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27 items matching your criteria.
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- Typical Problems with Basins [1%] by perry, 06-07-2011 14:48
- Describing and classifying the typical tough cases that violate the assumptions of our basins model. Eventually we'll want to revist these and determine a way ...
- Ubuntu Server Installation [1%] by perry, 16-05-2007 16:49
- This document outlines the procedure for setting up our GIS server software including Zope, Plone, Apache, PHP, GDAL, GRASS, PostGIS, Mapserver, Mapnik and ...
- Mollweide [1%] by perry, 28-12-2006 17:17
- Some notes on using the Mollweide Projection: a global, equal-area projection which best preserves cell values.
- Sediment Modeling [1%] by perry, 28-12-2006 17:15
- Rivers contribute 95% of sediment entering the ocean. A river’s sediment load is related to many watershed-based processes generally consisting of erosion and ...
- Dasymetric Mapping [1%] by perry, 28-12-2006 15:11
- National-level fertilizer and pesticide statistics can be represented in a GIS through the traditional approach of choroplethic mapping. This techqnique ...
- Potential analysis outputs [1%] by perry, 21-12-2006 15:09
- Web Mapping Setup [1%] by perry, 20-12-2006 15:36
- Tutorial of sorts describing the setup of Mapserver mapfiles, WMS/WCS/WFS servers, DHTML web mapping clients, PrimaGIS sites, etc.
- Dasymetric Model Flowchart [1%] by perry, 20-12-2006 11:00
- Accessing 90 meter SRTM data at NCEAS [1%] by perry, 12-12-2006 19:49
- Procedure for downloading a 90-meter SRTM Digital Elevation Model from the cabrillo server at NCEAS
- EBM Storage file structure [1%] by perry, 08-12-2006 19:59
- A rough outline of the file structure of our raid storage mounted on ebm server.
- Sediment Model Diagram [1%] by perry, 01-12-2006 16:47
- Plume Modeling [1%] by perry, 01-12-2006 12:08
- Aggregating Land Based Data by Basin [1%] by perry, 01-12-2006 12:07
- Basin statistics
- Basins [1%] by perry, 01-12-2006 12:03
- Methods [1%] by perry, 01-12-2006 11:23
- Methods sections for the threats processes
- Depth/Hardness Classes [1%] by perry, 26-09-2006 17:08
- 8 Habitat types. Defined by 2 hardness classifications and 4 depth ranges.
- Threats [1%] by perry, 26-09-2006 16:58
- Habitats [1%] by perry, 26-09-2006 16:57
- Desert watersheds [1%] by perry, 22-09-2006 16:28
- Non draining plateau [1%] by perry, 22-09-2006 16:09
- Non draining plateau
- images [1%] by perry, 22-09-2006 16:08
- Proposal for an open source Python GIS processing API [1%] by perry, 15-08-2006 19:57
- Sure there's gdal and ogr bindings but we need something that works on a layer level.. like the arcgis geoprocessor but more object oriented and pythonic.
- Extracting vector basin statistics from raster-based data. [1%] by perry, 18-07-2006 13:32
- A number of important watershed charachteristics such as climate, slope, land use and land cover are represented as a raster grid. Using a software packaged ...
- Global Fisheries Data [1%] by perry, 16-06-2006 16:11
- Global fish catch data is first classified into fishing methods, associated with point locations, converted to a raster grid, then adjusted by primary ...
- Ubuntu Server Installation [1%] by perry, 22-05-2006 21:42
- This document outlines the procedure for setting up our GIS server software including Zope, Plone, Apache, PHP, GDAL, GRASS, PostGIS, Mapserver, Mapnik and ...
- Australia Basin Notes [1%] by perry, 22-05-2006 17:45
- The continent down under was challenging in many parts due to the low rainfall, high percentage of internally draining systems, low relief and lack of ...
- Basin Modification Notes [1%] by perry, 22-05-2006 16:01
- A collection of logs documenting all major issues, solutions and assumptions when manually editing our global basins layer. Organized by continent.