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226 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
A general framework for EBM implementation - Mike Fogarty [1%] by ckappel, 06-02-2007 16:46
China Rockfish Catch by Ports and Blocks Report [1%] by ckappel, 30-01-2007 16:42
Produced by CA DFG Marine GIS Raw data have been requested by Carrie
Calico Rockfish Catch by Ports and Blocks Report [1%] by ckappel, 30-01-2007 16:42
Produced by CA DFG Marine GIS Raw data have been requested by Carrie
Cabezon Catch by Ports and Blocks Report [1%] by ckappel, 30-01-2007 16:41
Produced by CA DFG Marine GIS Raw data have been requested by Carrie
Brown Rockfish Catch by Ports and Blocks Report [1%] by ckappel, 30-01-2007 16:41
Produced by CA DFG Marine GIS Raw data have been requested by Carrie
Blue Rockfish Catch by Ports and Blocks Report [1%] by ckappel, 30-01-2007 16:40
Produced by CA DFG Marine GIS Raw data have been requested by Carrie
Black & Yellow Rockfish Catch by Ports and Blocks Report [1%] by ckappel, 30-01-2007 16:40
Produced by CA DFG Marine GIS Raw data have been requested by Carrie
Black Rockfish Catch by Ports and Blocks Report [1%] by ckappel, 30-01-2007 16:39
Produced by CA DFG Marine GIS Raw data have been requested by Carrie
Metadata for NRDC beach closure data [1%] by ckappel, 10-01-2007 13:27
NRDC Beach Closures and Advisories [1%] by ckappel, 10-01-2007 13:25
Beach closures and advisories for CA, WA, OR, 2002-2005 [1%] by ckappel, 06-01-2007 18:03
compiled by NRDC Note: multi-sheet workbook; download excel file for full dataset
Mussel Watch Data for Monterey Bay 1994-2003 [1%] by ckappel, 08-12-2006 15:59
Downloaded from NCCOS website. Excel spreadsheet with two worksheets - sites and annual survey results. 4 sites in Monterey Bay: Santa Cruz, Moss Landing, ...
Mussel Watch Data for California 1986-2003 [1%] by ckappel, 08-12-2006 15:55
Downloaded from NCCOS website. Excel spreadsheet with two worksheets - sites and annual survey results. Not all sites were sampled in all years.
Toxic Substances Monitoring Program Data for CA 1978-2000 [1%] by ckappel, 08-12-2006 14:50
Zip file containing .dbf files with raw data, which can be opened with Excel or Access, and a pdf describing the database and the program
Toxic Substances Monitoring Program [1%] by ckappel, 08-12-2006 14:50
Data now posted
Mussel Watch Water Quality Data [1%] by ckappel, 08-12-2006 14:50
Data now posted
Mussel Watch Data for California 1977-2000 [1%] by ckappel, 08-12-2006 14:46
Zip file containing .dbf files that can be opened with either Excel or Access. Pdf included that describes the program and all data tables.
Sea urchin landings, CPUE and value by port 1991-2003 [1%] by ckappel, 21-11-2006 07:02
This file has multiple sheets. Open excel spreadsheet for full dataset.
Monthly commercial rockfish landings by port CADFG [1%] by ckappel, 21-11-2006 07:01
This file has multiple sheets. Open excel spreadsheet for full dataset.
Monthly commercial catch of non-rockfish species CADFG [1%] by ckappel, 21-11-2006 07:00
This file has multiple sheets. Open excel spreadsheet for full dataset.
Fisheries landings and value by subport [1%] by ckappel, 21-11-2006 06:58
This file has multiple sheets. Open excel spreadsheet for full dataset.
Annual commercial catch of rockfish by port CADFG [1%] by ckappel, 21-11-2006 06:57
This file has multiple sheets. Open excel spreadsheet for full dataset.
Annual commercial catch of non-rockfish species CADFG [1%] by ckappel, 21-11-2006 06:56
This file has multiple sheets. Open excel spreadsheet for full dataset.
Science Frameworks for EBM WG Meeting 2 [1%] by ckappel, 03-11-2006 16:34
Mussel Watch Site Descriptions [1%] by ckappel, 01-11-2006 16:17
Mussel Watch Locations and Specs [1%] by ckappel, 01-11-2006 16:16
Data [1%] by ckappel, 28-01-2007 12:01
Metadata and data for working group projects. See individual files for data sharing policies and other information.
Appendix E [1%] by ckappel, 01-11-2006 11:24
Historical data sets from long-term nearshore biological sampling: site descriptions
Appendix A [1%] by ckappel, 01-11-2006 11:24
CRANE Data Sheets
Appendix D [1%] by ckappel, 01-11-2006 11:23
Invertebrate, algae and substrate data: site summaries

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