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Mangroves as fish habitat: 50 years of field studies

                         MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES
   Vol. 318: 1–18, 2006                                      Published August 3
                             Mar Ecol Prog Ser


Mangroves as fish habitat: 50 years of field studies
                    Craig H. Faunce1, 3,*, Joseph E. Serafy1, 2
  Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami,
                 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA
 Southeast Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, Florida 33149, USA
     Present address: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute,
          Tequesta Field Laboratory, 19100 SE Federal Highway, Tequesta, Florida 33469, USA

ABSTRACT: Mangroves dominate undisturbed nat-
ural shorelines of many sub-tropical and tropical
regions, yet their utilization by fishes is poorly
understood. To provide the first comprehensive list
of empirical field studies for comparative and ref-
erence purposes, we assembled and quantified
aspects of 111 mangrove-fish surveys published
between 1955 and 2005. Differences in the location,
purpose, methodology, data gathered, and analyses
performed among studies have resulted in a frag-
mented literature making cross-study comparisons
difficult, at best. Although the number of published
studies has increased over time, a geographical
bias in the literature has persisted towards studies
performed in the USA and Australia, and against
studies performed in Southeast Asia and West
Africa. The typical survey design has examined
<10 fixed locations on a monthly or bimonthly basis
for a period of less than 2 yr. Water temperature
and salinity measurements have been the most
reported habitat variables; others, such as structural
and landscape measures, continue to be rare.
Moreover, the focus to date has been on identifying        Faunce & Serafy review mangrove fish studies, focusing on
                                 sampling methodology, and on the types of fish and habitat
assemblage-level patterns of fish use, with very few
                                 data reported. While most studies have addressed spatio-
studies providing species-specific estimates of
                                 temporal patterns in fish assemblage structure, species-
abundance, growth, mortality, and secondary pro-
                                 specific estimates of fish mortality, growth and secondary
duction. Unless future studies strive towards ob-
                                 production are still required for appraisal of the importance
taining such estimates, gauging the importance of         of mangroves as fish habitat.
mangroves as fish habitat and their broader contri-                            Photo: Jiangang Luo
bution to ecosystem diversity and production will
remain elusive.
KEY WORDS: Fishes · Essential fish habitat · Man-
                                  Mangrove wetlands are a dominant feature of undis-
groves · Nursery · Review
                                 turbed tropical and subtropical shorelines around the
       Resale or republication not permitted without
                                 globe. Throughout their range, however, these habi-
          written consent of the publisher

*Email:                  © Inter-Research 2006 ·
2                     Mar Ecol Prog Ser 318: 1–18, 2006

tats are in a state of decline. Approximately one-third    words ‘mangrove(s)’ and/or ‘fish(es)’. Records were
of the world’s mangrove forests has been lost to coastal   selected from the earliest available time period (1971)
development over the past 50 yr (Alongi 2002). While     to January, 2005. The resulting list of over 500 publica-
there is general agreement that mangroves provide a      tions was reduced to relevant works according to 2
buffer against storm surges, reduce shoreline erosion     main criteria: (1) the study must have been published
and turbidity, absorb and transform nutrients, and are    in readily available outlet (i.e. in the ‘primary litera-
inhabited by a variety of organisms, opinions vary as to   ture’); and (2) each publication must have contained a
the importance of mangrove habitats to fishes and, by     field-based survey of the ichthyofauna that was con-
extension, to offshore fisheries (Thollot & Kulbicki     ducted within a natural mangrove system. Second, the
1988, Blaber et al. 1989, Thollot 1992, Nagelkerken et    Science Citation Index (Web of Science; http://isi5.
al. 2001). For example, the sub-tidal prop-root habitats was used to identify articles
of mangroves are often cited as nurseries for fishes of    that cited works from our reduced ASFA list. Again,
economic importance. Today, the protection of man-      any additional publications were vetted according to
groves worldwide is based almost entirely on their      the selection criteria above. Third, articles from
purported importance to fisheries and/or a number of     the authors’ personal libraries and those introduced
rare and endangered species (Snedaker 1989, Baran &      through peer review (of this paper) were added. The
Hambrey 1998). However, because the same man-         references cited in each relevant article were exam-
grove species can often occur under marine, estuarine,    ined for new items and this process was continued
and freshwater conditions, a wide variety of fish       until no additional publications emerged.
assemblages can be found among their inundated          Study locations were grouped into 5 geographic
prop-roots (hereafter termed ‘mangrove habitats’). As     regions following the World Mangrove Atlas (Spalding
such, mangrove habitats likely play a variety of roles in   et al. 1997): (1) South and Southeast Asia (Pakistan to
the lives of associated fishes; feeding areas for some    the west, China and Japan to the northeast, including
species or life stages, daytime refugia for others, nurs-   Indonesia), (2) Australasia (Australia, Papua New
ery and/or nesting areas for yet more. This situation     Guinea, New Zealand, and the South Pacific islands),
suggests that questions regarding the contribution of a    (3) the Americas (north, central, and south), (4) West
given mangrove habitat to the diversity, productivity     Africa, and (5) East Africa and the Middle East (Iran to
and stability of broader fish communities (and their     South Africa eastwards, including the islands in the
exploited components) must be carefully qualified, or,    Indian Ocean). Using the selection (foraging) ratio of
in some cases, may be premature.               Savage (1931), geographical bias in the literature was
  The purpose of this paper is to address some of the    expressed as the proportion of total studies realized
most basic questions regarding the body of literature     per region relative to the area of mangrove coverage
on mangrove fishes that has been published over the      within each region (Manly et al. 1993).
past 5 decades. These questions include: How many        The study purpose, methodology, data gathered, and
field studies have been conducted, why and where       analyses performed were extracted and tabulated
were they performed, and what techniques were used?      using vote-counting procedures, where ‘present’ was
What types of measurements have been made of the       given a value of 1 and ‘absent’ was given a value of
fish assemblages, their component species and their      0. Data were expressed as proportions of the total
habitats? Is there sufficient basis for comparing assem-   number of votes per attribute. Study purposes included
blages of mangrove fishes with those associated with     identifying spatial or temporal patterns, generating
other, structurally-complex habitats, such as seagrass    species lists, identifying explanatory variables, biogeo-
beds and coral reefs? The answers to these questions     graphic comparisons, restoration, water management,
are pertinent to researchers about to embark on new      and gear evaluations. Methodologies included the
studies, as well as to those making efforts to balance    sampling design (fixed, random, haphazard, or vari-
natural resource protection with pressing socio-eco-     ous), sampling frequency (daily, weekly, fortnightly,
nomic considerations.                     monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, seasonally, semi-annu-
                               ally) sampling duration, and gear type. Gear types were
                               classified according to Rozas & Minello (1997) and
                               included entanglement gear (gill or trammel nets),
                               towed nets (trawls, seines), passive samplers (fyke
 Publications for this review were selected from 3      nets, flume nets, rotenone-used with or without nets,
databases. First, a search of the Aquatic Sciences      fish traps, e.g. breder, plankton), and ‘enclosure sam-
and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) electronic database      plers’ (block or drop nets, drop traps, and cast nets).
was conducted (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; www.      Visual surveys and angling were added as additional using keyword and title searches for the       gears. The type of mangrove forest sampled was noted
                  Faunce & Serafy: Mangrove-fish literature review

using the classification scheme of Lugo & Snedaker                  mangrove coverage, it is encouraging that more litera-
(1974), which included fringing, riverine and/or basin                ture is emerging from this region where coastal fish as-
forest. The data gathered in each study included biotic                semblages are also relatively diverse (Blaber 2002).
and abiotic habitat metrics. Fish metrics included                  However, a literature void remains for the West Africa
groupings by family, maturation stage, residency sta-                 region — an area that is likely to continue to be under-
tus, trophic level, or diel habits as well as the type of               represented unless specifically targeted for study.
fish data gathered and analyzed. We classified the                  Interestingly, the first 2 studies of mangrove fishes
types of fish metric data reported in each study accord-               were conducted in the 2 regions that are least repre-
ing to the criteria recommended for determining                    sented today.
‘essential fish habitat’ (EFH) (USDOC 1996) which                    Although disproportionate, the spatial distribution of
included: presence/absence, frequency of occurrence,                 studies we examined covers much of the known global
percent composition, size, biomass (g), density (num-                 distribution of mangroves (Fig. 2). Specific areas that
ber/area), standing crop (g/area), growth and mortality                have received the most thorough study include Florida
rates, and rates of secondary production. Finally, the                (USA) and Moreton Bay (Australia). Similar dominance
focus of analyses (e.g. defining spatial and/or temporal               of studies from the USA and Australia in the literature
patterns, examining fish–habitat correlations) was tab-                has beset previous reviews of fishes occupying sea-
ulated and the type of statistical test(s) or data treat-               grass beds (Heck et al. 2003), mangroves (Sheridan &
ment(s) performed (similarity measures, analysis of                  Hays 2003), and studies of ontogenetic fish movements
variance, ordination, or regression) were recorded.                  (Gillanders et al. 2003). Regions outside US and Aus-
                                           tralian waters where data are particularly lacking
                                           include: (1) Pacific Panama; (2) Colombia; (3) Central
                                           Brazil; (4) the Red Sea; (5) Mozambique; (6) the Bay of
                                           Bengal and the Andaman Sea; and (7) Borneo (Fig. 2).
                                           However, there are several important cases where
       Chronology and geography
                                           fishes inhabiting tropical estuaries from these areas
  A total of 111 publications were examined from 104                 have been reported. In such cases, data summaries
independent field surveys of mangrove fishes pub-                   were made from multiple surveys of fishes that rarely
lished between 1955 and 2005 (Table 1). The earliest                 mentioned study objectives, methods, gear, or habi-
records of mangrove-associated fishes were species                  tat(s) sampled, making their inclusion here difficult, at
lists compiled by Inger (1955) and Boeseman (1963) as                 best. In Florida (USA), species lists of mangrove fishes
part of broad ecological inventories of forests in Borneo               were compiled from numerous studies by Odum et
(South and Southeast Asia region) and the Niger Delta                 al. (1982) and presented for tidal streams, estuarine
(West Africa region), respectively. Austin (1971) pro-                bays, and oceanic bays. Off Columbia, Alvarez León
vided the first inventory of mangrove fishes from                   & Blanco Racedo (1985) reviewed aspects of 31 studies
Puerto Rico (American region), and Day (1974) from                  conducted in the Cartagena Bay system. They pro-
Mozambique (i.e. the East Africa and Middle East                   vided an overall species list for the system, and sum-
region). Blaber (1980), and Blaber & Blaber
(1980) published the first of many works on          W Africa
                                S & SE Asia
assemblages of mangrove fishes from Aus-            E Africa
                         Cumulative number of publications

tralia (Australasian region).                 Australasia
  While the cumulative number of publica-      80
tions has grown steadily since the mid 1980s,
the sharpest increases occurred for the
regions of South and Southeast Asia and the      60
Americas (Fig. 1). Selection indices indicate
that the geographic distribution of studies
among regions has not been commensurate
with the proportion of the world’s mangrove
acreage that they contain (Table 2). Nearly      20
70% of studies have been conducted in either
the Americas or Australasia, and the South
and Southeast Asia and West Africa regions       1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
are clearly under-represented in the litera-
ture. Because South and Southeast Asia con- Fig. 1. Cumulative number of publications on mangrove fishes by each
tains the largest proportion of the world’s          geographic region from 1955 to 2005 (n = 111)

Table 1. Chronological list of surveys of mangrove fishes conducted during 1955 to 2005. Design codes: FX: fixed; HZ: haphazard; RM: random; VAR: various. SU: sample
unit; Prop. mangrove: proportion of sites that were within mangrove habitats. Frequency codes: BM: bimonthly; D: daily; F: fortnightly; M: monthly; S: seasonal; Q: quar-
terly; Var: various. Gear codes: A: anglers; B: block net; C: cast net; F: fyke net; G: gill or trammel net; P: plankton net; R: rotenone; S: seine net; T: trap; TP: trap or flume net;
             TW: trawl; V: visual surveys. Published studies with same letter [in brackets] are from the same fish survey. nr = not reported

Location                Region Design    SU    No. No.  Prop.     Fre- Duration    Gear    Basin Fringe Riverine     Source
                                   SU sites mangrove    quency (yr)

Dewhurst Bay, Borneo          SA     FX   Site   11  11    0.36    1     nr   A,C,R,S            x   Inger (1955)
Niger Delta              WA     nr  Region   4   4    1.00    Var         NR             x   Boseman (1963)
Western Puerto Rico          AM     FX  Estuary  8   8    1.00    Var         G,S        x    x   Austin (1971)
Ponggol Estuary, Singapore       SA     FX   Site   3   3    1.00    M     1.0    S             x   Thia-Eng (1973)
Morrumbene Estuary, Mozambique     EA     FX   Site   6   6    0.50    3          A,S        x    x   Day (1974)
Old Rhodes Key lagoon, USA       AM     FX   Site   6   6         M     0.4   A,T,V                Holm (1977)
Guadeloupe               AM     FX   Site   12  12    0.33    M     0.1   F,TP        x        Lasserre & Toffart [a] (1977)
Marco Island Estuary, USA       AM     FX   Site   11  11    0.00    M     4.1    TW                 Weinstein et al. (1977)
Huizache and Caimanero lagoons,    AM     FX   Site   5   5    0.80    M     1.3    C,S        x        Warburton (1978)
Mngazana Estuary, S Africa       EA     FX   Site    7   7    1.00    3         G,P,S        x    x   Branch & Grindley (1979)
Trinity Inlet System, Australia    AU     FX   Site   18  18    0.39    nr        B,G,P,S       x        Blaber (1980)
Moreton Bay, Australia         AU     FX   Site    4   4    0.50    M     1.0   B,P,S        x        Blaber & Blaber (1980)
Serpentine Creek, Australia      AU     FX   Site   10  10    0.00    F     1.2    TW                 Quinn (1980)
Tamil Nadu coast, India        SA     nr  Region   1             nr          P         x        Krishnamurthy &
                                                                            Prince Jeyaseelan (1981)
Jiquilisco Bay, El Salvador      AM     FX   Site   6  6    0.00    M    1.3    TW                 Phillips [b] (1981b)
Jiquilisco Bay, El Salvador      AM     FX   Site   6  6    0.00    M    1.3   C,G,TW                Phillips [b] (1981b)
Isle of Youth, Cuba          AM     FX   Site   4   4    1.00    S    1.0     V         x    x   Valdéz-Muñoz (1981)
Bahia de la paz, Mexico        AM     FX   Site   3  7    0.00    M    0.5    TW                 Martínez et al. (1982)
Papua New Guinea            AU     FX   Site   14  14    1.00    nr          R     x    x    x   Collette (1983)
Botany Bay, SE Australia        AU     FX   Site   1  1    1.00    BM    1.5    B,R             x   Bell et al. (1984)
Wairiki Creek, Fiji          AU     FX   Site   6   6    1.00    M    1.0     G             x   Lal (1984)
                                                                                              Mar Ecol Prog Ser 318: 1–18, 2006

Dampier region, NW Australia      AU     FX  Biotope   2  9    0.67    Q    1.0   G,R,S,V   x    x    x   Blaber et al. (1985)
Guadeloupe               AM     FX   Bay    2  12    0.33    Var    Var    TP         x        Louis et al. [a] (1985)
Papua New Guinea            AU     FX  Estuary   2   5    0.00    F    2.0    TW                 Quinn & Kojis (1985)
Phuket Island, Thailand        SA     FX   Site   4   4    0.50    M    1.6    P,TW        x    x   Janekarn & Boonruang (1986)
Laguna Joyuda, Puerto Rico       AM     FX   Site   5  5    0.00    M    1.0    TW                 Stoner (1986)
Elichi Creek, Nigeria, W Africa    WA     FX   Site   2  2    1.00    M     1.1     B             x   Wright (1986)
Pagbilao Bay, Phillipines       SA     FX   Site   6   6    1.00    M    1.5    G,TW             x   Pinto (1987)
Alligator Creek, Australia       AU     nr  Biotope  3.5  8    0.50    BM    1.2     S             x   Robertson & Duke [c] (1987)
Western Florida Bay, USA        AM     FX   Site   8   8    1.00    Var    Var   B,R,TW    x    x        Thayer et al. (1987)
Sinnamary river, French Guiana     AM     nr  Region   3             M    Var  C,G,TP,R,TW      x    x   Boujard & Beltran (1988)
Leanyer Swamp, N Australia       AU     FX   Site   2   2    1.00    F    0.5    R,T    x        x   Davis (1988)
Tudor Creek, Kenya, E Africa      EA     FX   Site   4   4    0.75    F    0.6    P,S        x        Little et al. [d] (1988b)
Tudor Creek, Kenya, E Africa      EA     FX   Site   5   5    0.60    nr    nr     P         x        Little et al. [d] (1988a)
Saint-Vincent Bay, New Caledonia    AU     nr  Biotope   3  121   0.01    Var    Var  F,G,TW,R,V       x    x   Thollot & Kulbicki (1988)
Teminos Lagoon, Mexico         AM     FX  Biotope   2   2    0.00    M     1.0    TW                 Yáñez-Arancibia et al. [e]
Embley Estuary, NE Australia      AU     FX  Biotope   5   6    0.83    Q    2.0  B,G,R,S,TW           x   Blaber et al. (1989)
                                    Table 1 (continued)

Location              Region Design   SU   No. No.  Prop.    Fre- Duration   Gear  Basin Fringe Riverine    Source
                               SU sites mangrove   quency (yr)

Nigerian Coast, W Africa      WA   FX   Estuary  4            nr       P,S   nr   nr   nr   Amadi et al. (1990)
Solomon Islands, W Pacific     AU   FX   Estuary  13  13   1.00    nr      B,G,R,S  x       x    Blaber & Milton (1990)
Selangor, Malaysia         SA   FX   Biotope  4  41   0.22    Var   Var  F,G,TW      x    x    Chong et al. [f] (1990)
Tecapan-Aqua Brava, Mexico     AM   FX    Site  15  15   1.00    M    1.0  S,TW               Flores-Verdugo et al. (1990)
Moreton Bay, E Australia      AU   FX    Site   1  3   1.00    M    1.2  B,G,S   x   x        Morton (1990)
Alligator Creek, Australia     AU   nr   Estuary  1           BM    1.2  G,S,TP   x       x    Robertson & Duke [c] (1990b)
Alligator Creek, Australia     AU   nr   Estuary  4           BM    1.2  G,S,TP   x       x    Robertson & Duke [c] (1990a)
Moreton Bay, Australia       AU   FX   Biotope  5  5    0.60    M    0.8   TW       x        Weng (1990)
Dubreka and Tabunsu estuary,
Guinea              WA    FX   Estuary  2            nr      A,C,G,TW nr    nr   nr   Boltachev (1991)
Cayo Collado, Puerto Rico     AM    FX    Site  8   8   1.00    S    0.2   V       x        Rooker & Dennis (1991)
Northern US Virgin Islands     AM    FX    Site  5   5   1.00    M    1.8   T,V       x        Boulon (1992)
La Parguera, Puerto Rico      AM    FX   Biotope  4   4   0.50    M    1.1    P       x        Dennis (1992)
Fort-de-France, Martinique     AM    FX    Site  8   8   1.00    Q    2.3   TP       x        Louis et al. [g] (1992)
Selangor, Malaysia         SA    FX   Biotope  3   41   0.22    Var   Var  F,G,TW      x    x    Sasekumar et al. [f] (1992)
Alligator Creek, Australia     AU   RM   Region  3   6   0.50    M    0.4  A,S,T      x        Sheaves (1992)
Rookery Bay, USA          AM   VAR   Biotope  3   30   0.33    Q    1.3   TP       x        Sheridan (1992)
Saint-Vincent Bay, New Caledonia  AU   VAR   Biotope  2  577   0.03    M    1.0 G,R,TM,TP,V     x        Thollot (1992)
Tanshui River, Taiwan       SA    FX    Site  3   3   0.00    M    2.8   B           x    Tzeng & Wang (1992)
Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles   AM    nr   Biotope  6            nr        V       x        van der Velde et al. [h] (1992)
Sabana-Camaguey, N Cuba      AM   RM   Region  3  63   1.00    1    nr    V       x        Claro & García-Arteaga (1993)
Phang-Nga Bay, Thailand      SA    FX    Site  1   1   0.00    M    1.2   TW               Janekarn (1993)
Ambergis Cay, Belize        AM    FX   Biotope  3   3   0.33    BM    1.0   TW           x    Sedberry & Carter (1993)
Terminos Lagoon, Mexico      AM    FX   Biotope  2  2    0.00    BM    1.2   TW               Yáñez-Arancibia et al. [e]
Gulf of Carpentaria, N Australia  AU   FX   Biotope  4            S    Var B,F,G,R,S,TW x   x    x    Blabler et al. (1994)
Clarence River, Australia     AU   FX    Site  18  18   0.28    Q    2.5   B,R      x        Pollard & Hannan (1994)
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica     AM   FX    Site  3  3    1.00    M    0.9   G,S      x        Rojas et al. [i] (1994a)
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica     AM   FX    Site  3  3    1.00    M    0.9   G,S      x        Rojas et al. [i] (1994b)
                                                                                    Faunce & Serafy: Mangrove-fish literature review

Celestum Lagoon, Mexico      AM   FX    Site  1   1   1.00    S    1.5   B,R   x   x        Vega-Cendejas et al. (1994)
Upper Tampa Bay, USA        AM   RM    Bay   2  24         M    2.9    T   x   x    x    Vose & Bell (1994)
Raby Bay, E Austalia        AU   FX   Biotope  2   7   0.43    M    1.1    S       x        Williamson et al. (1994)
Moreton Bay, E Australia      AU   FX   Biotope  2   6   0.33    M    2.0   S,TP   x   x        Laegdsgaard & Johnson (1995)
Fort-de-France, Martinique     AM   FX    Site  8   8   1.00    Q    2.3   TP       x        Louis et al. [g] (1995)
Placido Bayou, USA         AM   FX    Site  6   6   1.00    Var        B,S   x   x        Mullin (1995)
Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria       WA   FX    Site  2   2   0.50    M         S       x        Nwadukwe (1995)
Sao Luis, Brazil          AM   FX    Site  4   4   1.00    M    0.8   TP           x    Batista & Rego (1996)
Tin Can Bay, NE Austalia      AU   FX    Site   4  4   1.00    BM    2.2    B   x           Halliday & Young (1996)
Gazi Creek, Kenya, E Africa    EA   FX    Site  3   3   0.67    M    0.8    S       x        Kimani et al. (1996)
Negombo Estuary, W Sri Lanka    SA   FX    Site  6   4   1.00    M    2.1    S       x        Pinto & Punchihewa (1996)
Embley River, N Australia     AU   FX    Site  4   4   1.00    D,S   Var    B   x           Vance et al. (1996)
La Parguera, Puerto Rico      AM   RM   Biotope  3  43   0.21    nr        G,V      x        Acosta (1997)
Karachi, Pakistan         SA   FX    Site  2   2   0.50    F    0.9    C   nr   nr   nr   Atiqullah et al. (1997)

                                   Table 1 (continued)

Location            Region Design   SU   No. No.  Prop    Fre- Duration   Gear  Basin Fringe Riverine    Source
                             SU sites mangrove   quency (yr)

Tulear Lagoon, SW Madagascar  EA   FX    Site  1   1   1.00    M    1.0    G               Laroche et al. (1997)
Guaratuba, Brazil        AM   RM   Region  1   1   1.00    nr       C,S,TW              Chaves & Correa (1998)
Sao Luis, Brazil        AM   FX    Site  4   4   1.00    M    0.8   TP           x    Batista & Rego (1996)
Tin Can Bay, NE Australia    AU   FX    Site  4   4   1.00   BM    2.2    B   x           Halliday & Young (1996)
Gazi Creek, Kenya, E Africa   EA   FX    Site  3   3   0.67    M    0.8    S       x        Kimani et al. (1996)
Negombo Estuary, W Sri Lanka  SA   FX    Site  6   4   1.00    M    2.1    S       x        Pinto & Punchihewa (1996)
Embley River, N Australia    AU   FX    Site  4   4   1.00   D, S   Var    B   x           Vance et al. (1996)
La Parguera, Puerto Rico    AM   RM   Biotope  3   43   0.21    nr        G,V      x        Acosta (1997)
Karachi, Pakistan        SA   FX    Site  2   2   0.50    F    0.9    C   nr   nr   nr   Atiqullah et al. (1997)
Tulear Lagoon, SW Madagascar  EA   FX    Site  1   1   1.00    M    1.0    G               Laroche et al. (1997)
Guaratuba, Brazil        AM   RM   Region  1   1   1.00    nr       C,S,TW              Chaves & Correa (1998)
NE tropical Australia      AU   HZ   Region  4   12   1.00    Q    2.3    T       x        Sheaves (1998)
Yingluo Bay, China       SA   FX    Site   2   2   1.00    Q    1.0    B       x    x    He et al. (2001)
Guaratuba, Brazil        AM   RM   Region  1   1   1.00    M    2.9   TW               Chaves & Bouchereau (1999)
Bay of La Paz, Mexico      AM   FX    Site  1   1   1.00    nr         F           x    Gonzalez-Acosta et al. (1999)
N & S Taiwan          SA   FX   Region  6   6   1.00   BM    1.0    F           x    Kuo et al. (1999)
NE Florida Bay, USA       AM   FX    Bay   6   42   1.00    M    1.1   B,R,V  x   x        Ley et al. [j] (1999)
N Taiwan            SA   FX    Site   1   1   1.00    M    1.0    F           x    Lin & Shao (1999)
NE Florida Bay, USA       AM   FX    Site  4   24   1.00   BM    5.2   R,T   x           Lorenz (1999)
Pagbilao, Philippines      SA   FX    Site   4   4   1.00    D    0.0    B   x           Rönnbäck et al. (1999)
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles  AM   FX   Biotope  6   12   1.00   Var         V       x        Nagelkerken et al. [k] (2000a)
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles  AM   FX   Biotope  6   12   1.00   Var         V       x        Nagelkerken et al. (2000b)
Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles  AM   FX   Biotope  6   27   0.22    M    0.6    V       x        Nagelkerken et al. [h] (2000c)
Sine Saloum, Senegal      WA   FX    Site  3   6   1.00    M    0.2    F               Vidy (2000)
Guaratuba, Brazil        AM   RM   Region  1   1   1.00    nr       F,S,TW              Chaves & Vendel (2001)
NE Florida Bay, USA       AM   FX    Bay   6   17   1.00    M    1.1    V       x        Ley & McIvor [j] (2001)
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles  AM   FX    Bay   3   11   0.00   D, M   Var   S,V              Nagelkerken et al. (2001)
                                                                                   Mar Ecol Prog Ser 318: 1–18, 2006

St. Croix, US Virgin Islands  AM   HZ    Site  10  10   1.00    M    2.0   S,T      x        Tobias (2001)
Rio da Fazenda, Brazil     AM    nr   Region  3   3   0.33   BM    1.0   A,T,V      x        Uieda & Uieda (2001)
Sepetiba Bay, Brazil      AM   RM   Region  3  158   0.00    M    3.0   TW               Araujo et al. (2002)
Caete River Estuary, Brazil   AM   FX    Site  3   3   1.00    M    1.0   TP           x    Barletta-Bergan et al. (2002)
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles  AM   FX   Biotope  3   11   3.00    S    nr    V       x        Cocheret de la Morinière et al.
                                                                  [k] (2002)
Lower Volta, Ghana       WA   FX    Site  7   7   0.71    nr    nr   C,G,S      x    x    Dankwa & Gordon (2002)
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles  AM   FX   Biotope  8  17   0.71    S    1.0   V       x        Nagelkerken & van der Velde
                                                                  [k] (2002)
Eastern Caribbean        AM   FX   Biotope  3  23   0.00    Var   Var   V       x        Nagelkerken et al. (2002)
Bimini, Bahamas         AM   FX   Biotope  4   4   0.25    nr       B,S       x        Neuman & Gruber (2002)
Sikao Creek Estuary, Thailand  SA   FX    Site   6   6   0.67    Q    26.7  F,R,S   x   x    x    Tongnunui et al. [l] (2002)
Johor Strait, Malaysia     SA   FX    Site  4   4   0.25    M    1.5   S       x        Hajisamae & Chou (2003)
Sikao Creek, Thailand      SA   FX    Site   3   3   0.67    Q    2.4   S       x    x    Ikejima et al. [l] (2003)
Biscayne Bay, USA        AM   RM   Region   2  129   1.00    S    2.0   V       x        Serafy et al. (2003)
SE Everglades, USA       AM   FX    Site   3  12   1.00    BM    3.2   V           x    Faunce et al. (2004)
Rio Lagartos, Mexico      AM   FX    Site  28  28   0.00    Var   Var  S,TW               Vega-Cendejas & Santillana
Chwaka Bay, Tanzania      EA   FX   Biotope  5  5    0.40    Var   Var   S,V           x    Lugendo et al. (2005)
                   Faunce & Serafy: Mangrove-fish literature review

       Fig. 2. Location of studies of mangrove fishes used in the present review (coded by geographic region)

marized their data based on the number of species          fishes (21.7%) or identify explanatory variables for
belonging to various salinity regimes and trophic          observed utilization patterns (15.6%). Less than 10%
levels for Bahía de Cartagena, Ciénaga de Tesca, and         of studies were concerned with the remaining topics
Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Similarly, Cervigón          (Fig. 3a). Most studies aimed to identify temporal pat-
(1985) used data from an earlier study and historical        terns, and typically achieved this goal through monthly
records to generate a list of fish species for the Ori-       sampling for a period of 0.5 to 1.5 yr (Fig. 3b,c). Sam-
noco estuary (Venezuela) according to salinity regime.        pling durations of more than 2 yr were uncommon
Finally, the ecology of the Itamaracá ecosystem (Brazil)       (< 5%) with the longest published survey spanning 5 yr
was summarized by Paranagua & Eskinazi-Leça (1985),         (Lorenz 1999). In addition, most studies sampled, or
who provided a family and species list of fishes. For        otherwise quantified, fishes at a small number of loca-
more complete summaries of fish studies conducted          tions. Only 4 studies sampled mangroves at more than
from large tropical estuarine systems, the reader          20 locations: Serafy et al. (2003) sampled 129 locations,
should consult the comprehensive works of Blaber           Claro & García-Arteaga (1993) sampled 63 locations,
(2000) and Yáñez-Arancibia (1985).                  Ley et al. (1999) sampled 42 locations, and Lorenz
                                   (1999) sampled 24 locations (Table 1). Fixed sampling
                                   designs were employed much more often (81%) than
                                   random-stratified (8.5%) or haphazard designs (1.8%)
            Study design
                                   or various other sampling designs (1.8%). In fixed- and
 Study design incorporates a study’s purpose with its        mixed-design surveys, the rationale for selecting site
methodology. Over half of the examined surveys of          locations was rarely provided.
mangrove fishes aimed to identify spatial and/or temp-         These results highlight some limitations with our
oral patterns of mangrove utilization, while a lesser        knowledge of mangrove habitat utilization by fishes.
                                   For example, if not selected remotely, or a priori, the
proportion were conducted to provide an inventory of

Table 2. Comparison of mangrove area and the number of published studies from within each geographic region. The selection
ratio (wi) of Savage (1931) was used to compare the proportion of studies to the proportion of mangrove area within each region

Region              Mangrove      Proportion of      Number of      Proportion of     wi
                 area (km2)      total area      total studies    total studies

Americas              49 096        0.271          53         0.477      1.762
Australasia            18 789        0.104          26         0.234      2.252
East Africa and Middle East    10 024        0.055           7         0.063      1.147
South and Southeast Asia      75 173        0.415          18         0.162      0.391
West Africa            27 995        0.155           7         0.063      0.407
Total               181 0770                   1110
8                                              Mar Ecol Prog Ser 318: 1–18, 2006

                                a) Purpose                   ment of what constitutes a ‘typical’ year, or of the
                                                        extent of inter-annual variability in both the fish
                                                        assemblages and their environment. While the sea-
                                                        sonal dynamics of mangrove use by fishes has received
                                                        attention, only a few studies have focused on shorter
                                                        temporal scales. In the future, researchers should bet-
                                                        ter describe how and why sampling locations were
                                                        selected, and when possible include the rationale
                                                        behind their sampling intensity/allocation decisions.
                                                         How fish samples have been acquired from man-
                     In rns


                     eo ar.




                                                        groves is of particular importance due, in part, to issues







                                                        of species- and size-selectivity. Indeed, one of the








                                                        major reasons mangroves have received relatively lit-


                                                        tle attention as fish habitats is that it is inherently diffi-
                                                        cult to quantitatively sample fishes within them. Con-
                               b) Frequency
                                                        sequently, our understanding of the role(s) that these
  Proportion of studies

                                                        habitats play in the lives of fishes has been hindered by
                                                        the fact that the same sampling methods have rarely
                                                        been used from one study to the next. Over one-third
                                                        of all studies we reviewed used towed gears, which
               0.2                                        is a consistent finding among geographic regions
                                                        (Fig. 4a,b). While towed nets can be effective in sea-
               0.1                                        grass beds, they are of little or no use within the dense,
                                                        rigid, entangled roots of mangrove trees. Use of pas-





                                             Va ly







                                                                                   a) Gears: type

















                                c) Duration
              0.25                                                     0.20
                                                         Proportion of studies
















                                                                              b) Gears: region


















Fig. 3. (a) Purpose, (b) sampling frequency, and (c) sampling
duration (in yr) of studies of mangrove fishes. Var: variable;                                                                    Visual
   mgt: management. Note difference in y-axis scales
                                                                      0.4                          Enclosure
choice of sampling locations may be biased, which in                                                                        Passive
turn can be reflected in the data gathered (Rozas &
Minello 1997). In addition, the limited spatial extent                                           0.0
                                                                         AM    AU     EA   SA   WA
and/or small number of sites sampled in most studies
may not be representative of a given area or region,
                                                        Fig. 4. The gear type used to collect fishes from mangrove
and thus may be of limited use to coastal resource
                                                        habitats (a) among studies, and (b) by geographic region. AM:
managers if they must determine the costs and benefits                             Americas; AU: Australasia; EA: East Africa and the Middle
of developing one mangrove area over another. Simi-                              East; SA: South and Southeast Asia; WA: West Africa. Note
larly, the lack of multi-year studies precludes assess-                                     difference in y-axis scales
                  Faunce & Serafy: Mangrove-fish literature review

sive gears has also been common (27% of studies).       coral reef environments (e.g. Lindeman & Snyder 1999,
Most passive gears are difficult to place in dense man-    Nagelkerken et al. 2000b, Russ et al. 2005). An impor-
grove prop-roots without constituting additional struc-    tant distinction between visual surveys and other
ture, and like towed gears are often actually employed    methods is that the former does not capture fishes, and
at the periphery of the mangrove shoreline. This con-     thus is advantageous for studying threatened or
sidered, one out of 5 purported studies of mangrove      endangered species. Limitations of visual surveys stem
fishes that we reviewed failed to sample within man-     from variations in visibility, size- and species-specific
grove habitat. This has undoubtedly produced unrep-      responses of fish to those performing the survey,
resentative data in specific cases, and has probably led   observer experience, recording errors, as well as safety
to unfounded conclusions about the nature and extent     concerns (Cheal & Thompson 1997, Thompson & Map-
of fish utilization of mangroves in general.         stone 1997, Ley et al. 1999). While precision varies by
  There are notable exceptions, however, where more     methodology (e.g. roving, timed, or belt transect, writ-
appropriate sampling techniques have been applied to     ten or audio recording media), accuracy problems can
quantitatively sample fish within the mangroves        be reduced by performing observer training and using
proper. These include enclosure, entanglement, and      a limited number of personnel (Bell et al. 1985, Greene
visual techniques, which have each been employed       & Alevizon 1989, St. John et al. 1990). Visual survey
with similar frequency (i.e. 11 to 13% of studies). A     techniques were used far more often in studies con-
common type of enclosure gear uses a fine mesh net to     ducted in the Americas (Caribbean), than in either
encompass a mangrove area and fishes are subse-        Australasia or East Africa, and were absent from South
quently removed with poison and/or a smaller net (e.g.    and Southeast Asia and West Africa (Fig. 4b).
Bell et al. 1984, Thayer et al. 1987, Blaber & Milton      Given the above, there is clearly no ‘best’ method for
1990). Such block netting can result in estimates of     sampling fishes within mangrove habitats. The optimal
both abundance and biomass per unit area (standing      method will vary according to study constraints and
crop), and is an especially effective method for collect-   have bias and precision that should be weighed in
ing small, cryptic fishes. However, sampling efficiency    accordance with the goals of the project. In studies that
is dependent on the clearing method used. Two draw-      focus on analyzing the entire assemblage, the applica-
backs of enclosure samplers are that they often involve    tion of multiple gear types has been used with success
both short- and long-term disturbance of the habitat     and is preferred (Blaber et al. 1985). With respect to
under study (e.g. prop-root and canopy removal), and     single gear studies, we agree with Rozas & Minello
are relatively labor intensive. In contrast, passive sam-   (1997) that enclosure samplers are superior for quanti-
plers such as fyke, flume, or channel nets do not       fying fishes in structurally-complex habitats, especially
greatly modify the mangrove habitat, but are limited to    in turbid waters, and add that visual surveys are par-
situations where tides are sufficient to drain the habitat  ticularly useful in clearer waters.
and effectively force fishes into these capture devices
(McIvor & Odum 1986). Most traps, like entanglement
gears, can be rapidly deployed and cause minimal                  Habitat metrics
habitat disturbance. These gears can also be effective
for catching relatively large (ca. 10 cm total length)     An historical summary of abiotic and biotic measures
mobile fishes often missed by other gears; however,      collected aids our present ability to assess the value of
there are size- and species-selectivity constraints. Size   mangroves as fish habitat. Unlike experimental studies
selectivity problems can be reduced by sampling with     that benefit from being able to isolate and manipulate
traps of different mesh sizes and openings, or by       specific variables for study, in the field it is difficult to
sampling with nets with multiple panels composed of      choose appropriate abiotic (habitat) factors to measure
different meshes (Sogard et al. 1989, Sheaves 1995).     since they are often autocorrelated with one another.
Unfortunately, like all passive samplers, only relative    While the appropriate environmental variables mea-
abundance or biomass, rather than density or biomass     sured in a study should differ depending on the goals
per unit area, can be estimated using traps and entan-    of the project and on local conditions, over half of the
glement nets. Finally, underwater visual fish census     habitat metrics recorded in the literature database con-
can be a rapid and effective technique for gathering     sisted of temperature and salinity measurements, and
data and making quantitative comparisons of fish dis-     this trend was observed across all geographic regions
tribution, abundance, and size-structure within and      (Fig. 5a,b). Certainly temperature is linked to broad
among habitat types. Visual fish census has been uti-     spatial patterns in the use of mangroves by fishes, as
lized in seagrass beds, mangroves, and hardbottom       more fish species are noted from tropical estuaries
communities, and has become the most accepted         than from sub-tropical estuaries, and a positive corre-
method for estimating fish abundance and diversity in     lation between temperature and overall assemblage
10                                           Mar Ecol Prog Ser 318: 1–18, 2006

                                                        b) Habitat metrics: region
                          a) Habitat metrics: type
               0.30                                    1.0
               0.25                                    0.8                    Structure
                                                     0.6                    DO
               0.15                                                         Turbidity
                                                     0.4                    Depth
               0.05                                                         Salinity
   Proportion of studies

               0.00                                    0.0
                                                         AM  AU   EA   SA  WA













                                                         d) Fish metrics: region
                            c) Fish metrics: type               1.0
               0.30                                                        G/Z
                                                                         Standing crop
               0.20                                                        Density
               0.15                                    0.4                   Size
                                                     0.2                   Presence
                                                         AM  AU   EA   SA  WA



















Fig. 5. Summary of (a,b) habitat and (c,d) fish metrics collected from mangroves (a,c) among studies and (b,d) by geographic
region. DO: Dissolved oxygen; FO: frequency of occurrence; G/Z: growth and/or mortality estimates; rain: rainfall; temp:
                  temperature. Geographic regions abbreviated as in Fig. 4

richness, diversity, and abundance has been noted by                            ture on mangrove fishes (Connell 1978, Leigh 1990).
several authors (Robertson & Duke 1987, Williamson                             However, there is scant evidence suggesting such
et al. 1994, Lin & Shao 1999). While seasonal and                             relationships may also hold for fishes inhabiting
diel changes in temperature are typically predictable,                           mangroves (Serafy et al. 2003). Although regime
changes in salinity within a mangrove habitat can be                            characterization requires that dynamic abiotic vari-
more dynamic. Salinity can either remain relatively                            ables are measured over longer periods of time than
stable throughout the year (e.g. along well-connected                           just on the day of fish sampling, few studies in the liter-
oceanic islands), exhibit seasonal changes resulting                            ature have examined fish-habitat relationships on
from fluvial runoff, or change dramatically as a result                          multiple time scales (Bell et al. 1984, Lorenz 1999,
of anthropogenic freshwater releases (Faunce et al.                            Faunce et al. 2004).
2004). In addition, observed fish patterns in mangrove                            As in the case for temporal scales, examination of
habitats may be correlated with: (1) water depth,                             multiple spatial scales may be integral to determining
where the habitat is temporally inundated (e.g.                              which fishes utilize mangrove habitats and why; yet
Robertson & Duke 1990a, Laegdsgaard & Johnson                               this has also been largely ignored in the literature on
1995); (2) turbidity, where sediment transport is (a)                           mangrove fishes. At the smallest scales, structural
high (e.g. Blaber 1980) or (b) in areas without large                           complexity may be important, but this was reported in
salinity fluxes; and (3) dissolved oxygen in areas                             less than 5% of studies. It is likely that few field-based
with poor water flow or located downstream of large                            studies measured and reported structural measure-
industrial or agricultural areas (e.g. Claro et al. 2001).                         ments because early attempts failed to find meaning-
  Abiotic regime (i.e. mean, range, and stability) may                          ful correlations with fish measures (Sheridan 1992,
be of more importance in structuring the assemblage                            Mullin 1995). Interestingly, experimental studies have
of mangrove fishes than ‘snapshot’ metrics collected                            demonstrated that the increased structural complexity
at the time of sampling. For example, a negative rela-                           of mangroves reduces the efficiency of predators (Pri-
tionship between environmental stability and species                            mavera 1997, Laegdsgaard & Johnson 2001). At larger
diversity has been well documented outside the litera-                           scales, many studies have sampled sites located at
                   Faunce & Serafy: Mangrove-fish literature review

various distances from features upstream (e.g. fresh      Duke 1990b), and no estimates of habitat-specific mor-
water) versus downstream (e.g. coral reefs). However,     tality or production have appeared in the literature.
distance values were reported in less than 10% of       Because such studies may have been specifically
studies, and in only 2 instances were they used in       focused on these biological metrics, it is possible that
analyses with fish metrics (Nagelkerken et al. 2000b,     such studies exist outside the realm of this review.
Hajisamae & Chou 2003). Such analyses can be per-       Other biotic factors such as larval supply, predation,
formed readily given the advances in global posi-       competition, and food supply are difficult to consis-
tioning satellites and geographic information system      tently and reliably measure, and we were unable to
technology (e.g. Kendall et al. 2003).             find studies that reported these measures in the litera-
                                ture on mangrove fishes.

           Fish metrics
                                            Data analyses
 Recently, several fish metrics have been reviewed
and ranked according to their usefulness for determin-      Having summarized where, when, and how fish data
ing the importance of fish habitats, including man-      have been collected from mangrove habitats, the ensu-
groves. In 1996, the US government mandated that all      ing discussion is concerned with what has been done
stock assessments include EFH provisions and con-       with them. Fish abundances were usually analyzed at
sider 4 levels of information (USDOC 1996). On a habi-     one of 3 levels: the entire assemblage, ‘dominant taxa’
tat-specific basis, these include fish presence-absence    (e.g. the 10 most abundant species grouped), or indi-
(Level 1), densities (Level 2), growth, reproduction,     vidual species. A measure of the entire assemblage
and survival rates (Level 3), and secondary production     (e.g. total fish density or biomass) was the most com-
rates (Level 4). A refined definition of ‘nursery habitat’   monly used level of analysis (52%), followed by the
emerged with a paper by Beck et al. (2001). They        analysis of dominant taxa (31.2%) and then individual
contend that a nursery habitat contains one or more of     species abundances (16.8%). As most studies aimed to
the following traits compared to other non-nursery       identify patterns of fish use, analyses were focused on
habitats: (1) greater densities of young fishes; (2) lower   examining temporal and spatial variation (Fig. 6a).
predation rates; (3) higher growth rates; and (4) more     Fish–habitat correlations were examined less often,
successful migration to subsequent habitats (Beck et      and were completely absent from the West African
al. 2001).                           region. Regardless of the focus, the type of data analy-
 In light of these developments, this literature review    sis conducted was typically in the form of simple
can be used to answer the question: What information      side-by-side comparisons (Fig. 6b). Similarity indices,
is available to assess the value of mangroves as fish     ANOVA, and ordination techniques were applied
habitat? Presence/absence information was the most       with equal frequency among studies with spatial or
widely reported form of fish data, followed closely by     temporal emphasis, and less often in studies with a
percentage composition (Fig. 5c). These 2 metrics       fish-habitat focus; the latter investigation type alone-
accounted for over half the reported entries (31 and      utilized multiple linear regression techniques.
24%, respectively) and were available from almost all       Simple data comparisons dominated the literature.
surveys of mangrove fishes that we examined. Size       Comparisons of fish data by family (38.1%) predomi-
information was less prevalent, and was present most      nated, probably because this information is presented
often as part of a description of collected fishes. Only    in species lists (Fig. 7a). Comparing fish groups
1 publication presented detailed size information for     according to life-history (maturity) stage or as either
several species over time (Robertson & Duke 1990b).      residents or transients (residency) was also common
Biomass information was more prevalent in the litera-     (23.7 and 19.5%, respectively). Comparisons accord-
ture than either density or standing crop (i.e. numbers    ing to trophic groups and diel period were among the
and biomass per unit area, respectively), both of which    least reported in the database. The characterization
require information about the area sampled (Fig. 5c).     and comparison of fishes according to their trophic
Remarkably, frequency of occurrence information (i.e.     level can be a valuable tool for revealing their role in
the proportion of sites or repeated samples that con-     system energy flow. The concept of using such func-
tained at least 1 individual), available from any survey,   tional groups as a basis for site and ecosystem com-
went unreported in > 90% of studies. Density, standing     parison and evaluation has recently been reviewed
crop, and frequency of occurrence data have not been      for coral reefs (Bellwood et al. 2004) and holds
reported from the West African region (Fig. 5d). Per-     promise for application to mangrove systems as well.
haps most limiting to mangrove fish habitat assess-      Evidence is mounting that mangroves primarily serve
ment is that only 1 estimate of growth (Robertson &      as daytime refugia for a major component of fishes
12                                              Mar Ecol Prog Ser 318: 1–18, 2006

                                                                    b) Analysis type
                             a) Analysis focus
    Proportion of studies

                                                   Spatial   0.4
                                                 Temporal     0.3
                     0.2                                   0.1





                          AM   AU    EA    SA     WA











Fig. 6. Data analyses performed within studies of mangrove fishes organized by (a) geographic region and (b) type (i.e. statistical
test). Data are organized according to the purpose of analyses: identifying spatial patterns (spatial), identifying temporal patterns
(temporal), or exploring fish–habitat interactions (habitat). Non-statistical comparisons of data types (e.g. density) are labeled
comparisons. Similarity refers to indices of similarity, diversity, and evenness. Geographic regions abbreviated as in Fig. 4

occupying mangrove shorelines (Rooker & Dennis                                  data from 19 studies that quantified fishes within
1991, Nagelkerken et al. 2000a, Valdés-Muñoz &                                  mangroves and at least one other habitat.
Mochek 2001). This suggests for some species that
fish production attributed to mangroves may not nec-
essarily derive from this habitat alone (Adams et al.                                        Current limitations
2006). Linkages between mangrove shorelines and
the proximity, size, and availability of nocturnal forag-                              Our review reveals that (1) certain regions, specifi-
ing areas, such as seagrass beds or mudflats, deserve                               cally South and Southeast Asia and West Africa, are
greater attention.                                                under-represented in the literature, (2) the majority of
                                                         surveys were spatially restrictive and/or of short dura-
                                                         tion, and (3) numerous purported surveys of mangrove
                                                         fishes failed to sample within mangrove habitats per
                                                         se. In defense of these studies, most were designed
 This work represents the first attempt to assemble                               with modest goals in mind: (1) to identify which taxa
and examine a substantial number of published studies                               were present, and (2) to determine their abundances
of mangrove fishes. In contrast, previous reviews of                               among locations and/or sequential samples. While
the literature on mangrove fishes have been more                                 these studies have been useful in identifying the com-
limited in scope. Thayer & Sheridan (1999) examined                                ponents and dynamics of various assemblages of man-
the methods and results of less than 12 studies from                               grove fishes, this type of data provides little informa-
Florida (USA), while Sheridan & Hays (2003) compiled                               tion with which to compare and evaluate the

                                a) Fish comparisons: type                     b) Fish comparisons: region
                       0.5                                    1.0
           Proportion of studies

                       0.4                                    0.8
                       0.3                                    0.6
                       0.2                                    0.4
                       0.1                                    0.2
                       0.0                                    0.0
                                                               AM   AU  EA    SA   WA














Fig. 7. How fish metrics were grouped for data comparisons (a) among studies, and (b) by geographic region. Geographic regions
                          abbreviated as in Fig. 4
                   Faunce & Serafy: Mangrove-fish literature review

importance of mangrove habitats for ecosystem diver-                Future directions
sity and productivity.
  Where fish–habitat correlations have been exam-        The limitations above are important to consider
ined, most studies performed analyses at the assem-      when planning future studies. Given the history of the
blage level using environmental data obtained at the      literature, it appears likely that future studies will
time of sampling. Consequently, there is meagre infor-     continue to examine its spatio-temporal patterns of
mation on how individual species respond to environ-      mangrove use by fishes. In general, studies that exam-
mental variability. This is unfortunate, given that recent   ine fish and habitat features at multiple spatial and
works suggest that the nature of the relationship be-     temporal scales will be more valuable than those that
tween habitat features and fishes is species- and size-    examine at only one scale. Irrespective of scale, studies
specific, and that only with this level of understanding    that examine both the mean and variance of abiotic
can insight into ecological processes be gained (Bene-     and biotic metrics will provide more insight than those
detti-Cecchi 2003, Cocheret de la Morinière et al.       that only consider ‘static’ measures at the time of
2004). Furthermore, the type of fish metrics reported     sampling. Power analysis and/or sampling efficiency
did not often include those most desired by decision      evaluation are exceedingly rare in the literature, but
makers. For example, although simple presence/         are needed for mangrove fishes research to gain the
absence and percentage composition data were com-       attention it deserves (Ley et al. 1999). It is possible that
monly reported, size and frequency of occurrence were     statistical treatments such as these have been lacking
not, despite the fact that these metrics should be avail-   in the literature partly because, at the species-specific
able from any survey that repeatedly samples fishes.      level, ‘zero-laden’ fish abundance datasets are typical
The more detailed, difficult-to-collect data needed for    and less than desirable for traditional statistical treat-
mangrove valuation were effectively absent from the      ments. However, the problem of rarity is widespread in
database. With possibly 1 exception (i.e. Robertson &     ecological studies (Gaston 1994), including those on
Duke 1990b), no study of mangrove fishes recorded ad-     coral reef fishes (Jones et al. 2002). Researchers exam-
equate numbers over time, numbers at age, size-fre-      ining species-specific fish abundance data will benefit
quencies, or tag-recapture data needed for the tradi-     from the work of Aitchison (1955), Pennington (1983),
tional assessment of growth, mortality, or secondary      Lo et al. (1992) and Johnson et al. (1999).
production. As a result, comparisons of EFH or nursery      Several scientists are moving the study of mangrove
data from studies of mangrove fishes will likely be lim-    fishes beyond pattern recognition towards more eco-
ited to density or biomass values only. If the USDOC      logically meaningful landscape-scale approaches,
(1996) or Beck et al. (2001) definitions of these terms are  including habitat connectivity, suitability, and the
to be used to assess the habitat value of mangroves, fu-    contribution of mangrove habitats in support of adult fish
ture efforts must strive to track cohorts of fish over     populations (e.g. Pittman et al. 2004, Sheaves 2005,
space and time.                        Mumby 2006). However, the need for species- and life-
  Among the most significant conclusions to draw from     stage-specific information on growth, mortality, and sec-
this review is that surveys of mangrove fishes are not     ondary production rates remains. Although sufficient
readily comparable. Hence, the findings of any new       age–length, biomass and size-distribution data exist for
study may be either bolstered or refuted using selected    several species to generate habitat-specific production
references from the relevant literature. For example,     estimates, this step has yet to be taken for mangrove
findings are mixed in studies relating habitat features to   fishes. Attaining accurate home ranges and movement
assemblages of mangrove fishes with respect to water      rates for mangrove fishes represents an additional and
temperature (Wright 1986, Lin & Shao 1999), salinity      significant challenge towards linking juvenile and adult
(Quinn 1980, Ikejima et al. 2003), and turbidity (Little et  stocks. Studies that examine habitat quality and avail-
al. 1988b, Kimani et al. 1996). Different conclusions re-   ability are also needed to determine what makes some
garding the fish assemblage may be reached even when      mangroves more important fish habitats than others.
2 studies have been conducted within the same body of
water. For example, Williamson et al. (1994), who sam-
                                Acknowledgements. This work was derived from a portion of a
pled with 8 mm mesh beach seine in Raby Bay, Australia,
                                doctoral dissertation by C. H. F. We thank the present and past
reported, ‘the majority of fish captures were either small   library staff of the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of
species or juveniles’, while Moreton (1990) — who sam-     Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), especially Helen
                                Albertson and Gail Clement. We also appreciate the efforts of
pled with 18 mm mesh seines and 100 to 150 mm mesh
                                numerous students and staff of the international community at
gill nets — stated, ‘most species .… were present as both
                                RSMAS for translating numerous publications. The comments
juveniles and adults’ and ‘standing-crop estimates for     and additional literature sources provided by 4 anonymous
the fishes occurring within the mangroves were amongst     reviewers greatly improved this manuscript. This paper is
the highest recorded values for estuarine areas’.       Sustainable Fisheries Division Contribution SFD-2006-024.
14                         Mar Ecol Prog Ser 318: 1–18, 2006

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Editorial responsibility: Howard I. Browman (Associate     Submitted: February 17, 2005; Accepted: May 24, 2006
Editor-in-Chief), Storebø, Norway                Proofs received from author(s): July 12, 2006
by Chris Kennedy last modified 26-01-2007 12:59

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