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The economic value of wetland services: a meta-analysis

                    Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257– 270


  The economic value of wetland services: a meta-analysis
               Richard T. Woodward *, Yong-Suhk Wui
    Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M Uni6ersity, 2l24 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2124, USA

       Received 30 March 2000; received in revised form 15 November 2000; accepted 16 November 2000


  The number of studies quantify the value of wetlands and the services provided by these ecosystems is rapidly
expanding. The time is ripe for an assessment of what has been learned from this literature. Using results from 39
studies, we evaluate the relative value of different wetland services, the sources of bias in wetland valuation and the
returns to scale exhibited in wetland values. While some general trends are beginning to emerge, the prediction of a
wetland’s value based on previous studies remains highly uncertain and the need for site-specific valuation efforts
remains large. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

                                  growing need to quantify the value of wetland
1. Introduction
                                    The services provided by wetlands include habi-
 The valuation of wetlands’ ecological services is
                                  tat for species, protection against floods, water
a relatively recent phenomenon. Historically, wet-
                                  purification, amenities and recreational opportu-
lands were viewed as a waste of valuable land that
                                  nities. Because these services typically have no
could only be ‘improved’ through drainage and
                                  market price, a measure of their values can only
destruction of the wetland (Mitsch and Gosselink,
                                  be obtained through non-market valuation tech-
1986). Today, while there is now widespread             niques. Many wetland valuation studies have been
recognition that wetlands provide valuable eco-           conducted and the range of the estimates is re-
logical services, there remain substantial debates         markable. A recent review by Heimlich et al.
over whether particular areas are in their highest         (1998) lists 33 studies over the last 26 years with
economic use as wetlands, and to what extent            per acre values ranging from US$0.06 to
public and private resources should be used for           US$22050. Even within the same study looking at
their protection and restoration. Hence, there is a         a single ecosystem function, Batie and Wilson
                                  (1978) find values per acre that differ by two
                                  orders of magnitude from one site to another.
 * Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-979-8455864; fax: + 1-
                                    The purpose of this paper is to assess whether
                                  any systematic trends can be distilled from the
 E-mail address: (R.T. Woodward).

0921-8009/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 8 0 0 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 7 6 - 7
             R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270

                                Estimates of the value of a wetland can also
breadth of wetland valuation studies conducted to
                              influence site-specific valuation efforts in two
date, and to shed light on what factors determine
                              ways. First, they might provide Bayesian priors
a wetland’s value. We maintain an assumption
                              that might be formally incorporated into the valu-
that there exists an unobserved valuation function
                              ation exercise. Secondly, they may give re-
that determines a wetland’s value given its physi-
                              searchers a sense of where the values at stake are
cal, economic and geographic characteristics. Af-
                              likely to be of greatest social importance and
ter reviewing 46 studies, data from 39 wetland
                              might, therefore, influence where detailed studies
valuation studies were identified that had suffi-
                              are carried out.
cient commonalties to allow inter-study compari-
                                The paper is organized as follows. In the next
sons. We used two techniques to learn about the
                              section we provide a brief overview of the eco-
valuation function, both of which can be broadly
                              nomics of wetland valuation. We survey the eco-
described as meta-analysis since many studies are
                              logical functions and economic services provided
used to identify general relationships. The first
                              by these areas, the basis for their valuation and
method that we employ uses bivariate graphical
                              the techniques that are used to place an economic
and standard techniques. This gives us both an
                              value on wetlands. Section 3 provides a brief
indication of the extent to which particular char-
                              summary of meta-analysis as a tool. In Sections 5
acteristics influence wetland values while also por-
                              and 6 we explore the trends in the data, identify-
traying the full distribution of the data. The
                              ing the sources of variability in wetland values.
second technique is more standard, using a multi-
                              We conclude by reflecting on the implications of
variate regression of wetland values on the char-
                              our analysis both for our understanding of wet-
acteristics of both the wetlands and the studies.
                              land values and for future research.
Together, these two techniques provide a richer
basis from which we can draw lessons on the
factors determining wetland value.
                              2. The value of wetland functions
  There are numerous reasons why understanding
the value of wetland services might be useful. The
                              2.1. Wetland functions and ser6ices
most obvious is that if the value of these services
were known, benefits transfer efforts could be         While an inclusive definition of wetlands is
substantially improved. As Deck and Chestnut        difficult to state, they are generally characterized
(1993) point out, benefits transfer may play a        as being moist during an extended period each
variety of different roles, ranging from an attempt     year with soils, plants and animals that are dis-
to place a precise value on a particular resource to    tinct from their aquatic and terrestrial neighbors.
providing information that feeds into the process      These transition areas are highly diverse, ranging
of building support for projects already imple-       from coastal mangroves that are inundated with
mented. While benefits transfer is rarely suitable      water most of the year to areas that are moist for
for the former case, it might often be appropriate     only a few months during the year. Partly because
for the latter. Another form of benefits transfer is     they share features of both terrestrial and aquatic
the use of estimated values to predict the aggre-      systems, wetlands are remarkably productive.
gate value of similar systems nationally or          In assessing the value of wetlands, it is useful to
globally. Such estimates can be useful in setting      distinguish the systems’ ecological functions from
national priorities or the evaluation of policies      the associated services that are directly valued by
with impacts that are national or global. Costanza     humans (Costanza et al., 1997). Larson et al.
et al. (1997), for example, placed a value on the      (1989) list 17 services and functions provided by
entire globe’s ecosystems. While such expansive       the world’s ecosystems (Table 1). In our data set,
efforts may be overambitious, the aggregate num-      the services were grouped into ten categories as
bers do help to get the attention of policy makers     indicated in the table. The measurement of the
and the public.                       value of these services varies substantially both in
                R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270                  259

Table 1
Wetland functions, the associated economically valuable goods and services and the names of variables that capture the presence of
these in the dataa

Function                  Economically valuable good(s) and/or     Technique(s) typically used to quantiiy
                      service(s) (variable names)         the value of the service(s)

Recharge of ground water          Increased water quantity (quantity)     Net factor income or replacement cost
Discharge of ground water          Increased productivity of downstream     Net factor income, replacement cost or
                      fisheries (              travel cost
Water quality control            Reduced costs of water purification      Net factor income or replacement cost
Retention, removal and transformation    Reduced costs of water purification      Net factor income or replacement cost
 of nutrients               (quality)
Habitat for aquatic species         Improvements in commercial and/or      Net factor income, replacement cost,
                      recreational fisheries either on or offsite  travel cost or contingent valuation
                      ( and Nonuse
                      appreciation of the species (habitat)
Habitat for terrestrial and avian species  Recreational observation and hunting of   Travel cost or contingent valuation
                      wildlife (birdwatch & birdhunt). Nonuse
                      appreciation of the species (habitat)
Biomass production and export (both     Production of valuable food and fiber     Net factor income
 plant and animal)             for harvest (birdhunt & com. fish)
Flood control and storm buffering      Reduced damage due to flooding and      Net factor income or replacement cost
                      severe storms (flood)
Stabilization of sediment          Erosion reduction (storm)          Net factor income or replacement cost
Overall environment             Amenity values provided by proximity     Hedonic pricing
                      to the environment (amenity)

   The first two columns are adapted from Larson et al. (1989).

the methods that are used and the economic              tice, it is often assumed that demand is perfectly
theory that underlies the valuation exercise. The           elastic so that the impact of the wetland on con-
most common methods for measuring the eco-              sumer surplus can be ignored. Other times the
nomic value of these services are also presented in          producer surplus that is generated by a wetland is
the table. Though not indicated in the table, the           estimated using the replacement cost (RC)
contingent valuation method can, in principle, be           method. This approach values the wetland’s ser-
used to measure the value of all these services.           vice based on the price of the cheapest alternative
                                   way of obtaining that service. For example, the
2.2. The 6aluation of wetland ser6ices                value of a wetland in the treatment of wastewater
                                   might be estimated using the cost of chemical or
 The economic value of resources such as wet-            mechanical alternatives. As noted by Anderson
lands is equal to the benefits (net of costs) that           and Rockel (1991), the replacement cost method
these systems provide to humans (Freeman, 1993).           is actually an upper bound on the true value since
Four methods are listed in Table 1 as commonly            the producer may not choose to actually use that
used to place a value on wetlands. The net factor           alternative considered.
income (NFI) method is most appropriate when               Non-market values can be measured using
the wetland provides a service that leads to an            travel cost (TC), contingent valuation (CV), or
increase in producer surplus. In the NFI method            hedonic pricing (HP) methods. There is, however,
the physical relationship between wetland area            substantial variability within each of these ap-
and the economic activity is estimated. It is then          proaches, much more than can be discussed here
possible to identify the increase in producer sur-          (Freeman, 1993), and the literature is filled with
plus associated with the wetland’s area. In prac-           reasons why results might be biased or otherwise
             R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270

deficient. While in principle each method can give      the first to use meta-analysis in the context of
a correct estimate of economic value, it is easy to     nonmarket valuation, looking at values placed on
misuse the method and obtain results that may        outdoor recreation. Since then, meta-analysis has
have little relation to the true value.           been used to study air pollution, recreational
  Some wetland values are obtained using meth-       fishing, visibility, health risks, endangered species
                               and wetlands.1
ods that do not estimate economic surplus and,
therefore, lack a foundation in standard economic        The basic approach used in most valuation
theory. Of the studies identified in our review of      meta-analyses is the same. A set of studies is
the literature, two values were estimated using       selected yielding a number of values that become
energy analysis in which the value is based on the      the dependent variable. The independent variables
gross primary production of the ecosystem, and        are the characteristics of each study and study
five values were obtained using the market value       site. If a single study reports numerous values,
of the products extracted. These methods have        then several data points are obtained. Meta-anal-
been strongly criticized (Anderson and Rockel,        ysis allows the evaluation of the effect of changes
1991). Energy analysis equates the energy embod-       in the underlying environmental attribute on
ied in a wetland’s biota with the energy purchased      value. Such analysis is usually not possible in the
in fossil fuels. Since the correlation between en-      context of a single study since most such at-
ergy content and consumer preferences is quite        tributes are held constant.
weak, the technique is a poor predictor of eco-         A good example of the benefits of meta-analysis
nomic value. The market value technique is also       is seen in Smith and Osborne’s (1996) analysis of
flawed since it cannot capture consumer surplus        the value of improvements in visibility. Since visi-
and can lead to over-estimate producer surplus if      bility varies continuously from zero to one, the
cost of extracting the valued products is not        authors are able to estimate the marginal benefit
subtracted.                         of improvements in visibility. One of the most
                               significant limitations of meta-analysis, however,
                               is the lack of comparability across studies (van
3. Meta-analysis as a tool in understanding         den Bergh and Button, 1997). Characteristics of
non-market valuation                     the resource being valued are often presented in
                               such diverse fashion that the best that the analyst
  First used by psychologists (Glass, 1976;         can do is to use a binary variable to indicate
Schmidt and Hunter, 1977), meta-analysis has         whether an attribute is reflected in each value.
proved to be a useful tool for synthesizing the       Boyle et al. (1994), for example, have no data on
results of numerous studies. The method has re-       the level of cancer risk in each of their eight
cently gained attention in economics as a way to       studies, only an indication of whether such a risk
appreciate numerous studies that have placed eco-      was mentioned in the study. Similarly, in this
nomic values on environmental goods and ser-
                               study wetland services are captured using qualita-
vices (see Brouwer (2000) for a review). The
                               tive variables.
central advantage of meta-analysis is that it pro-
                                Brouwer et al. (1997) is, to our knowledge, the
vides a rigorous statistical synthesis of the litera-
                               only other attempt to carry out meta-analysis of
ture that cannot be achieved using more
                               wetland valuation studies. In their work, only
qualitative analysis.
                               contingent valuation studies are considered. This
  There are two main types of meta-analyses:
                               narrow focus allowed the authors to develop a
those that use the actual data from multiple stud-
ies, and those that use the results of multiple
                                 The analysis of wetlands by Brouwer et al. (1997) looked
studies. It is the later method that has been ap-
                               at WTP estimates from CV studies and used a more expansive
plied to interpret valuation studies. Brouwer lists     interpretation of ‘wetlands’ than we retain in this paper.
ten studies that have used meta-analysis to study      Hence, their results are not directly comparable to the results
valuation efforts. Smith and Kaoru (1990) were        here.
               R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270          261

rich set of variables characterizing the qualities of      ues: variation due to differing characteristics of
the studies. However, this is also a limitation in        the wetlands, i.e. along the function; and variation
that it eliminates any variability associated with        due to error in the estimation of the true value,
valuation method and reduces the variability in         i.e. deviations from the function.
services that can be considered. In the next section        Of course, the wetlands that have been valued
we discuss how we attempted to overcome these          were almost certainly not chosen at random from
limitations in our data.                     the total population. First there is the problem of
                                 selection bias. It seems likely that wetlands that
                                 are considered valuable a priori are much more
                                 likely to be studied and valued. This need not lead
4. The wetland valuation data
                                 to errors in our estimation of the valuation func-
                                 tion if all important variables are accurately mea-
  After a lengthy review of the literature, we
                                 sured, but given the limitations in the available
identified 39 studies that contained sufficient data
                                 data, the likelihood of such bias should be taken
to allow inter-study comparisons. Many other
                                 into account in benefits transfer exercises or any
studies were identified but could not be used. The
                                 other attempt to extrapolate estimated values.
values are taken from published reports, ‘gray’
                                 Similarly, the fact that many of the studies have
literature, and theses.2 Because of our desire to
                                 been filtered by the peer review process might
synthesize wetland values from all different ser-
                                 have excluded some estimates. Good estimates
vices, we use annual value per acre in 1990 US
                                 that are either not statistically different from zero
dollars. This distinguishes our work from other
                                 or are much higher than anticipated may not be
meta-analyses which typically use willingness to
pay (WTP) per person (e.g. Brouwer et al., 1997).
                                  The values in our data are also not independent
WTP per person is not applicable here because
                                 draws. Numerous studies generate multiple mea-
some methods (e.g. NFI) do not lead to a WTP
                                 sures of wetland value, so that, as pointed out by
per person measure. On the other hand, if WTP
                                 Smith and Kaoru (1990), the data have panel
per person is available, then value per acre can be
                                 characteristics. Furthermore, researchers who
calculated with knowledge of the relevant popula-
                                 work closely together are likely to share practices
tion and the wetland’s size. When capitalized val-
                                 that differ in important ways from others. Finally,
ues were reported, they were annualized assuming
                                 since there has no doubt been learning over time,
constant value per year and using discount factors
                                 both in terms of methodology and the values that
provided in the studies or a 6% rate in the two
                                 are reasonable, the data also probably suffer from
studies that did not state a discount rate.
                                 some autocorrelation.
  In our analysis we assume that a wetland’s
value is a function of the system’s ecological
characteristics and its socio-economic environ-
                                 5. Bivariate meta-analysis
ment. Each wetland in our data is interpreted as a
(not necessarily random) draw from the popula-
                                  Using the available data, we now evaluate the
tion of all wetlands. We assume that there exists a
                                 sources of variation in estimates of wetland value.
true public WTP at a given moment for a particu-
                                 Two complementary techniques are used. In this
lar wetland. While this true WTP cannot be ob-
                                 section we explore some of the relationships in the
served directly, it can be estimated using the
                                 data using graphical presentation and bivariate
methods discussed above. Seen in this way, there
                                 statistics. The advantage of this analysis is that it
are two sources of variability in the wetland val-
                                 allows us to present the full data set graphically,
                                 making possible a richer appreciation of the data.
  The complete data set, including a description of each
                                 However, the bivariate analysis ignores interac-
study and an explanation of the interpretations of the data
                                 tions between explanatory variables. Hence, a sec-
that were made is available from the authors on request or via
                                 ond and more standard technique is also used,
the internet at
             R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270

that of estimating a valuation function using mul-      difference is found it is sensible to retain the ‘bad’
tivariate regression techniques.               studies because they contain other variation in
                               methods (such as different samples and locations)
5.1. Variation due to measurement error or bias       that, by their inclusion, will help answer many
                               other questions surrounding the problem area.’’
  As noted above, there are two types of varia-        Following Cooper’s advice, some meta-analyses
tion with which we are concerned, deviations         include objective indicators of study quality such
from the valuation function due to bias or errors      as response rate or study format (Brouwer et al.,
in estimation, and variations along the valuation      1997; Loomis and White, 1996). Given the diver-
function attributable to different wetland charac-      sity of studies considered in our analysis, no
teristics. We begin by looking at sources of sys-
                               standard objective indicator of quality was avail-
tematic error because of study weaknesses and
                               able; only a subjective assessments of study qual-
bias because of the valuation method used.
                               ity could be used. Each study was ranked on a
  One might expect study quality to affect esti-
                               scale of 1–3 in four categories: the apparent
mates of wetland value. Attention to this issue is
                               quality of the data, the theoretical consistency of
potentially important because there is substantial
                               the methodology, econometric techniques and
variability in the quality of wetland valuation
                               statistical certainty. A study was given a rank of 1
studies. While some studies are characterized by
                               if we felt that this feature of the study made the
sound theoretical foundations and state-of-the-art
                               results highly questionable. Studies with a 1 in
econometric methods, others are crippled by
                               any of the quality categories are called ‘weak’ in
faulty logic, poor data or incorrect economic
                               the figures and econometric analysis below.3 A
                               ‘weakness’ in a study should not be interpreted as
  The weakness of many wetland valuation ef-
                               a condemnation since valuation may not have
forts is widely recognized. In their review of wet-
                               been the authors’ primary objective or data limi-
land valuation studies, Anderson and Rockel
(1991) found only five studies that they deemed        tations may have been prohibitive.
credible enough to list in their summary table.         On average, the weak and strong studies do not
However, while it may appear obvious that only        yield statistically different values. Excluding the
high quality analyses should be used in meta-anal-      highest value in our data set, the average of the
ysis, it is also clear that the evaluation of quality    weak studies is US$986 per acre versus US$915
is likely to be quite subjective. The problem of       for the strong studies.4 When looking at the com-
subjectivity is particularly problematic in wetland     plete distribution of these studies however, there
valuation studies because few efforts satisfy the      do appear to be some systematic differences two
highest standards of quality, in large part because     sets of values. Fig. 1 plots the rank of both the
of data limitations. In CV studies, for example,       weak and the strong studies in their respective
strict adherence to the guidelines of the NOAA
panel (Arrow et al., 1993) is often impossible
because of budgetary restrictions. Hence, there is
                                 For studies that are also evaluated by Anderson and
a great deal of subjectivity in assessing how good
                               Rockel (1991) our critique was generally consistent. Some
is good enough.
                               studies which we ranked as a 2 were questioned, but did not
  As Cooper (1989, p. 67) points out, ‘‘The deci-      appear to be completely rejected by Anderson and Rockel.
sion to include or exclude studies on an a priori        4
                                 The highest value from the Amacher et al. (1989) study is
basis requires the reviewer to make an overall        excluded as it is over 60 times the second largest value. After
                               excluding this value, the mean of the weak studies is not
judgment of quality that is often too subjective to
                               significantly different from the mean of the strong studies at
be credible.’’ He argues that it makes more sense
                               the 10% level. This value, one other value estimated using
to enumerate characteristics of each study and        energy analysis and five values estimated using the market
then evaluate whether ‘good’ methods lead to         value of the output are excluded from the econometric analysis
different results than ‘bad’ methods. ‘‘When no       below.
             R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270          263

          Fig. 1. Cumulative distributions of wetland values broken down by study quality.

                                convergent validity of CV analysis relative to
categories on the vertical axis, against the esti-
                                other methods (e.g. Carson et al., 1996).
mated values per acre on the horizontal axis. The
                                 Fig. 2 presents the distributions of the values
solid lines in the figure represent cumulative dis-
                                taken from the four primary methods used to
tribution functions (cdfs) of distributions from
                                measure wetland values. The means of the values
which the data appear to be drawn. While the
                                from these methods vary from a low of US$198
distribution of the strong data closely resembles a
                                for the travel cost method to a high of US$1555
log normal distribution, the weak data seem to be
                                for the replacement cost method. However, be-
drawn from a uniform distribution. There is also
                                cause of the substantial variability in the data,
slightly less variance in the strong studies, indicat-
                                none of the means are statistically different from
ing that the lack of quality may not bias the
                                each other. Still, some patterns are evident. At
estimated value, but it might have implications for
                                one extreme, the net-factor input method is a
the accuracy of the predictions. This result is
                                lower bound on the distribution of values. At the
confirmed in the multivariate analysis below.
                                other extreme, the distribution of values obtained
Nonetheless, we do not find the kind of dramatic
                                using CV nearly stochastically dominates the dis-
difference between the two groups that would
                                tributions of values from the other three methods.
justify discarding the weak studies from the data
                                These findings do not necessarily indicate biases
                                in these techniques. Because of the small sample
  Another potential reason that the estimated
                                size we cannot statistically reject the hypothesis
value may deviate from the valuation function
                                that the distributions are the same. Moreover,
might be bias due to the method that was used in
                                different methods are used to value different ser-
the study. In principle, if two methods seek to
                                vices. It may be that CV is used for high-value
estimate consumer surplus from the same wetland
then they should yield similar values. If there is no     services while the NFI method is used for low-
systematic difference between two techniques,         value services. Hence, the question of whether the
then they are said to satisfy the criterion of con-      method itself is a source of bias can only be
vergent validity. Numerous studies have tested the       explored using multivariate analysis.
               R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270

           Fig. 2. Cumulative distributions of wetland values broken down by valuation method.

5.2. Variation in 6alue due to wetland              valued. The correlation between estimated value
characteristics                         per acre and the number of services is only 0.10
                                 and, based on the Spearman rank criterion, the
  We now turn an initial analysis of the sources        hypothesis of no correlation cannot be rejected at
of variation in the valuation function. Ten vari-        the 10% level.
ables were defined indicating whether a particular          In addition to being affected by wetland ser-
wetland service was reflected in each study. These        vices, one might also expect the value per acre to
are listed in Table 1. Identifying the services         be a function of the wetland’s area. In this case
reflected in a study often involves some subjectiv-        there is no clear a priori expectation as to the
ity, particularly in CV studies since respondents        form that such a relationship might take. Eco-
might be aware of services other than those about        nomic intuition would suggest that the marginal
which they had been explicitly asked in the           value of each acre would tend to decline. On the
survey.5                             other hand, based on ecological principles of
  A relatively weak hypothesis would be that          functional interdependence, one might expect that
increasing the number of services considered in a        larger wetlands would provide a richer and more
valuation exercise would tend to increase a wet-         valuable set of services. This relationship is plot-
land’s estimated value. This relationship is pre-        ted in Fig. 4. There is no apparent relationship
sented in Fig. 3. While almost two-thirds of the         between wetland area and value in the figure and,
studies measured the value of only one wetland          once again, the hypothesis of no significant corre-
service, more than 30% of the studies measured          lation cannot be rejected at the 10% level.
three or more services. Contrary to our hypothe-          Our analysis to this point is quite inconclusive.
sis, there is no noticeable relationship between the       There is some evidence that CV studies tend to
value of a wetland and the number of services          yield greater values than any other method, but
                                 no visible relationship between value per acre and
                                 either the number of services or the size of the
  In a few instances authors were contacted to assist us in
                                 wetland. However, while we find the bivariate
obtaining the most accurate interpretation possible.
             R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270                265

                Fig. 3. Wetland values and the number services present.

analysis useful, it cannot distinguish how multiple     estimate of producer’s surplus, PS; and whether
factors might be interacting to influence wetland       the results had been published, published. The
value. In the next section we attempt to tease out      variables data0, theory0 and metric0, are dummy
more understanding of the wetland valuation         variables set at one if the data, theory or econo-
function using multivariate regression analysis.       metrics used in the study were deemed highly
                                We should recognize that there are certainly
6. Multivariate meta-analysis of wetland values       important variables that determine a wetland’s
                               value that are omitted from our model. Charac-
 In this section we estimate a parametric specifi-      teristics of the population near a wetland are
cation of the valuation function using the data       particularly likely to influence the value placed on
discussed above. After excluding incomplete ob-       the area. However, such data could not be iden-
servations and values based on either energy anal-      tified in most of the studies; we were unable to
ysis or the market value methods, the 65           include any such variables in our model. While
observations of wetland values were obtained.        the absence of these variables no doubt greatly
                               diminishes the explanatory power of our analysis,
6.1. The estimated model and results             it need not bias the estimated coefficients if these
                               variables are uncorrelated with the included set
 The dependent variable in all regressions is the      (Kennedy, 1986).
natural log of the value per acre of wetland          Our econometric model is based on a main-
converted to 1990 dollars, the mean of which is       tained hypothesis that measured wetland value
4.92. In addition to the variables discussed above
representing services, area and study quality, we        6
                                 Since only two studies were deemed weak based on statisti-
included variables indicating date of the study       cal significance, and many studies did not report sufficient
(1960= 0), year; whether the wetland was a          information to gauge the statistical accuracy of their estimates,
coastal wetland, coastal; whether the value was an      this variable was excluded from the econometric analysis.
             R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270

                      Fig. 4. Wetland area and values.

per acre, y, is a function of the services provided,     values and the quality of the studies. Model C
xs, the methodology used, xm, the acres of the        combines both the characteristics of the sites and
wetland xa, other variables describing the study       variables related to how the values were
including year and location, x0, and a constant        estimated.
term. The fit was substantially improved by using
the logs of both the per-acre value and the acres.
                               6.2. Do the study quality or 6aluation method
Hence, the estimated linear model is
                               affect the 6alue obtained?
           %x  %   %
ln(y) =a+ba ln(xa)+ bs s +bmxm +b0x0        (1)
                                 In our discussion of Fig. 1 we argued that there
where a is the constant term and the b’s are the       was little evidence of bias as a result of the quality
estimated coefficients on the respective explana-       of the studies, and our regression results largely
tory variables.                        confirm that conclusion. The coefficients on the
  The results of several regressions are presented      variables indicating poor quality theory and data
in Table 2. In each case the hypothesis of ho-        are both statistically insignificant, as is the coeffi-
moskedasticity was rejected at the 5% significance       cient indicating whether the study was published.
level using the BPG test. Accordingly, the stan-       However, the variable indicating econometric
dard errors were estimated using White’s (1980)        quality was strongly significant in both regressions
correction. Model A presents the estimated coeffi-       B and C. Holding all else constant, the values
cients of a model in which it is assumed that the       from studies with poor quality econometrics aver-
variability in the values is solely a function of the     age 24–50 times greater than those from those
physical characteristics of the wetland systems,       with   comparatively   strong   econometric
ignoring any systematic variation due to the way       foundations.
that the values were estimated. Model B takes the        Study quality also has important consequences
opposite approach, explaining the values based        for the confidence we place on predicted values.
solely on the methods used to measure those          Using the results from model C evaluated at the
               R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270                267

Table 2                              means of the variables the log of the wetland
Estimated models of the wetland valuation functiona (log of    value predicted for a high-quality unpublished
value per acre dependent variable, standard errors in parenthe-
                                 study is 5.68 with a standard error around the
                                 prediction (|p) of 0.61. If it is assumed that the
                                 study is published, however, |p falls to only 46%
Variable    Mean   A      B      C
                                 of the original value. For studies that are weak in
             7.945b    6.641b   7.872b
                                 the areas of theory or econometrics, |p increases
             (1.07)    (1.31)   (1.74)
                                 by 1.9 or 2.1-fold, respectively. On the other
Year      14.908  −0.052    −0.004    0.016
                                 hand, the impact of study’s data being of poor
             (0.03)    (0.04)   (0.04)
             −0.168c         −0.286b     quality is slight, leading to a 4% decline in |p.7
Ln acres    9.281
             (0.10)          (0.11)
                                 Study quality is important not so much because it
Coastal     0.431  −0.523          −0.117
                                 might bias results, but because high quality stud-
             (0.71)          (0.68)
Flood      0.138  −0.358          0.678     ies lead to a much more precise basis for
             (1.03)          (0.77)
Quality     0.200               0.737
                                   There is some evidence that the method used
             (0.78)          (0.75)
Quantity    0.062   0.514          −0.452     has a statistically significant effect on the value
             (1.60)          (1.54)
                                 obtained. As in Fig. 2, in model B we find that
Rec. Fish    0.354   0.395          0.582
                                 CV tends to dominate other methods as the signs
             (0.55)          (0.56)
                                 on their coefficients are either negative or statisti-
Com. Fish    0.277   0.669          1.360
             (0.79)          (1.01)     cally insignificant. However, when variables indi-
             −1.311b         −1.055b
Birdhunt    0.400
                                 cating the wetland services are introduced in
             (0.49)          (0.52)
                                 model C, the dominance of CV disappears and
             1.704b          1.804b
Birdwatch    0.277
             (0.52)          (0.59)     the sign on HP and RC methods becomes signifi-
             −3.352b         −4.303b
Amenity     0.154
                                 cantly positive. Hence, relative to these methods,
             (0.93)          (0.95)
                                 CV studies tend to find a lower value per acre and
Habitat     0.308   0.577          0.427
                                 we cannot conclude that this method is biased
             (0.56)          (0.59)
Storm      0.031   0.310          0.173     relative to the TC or NFI method.8
             (2.37)          (1.66)
Publish     0.769         −0.669   −0.154
                                 6.3. Do wetlands 6alues exhibit returns to scale?
                   (0.72)   (0.71)
Data0      0.246         0.302    0.000
                   (0.56)   (0.60)
                                   The coefficient on LnAcres is consistently nega-
Theory0     0.215         −1.020   −1.045
                                 tive and statistically significant across the models
                   (0.84)   (0.84)
                   −4.030b   −3.186b
Metric0     0.123                       reported in Table 2, indicating significant decreas-
                   (1.21)   (1.22)
                                 ing returns to scale. However, because of the
             −2.416b   −2.034b   −3.140b
PS       0.277
                                 double-log functional form, the scale effect is
             (0.83)    (0.72)   (0.86)
                          5.043b     extremely small for large wetlands. From Eq. (1),
HP       0.031         0.441
                   (1.02)   (1.12)     the marginal effect of an increase in the size of a
NFI       0.246         −0.724    0.273
                                 wetland is
                   (0.82)   (0.90)
RC       0.277         1.376
                                 (y/(xa = aax (aa − 1)e (a0 + as’xs + am’xm + a0’x0)
                   (0.86)   (0.89)            a
TC       0.108               −0.341
                   (0.64)   (1.05)
n       65     65     65     65
R2             0.373    0.364    0.582

  Standard errors were calculated using White’s (1980) cor-    7
                                    The predicted values and standard errors around the pre-
rection for heteroskedasticity. All results were obtained using  dictor were calculated following Goldberger (1991, p.175).
Shazam version 8.0 (White, 1997).                   The coefficient on the HP method should be interpreted
  Significantly different from zero at the 5% level.       with extra caution since it reflects only two studies in the data
  Significantly different from zero at the 10% level.      set that used this method.
              R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270

                                Table 3
  While a negative value for aa means that an
                                Predicted values per acre of single-service wetlandsa
increase in the size of a wetland pushes down the
value per acre, this effect diminishes rapidly as       Service    E[ln y]   90% confidence interval around y
wetland size increases. Using the coefficient from                     (1990 US$’s per acre)
model C, a 1% increase in area leads to a 2.9% fall
                                             Lower       Mean   Upper
in value for a ten-acre wetland. This effect de-
clines geometrically, and for a wetland of 1000
                                Flood     5.97     89         393   1747
acres the elasticity is only − 0.029. This confirms       Quality    6.03    126         417   1378
what we see in Fig. 4 where wetland area appears        Quantity    4.84     6         127   2571
to have little impact on value per acre.      5.88     95         357   1342
                          6.66    108         778   5618
                                Birdhunt    4.24     25         70    197
6.4. How do wetland ser6ices affect wetland          Birdwatch   7.10    528        1212   2782
6alue?                             Amenity    0.99     1          3    14
                                Habitat    5.72     95         306    981
                                Storm     5.47     11         237   5142
  The final and central question that we seek to
answer is how wetland services influence wetland         a
                                  The results presented in Table 3 are obtained from model
value. The coefficients on the wetland service vari-      C. The predicted values are obtained at the means of year and
ables are estimates of the extent to which the         acre variables. Except for the variables indicating the respec-
presence of each service changes the value per         tive services, all other binary variables are set to zero so that
                                the prediction reflects a high-quality CV study estimating
acre. A very small coefficient on the habitat vari-
                                consumer surplus.
able, for example, does not mean that this service
has no value, but that the value of wetlands that
                                mercial fishing services are among the highest
provide this service are very close to the average
                                three valued services while amenity services are
value for all wetlands.
                                the least valued among all wetland services. The
  Most of the wetland service variables are not
                                confidence intervals are extraordinary, spanning
statistically significant. In models A and C, only
                                thousands of dollars. Clearly it would be highly
the coefficient on the birdwatch variable is signifi-
                                speculative to use of a single point from this
cant and greater than zero while those on the
                                distribution in a benefits transfer exercise.
birdhunt and amenity variables are significant and
less than zero. Hence, the data indicate that a
wetland that provides bird watching opportunities
                                7. Conclusions
is more valuable than the average wetland, while
those that offer bird hunting or amenity services
                                 We have seen that wetland valuation studies are
are less valuable.
                                remarkably diverse in terms of the values ob-
  As one would expect, based on the explanatory
                                tained, the wetlands evaluated, and the character-
variables in the model, only very imprecise predic-
                                istics of the studies. Our goal in this study was to
tions of wetland values are possible. Using the
                                isolate the sources of the variability in the wetland
estimates from model C, Table 3 presents the
predicted values per acre for each possible single-
                                 There is some evidence that the method em-
service wetland and 90% confidence intervals
                                ployed affects the value obtained. Relative to the
around those estimates.9 Some strong conclusions
                                HP or RC methods, using the CV method tends
can be drawn from the results. Looking not only
                                to yield a lower estimated value while there is no
at the mean, but at the upper and lower bounds
                                statistically significant difference between the CV
of the confidence interval, bird watching and com-
                                and the TC or NFI methods. While it is perhaps
                                comforting that the method that is used does not
  We emphasize that the values in Table 3 do not represent
                                appear to be a primary determinant of value, the
marginal values and cannot be summed to obtain the value of
                                unimportance of study quality is not so reassur-
multiple function wetlands.
              R.T. Woodward, Y.-S. Wui / Ecological Economics 37 (2001) 257–270              269

                                 Application of wetland valuation techniques: examples
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Thomas Lacher, R. Douglas Slack, Arnold            Freeman, A.M., 1993. The Measurement of Environmental
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by Chris Kennedy last modified 26-01-2007 12:47

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