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226 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Meeting One Agenda [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:15
Executive summary - Feb 2006 [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:12
A short summary of working group objectives, products, tasks and timeline following Jan-Feb 2006 meeting.
Minutes & Notes [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:08
Meeting materials [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:08
Reprints exchanged during meeting [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:08
Presentations [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:07
January 30 - February 1, 2006 Meeting [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:07
Network model parameters [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:05
Initial estimates of P/B ratios, diet and other information from various sources to be used to parameterize network model(s). Note: spreadsheet has multiple ...
Kelp Harvest - SB Channel [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:00
Time series of kelp harvest from beds in the Santa Barbara Channel 1957-2006
Dive Sites [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 15:00
Monterey, Santa Barbara, LA and San Diego area dive sites: Names and locations of dive sites identified during diving activity surveys
Kelp-dependent fish [1%] by ckappel, 30-10-2006 14:49
Spreadsheet of kelp-dependent California fish species with information about harvest, stock assessment availability, habitat use and life history.
Master spreadsheet of data available for EBM Sci Frame working group [1%] by ckappel, 24-10-2006 15:10
list of data available, source, scale and resolution of data, variables, people responsible for tracking down each data layer, etc.
Draft socioeconomic overview of Northern and Central California counties' marine activities 2003 [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 17:00
Prepared for Monterey Bay, Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries' Joint Management Plan Revision. Authors: Rod Ehler, Vernon R. ...
In press paper by Astrid Scholz and coauthors on participatory analysis [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:57
Reprints exchanged during meeting [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:55
Further model development ppt - optimal control theory group - Jim Sanchirico [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:53
Economic value of EBM from optimal control theory - Chris Costello [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:52
Economic valuation and EBM ppt - Susanne Menzel [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:51
Network model ppt - Mike Fogarty [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:48
Path analysis ppt - Andy Rosenberg [1%] by ckappel, 12-10-2006 16:47
Boundary delineation overview [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 15:05
Human impacts (threats) analysis overview [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 15:05
Word document outlining approach, including tables of threats, human activitites and habitats
MBNMS Management Plan & Case Study - Fio Micheli [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:12
Threats analysis ppt - Rebecca Martone [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:12
Boundary delineation ppt - Carrie Kappel [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:10
Network model ppt - Carrie Kappel [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:09
September 13-17, 2006 Meeting [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:06
Working Group Meeting Minutes, Materials & Presentations [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 14:06
[ยทยทยท] [1%] by ckappel, 13-09-2006 09:40
Sardine fishery - stakeholder scales [1%] by ckappel, 05-06-2006 14:53

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