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226 items matching your criteria.
- Meeting One Agenda [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:15
- Executive summary - Feb 2006 [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:12
- A short summary of working group objectives, products, tasks and timeline following Jan-Feb 2006 meeting.
- Minutes & Notes [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:08
- Meeting materials [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:08
- Reprints exchanged during meeting [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:08
- Presentations [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:07
- January 30 - February 1, 2006 Meeting [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:07
- Network model parameters [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:05
- Initial estimates of P/B ratios, diet and other information from various sources to be used to parameterize network model(s). Note: spreadsheet has multiple ...
- Kelp Harvest - SB Channel [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:00
- Time series of kelp harvest from beds in the Santa Barbara Channel 1957-2006
- Dive Sites [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:00
- Monterey, Santa Barbara, LA and San Diego area dive sites: Names and locations of dive sites identified during diving activity surveys
- Kelp-dependent fish [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 14:49
- Spreadsheet of kelp-dependent California fish species with information about harvest, stock assessment availability, habitat use and life history.
- Master spreadsheet of data available for EBM Sci Frame working group [1%] by ckappel, 24-10-2006 15:10
- list of data available, source, scale and resolution of data, variables, people responsible for tracking down each data layer, etc.
- Draft socioeconomic overview of Northern and Central California counties' marine activities 2003 [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 17:00
- Prepared for Monterey Bay, Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries' Joint Management Plan Revision. Authors: Rod Ehler, Vernon R. ...
- In press paper by Astrid Scholz and coauthors on participatory analysis [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:57
- Reprints exchanged during meeting [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:55
- Further model development ppt - optimal control theory group - Jim Sanchirico [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:53
- Economic value of EBM from optimal control theory - Chris Costello [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:52
- Economic valuation and EBM ppt - Susanne Menzel [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:51
- Network model ppt - Mike Fogarty [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:48
- Path analysis ppt - Andy Rosenberg [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:47
- Boundary delineation overview [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 15:05
- Human impacts (threats) analysis overview [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 15:05
- Word document outlining approach, including tables of threats, human activitites and habitats
- MBNMS Management Plan & Case Study - Fio Micheli [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:12
- Threats analysis ppt - Rebecca Martone [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:12
- Boundary delineation ppt - Carrie Kappel [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:10
- Network model ppt - Carrie Kappel [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:09
- September 13-17, 2006 Meeting [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:06
- Working Group Meeting Minutes, Materials & Presentations [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:06
- [ยทยทยท] [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 09:40
- Sardine fishery - stakeholder scales [1%] by ckappel, 05-06-2006 14:53