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226 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Eertman2002RestEcol.pdf [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:34
Chris_Saltmarsh.docx [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:34
Byrd2004GIS.pdf [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:34
Brusati2006BioInv.pdf [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:34
Beare1987Estuaries.pdf [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:34
Allison1998AMN.pdf [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:34
Abraham2005AAAR.pdf [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:34
[ยทยทยท] [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:22
Salt marsh articles - Chris [1%] by ckappel, 21-03-2010 09:21
pdfs of articles pulled from ref lists of entered marsh papers
zipped mangrove files [1%] by ckappel, 19-03-2010 11:26
Meta-analysis notes Sept 26, 2008 [1%] by ckappel, 09-11-2009 13:45
Summary overview of the meta-analysis project, questions to be addressed, regime shift definition, and action items following the September meeting
Notes [1%] by ckappel, 09-11-2009 13:43
Papers for meta-analysis database [1%] by ckappel, 09-11-2009 13:42
pdf reprints of papers entered or to be entered in database
Meta-analysis database bibliography [1%] by ckappel, 09-11-2009 13:39
Meta-analysis [1%] by ckappel, 09-11-2009 13:39
Meta-analysis of the effect of regime shifts in coastal habitats on ecosystem services
2000-2006 CA Commercial Fishing Block Landings Kelp Dependent Species [1%] by ckappel, 02-11-2007 14:51
1990-1999 CA Commercial Fishing Block Landings Kelp Dependent Species [1%] by ckappel, 02-11-2007 14:51
1980-1989 CA Commercial Fishing Block Landings Kelp Dependent Species [1%] by ckappel, 02-11-2007 14:50
1969-1979 CA Commercial Fishing Block Landings Kelp Dependent Species [1%] by ckappel, 02-11-2007 14:49
California-wide landings data by block for kelp-dependent species [1%] by ckappel, 02-11-2007 14:47
Supplied by CA DFG; Requested by Carrie Kappel
Valuation of Ecosystem services for EBM - Update by Susanne Menzel [1%] by ckappel, 03-07-2007 15:56
January 27-30 2007 Meeting Notes [1%] by ckappel, 16-02-2007 12:18
Economic valuation and EBM update - Susanne Menzel [1%] by ckappel, 14-02-2007 15:47
Monterey commercial landings 1999-2005 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:38
CA DFG. Compiled by Irit Altman. This updates the Monterey commercial landings 2001-2004 file. Note: This worksheet only includes 1999 and 2000 data for ...
Monterey commercial landings 2001-2004 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:31
Poundage and value of commercial landings for all species, by port, for all ports within Monterey County, for 2001-2004.
Monterey commercial landings 1998 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:29
Monterey commercial landings 1997 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:29
Monterey commercial landings 1996 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:28
Monterey commercial landings 1994 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:28
Monterey commercial landings 1993 [1%] by ckappel, 13-02-2007 12:28

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