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97 items matching your criteria.
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- Olff1993JEcol.pdf [1%] by ckenned1, 06-03-2010 13:03
- Hosier1980JAE.pdf [1%] by ckenned1, 06-03-2010 13:03
- Doing1985BC.pdf [1%] by ckenned1, 06-03-2010 13:03
- Castillo1996JCC.pdf [1%] by ckenned1, 06-03-2010 13:03
- Zeevalking1977Vegetatio.pdf [1%] by ckenned1, 06-03-2010 13:03
- Dune articles - Chris [1%] by ckenned1, 06-03-2010 13:00
- Seagrass Articles - Chris [1%] by ckenned1, 19-02-2010 15:34
- These are PDFs of articles chosen from the bibliographies of the other seagrass articles uploaded by Sarah.
- [ยทยทยท] [1%] by ckenned1, 30-01-2007 11:43
- Migration stabilises the Serengeti ecosystem [1%] by ckenned1, 30-01-2007 11:40
- Fine sediment trapping in two mangrove-fringed estuaries exposed to contrasting land-use intensity, Palau, Micronesia [1%] by ckenned1, 30-01-2007 11:38
- Wolanski Papers [1%] by ckenned1, 30-01-2007 11:36
- Papers suggested by Eric
- Relevant Short Format Papers [1%] by ckenned1, 30-01-2007 11:35
- Includes papers suggested by Eric Wolanski
- Economic and social demands for coastal protection [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 13:03
- Sustainable utilization and management of mangrove ecosystems of Malaysia [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 13:01
- GIS applied to landscape valuation and management in coastal areas [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 13:00
- Mangroves as fish habitat: 50 years of field studies [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:59
- Contingent Valuation of an urban salt marsh restoration [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:58
- Maximizing conserved biodiversity: why ecosystem indicators and thresholds matter [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:57
- Valuing ecosystem functions: an empirical study on the storm progtection function of Bhitarkanika mangrove ecosystem, India [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:56
- Development of a coastal vulnerability index: a geomorphological perspective [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:55
- Socioeconomic mechanisms preventing optimum use of ecosystem services: an interdiciplinary theoretical analysis [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:52
- The value of salt marsh as a sea defence [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:51
- Fishing and resource review [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:51
- Species conservation review [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:50
- Water quality review [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:49
- Working paper by RK Turner [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:47
- The economic value of wetland services: a meta-analysis [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:47
- An ecological economics approach to the management of a multi-purpose coastal wetland [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:46
- A meta-analysis of wetland contingent valuation studies [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:45
- An economic analysis of alternative mangrove management strategies in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia [1%] by ckenned1, 26-01-2007 12:44