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- Access to Brey's spreadsheet [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 11:58
- The spreadsheet for Brey’s data and models for energetics parameters can be accessed in the download area of The Virtual Handbook on Population ...
- [···] [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:42
- [···] [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:40
- [···] [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:39
- Naga's benthic parameters review [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:31
- Advances in Marine Biology
- Naga's benthic parameters review [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:30
- Advances in Marine Biology
- Brey's benthic parameters review [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:28
- Brey's benthic parameters review [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:25
- Advances in Marine Biology
- Brey's Naga paper [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:23
- Brey's Naga paper [1%] by lovvorn, 17-10-2006 07:18
- Overview of equations available in the spreadsheet