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18 items matching your criteria.

- mnovak [1%] by mnovak, 27-08-2009 12:45
- EndNoteLibrary-CommunityMatrix-2009-05-13 [1%] by mnovak, 14-05-2009 12:12
- Community-Interaction-Jacobian Matrix [1%] by mnovak, 14-05-2009 12:09
- Corrected Cascade lakes version-MN 4-18-09 [1%] by mnovak, 18-04-2009 12:51
- LoopAnalysis-WeightedPredictions Mathematica code - executable [1%] by mnovak, 16-04-2009 08:56
- Mathematica code (executable) to perform loop analysis and calculate the weighted predictions matrix of each simulated food web.
- LoopAnalysis-WeightedPredictions Mathematica code - notebook [1%] by mnovak, 16-04-2009 08:55
- Mathematica code (notebook) to perform loop analysis and calculate the weighted predictions matrix of each simulated food web.
- LoopAnalysis-NicheWebSimulation Graphs R-code [1%] by mnovak, 16-04-2009 08:53
- R-code that graphs the results of the simulations
- LoopAnalysis-NicheWebSimulations R-code [1%] by mnovak, 16-04-2009 08:52
- R-code to create replicate food webs of varying species richness and connectance using Niche web model, and perform Loop Analysis on each using Mathematica ...
- EcoPath w/ EcoSim v.5.1 Setup file [1%] by mnovak, 15-04-2009 07:13
- Protocal for collecting Energetics data [1%] by mnovak, 12-03-2007 12:16
- EmpiricalRelationships-Groups.XLS [1%] by mnovak, 11-03-2007 18:34
- EmpiricalValues-Species.xls [1%] by mnovak, 11-03-2007 18:32
- ReferencePDFs [1%] by mnovak, 11-03-2007 16:27
- [ยทยทยท] [1%] by mnovak, 09-03-2007 18:57
- Mass-balance Models [1%] by mnovak, 09-03-2007 18:47
- Functional responses for zooplankton feeding on multiple resources: a review of assumptions and biological dynamics. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 50 (22-26): 2847-2875 [1%] by mnovak, 17-10-2006 11:20
- Predator functional responses: Discriminating between handling and digesting prey. Ecological Monographs 72 (1): 95-112 [1%] by mnovak, 17-10-2006 11:12
- Keywords: consumer-resource systems; consumption rate; digestion-limited predators; digestion time; functional response models; handling-limited predators; ...
- Loop Analysis [1%] by mnovak, 09-03-2007 17:58