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226 items matching your criteria.
- Monterey commercial landings 1995 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:28
- Monterey commercial landings 1991 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:27
- Monterey commercial landings 1992 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:27
- Monterey commercial landings 1990 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:27
- Monterey commercial landings 1990-1998 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:26
- In pdf form, not extracted to Excel tables yet. Obtained by Irit Altman from CA DFG.
- EBM framework outline [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:24
- Initial outline for EBM framework synthesis paper. Compiled by Andy Rosenberg
- Human activities and their potential impacts - Monterey Bay NMS [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:22
- Compiled by Fio Micheli
- Annual Status of the Fisheries Report Through 2003 [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:19
- CA DFG 2004
- Commercial Fishing & Harvest [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:19
- Annual Status of the Fisheries Report Through 2003 [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:18
- CA DFG 2004
- California's Living Marine Resources: A Status Report [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:16
- Leet, Dewees, Klingbeil and Larson (eds.) CA DFG 2001
- Variables to extract from GIS data layers for human activity / valuation analysis [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:08
- Path analysis [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:07
- Human activity / economic valuation analysis [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:07
- Boundary delineation [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:06
- Variables for path analysis (modification of Susanne's list of variables) [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:05
- Compiled by Irit Altman
- Variables for human activity / economic valuation analysis [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:04
- Compiled by Susanne Menzel
- Southern California Regional Kelp Restoration Project Description [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:02
- Field Guide to Common Subtidal Plants and Animals [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 19:01
- Santa Barbara Coastal Ecosystem LTER Dan Reed, Brent Mardian and Bryn Evans 2005
- Southern California [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:59
- Boundary delineation preprocessing steps [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:57
- Notes on methods, spatial extent, GIS processing, etc. Compiled by Carrie Kappel
- Data layers available for ecosystem boundary delineation [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:53
- Updated February 12, 2007 by Carrie Kappel
- Important fish species - N and C California [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:46
- From Northern and Central CA Biogeographic Assessment Lists name, distribution (slope or shelf), whether the species is caught recreationally, and whether it ...
- Northern and Central California Biogeographic Assessment - Marine Fishes, Birds and Mammals [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:37
- US Dept of Commerce, NOAA, Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment - Biogeography Team National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science December ...
- Ecological Linkages Report [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:34
- US Dept of Commerce, NOAA, NOS Prepared for Cordell Bank, Gulf of the Farallones and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuaries
- Northern and Central California [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:33
- Background information [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:33
- Point source discharger data for CA [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:30
- Name, addresss, contact info, facility type, waste type and treatment, etc. for all active regulated facilities, NPDES facilities, publicly owned treatment ...
- Regulated point source polluters in California [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:27
- Most recent kelp forest fish stock assessments [1%] by ckappel, 12-02-2007 18:11
- Compiled by Irit Altman