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8 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Corrected Database 5-10-09 [1%] by twootton, 10-05-2009 10:17
Database version 5.3 - includes Tim's slight corrections for Tuesday Lake interaction
Database with Updated Tuesday Lake info [1%] by twootton, 21-04-2009 19:31
Database with Tuesday Lake information entered, including estimated p/b following Brey and intrinsic rate of increase estimates from maximum rates of changes ...
Revised database with Tuesday Lake and Tatoosh Updates [1%] by twootton, 15-04-2009 05:08
Database with small changes made to Tatoosh dataset and data for Tuesday Lake (Carpenter, Kitchell and colleagues) with bass present, including body size, ...
Tatoosh update 12-4-07 [1%] by twootton, 19-02-2008 14:11
Tatoosh Ecopath 29-11-07 [1%] by twootton, 19-02-2008 14:00
Initial Ecopath model for Tatoosh. Diet data for predators w/o detailed diets started proportional to prey biomass.
NE Pacific Ecopath models (UBC) [1%] by twootton, 29-11-2007 11:01
Ecopath models derived from the Fisheries Research Institute at UBC (Paulay, Christenson, Walters et al.) for SE Alaska, southern BC shelf and Strait of ...
Ecopath Models [1%] by twootton, 29-11-2007 10:57
Ecopath models for Tatoosh, Ythan, Alaska.....
Tatoosh core update [1%] by twootton, 06-11-2007 11:56
Database with core groups update/corrected, zoop->Pollicipes sign corrected

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