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Yizhaq et al 2007

                    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS                             week ending
PRL 98, 188001 (2007)                                                  4 MAY 2007

    Why Do Active and Stabilized Dunes Coexist under the Same Climatic Conditions?
                  Hezi Yizhaq,1 Yosef Ashkenazy,1 and Haim Tsoar2
        Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research,
              Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus 84990 Israel
   Department of Geography and Environmental Development Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
       (Received 4 November 2006; revised manuscript received 13 February 2007; published 2 May 2007)
        Sand dunes can be active (mobile) or stable, mainly as a function of vegetation cover and wind power.
       However, there exists as yet unexplained evidence for the coexistence of bare mobile dunes and vegetated
       stabilized dunes under the same climatic conditions. We propose a model for dune vegetation cover driven
       by wind power that exhibits bistabilty and hysteresis with respect to the wind power. For intermediate
       wind power, mobile and stabilized dunes can coexist, whereas for low (or high) wind power they can be
       fixed (or mobile). Climatic change or human intervention can turn active dunes into stable ones and vice
       versa; our model predicts that prolonged droughts with stronger winds can result in dune reactivation.

       DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.188001                   PACS numbers: 45.70.ÿn, 05.45.ÿa

  Sand dunes form an important, unique, and complex                  DP ˆ hU2 …U ÿ Ut †i;           (1)
ecological [1] and physical [2] system. Approximately
20% [3] of desert areas are covered by sand dunes, some      where U is the wind speed (in knots: 1 knot ˆ 0:514 m=s)
of which endanger human settlements, agricultural fields,      measured at a height of 10 m and the average is over time;
roads, etc. (e.g., [4]). Sand dunes may be either active      Ut is a minimal threshold velocity (ˆ12 knots) necessary
(mobile) or fixed, as determined primarily by vegetation      for sand transport [8]. Still, the DP is a potential sand drift,
cover and wind power. Climate changes and human activ-       with the actual sand drift further depending on the mean
ities may therefore transform fixed dunes into mobile        grain diameter, the degree of surface roughness, the
dunes, and vice versa [5], and may even accelerate deserti-    amount and type of vegetation or crust cover, the amount
fication processes. It is thus important to understand dune     of moisture in the sand, and the uniformity of the wind
dynamics and their response to various climatic changes      direction. According to Fryberger [8] wind energy can be
and human activities.                       classified as follows: DP < 200, low energy; 200  DP <
  One of the most interesting phenomena related to sand      400, intermediate energy; and DP  400, high energy.
dunes is bistability; i.e., under the same climatic conditions    A striking example of the dune bistability phenomenon,
(mainly wind power and precipitation) and in the same       i.e., mobile barchan dunes and stabilized parabolic dunes
geographical area, it is possible to find both active and      [Fig. 1(a)], is found in northeastern Brazil [10]. Here the
fixed dunes [Fig. 1(a)]. The underlying mechanism for this     average annual rainfall is 2.4 m and the DP is over 1000. In
bistability is not yet clear. Recently, Tsoar [6] suggested    spite of the extremely high rainfall, many dunes are active
that it is driven by the interaction between wind and       due to the strong winds.
vegetation. This Letter will develop a simple, physically       A vegetated dune can naturally become active when the
motivated model to explain the bistability and hysteresis of    wind power is sufficiently high to cause the decay of
sand dunes.                            vegetation. Once active, only a climatic reversal to much
  Dunes are driven by the wind [6,7], but vegetation cover-    weaker winds which do not suppress vegetation growth,
ing them weakens this impact. On one hand, even the        will allow reestablishment of vegetation and stabilization
action of very strong winds may be masked by vegetation      of the dune. These dynamics describe hysteresis behavior.
leaving the dunes immobile. On the other hand, even        Natural changes in windiness or forced changes in vegeta-
relatively weak winds may lead to sand mobility when        tion cover (e.g., overgrazing, clear cutting, or forced stabi-
dunes are bare. Moreover, wind also affects the vegetation     lization by planting) may shift the dune into a new state. An
cover; when wind becomes stronger the vegetation cover       example of such a transition is the clear cutting of vegeta-
decreases, a fact that further enhances dune mobility,       tion on dunes in North Holland that took place in
which in turn further reduces vegetation cover. This feed-     December 1998 (DP ˆ 1570) [11], which led to the dunes
back mechanism underlines the model we propose below.       remaining bare and mobile until today.
  Wind power is usually expressed by aeolian geomor-         In places with very weak wind power (low DP), the
phologists as a drift potential (DP) [6,8]. Theoretical and    dunes have only one stable fixed vegetated state; here we
empirical studies have shown [2,8,9], that DP is propor-      assume that the precipitation is above the threshold needed
tional to the potential sand volume that can be transported    for vegetation growth (80 mm=yr, based on observations
by the wind trough a 1 m wide cross section per unit time     in the Negev Desert). In these cases, the dunes can be
(in most cases, given as per year). DP is given by         active due to either anthropogenic pressure or prolonged

0031-9007=07=98(18)=188001(4)               188001-1         © 2007 The American Physical Society
                     PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS                            week ending
PRL 98, 188001 (2007)                                                 4 MAY 2007

                                  tated, fixed dunes within two years, as dictated by the
                                  area’s weak wind power and above-threshold precipitation.
                                    We formulate here a general model of wind-vegetation-
                                  dune interactions without going into the details of dune
                                  types. We assume that wind power is the dominant factor
                                  affecting dune mobility in areas where the annual precipi-
                                  tation is above the threshold needed for vegetation devel-
                                  opment (50 –80 mm per year [6]). The impact of vegetation
                                  cover on sand transport involves complicated processes
                                  (cf. [13,14]). Vegetation acts to reduce wind-based sand
                                  transport as it extracts momentum from the air, reduces
                                  wind velocity, masks the sand surface from direct wind
                                  action, and traps sand particles. The sand transport depends
                                  on the height, roughness, and concentration of plants (e.g.,
                                  [15]). In the absence of a complete, accepted theory for the
                                  coupling between sand transport and vegetation, we adopt
                                  a simple modeling approach that is consistent with basic
                                  physical principles [16].
                                    The model we propose is
                                        dv           v
                                          ˆ …v ‡ † 1 ÿ
                                        dt           vmax
                                           ÿ " DP …vc ÿ v†v ÿ DP2=3 v:      (2)
                                  The dynamical variable is v, the vegetation areal cover
                                  density, which values between 0 (bare dune) and vmax ,
                                  where for completely vegetated dune vmax ˆ 1. The vege-
                                  tation growth rate, …v ‡ †…1 ÿ v=vmax †, is logistic
                                  growth [production …v ‡ † multiplied by resource com-
                                  petition …1 ÿ v=vmax †] [17] where ‘‘’’ is a ‘‘spontaneous’’
                                  vegetation factor growth that describes an average growth
                                  rate for even bare dune due to soil seed banks, underground
                                  roots [18], and seed carried by wind, animals, etc. Logistic
                                  models are often used to describe hysteresis phenomena of
                                  ecological and economical systems [19].
                                    The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2),
FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Lencois Maranhenses dunes in north-   " DP …vc ÿ v†v, represents the effect of sand movement
eastern Brazil (43 W, 2 S); a field of active barchan dunes
                                  on vegetation (such as root exposure and plant burial by
(upper right corner) coexist with fixed vegetated parabolic dunes.
Landsat Satellite image. [Landsat imagery courtesy of NASA     sand) and since it is a mortality term it is proportional to v.
Goddard Space Flight Center and USGS Center for Earth Re-      vc is a critical vegetation cover above which sand transport
sources Observations and Science.] (b) Satellite image (Google   sharply decreases [20,21]. The Heaviside step function
Earth) of the Israel-Egypt border area showing high contrast in   …vc ÿ v†, which is 1 when v < vc , while otherwise is
albedo between the bright active Egyptian dunes and the darker   zero, reflects the fact that for high vegetation density, v >
fixed vegetated Israeli dunes. Arrows indicate the prevailing    vc , the surface is effectively protected from wind action
wind direction.                           [15]. The speed of dune migration is proportional to the
                                  sand flux, which is self proportional to DP. Thus a change
                                  in dune height is also proportional to DP [2,8] and hence
drought. This occurs, for example, at the Israeli-Egyptian     the erosion or accumulation of vegetation due to sand
border [Fig. 1(b)], where there is a clear visual differ-      transport is proportional to DP. " is a proportionality
ence between the active dunes on the Egyptian side and       constant that may have different values for different plants.
the vegetated and almost fully stabilized dunes on the         The last term in Eq. (2), DP2=3 v, stands for a reduction
Israeli side [12]. This difference is attributed to wood      in vegetation cover due to direct wind action that can
gathering, overgrazing, and trampling of the sand crust       increase evapotranspiration and uproot, erode, or suppress
on the Egyptian side, practices that have been prohibited      the growth of vegetation [22]. Generally, wind drag is pro-
on the Israeli side since the establishment of the border in    portional to the square of the wind speed [2] while DP is
1982. Once this anthropogenic pressure ceased on the        proportional to the cube of the wind speed [Eq. (1)]. Thus,
Israeli side, the dunes took on their natural state of vege-    DP2=3 may represent wind drag on vegetation and hence
                     PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS                                            week ending
PRL 98, 188001 (2007)                                                                  4 MAY 2007

the vegetation growth suppression due to direct wind ac-      higher values of vc (like the Australian dunes) can be
tion. This term is proportional to v, as it is basically a     reactivated at lower DP values (weaker winds), whereas
mortality term. is a proportionality constant. The term,     for dunes with lower values of vc (like the Kalahari dunes)
DP2=3 v, unlike the other terms in Eq. (2), acts even when    stronger winds are needed for reactivate them. Following
the dune is maximally vegetated.                  Eq. (6), DP1 also decreases with increasing vc but more
  Although it is possible to reduce the model (2) to contain    slowly as compare to DP2 . Thus, as vc increases, the
only four independent parameters we choose to follow the      hysteresis diagram shrinks and shifts to the left, mainly
seven original parameters to allow easier physical inter-      since the fixed dune branch F becomes smaller; see
pretation. The parameter values that we use are: ˆ        Fig. 3(a).
0:1 yrÿ1 which is a typical growth rate for dune vegetation      Human intervention may cause active dunes to become
(see [17]);  ˆ 0:2 is estimated as dv = starting from bare
                                  stable or stable dunes to turn active. The model shows that
dune and when DP ˆ 0, vmax ˆ 1 represents ideal vegeta-       vegetated dunes with higher DP values are more vulnerable
tion growth conditions: vc ˆ 0:2 [7,23], " ˆ 0:001, and       to activation as only a relatively small disturbance in
ˆ 0:0008. Both " and can be estimated from field         vegetation cover such as, clear cutting or overgrazing
experiments.                            may shift the system to the lower branch of activated
  The proposed model [Eq. (2)] has two stable stationary      dunes. The reactivation of some Netherlands coastal dunes
states, A and F, representing active and fixed dunes, re-      described above can be regarded as an example of this
spectively. The vegetation cover density under which ac-      transition, which is seen in Fig. 2(b). The graph shows
tive and fixed states may interchanging va;f is           numerical solutions of Eq. (2) with different initial pertur-
       va;f ˆ ÿÿa;f ‡ ÿ2 ‡ vmax ;
                  a;f            (3)                             DP1          DP2
where                                           0.8

                                                 Israel-Eygpt border
  ÿa;f ˆ vmax ‰ÿ1 ‡ =vmax ‡ " DP …vc ÿ v†=                                             F
                                   Vegetation cover, v

      ‡ DP2=3 = Š=2:                 (4)              0.4
The active dune state va is valid when v < vc and the fixed                                     Netherlands
                                              0.2                 A                vc
dune state vf , is valid otherwise. For DP ˆ 0, v ˆ vmax .
  Figure 2(a) shows the stable stationary states as a func-                0
tion of DP. For a wide regime of DP values, both the fixed                                100        1000       10 000
and active dune states coexist, indicating the hysteresis and                              Wind drift potential, DP
bistability of the model. This dune hysteresis may be                    Kraansvlak (Netherlands)           Israel-Egypt border
described as follows: starting from very low DP, only the                  1          (c) DP=50 DP=100
fixed dune solution vf exists; when the DP slowly in-                    0.8 (b)   DP=1570
creases, this solution persists until the very high DP ˆ                  0.4 v0=0.3
DP2 is reaching at which point vf ˆ vc . The DP at this                  0.2 v0=0.1           DP=200 vc
point is given by                                      0
                                                0 20 40 60 80 100  20 40 60 80 100
     DP 2=3 ˆ …1 ÿ vc =vmax †… ‡ vc †=… vc †:     (5)                            Time           Time

Beyond this point, the system switches to the active dune      FIG. 2 (color online). (a) Stable states diagram showing vege-
state, A. When DP is then slowly decreased, the solution      tation cover v vs DP. The gray area indicates the domain of
continues to be the active dune state until a very low DP      bistability. The arrows indicate the hysteresis scenario, and the
                                  dash-dot vertical lines indicate the transition from fixed to active
(DP1 ), at which point it switches to the fixed dune state.
                                  dune states and vice versa. Solid lines indicate stable states.
DP1 can be approximated as                     Parameter values used are: vmax ˆ 1, vc ˆ 0:2,  ˆ 0:001, ˆ
                                  0:1, ˆ 0:0008,  ˆ 0:2. For these parameters, DP1 ˆ 139 and
       DP 1=3  …DP2=3 ="†1=3 ÿ =…3"†:
        1    2                  (6)
                                  DP2 ˆ 2828. The vertical arrows indicate two examples shown
Thus, as DP2 decreases, DP1 also decreases.             in panels b and c. (b) An example of transition from a fixed dune
 The critical vegetation cover vc varies for different       to an active dune state (Netherlands case). Time evolution (in
                                  arbitrary time units) of vegetation cover v for DP ˆ 1570 for
geographical locations, from vc  0:14 for the Kalahari
                                  different initial conditions (v ˆ 0:3 and v ˆ 0:1). The upper
desert [23] to vc  0:35 for Australian deserts [7]; vc is     curve converges to the fixed dune F state, while the lower curve
sometimes difficult to measure and may have only mar-        (that is associated with large disturbance) converges to the active
ginal accuracy. The various vc values found in nature may      dune A state. (c) Same as b, but for different DP values, (Israel-
indicate different dynamic scenarios predicted by our        Egypt border case), starting from v ˆ 0:01. For DP ˆ 50 and
model. More specifically, DP2 [Eq. (5)] decreases drasti-      DP ˆ 100, the asymptotic state is the fixed dune state F,
cally with increasing vc , which means that dunes with       whereas for DP ˆ 200, it is the active dune state A.
                      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS                           week ending
PRL 98, 188001 (2007)                                                  4 MAY 2007

             Active dunes   (b) Active dunes      a scenario. Figure 3(b) illustrates the impact of drought on
        (a)                     DP1
      3                             dune activation. We simulate drought conditions by de-
         Active & fixed dunes            DP2   creasing the vegetation logistic growth rate in Eq. (2). As

                      Active & fixed dunes    becomes smaller, the hysteresis diagram shrinks, which
  10                                 means that transition from the fixed to the active dune state
          Fixed dunes          Fixed dunes     (DP2 ) occurs at weaker winds (smaller DP).
        0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3    0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1     The model we suggest is very simple and does not
             vc            α         definitively simulate the complicated process of dune
                                   dynamics and the effects of wind direction variability.
FIG. 3. (a) Active to fixed dune transition point DP1 [Eq. (6)]    Thus, our conclusions should be regarded as speculative.
and fixed to active dunes transition point DP2 [Eq. (5)] as a     Nevertheless, the proposed model may shed light on the
function of critical vegetation cover vc . The various gray shad-   dynamical scenarios underlining dune fixation and reacti-
ings represent different stability regimes. As vc increases the fix-  vation processes.
active and active-fix dune transitions occur for weaker winds       We thank E. Zaady, Y. Zarmi, and A. Zemel for helpful
(low DP) (b) Same as (a), but for different growth rates . As    discussions and the Center for Complexity Science (Y. A.)
decreases fix-active and active-fix dune transitions occur for     and the Israeli Ministry of the Environmental Protection
weaker winds (low DP), suggesting that drought conditions are
                                   for financial support.
more favorable for transitions from fixed to mobile dune states
(desertification process). Parameter values are as in Fig. 2.

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by Sarah Freed last modified 14-11-2009 14:55

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