vY=vt ¼ ÀbXð1 À X=Xo ÞHðY; Yo1 Þ                     ð4Þ

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   the upper reaches of the estuary until a steady state solution is
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                                            where X is the predator biomass (X ¼ CV) where C is the pred-
   reached. This is shown in Fig. 3 for a freshwater discharge
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   (Qf) of, respectively, 2 and 50 m3 sÀ1. It is apparent that for          ator concentration, Y is the prey biomass, b is the predator
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   Qf ¼ 50 m3 sÀ1 the residence time is about 5 days, and that for          growth rate, Xo is the predator saturation biomass, Yo1 is the
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   Qf ¼ 2 m3 sÀ1 the residence time varies between 14 days in            prey starvation biomass, i.e. the biomass at which the predator

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   the lower reaches and 37 days in the upper reaches of the estuary.        is unable or unwilling to spend energy to find this prey. H is
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                                            the Heavyside function, i.e. H ¼ 0 if Y < Yo1, and H ¼ 1 if
     For a non-conservative constituent such as nutrients, plank-
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                                            Y > Yo1. Eq. (2) also applies if Y is a nutrient. Provided starva-
   ton, detritus, fish, and bivalve, Eq. (1) is modified by including
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   a sinkesource term DC (Thomann, 1980), where C is the               tion does not occur, the solution is an S-shaped curve whereby
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   concentration:                                  X initially increases exponentially in time. The growth rate is

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   Fig. 3. Estimation of the residence time from the time series of salinity distribution in the estuary following intrusion of freshwater for (a) 2 m3 sÀ1 and
   (b) 50 m3 sÀ1.
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   zero at X ¼ Xo. Because X and Y are related by Eqs. (3) and
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                                        concentration (N ), suspended sediment concentration (SSC),
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   (4), Y decreases toward a minimum value.                 phytoplankton concentration (P), zooplankton concentration
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     In the model, freshwater phytoplankton and bacterioplank-       (Z ), bivalve concentration (B), detritus concentration (D), zoo-
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   ton in the river are subject to salt stress when freshwater mixes     planktivorous fish concentration (ZF), and carnivorous/omniv-
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   with saltwater; and the freshwater microbial populations die in      orous fish concentration (CF). All dying matter becomes
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   this zone (Flameling and Kromkamp, 1994; Goosen et al.,          detritus. Settling is not included in the model, because the an-
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   1995). In the model, the salinity also limits the seaward distri-     imals (e.g. zooplankton) are mobile and can swim in the water.
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   bution of saline water plankton, invertebrates (e.g. bivalves)      The model is equally complex at the lowest and highest tro-
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   and fishes.                                phic levels, which increases the model robustness (Jorgensen
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     In an estuary, changes in salinity constitute a major stress      and Bendoricchio, 2001). Thus the ecosystem model equations
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   that can lead to death. There are other stressors, for instance,     are:

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   small values of the dissolved oxygen concentration. A death-
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   excretion rate d must then be added to Eq. (3) that becomes:       Nutrients (N; nitrate)

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   vX=vt ¼ bXð1 À X=Xo ÞHðY; Yo1 Þ À dX               ð5Þ   vN=vt¼ÀbNP Pð1ÀP=Po ÞHðN;No1 ÞþaN þgSSCN SSC         ð7Þ
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                                        Phytoplankton (P)
     The solution of this equation is also an S-shaped curve, the
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   maximum value, however, is smaller than in the absence of
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                                        vP=vt ¼ bNP Pð1 À P=Po ÞHðN;No1 Þ À bPZ Zð1 À Z=Zo ÞHðP;Po1 Þ
   this death-excretion rate, that is X ¼ Xo(1 À d/b). To remain re-
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   alistic the solution requires b > d, i.e. that the growth rate is
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                                            À bPB Bð1 À B=Bo ÞHðP;Po1 Þ
   larger than the death-excretion rate.
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                                             À bPCF CFð1 À CF=CFo ÞHðP;Po1 Þ þ aP À dP P    ð8Þ
     In an estuary, fringing wetlands (mainly salt marshes and
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   riparian ecotones, together with the tidal creeks that drain
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                                        Zooplankton (Z )
   them) can be an important source of detritus and nutrients,
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   as well as a nursery for juveniles and sub-adults as well as
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                                        vZ=vt ¼ bPZ Zð1 À Z=Zo ÞHðP;Po1 Þ þ bDZ Zð1 À Z=Zo ÞHðD;Do1 Þ
   a refuge. This is particularly the case for bivalves. Mathemat-
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                                             À bZZF ZFð1 À ZF=ZFo ÞHðZ;Zo1 Þ
   ically, this is expressed by adding a source of X to the right-
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                                             À bZCF CFð1 À CF=CFo ÞHðZ;Zo1 Þ þ aZ À dZ Z    ð9Þ
   hand side of Eq. (5). The final equation becomes:
484                                                                         541

485                                                                         542
   vX=vt ¼ bXð1 À X=Xo ÞHðY; Yo1 Þ À dX þ a             ð6Þ
486                                                                         543
                                        Bivalves (B)
487                                                                         544
   where a is the import rate from wetlands.
488                                                                         545
                                        vB=vt ¼ bPB Bð1ÀB=Bo ÞHðP;Po1 ÞþbDB Bð1ÀB=Bo ÞHðD;Do1 Þ
    The ecosystem model represents mathematically through

489                                                                         546
                                             ÀbBCF CFð1ÀCF=CFo ÞHðB;Bo1 ÞþaB ÀdB B       ð10Þ
   Eq. (5) the interactions summarised in Fig. 4 between nutrients
490                                                                         547

491                                                                         548
492                                                                         549
493                                                                         550
494                                                                         551
495                                                                         552

496                                                                         553
497                                                                         554
498                                                                         555
499                                                                         556
500                                                                         557

501                                                                         558
502                                                                         559
503                                                                         560
504                                                                         561
505                                                                         562
506                                                                         563
507                                                                         564
508                                                                         565
509                                                                         566
510                                                                         567
511                                                                         568
512                                                                         569
513                                                                         570
                      Fig. 4. Sketch of the estuarine food web in the ecohydrology model.

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   6                  E. Wolanski et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science xx (2006) 1e12

571                                                                          628
   Carnivorous/omnivorous fish (CF)                      SSC ¼ 30 if S < 1
572                                                                          629
                                         SSC ¼ 30 þ 7S if 1 < S < 12
573                                                                          630
   vCF=vt ¼ bBCF CFð1 À CF=CFo ÞHðB;Bo1 Þ                   SSC ¼ 100 À 3:5ðS À 15Þ if S > 12
574                                                                          631
        þ bPCF CFð1 À CF=CFo ÞHðP;Po1 Þ
575                                                                          632
                                          The model needs the knowledge of all the ecological pa-
        þ bZCF CFð1 À CF=CFo ÞHðZ;Zo1 Þ
576                                                                          633
                                        rameters. The parameter a varies along-channel to correspond
        þ bDCF CFð1 À CF=CFo ÞHðD;Do1 Þ
577                                                                          634
                                        to the location of the salt marshes and riparian/terrestrial veg-
578                                                                          635
        þ aCF À dCF CF                    ð11Þ    etation. The approximate values of the parameters are known
579                                                                          636
                                        from a number of studies and from comparison with other es-
580                                                                          637
                                        tuaries. The final values were selected as a result of a best-fit
   Zooplanktivorous fish (ZF)
581                                                                          638
                                        between observed and predicted values. The results of this cal-

582                                                                          639
                                        ibration are shown in Fig. 5 for nutrients, zooplankton, bi-
   vZF=vt ¼ bZZF ZFð1ÀZF=ZFo ÞHðZ;Zo1 Þ
583                                                                          640
                                        valve, and fish, respectively. Table 1 lists the adopted values

       þbDZF ZFð1ÀZF=ZFo ÞHðD;Do1 ÞþaZF ÀdZF ZF ð12Þ
584                                                                          641
                                        of the parameters.
585                                                                          642
                                          While the calibration appears successful, it is important for
586                                                                          643
                                        the user to also judge whether the solution is realistic and sta-
   Detritus (D)
587                                                                          644
                                        ble (Hilborn and Mangel, 1997). This may be done by under-
588                                                                          645
                                        taking a sensitivity test to judge whether the model is
   vD=vt ¼ ÀbDB Bð1ÀB=Bo ÞHðD;Do1 Þ

589                                                                          646
                                        unrealistically sensitive to a specific parameter, making it po-
       ÀbDZF ZFð1ÀZF=ZFo ÞHðD;Do1 Þ
590                                                                          647
                                        tentially unstable and unrealistic. A number of sensitivity runs
        ÀbDCF CFð1ÀCF=CFo ÞHðD;Do1 Þ
591                                                                          648
                                        were carried out, each one involving changing one parameter.
                                        Calculations were performed for Qf ¼ 2 m3 sÀ1, which is the
592                                                                          649
        ÀbDZ Zð1ÀZ=Zo ÞHðD;Do1 ÞþaD þaD þdB BþdP P
593                                                                          650
                                        environmental flow for the Guadiana River, i.e. the post-dam
        þdZ Z þdCF CFþdZF ZF                 ð13Þ
594                                                                          651
                                        river discharge during the dry season. The list of sensitivity
595                                                                          652
                                        runs is summarised in Table 2.
     In these equations the subscripts denote either constituent
596                                                                          653
                                          The sensitivity tests show that phytoplankton (Chl a) is
   or the interaction between two constituents. For instance,
597                                                                          654
                                        most sensitive in cases 2, 4 and 5, i.e. to bNP, bPB and dP
   dZF is the death-excretion rate of ZF, and bDZF is the growth
598                                                                          655
                                        (Fig. 6a).

   rate of ZF from detritus, i.e. the rate of mass transfer rate
599                                                                          656
                                          These results suggest that bivalves play a more important
   from detritus to ZF.
600                                                                          657
                                        role in filtering phytoplankton than zooplankton. This can re-
     In the nutrient equation, a new parameter was introduced,
601                                                                          658
                                        sult from the fact that bivalves are benthic and sessile organ-
   gSSCN, it denotes the leaching rate of nutrients from the partic-
602                                                                          659
                                        isms, being able to resist currents as opposite to zooplankton

   ulate phase (i.e. absorbed on the fine sediment) to the dis-
603                                                                          660
                                        populations, although some develop strategies to resist dis-
   solved phase.
604                                                                          661
                                        placement forces (Simenstad et al., 1994).

     In Eq. (2), because the model is run at a time step of 1 day,
605                                                                          662
                                          The most important parameter for zooplankton is dZ (the
   Q ¼ Qf. There is thus no need to calculate the tidal dynamics;
606                                                                          663
                                        death-excretion rate of zooplankton), and to a lesser degree
   these are parameterised by the term E.
607                                                                          664
                                        bNP (uptake rate of nutrient by phytoplankton) and bPZ (uptake
     When applying Eq. (2) to the zooplanktivorous fish equa-
608                                                                          665
                                        rate of phytoplankton by zooplankton). The model zooplankton
   tion, Q is modified to incorporate the horizontal swimming
609                                                                          666
                                        (Z ) is most sensitive in case 7 and to a lesser degree in cases 2

   by the fish as fish swim, by kinesis or taxis following environ-
610                                                                          667
                                        and 3 (Fig. 6). As detritus can also be included in zooplankton
                                        diet, if bDZ ¼ 0.1 dayÀ1. In fact, in a situation of low inflow e as
   mental clues (Wolanski et al., 1997; Humston et al., 2000).
611                                                                          668
   This velocity is assumed to be proportional to S. Thus the
612                                                                          669
                                        the one tested in the sensitivity runs (Fig. 6c) e the expected de-
   fish in the model is able to swim, following taxis or kinesis,
613                                                                          670
                                        crease in detritus input caused by the reduction of inflow will
   along environmental gradients.
614                                                                          671
                                        affect the zooplankton biomass in the estuary, which highlights

615                                                                          672
                                        the importance of detritus as food source for estuarine zoo-
616                                                                          673
                                        plankton (Edwards, 2001; Kibirige et al., 2002).
   3. Results and discussion
617                                                                          674
                                          The model also shows that zooplanktivorous fish (ZF) is
618                                                                          675
                                        most sensitive to bZZF, bDZF, and dZF (i.e. respectively, the up-
   3.1. Application to the Guadiana Estuary
619                                                                          676
                                        take rate of zooplankton by zooplanktivorous fish, the uptake
620                                                                          677
     In the Guadiana Estuary, field data of fine sediment concen-       rate of detritus by zooplanktivorous fish, and the death rate of
   tration during low flow conditions (Qf < 50 m3 sÀ1) suggest
621                                                                          678
                                        the zooplanktivorous fish; cases 6, 11 and 12) (Fig. 6d). In
622                                                                          679
   the presence of a weak turbidity maximum zone near the salin-       fact, salinity changes caused by modification of freshwater/
   ity intrusion limit, with a maximum SSC value of 114 mg lÀ1
623                                                                          680
                                        seawater balance may affect zooplanktoneprey distribution
   at S ¼ 12 while SSC is about 30 mg lÀ1 in the freshwater rea-
624                                                                          681
                                        and impact zooplanktivorous fish species distribution. More-
625                                                                          682
   ches of the estuary (Portela, unpubl. data). Therefore, the        over, it suggests that the export of detritus from the salt marsh
626                                                                          683
   model assumes a suspended sediment concentration (SSC)          does not seem to be the most important source of food for
627                                                                          684
   that is determined as follows:                      these fish.

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                         E. Wolanski et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science xx (2006) 1e12                      7

685                                                                                    742
686                                                                                    743
687                                                                                    744
688                                                                                    745
689                                                                                    746
690                                                                                    747
691                                                                                    748
692                                                                                    749
693                                                                                    750
694                                                                                    751
695                                                                                    752

696                                                                                    753
697                                                                                    754

698                                                                                    755
699                                                                                    756
700                                                                                    757
701                                                                                    758
702                                                                                    759

703                                                                                    760
704                                                                                    761
705                                                                                    762
706                                                                                    763
707                                                                                    764
708                                                                                    765
709                                                                                    766
710                                                                                    767
711                                                                                    768
712                                                                                    769

713                                                                                    770
714                                                                                    771
715                                                                                    772
   Fig. 5. Along-channel distribution in the Guadiana Estuary of (a) observed (dots) and predicted (line) total fish biomass, (b) observed (dots) and predicted (line)
716                                                                                    773
   bivalve biomass, (c) observed (dots) and predicted (line) nutrients’ (nitrate) mass, and (d) observed (dots) and predicted (line) zooplankton biomass. To convert

717                                                                                    774
                            À2             À2                            À3
   biomass to concentration, for fish 2.8e2.87 g cm , for bivalve 1.2e24 m , for nitrate 4e15.5 mM, and for zooplankton 1e54 m .
718                                                                                    775

719                                                                                    776
                                              Table 2
720                                            Model sensitivity runs. All the runs were carried out for a steady, freshwater 777
721                                                                                    778
                                              discharge Qf ¼ 2 m3 sÀ1. Rates are expressed as dayÀ1
722                                                                                    779
                                              Run 1:         Standard run
   Table 1
723                                                                                    780
                                                          bNP decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
                                              Run 2:

   Final values of the parameters. Rates are expressed as dayÀ1
724                                                                                    781
                                                          bPZ decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
                                              Run 3:
                                                          bPB decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
   bNP                                         Run 4:
725                                                                                    782
                                                          dP decreased from 0.05 to 0.025
   bPZ                                         Run 5:
726                                                                                    783
                                                          bZZF decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
                                              Run 6:
   bPB                     0.1
727                                                                                    784
                                                          dZ decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
                                              Run 7:
   dP                      0.05
728                                                                                    785
                                                          bBCF decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
   bZZF                                         Run 8:

729                                                                                    786
   dZ                                          Run 9:         decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
                                                          dCF decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
                                              Run 10:
   bBCF                     0.1
730                                                                                    787
                                                          bDZF decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
                                              Run 11:
   dB                      0.1
731                                                                                    788
                                                          dZF decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
   dCF                                         Run 12:
732                                                                                    789
                                                          bSSCN decreased from 0.3 to 0.15
   bDZF                                         Run 13:
733                                                                                    790
                                                          bZCF decreased from 0.03 to 0.015
                                              Run 14:
   dZF                     0.1
734                                                                                    791
   bSSCN                                        Run 15:         decreased from 0.03 to 0.015
                                                          bDB decreased from 0.1 to 0.05
   bZCF                                         Run 16:
735                                                                                    792
                                                          aZ and aB decreased from 0.15 to 0.075
                                              Run 17:
   bDCF                     0.03
736                                                                                    793
                                                          aD in the freshwater zone increased from 0 to 0.05
                                              Run 18
   bDB                     0.1
737                                                                                    794
                                                                      À1            À1
                                                          bDZ increased to 0.1 day (run 19) and 0.05 day
   bDZ                                         Run 19:
738                                                                                    795
   aB                                                      (run 19a, open circles)
                          0.15 (¼0 in freshwater reaches)
739                                                        aD increased to 0.15 in the saline region and 0.05 in 796
                                              Run 20:
   aD                      0.05 (¼0 in freshwater reaches)
                                                          the freshwater region
   aCF                     0.05 (¼0 in freshwater reaches)
740                                                                                    797
                                                          bPCF increased to 0.1; az and aB increased to 0.15
   aZ                                          Run 21:
                          0.05 (¼0 in freshwater reaches)
741                                                                                    798

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   8                     E. Wolanski et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science xx (2006) 1e12

799                                                                                   856
800                                                                                   857
801                                                                                   858
802                                                                                   859
803                                                                                   860
804                                                                                   861
805                                                                                   862
806                                                                                   863
807                                                                                   864
808                                                                                   865
809                                                                                   866

810                                                                                   867
811                                                                                   868

812                                                                                   869
813                                                                                   870
814                                                                                   871
815                                                                                   872
816                                                                                   873

817                                                                                   874
818                                                                                   875
819                                                                                   876
820                                                                                   877
821                                                                                   878
822                                                                                   879
823                                                                                   880
824                                                                                   881
825                                                                                   882
826                                                                                   883

827                                                                                   884
828                                                                                   885
829                                                                                   886
830                                                                                   887

831                                                                                   888
832                                                                                   889

833                                                                                   890
834                                                                                   891
835                                                                                   892
836                                                                                   893
837                                                                                   894

838                                                                                   895
839                                                                                   896
840                                                                                   897
841                                                                                   898
842                                                                                   899

843                                                                                   900
844                                                                                   901
845                                                                                   902
   Fig. 6. Along-channel distribution of predicted variables in the Guadiana Estuary for various sensitivity runs shown as numbers (see Table 2). (a) Phytoplankton
   biomass (Chl a), (b) zooplankton biomass, (c) zooplankton (cont), (d) zooplanktivorous fish biomass, (e) carnivorous/omnivorous fish biomass, and (f) detritus
846                                                                                   903
   biomass. To convert biomass to concentration, see Fig. 5 and for Chl a 3.5e7.8 mg lÀ1.
847                                                                                   904
848                                                                                   905
849                                                                                   906
850                                                                                   907
     In the model carnivorous/omnivorous fish is measurably             reaches of the estuary and the model suggests that this fish
851                                                                                   908
   sensitive only to dCF (the natural death rate of carnivorous/om-         is highly vulnerable to a salinity increase, as a result of reduc-
852                                                                                   909
   nivorous fish; case 10, Fig. 6e). The model suggests that no            tion in river inflow. The model also suggests that the lower es-
853                                                                                   910
   other parameter than the natural death rate significantly influ-          tuary has more detritus than it can consume, thus the
854                                                                                   911
   ences the omnivorous fish. These fishes are mainly freshwater            additional detritus from salt marshes is unimportant. In the up-
855                                                                                   912
   Barbus spp. These species are located mostly in the upper             per areas, detritus mainly originates from the decomposition of

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                     E. Wolanski et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science xx (2006) 1e12                       9

913                                                                                  970
   riparian vegetation, this source of detritus seems more impor-
914                                                                                  971
   tant in the middle and lower estuary (Fig. 6f).
915                                                                                  972
     The model sensitivity tests are useful because they show
916                                                                                  973
917                                                                                  974
918                                                                                  975
    1. the model appears robust because large, but reasonable,
919                                                                                  976
     changes in the parameters do not lead to instabilities
920                                                                                  977
     such as the destruction of trophic layers;
921                                                                                  978
    2. the biomass of organisms is directly affected by its con-
922                                                                                  979
     sumption of prey or being consumed by predators the
923                                                                                  980
     next level up in the food chain. Indirect effects across

924                                                                                  981
     two trophic levels are generally small; for instance if we
925                                                                                  982
     compare ZF from runs 1 and 5, i.e. there is no impact of

926                                                                                  983
     the death rate of phytoplankton on carnivorous fish.
927                                                                                  984
928                                                                                  985
929                                                                                  986
   3.2. Examples of management application of the model
930                                                                                  987

931                                                                                  988
     The ecological sub-model is also simple, though still real-
932                                                                                  989
   istic. It incorporates the dominant six state variables. The
933                                                                                  990
   model integrates physical, chemical and biological processes
934                                                                                  991
   in the estuary; it predicts the ecosystem health as determined      Fig. 7. Along-channel distribution of predicted phytoplankton (Chl a) biomass
                                        in the Guadiana Estuary for the standard run (‘as is’), for a doubling of nutrient
935                                                                                  992
   by the following variables: nutrients, suspended particulate
                                        concentration in the river (‘N Â 2’), and for the additional impact of removing
936                                                                                  993
   matter, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bivalves, zooplanktivo-
                                        the salt marshes (‘No marsh, N Â 2’) for a freshwater discharge equal to
937                                                                                  994
   rous fish and carnivorous/omnivorous fish. Thus the model is        2 m3 sÀ1. To convert biomass to concentration for Chl a 3.5e7.8 mg lÀ1.
938                                                                                  995
   simpler than a number of other models (e.g. Flindt and
939                                                                                  996
                                        Alqueva dam because their renewal and distribution depend
   Kamp-Nielsen, 1997 e this comprises 12 state variables)
940                                                                                  997
                                        on freshets.
   that are often too complex and unwieldy for practical applica-

941                                                                                  998
                                          Moreover, the model can also be used for finding solutions
   tions, especially when data are unavailable or insufficient.
942                                                                                  999
                                        for practical existing environmental problems in the Guadiana
     The model can readily be used to test management sce-
943                                                                                 1000
                                        Estuary such as toxic algal blooms and eutrophication risk. After
   narios when querying the impact of developments and
944                                                                                 1001
                                        the dam construction the estuary reached a man-made quasi-
   disturbances to land-use and water-resources in the river

945                                                                                 1002
                                        steady state characterised by poor productivity and low biomass
   catchment. For instance, the model predicts (Fig. 7) the impact
946                                                                                 1003
                                        in all communities (Fig. 8). Indeed, the fluctuations in river dis-
   of doubling the nutrient concentration in the Guadiana River

947                                                                                 1004
                                        charge e as freshets e as occurred historically, increased diver-
   as a result of irrigation farming downstream of the Alqueva
948                                                                                 1005
                                        sity and variability in plankton and nektonic communities
   dam. Such farming is indeed planned. The phytoplankton con-
949                                                                                 1006
                                        (Fig. 8bee), and promoted ecosystem dynamics. This model
   centration is predicted to increase, particularly in the phyto-
950                                                                                 1007
                                        prediction is supported by the observations of Roelke (2000)
   plankton maximum zone located in the upper reaches of the
951                                                                                 1008
                                        in the Nueces Delta, Texas. This ecosystem response to freshwa-
   estuary. This suggests that the system is becoming eutrophi-

952                                                                                 1009
                                        ter discharge pulses can be used as a management solution for
   cated and the risk of toxic algae blooms has increased.
953                                                                                 1010
                                        toxic algal blooms or eutrophication in the Guadiana. In the
     The model can also predict the impact of the salt marshes
                                        Guadiana, the model suggests that increasing Qf to 50 m3 sÀ1
954                                                                                 1011
   being destroyed by developments. The model predictions for
955                                                                                 1012
                                        for 5 days will flush the estuary and promote the development
   phytoplankton are shown in Fig. 7. Clearly the risk of eutro-
956                                                                                 1013
                                        of a diverse phytoplankton and zooplankton communities.
   phication and of toxic algae blooms would be further

957                                                                                 1014
                                          The model is restricted to the estuary. It cannot predict im-
958                                                                                 1015
                                        pacts on the coastal zone. Studies are needed to determine if
     The model was used to assess the influence on the estuarine
959                                                                                 1016
                                        longer-duration and possibly higher intensity freshets may
   ecosystem health of the Alqueva dam that in 2002e2003 sub-
960                                                                                 1017
                                        be needed to maintain coastal marine ecosystem health,
   stantially decreased the river discharge Qf (Fig. 8a). The pre-
961                                                                                 1018
                                        as suggested by Doornbos (1982), Quinones and Montes
   dictions (Fig. 8b, c) show that without the dam the system was
962                                                                                 1019
                                        (2001), Chıcharo et al. (2002) and Simier et al. (2004).
   highly variable during a freshwater pulse, while with the dam
963                                                                                 1020
                                          Thus the estuarine ecohydrology model is able to provide
   the system was at steady state. The predicted influence of the
964                                                                                 1021
                                        answers to a number of practical questions. These answers
   Alqueva dam is particularly dramatic for the carnivorous/om-
965                                                                                 1022
                                        must always be taken carefully because the model, like any
   nivorous fish (Fig. 8d, e) because without the dam the fish was
966                                                                                 1023
                                        ecosystem model, over-simplifies reality, and the data set is in-
   able to spread over much of the estuary for up to a month after
967                                                                                 1024
                                        adequate for a detailed calibration. In that sense, the model
   a freshet, while with the dam the fish is restricted to the upper-
968                                                                                 1025
                                        predictions are somewhere between quantitative and qualita-
   most region of the estuary. Zooplankton and zooplanktivorous
969                                                                                 1026
                                        tive. Detailed field studies are needed to better understand,
   fish also are predicted to decrease in the presence of the

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    10                     E. Wolanski et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science xx (2006) 1e12

1027                                                                                    1084
1028                                                                                    1085
1029                                                                                    1086
1030                                                                                    1087
1031                                                                                    1088
1032                                                                                    1089
1033                                                                                    1090
1034                                                                                    1091
1035                                                                                    1092
1036                                                                                    1093
1037                                                                                    1094

1038                                                                                    1095
1039                                                                                    1096

1040                                                                                    1097
1041                                                                                    1098
1042                                                                                    1099
1043                                                                                    1100
1044                                                                                    1101

1045                                                                                    1102
1046                                                                                    1103
1047                                                                                    1104
1048                                                                                    1105
1049                                                                                    1106
1050                                                                                    1107
1051                                                                                    1108
1052                                                                                    1109
1053                                                                                    1110
1054                                                                                    1111

1055                                                                                    1112
1056                                                                                    1113
1057                                                                                    1114
1058                                                                                    1115

1059                                                                                    1116
1060                                                                                    1117

1061                                                                                    1118
1062                                                                                    1119
1063                                                                                    1120
1064                                                                                    1121
1065                                                                                    1122

1066                                                                                    1123
1067                                                                                    1124
1068                                                                                    1125
1069                                                                                    1126
    Fig. 8. (a) Time series plot of the Guadiana River discharge entering the estuary in the dry season of 2003 in the presence of the Alqueva dam, and the predicted
1070                                                                                    1127
    river discharge if the dam had not been constructed (middle). Time series plot of the predicted distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the Guadiana Estuary in

1071                                                                                    1128
    2003 (b) without and (c) with the Alqueva dam. Time series plot of the predicted distribution of carnivorous/omnivorous fish biomass in the Guadiana Estuary in
    2003 (d) without and (e) with the Alqueva dam. To convert biomass to concentration, see Figs. 5 and 6.
1072                                                                                    1129
1073                                                                                    1130
1074                                                                                    1131
    and hence better parameterise in the model, the various pro-            presently set as a constant, is probably varying seasonally
1075                                                                                    1132
    cesses driving the ecosystem. The model should be seen as             and possibly stochastically e data on this are missing and
1076                                                                                    1133
    a living model e it has been written using subroutines that            are needed. Also, as the new data become available, the model
1077                                                                                    1134
    are readily edited, so that the new knowledge on individual            should be improved by subdividing the phytoplankton com-
1078                                                                                    1135
    processes can readily be incorporated in the model. For the            partment into the main classes (Domingues et al., 2005).
1079                                                                                    1136
    model to remain a useful tool, it is suggested that its complex-           For science, the model provides a tool to enable the
1080                                                                                    1137
    ity should be increased only as fast as additional physical,            exchange of information between oceanographers, biologists,
1081                                                                                    1138
    chemical and biological processes can be quantified through             ecologists, engineers, sociologists, economists and water-
1082                                                                                    1139
    new field and laboratory studies. For example, the import              resources managers at regional and national government
1083                                                                                    1140
    rate a from salt marshes and riparian ecotones, which is              levels, and the community.

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