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An economic analysis of alternative mangrove management strategies in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia

An Economic Analysis of Alternative Mangrove Management Strategies in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia          5/16/03 11:15 AM

                                                  Research Reports

  An Economic Analysis of Alternative Mangrove
  Management Strategies in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia
  by Camille Bann

                                      Executive Summary

  This report presents an economic analysis of the different uses of the mangrove resource of Koh Kong province,
  Cambodia. The objective of the study is to provide information on the economic benefits and operational practices of key
  activities in the area that might be employed in the identification of an economically optimal management strategy for the
  mangrove resource. A parallel objective of the study has been to train a team of Cambodians in survey techniques, data
  collection and analysis, and ultimately on the economic appraisal of natural resource use.

  Mangrove ecosystems are valuable, both in terms of their direct use and indirect use values. Direct use values are the
  products and uses derived directly from the mangrove (e.g., fuelwood, food, construction materials, and use of the area as
  a site for human settlement). Indirect use values are the ecological services provided by mangroves which support
  indirectly economic activities. Ecologically, mangroves act as a natural barrier to shoreline erosion, reduce the effects of
  storm surges and flooding, maintain water quality, and support a wide range of wildlife. All of these ecological functions
  indirectly support economic activities and therefore are of value.

  Perhaps the most well-known ecological service provided by mangroves is the support they provide to local and
  commercial fisheries. Mangroves act as nurseries and shelters for many species of commercially important finfish and

   The mangrove areas in Koh Kong province cover an area of 63,700 hectares and have been described as ecologically
  and economically significant to Cambodia and all other countries situated around the Gulf of Thailand. Furthermore, this
  environment is the only site in all of continental Southeast Asia considered appropriate for the establishment of a coastal
  biosphere reserve. The mangrove forests and related environments of Koh Kong are therefore of vital international
  importance for nature conservation.

  Most of the mangrove areas in Cambodia have been designated within the protected areas system, such as Peam
  Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary. Koh Kapik and associate islets situated within Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary, have been
  nominated as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention. However, management plans for these
  areas are yet to be developed.

  As for other mangrove areas in Cambodia, the mangroves of Koh Kong, which currently support a number of
  households, are threatened largely by the clearing of mangroves for intensive shrimp farms, and for commercial and
  domestic charcoal production. Charcoal production, which is illegal, has recently been stopped by the provincial
  government, leaving a number of families unable to support themselves, even through fishing due to declines in fish
  productivity. No other viable employment alternatives for local people have been identified.                                  Page 1 of 58
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  In certain circumstances using the mangrove resource for productive purpose, such as charcoal productive or shrimp
  farming, may be justified. Typically, however, such decisions are based narrowly on the potential financial returns. The
  alternative uses of the mangrove resource and the many important environmental values of mangroves that are
  subsequently lost, often irreversibly, as a result of these productive activities are ignored. This is a serious oversight in
  cases where the economic value of a mangrove's resources and natural services exceed the gains from productive uses.

  One reason why the full range of mangrove values are not considered in the appraisal process, is that many of these values
  are not sold in conventional markets. They therefore do not have market prices (e.g., forest products such as fuelwood
  and the storm protection function of a mangrove). This shortcoming often means that decisions are biased towards
  development options whose output is marketed and therefore easily measured (e.g., shrimp farming). However, such a
  partial evaluation of the mangrove ecosystem runs the risk of supporting development options that are in fact not
  economically optimal.

  In order, therefore, to make rational management decisions for the mangroves of Koh Kong, the full range of benefits and
  costs associated with the different uses of the mangrove ecosystem must be evaluated. Such a comprehensive approach
  can provide information to decision makers on the environmental and social costs and benefits of different management
  options, and is therefore one important tool for meeting the objective of sustainable management.

  This study presents an economic evaluation of the two key uses of the mangrove resource in Koh Kong - local community
  use and commercial shrimp farming.

  Since local people are heavily dependent on the mangrove resource, community- based alternatives to unsustainable and
  destructive practices are seen as central to the success of any management strategy in Koh Kong.

  A survey of 90 households was undertaken in three villages within Koh Kapik - the study area (Koh Sra Lao, Koh
  Kapik, and Lamdam) to provide information on the traditional uses of the mangrove area by local communities. The
  research focussed on the economic valuation of non-timber forest products collected by households from the mangrove
  area: fuelwood, construction materials, and crabs, shrimp, fish and snails. The charcoal industry, which was active at the
  time of survey, was also studied.

  The survey results show that 94% of the population are in-migrants, attracted to the area by the potential returns from
  fishing and charcoal production at a time when population and hence resource exploitation was low. The greatest influx
  into the area occurred during the period 1985-90. A high proportion of households are now in debt and unable to leave
  the area due to lack of funds.

   Nearly 90% of households are dependent on fishing for their livelihood. However, fish productivity has reportedly
  declined dramatically in recent years due to the increased number of fishers, the loss of mangrove areas due to the
  construction of shrimp farms, and water pollution from these farms. Households in Koh Sra Lao claim to have turned to
  charcoal production because of low fishing yields, while many villagers in Lamdam are reportedly involved in logging
  activities in nearby Koh Kong Island. If these explanations are correct a linkage can be made among shrimp farming,
  declines in fish yields, and changes in the activities of local people resulting in new and additional stresses on the resource

  Local fishing benefits are estimated at US$84 per hectare (the benefits from commercial fishing have not been estimated).
  Fuelwood is valued at US$3.50 per hectare.

   Valuation of the many indirect functions of the mangrove resource was not possible due to data limitations. However, a
  qualitative assessment of these indirect values reveals that many are considered to be of great importance and value, such
  as the storm protection function of the mangroves and biodiversity benefits.

  Following the closure of the charcoal kilns, the Government intends to fully regenerate the mangrove forest, and then
  regulate and legalise the charcoal industry. It is recognised that local people need to produce charcoal because they
  cannot afford to buy fuel. However, what level of charcoal production would be sustainable for the area is as yet unclear,
  and would require careful consideration in any future management plan.                                    Page 2 of 58
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  Results from this study suggest that sustainable charcoal production could provide benefits of US$413 per hectare.
  Charcoal production would only be allowed in areas where the mangrove has already been disturbed or replanted, and
  not in areas of high ecological value such as within Koh Kapik.

  An important result of this study, is that on a narrow financial analysis alone (without accounting for the wider
  environmental and social costs imposed by the industry) shrimp farming in Koh Kong is unprofitable and unsustainable.
  Farms are typically abandoned after five years of operation.

  While 50% of farms made a profit in the past year, overall shrimp farms in the area suffered an average loss of US$1,103
  per hectare. Largely due to problems with disease (associated with poor water quality management), it is rare for farms to
  have two successful harvests a year, and in some cases both harvests have failed. Individual farms have reported losses
  ranging from US$40,000-$240,000.

  The real costs of shrimp farming are in fact much higher than this. The analysis does not account for the environmental
  costs associated with shrimp farming such as loss of mangrove areas, water pollution, and the associated declines in fish
  productivity. Social equity issues are also of top concern because many local people feel marginalised by the shrimp
  farms, and because the benefits from shrimp farming are gained largely by Thai investors, not by Cambodia.

  Future management of the shrimp farming industry requires a focus on sustainable practices, not short-term profit, and
  greater involvement of the local community.

   An integrated management strategy for the mangrove areas needs to be developed which: safeguards the important
  ecological functions of the mangroves; allows sustainable traditional productive uses of the mangrove by local
  communities; and supports a sustainably managed commercial shrimp farming industry in designated areas. A zoning
  system is proposed consisting of a core area representing areas of high ecological value such as Koh Kapik. This area
  could be afforded total protection, or permitted to be utilized for sustainable local use. The remaining area--the multiple
  use area--could be used for sustainable traditional uses, and shrimp farming and charcoal production in appropriately
  identified zones.

  A further issue, supported by local authorities, is that of relocating families out of the sensitive mangrove areas. Land is
  available in upland areas in the province where crop cultivation is possible alongside fishing. The standard of living in the
  villages within Koh Kapik is low and dependent on fishing, returns from such are no longer sufficient to support families.
  Households in the area have thus expressed an interest in relocation, if land is allocated to them. While an in-depth
  assessment of the suitability of the assigned location for relocation was not possible during the time frame of this study, the
  possibility of voluntary relocation is not completely ruled out. Relocation may be necessary to afford complete protection
  of ecologically valuable areas and may potentially improve the living standards of the local people. Relocation
  compensation (support) is estimated at US$1,940 per household to cover the cost of house construction and living
  expenses up to the first harvest.

  The mangroves of Koh Kong are central to the livelihood of coastal households, are of high ecological importance and
  represent a base for sustainable economic exploitation if carefully managed. These substantial benefits of the mangrove
  ecosystem will be forgone if the mangrove areas are lost or damaged through uncontrolled resource use and inappropriate

                                     1.0 INTRODUCTION

  There are estimated to be 85,100 hectares of mangroves in Cambodia in fringe coastal areas along the Gulf of Thailand
  (Mekong River Commission, UNDP, FAO, 1994). The vast majority (63,700 hectares) are located in Koh Kong

   While the total area of mangrove forest in Cambodia is small compared to surrounding countries in the Gulf of Thailand,
  these forests, particularly in Koh Kong Province, have been relatively undisturbed until recently. However, Cambodia's
  mangroves are now under intense pressure from competing resource uses. Two important threats to the mangrove                                   Page 3 of 58
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  resource are the clearance of mangrove areas for intensive shrimp farming and charcoal production. Neighbouring
  countries such as Thailand and Vietnam have seen widespread destruction of their natural coastal resources as a result of
  unmanaged exploitation. Sound management strategies for Cambodia's mangrove areas are urgently needed to avoid a
  similar outcome.

   Mangrove ecosystems are valuable, both in terms of their direct use and indirect use values. Direct use values are the
  products and uses derived directly from the mangrove (e.g., fuelwood, food, construction materials, and use of the area as
  a site for human settlement). Indirect use values are the ecological services provided by mangroves which indirectly
  support economic activities. Ecologically, mangroves act as a natural barrier to shoreline erosion (and stabilize fine
  sediments, thereby helping coasts to accrete), reduce the effects of storm surges and flooding, maintain water quality, and
  support a wide range of wildlife. All of these ecological functions indirectly support economic activities and therefore are
  of value. For example, the storm protection function of a mangrove may have indirect value through the protection
  afforded to coastal property and economic activities.

   Perhaps the most well-known ecological service provided by mangroves is the support they provide to local and
  commercial fisheries. Mangroves are well-known for their high biological productivity and their consequent importance to
  the nutrient budget of adjacent coastal waters. They export organic matter, mainly in detritus form (leaf litter) to the marine
  environment, thereby providing a highly nutritious food source for animals found in the mangrove areas as well as for those
  in neighbouring estuarine and marine ecosystems. Mangroves also support off-shore fisheries by acting as nurseries and
  shelters for many species of commercially important finfish and crustaceans.

   Often, local coastal communities are dependent on the natural resources that mangroves provide in the form of food,
  firewood, construction materials and medicine, and on their ecological services and functions for their livelihood. The
  impact on local livelihoods of activities that damage mangrove areas is therefore a fundamental consideration in the design
  of management plans. This is certainly a key factor in Koh Kong, since local people are heavily dependent on the
  mangrove resource. Community-based alternatives to current unsustainable, destructive, and in some cases inequitable
  practices are thus central to the success of any management strategy in Koh Kong.

  In certain circumstances, using the mangrove resource for productive purpose, such as charcoal production or shrimp
  farming, may be justified. Typically, however, such decisions are based narrowly on the potential financial returns. The
  alternative uses of the mangrove resource and the many important environmental values of mangroves that are
  subsequently lost, often irreversibly, as a result of these productive activities are ignored. This is a serious oversight in
  cases where the economic value of a mangrove's resources and natural services exceed the gains from productive uses.

  One reason why the full range of mangrove values are not considered in the appraisal process, is that many of these values
  are not sold in conventional markets. These values/products therefore do not have market prices (e.g., forest products
  such as fuelwood and the storm protection function of a mangrove). This shortcoming often means that decisions are
  biased towards development options whose output is marketed and therefore easily measured (e.g., shrimp farming).
  However, such a partial evaluation of the mangrove ecosystem runs the risk of supporting development options that are in
  fact not economically optimal.

  In order to make a rational choice between conservation and development options, or between a decision to halt, modify
  or continue with an activity that is inflicting damage on a mangrove, alternative management options must be properly
  evaluated. This entails a comprehensive cost benefit analysis (CBA) which incorporates the full range of benefits and costs
  associated with the different uses of the mangrove ecosystem. A comprehensive CBA can provide information to decision
  makers on the environmental and social costs and benefits of different management options, and is therefore one important
  tool for meeting the objective of sustainable management.

                                      2.0 BACKGROUND

  2.1 Mangrove Distribution in Cambodia

   The Cambodian coastline extends some 435km between the Thai border and the Vietnamese border. It includes a large
  estuary in the northern part (Koh Kong Province) and the great bay of Kompong Som. Three provinces and one                                   Page 4 of 58
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  independent resort city lie along the coastline with a population of slightly more than 675, 000 inhabitants. Of the total
  populace, 476, 000 reside in Kampot Province, 120, 000 in Kompong Som, 79,000 in Koh Kong, and the rest in Kep
  Resort City. Four main islands (Koh Kong, Koh Rong, Koh Rong Sanlem, and Koh Thmey) and a number of small
  islands are located nearshore. The three main islands off-shore are Koh Tang, Koh Pring and Koh Polowaii. The total
  Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) area is estimated to be 42,000 km2, about 23% of Cambodia's land area.

   Mangrove forests occur in Cambodia's three coastal Provinces on the Gulf of Thailand--Koh Kong (where they are most
  abundant), Kompong Som (where there are only a few patches on the shore), and Kampot. While mangrove forests
  spread almost all along the coastline, large, and dense forests are found at the main estuarine areas--Peam Krasaop,
  Andong Tuk, Sre Ambel, Chak Sre Cham, and the Delta of Prek Kampot.

   It was estimated in the past that mangrove forest covered only 37,000 ha (Chea Peng Chheang, Department of
  Fisheries). The Land Cover maps published by the Mekong River Commission/UNDP/FAO (1994), however, show that
  in 1992/3, the mangroves consist of about 85,100 ha. Of these land area, 63,700 ha are located in Koh Kong Province,
  13,500 ha in Sihanoukville, and 7,900 ha in both Kampot Province and Kep Resort City.

  A degree of uncertainty surrounds current estimates on Cambodia's mangroves. The data were derived largely from a
  1:25,000 aerial photographs taken in December 1994 that have not been systematically ground truthed due to safety and
  security constraints. The GIS land use maps that have been made by interpreting the 1991 aerial photographs were not
  systematically ground truthed either. Reports were based on small scale projects and on on-site reconnaissance of
  selected areas that are accessible by boat or road; there are very limited aerial reconnaissance in the vicinity of Koh Kong

  2.2 Mangrove Distribution in Koh Kong Province

  Koh Kong province covers an area of 11,160 km2 and borders Thailand to the west, Pursat province to the north,
  Kompong Speu province to the northeast, Kampot and Kompong Speu province to the east and southeast and the South
  China Sea and Thailand to the south and south west. The coastline is approximately 260 km long. The Cardamon
  Mountain range surrounds one side of the the coast of Koh Kong province while islands and ocean are on the other side.
  Koh Kong is divided into seven districts: Dongtung, Mondulsema, Koh Kong, Kirisakor, Botumsakor, TmarBing, and

   Koh Kong has the vast majority of mangrove forests in Cambodia, with some of the last remaining areas of pristine
  mangroves in Southeast Asia. Mangroves are spread along Dongtung, Mondulsema, Koh Kong, Kirisakor, Botumsakor,
  and Sre-Ambul districts.

   The mangrove areas in Koh Kong province have been described as ecologically and economically significant to
  Cambodia and all other countries situated around the Gulf of Thailand. Furthermore, this environment is the only site in all
  of continental Southeast Asia considered appropriate for the establishment of a coastal biosphere reserve. The mangrove
  forests and related environments of Koh Kong are therefore of vital international importance for nature conservation.

  Most of the mangrove areas have been designated within the protected areas system under the Royal Decree Creation
  and Designation of Protected Areas' signed on November 1, 1993 by King Sihanouk (Table 2.1). These protected areas
  include the Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary (31,022 ha), and Botum Sakor National Park (171,250 ha). In addition,
  Koh Kapik (12, 000 ha) and associate islets situated within Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary, have been nominated as a
  wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention (AWB 1994). All of these areas are under the
  responsibility of the Ministry of Environment (MOE). Management plans for these areas are yet to be developed.

              Table 2.1. Protected Areas located in the Coastal and Marine Zone of Cambodia

                             Name              Area (ha)  Province                                  Page 5 of 58
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                   National Parks

                   Phnom Bokor                  140, 000      Kampot

                   Kep                      5, 000       Kampot

                   Ream (Preah Sihanouk)             15, 000       Kompong Som

                   Botum Sakor                  171, 250      Koh Kong

                   Kirirom                    35, 000       Koh Kong, Kampong

                   Wildlife Sanctuaries

                   Peam Krasaop                  23, 750       Koh Kong

                   Phnom Samkos                  333, 750      Koh Kong

                   Aural                     253, 750      Koh Kong, Pursat,
                                                     Kampong Channang,
                                                     Kampong Speu

                   Multiple Use Management

                   Dong Peng                   27, 700       Koh Kong

                                      Source: ADB, May 1996

  In recent years, mangrove forest areas have been severely degraded. The exact extent of this degradation is not known.
  Table 2.2 presents the estimates of the rate of mangrove forest degradation in Cambodia. In Koh Kong, most of the
  degraded areas are in Mondulsema and Dongtung districts where mangrove areas have been converted to intensive
  shrimp farms (Dongtung District) and where extensive cutting for charcoal production has occurred. Degradation is also
  evident in Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary.

                    Table 2.2. Estimated Rate of Mangrove Forest Degradation, 1995

                    Province/City       Total Areas (ha)                  Density
                                                 Area of
                                                         degradation (%)
                                               degradation (ha)

                    Koh Kong                63, 700          1, 500       40-50

                    Kompong Som              13, 500           800       35-40

                    Kampot                  7, 900          400       50-60

                                      Source: ADB, May 1996

  2.3 Ecological Characteristics                                          Page 6 of 58
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   An initial field study (DNCP/MOE 1995) found 42 species of trees and shrubs belonging to 20 families in the mangrove
  forest of Koh Kong. The most dominant species are of the family Rhizophaceae (species Mucronata and Apiculata);
  family Combretaceae with genera Lumnitora; and, family Avicenniacae with genera Avicennia.

   Mangrove forest zonation in Koh Kong is believed to be similar to plant community structure in Chattaburi province
  Thailand. The edges of the estuaries and canals are dominated by Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata. Further inland
  are Avicennia and Bruguiera followed by Xylocarpus, Ceriops and Lumnitzera. Finally, a combination of Nypa fruticans
  and others can be found in the transitional zones between true mangroves at the seaward edge and inland forest (rear
  mangroves) which are dominated by Melaleuca trees.

  2.4 Socio-Economic Data

   Koh Kong has an estimated population of 80,000. Population density in the province is low compared to other parts of
  the country, especially provinces in the Mekong Basin. Dongtung (where Koh Kong provincial town is located) and Sre
  Ambul districts have the highest population.

  Approximately 54% of the population are adults (16 years of age and older) and an estimated 51% of the provincial
  population is composed of women. This is different from other provinces in Cambodia where women represent 54-60%
  of the adult population. There are approximately 119 villages with an average of 650 persons, excluding 7-10 families of
  resettled people. In-migration is an important issue in Koh Kong because of perceived economic opportunities available

  According to local population statistics, 90% of the population are ethnic Khmer, 5.58% Muslim, 2.34% ethnic Thai,
  1.84% ethnic Vietnamese, and 0.16% by large numbers of ethnic Thais. However, there is a strong Thai influence in the
  form of language, foreign investment, and currency use.

  The main types of employment in the Koh Kong are: fishing, farming, government staff, collection of non-timber forest
  products (NTFP), trading, woodcutting, and charcoal production. Most farmers in Koh Kong province are located in
  Dongtung and Sre-Ambul Districts. Many coastal people are farmers as well as fishermen.

  Khmers living along the coast have many types of jobs, but are mainly fisherfolk, government staff, and up to recently--
  charcoal producers. A much smaller population of Thais is also involved in most professions. Most of the Muslim
  population are fishermen, while most Vietnamese are traders and labourers.

                             Table 2.3. Key Socio-Economic Indicators

                  Area (km2 )                            11,160

                  Population (thousands, 1995)                     79

                  Population density (per km2 )                     7

                  % of rural population                        77

                  Number of districts                          7

                  Number of communes                          30

                  Number of villages                         119

                  Rice cultivation (ha, 1995)                    4,836                                 Page 7 of 58
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                  Rice yield (ha, 1995)                               1.3

                  Per capita rice production(kg per person, 1995)                  79

                  Per capita GDP                                   n.a

                  Number of protected areas (two shared with other provinces)             4

                  ha of protected areas (exclusively in Koh Kong)              556,450

                  Number of minefields                                91

                  Area of minefields (ha)                           25,810

                                      Source: ADB, May 1996

                                 3.0 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK

  3.1 Research Objective

  The objective of the study was to provide information on the economic benefits and operational practices of key activities
  in the area. This information is important for the identification of an economically optimal integrated management strategy
  for the mangrove resource in Koh Kong Province.

   The Study Area: Koh Kapik

   The main study area is Koh Kapik, the proposed Ramsar site. Research on this area may be used as basis for suggesting
  an optimal management strategy for the total mangrove area of Koh Kong. Koh Kapik is close to the Thai border,
  southeast of Koh Kong town. The area (12,000 hectares) includes all of Koh Kapik with associated islets together with
  part of the mainland between Prek Thngo and Prek Khlang Yai. A much wider area which includes this site is a
  designated Wildlife Sanctuary--Peam Krasaop (31, 022 ha). Table 3.1 presents land cover and use in Peam Krasaop
  Wildlife Sanctuary (refer to Coastal Zone Land Use Cover Map).

                    Table 3.1. Land Cover / Use in Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary

                             Description of Land Cover         Hectare
                    Mangrove Forest
                    Mangrove forest 0-5m
                    Mangrove forest 5-15m                         2,025
                    Mangrove forest greater than 15m                    2,018
                    Cleared mangrove forest area (Rhizophora)               4,145
                    Upper mangrove forest (rear mangrove forest)              2,634
                    Mangrove fern                               25
                    Other Vegetation Cover
                    Melaleuca leucadendron / Rear mangrove                  357
                    Broad leaf evergreen forest                      2,196
                    Secondary forest                            4,279
                    Bushland                                3,254
                    Bushland and trees/low density                      163                                      Page 8 of 58
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                    Shrubland                              18
                    Shrubland and scattered trees                    153
                    Grassland                              69
                    Grassland and scattered trees                    672
                    Grassland and trees / low density                 338 72
                    Agricultural Land
                    Upland crops                             103
                    Rice field                              29
                    Other land use / land cover
                    Active shrimp farm
                    Abandoned shrimp farm                        219
                    Charcoal kilns (aggregate area)                   292
                    Villages                               28
                    Temple/Pagoda                             3
                    Beaches                                44
                    Permanent water body                        7,547
                    TOTAL                               31,022

                     Source: Integrated Resource Information Centre, Phnom Penh (IRIC 1997)

  There are three villages in the area--Koh Kapik, Koh Sra Lao, and Lamdan. All of these villages are dependent on the
  mangrove resource for their livelihood. The area of Koh Kapik is valuable for the large area of mangroves and rear
  mangrove communities which are representative of the coasts of Cambodia and Thailand and which have been largely
  destroyed elsewhere. Although some areas are under threat of disturbance, there are large areas of old growth mangroves
  such as Rhizophora apiculata and Lumnitzera littorea with an abundance of epiphytes.

  Three major vegetation types have been identified (AWB/SSE 1994):

   Mangrove: Most of the members of the mangrove community are characteristic of areas which are inundated only at
  some high tides and where there is a large degree of freshwater influence. The islands and creeks are typically fronted by
  Rhizophora apiculata, one of the most common of the mangrove species present, and stands of Nypa palms.
  Immediately behind this fairly narrow strip of Rhizophora is an interesting mixture of other mangrove species, the most
  common of which are: Brugiera gymnorrhiza, B. sexangula, Ceriops tagal, Lumnitzera littorea, Heritiera littoralis,
  Xylocarpus granatum, Hisiscus tiliaceus, Phoenix palludosa, Acrosthicum speciosum, Aegialitis sp. and, Acanyus

   'Rear mangrove' community: On some of the islands and on the mainland between Prek Khlang Yai and Prek Thngo,
  the mangrove community forms a narrow band. It is followed by a community above the high tide mark and probably only
  subject to freshwater inundation during the wet season. This community is dominated by Melaleuca leucodendron.

  Beach strand vegetation: At the south side of Koh Kapik, and on the sandy areas of some of the islands, there are
  small areas of typical beach strand vegetation dominated by Casuarina equisitifolia with some Terminalia catappa.

   3.2 Key Analytical Steps

       (i) Identification of key productive uses and ecological functions of the mangrove resource which may be included
       in the economic valuation process (see Section 4).
       (ii) Economic valuation of traditional uses of mangroves and qualitative discussion of ecological functions (see                                  Page 9 of 58
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       Section 6)
       (iii) Economic analysis of shrimp farming (see Section 7)
       (iv) Selection and specification of management options that are technically and politically feasible, and generate
       sustainable returns from the resource base (see Section 8).
       (v) Discussion of crop cultivation in upland areas and the issue of relocation (see Section 9).

  3.3 Research Components

       (i) A survey of 90 households in three villages within Koh Kapik area was conducted to provide the primary data
       needed to quantify the scale and value of traditional mangrove uses. Both marketed and unmarketed goods are
       included in the analysis. The survey included research on the charcoal industry in Koh Kong which was still active
       at the time of survey.
       (ii) Survey of eight shrimp farms in the area to provide information for economic evaluation of shrimp farming in
       Koh Kong.
       (iii) Forest inventory to determine number of trees in one hectare of forest to provide information on the mangrove
       area required to produce a given quantity of charcoal.
       (iv) Market survey to provide qualitative information for economic valuation.
       (v) Survey of households in upland areas in order to assess the viability of relocation.


  4.1 Total Economic Value

   The Total Economic Value (TEV) of a natural resource such as mangroves provides a framework for valuation (Table
  4.1). TEV comprises direct use value, indirect use value, option value, and existence value. The relative importance of the
  individual components of TEV for a given mangrove area is site specific. An understanding of the study area is therefore
  necessary to identify key values that should, where possible, be included in the economic analysis. The key productive use
  values and ecological values for Koh Kong are identified in Table 4.2 and discussed in more detail in Section 6.

                        Table 4.1. Total Economic Value of Mangrove Resource

                                   Use Values                    Non-Use

             Direct Value             Indirect Value            Option Value

             Timber                Shoreline / riverbanks        Future use as   Cultural and
                                                  per (1) and (2)  aesthetic
             Firewood               Stabilization
                                                           Spiritual and
             Woodchips               Groundwater recharge and
                                Flood and flow control
                                Storage and recycling of
                                human waste and pollutants
             Forest resources: food,                                          Page 10 of 58
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             medicine, construction
             materials, tools, dyes,        Maintenance of biodiversity
                                Provision of migration
             Agricultural resources        habitat

             Water supply             Provision of nursery and
                                breeding grounds for fish
             Water transport
                                Nutrient retention
             Genetic resources
                                Coral reef maintenance and
             Tourism and recreation

                                Prevention of saline water
             Human habitat
             Educational, historic
             and scientific

  4.1.1 Direct Use Value

   Direct use values are the values derived from the direct use or interaction with a mangrove's resources and services.
  Direct use values include both consumptive uses of a mangrove's resources (e.g., fuelwood collection, hunting, and fishing)
  and non-consumptive uses of a mangrove's 'services' (e.g., recreation, tourism, and in-situ research and education). Direct
  use of mangroves could involve both commercial and non-commercial activities. Non-commercial activities are often very
  important for the subsistence needs of local populations.

  4.1.2 Indirect Use Value

   Indirect use values are the indirect support and protection provided to economic activity and property by the mangrove's
  natural functions, or regulatory 'environmental' services. For example, the storm protection function of a mangrove system
  may protect agricultural production, infrastructure, properties, and even human lives. Groundwater recharge might
  replenish aquifer supplies in the area used for domestic agricultural and industrial purposes in other regions.

   4.1.3 Option Value

   Option value is a type of use value in that it relates to future use of mangroves. Option value arises because individuals
  may value the option to be able to use a mangrove some time in the future. Thus there is an additional 'premium' placed on
  preserving a mangrove system and its resources and functions for future use. Option value may be particularly important if
  one is uncertain about the future value but believes it may be high, and if current exploitation of the mangrove or its
  conversion to other uses results in irreversible effects. For example, mangrove resources may be underutilized today but
  may have a high future value in terms of scientific, educational, commercial and other economic uses. Similarly, the
  environmental regulatory functions of the mangrove ecosystem may become increasingly important over time as economic
  activities develop and spread in the region.

   Bequest values are a special category of option values. Such values arise from individuals placing a high value on the
  conservation of mangroves for future generations to use. The motive is the desire to pass something on to one’s
  descendants. Bequest values may be particularly high among the local populations currently using or inhabiting a mangrove
  in that they would like to see their way of life and culture that has 'co-evolved' in conjunction with the forest passed on to
  their heirs and future generations.

   Option and bequest value are difficult to assess as their estimation involves some assumptions concerning future incomes
  and preferences, as well as technological change.                                  Page 11 of 58
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  4.1.4 Non-use Values

  Non-use values are derived neither from current direct nor indirect use of the mangrove. There are individuals who do not
  use the mangrove but nevertheless wish to see them preserved 'in their own right'. These 'intrinsic' values are often
  referred to as existence values. Existence value is derived from the pure pleasure in something's existence, unrelated to
  whether the person concerned will ever be able to benefit directly or indirectly from it. Existence values are difficult to
  measure as they involve subjective valuations by individuals unrelated to either their own or other's use, whether current or
  future. However, several economic studies have shown the 'existence value' of ecosystems constitutes a significant
  percentage of total economic value.

  4.2 Measuring the Economic Value of Mangrove Characteristics

   Valuing a mangrove resource essentially means valuing the characteristics of a system (see TEV framework in Table 4.1).
  The purpose of the economic analysis is to make the total economic value of the mangrove resource explicit (in monetary
  terms), such that the value of the resource may be incorporated more fully in the economic assessment process. This is
  necessary for a fair comparison to be made between alternative uses of the mangrove resource. The different valuation
  techniques that might be employed to value the different characteristics of a mangrove are summarised in Table 4.3.

  The direct use values of mangrove resources and services are relatively straightforward to measure, usually involving the
  market value of production gains. The indirect use value of an environmental function is related to the change in the value
  of production or consumption of the activity or property that it is protecting or supporting. However, as this contribution is
  typically not marketed and is only indirectly connected to economic activities, indirect use values are difficult to value. The
  first step to valuation is deciding whether the service supports economic productivity or is protecting economic activities
  and property. Where economic production is being supported, the value of these functions can be measured through
  changes in productivity - in other words, the value of productivity gained (or lost) of marketed goods and services as a
  result of environment improvement (degradation). Where economic activity or property is being protected, the value can
  be expressed in terms of preventive expenditures that would be required if the function were degraded or irrevocably
  disrupted; the damage costs avoided by these functions operating normally; the costs of replacing these functions with
  alternatives; or the relocation costs required if these functions were lost (Barbier et al. 1991).

   Ideally, when analysing the economic benefits of alternative management options, the TEV of the mangrove resource
  under each option would be assessed and compared. However, valuing all the characteristics of the mangrove resource
  would be time consuming and costly, and in certain cases impossible, given data limitations. Furthermore, valuation of all
  benefits is usually only necessary under certain circumstances (when it is necessary to determine whether the mangrove
  should be preserved or to determine its total contribution to the welfare of society). Where the research objective is to
  determine if an alternative use or conversion of mangrove resources should proceed, partial valuation of a mangrove's net
  benefits is typically sufficient. That is, valuation of a few key mangrove benefits may be enough to indicate that the loss to
  society (foregone benefits) of converting or diverting mangrove resources is not economically justifiable.

   It is therefore important to identify the key productive uses and ecological function of the mangrove system under study,
  in order that research efforts may be concentrated on components of high value. Valuation of all significant values may still
  not be possible, for example where the required physical data are unavailable. In such cases, a detailed qualitative
  assessment should be provided. Based on the information currently available, an assessment of the importance of the
  direct and indirect values of the mangroves of Koh Kong is presented in Table 4.2.

                Table 4.2. Identification of Key Productive Use Values and Ecological Values

                             Key Value                    Importance

                                                  High   Medium  Low

                 Charcoal                             X                                      Page 12 of 58
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                 Fuelwood                               X

                 Construction material                         X

                 Medicine                                             X

                 Wildlife                                       X

                 Marine fisheries                           X

                 Recreation and tourism                                X

                 Education and scientific value                    X

                 Water transport                                   X

                 Biodiversity                             X

                 Groundwater recharge and discharge                          ?        ?

                 Flood and Flow control                                ?

                 Shoreline stabilization and erosion control              X

                 Sediment retention                          X

                 Nutrient retention                          X       X

                 Water quality and maintenance                            X

                 Storm protection                           X

                 Micro climate stabilization                      X

                       Table 4.3 Valuation Techniques Commonly used to Value
                       the Different Value Components of a Mangrove Resource

                             TEV                         Valuation Technique

                        Direct Use Values
               Timber                                 Market analysis
               NTFPs ( e.g. fish, nypa, medicine,                   Market analysis, price of substitutes,
               traditional hunting and gathering)                   indirect substitution approach, indirect
                                                  opportunity cost approach, value of
                                                  changes in productivity, barter exchange
                                                  approachTravel cost method, hedonic
               Educational, recreational and cultural uses
               Human habitat
                                                  Hedonic prices, [replacement cost]                                               Page 13 of 58
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                       Indirect Use Values
               Erosion prevention (shoreline)                     Damage costs avoided
               Erosion prevention (riverbanks)                    Preventive expenditure
               Storage and recycling of human waste and                Value of changes in production
               pollutants                               [Relocation costs]
               Maintenance of biodiversity                      [Replacement costs]
               Provision of migration habitat
               Provision of nursery grounds
               Provision of breeding grounds
               Nutrient supply
               Nutrient regeneration
               Coral reef maintenance and protection

               Option Value                              Contingent valuation method

               Existence Values                            Contingent valuation method

                                   5.0 HOUSEHOLD SURVEY

  There are three villages (Koh Sra Lao, Koh Kapik, and Lamdam) and approximately 581 households in Koh Kapik. A
  survey of 90 households (Koh Kapik village: 36 households; Koh Sra Lao: 36 households; and, Lamdam: 18 households)
  representing 15% of the total was undertaken in December 1996. The survey was necessary to provide the information
  needed to quantify the importance of the mangrove area for traditional uses. Information on the three study villages based
  on the survey results is presented in below.

  5.1 Summary of Socio-economic Conditions in Study Area

  Population has grown rapidly in the three study villages over the last 15 years, largely as a result of in-migration.
  Economic factors explain this trend, with migrants attracted by the high potential returns from fishing and charcoal
  production in what was, prior to the late 80s, an area of low population and resource exploitation. Overall, only 6% of
  households originate from Koh Kong Province. The remaining population originates from 13 of the 18 provinces in
  Cambodia. The majority (36%) originate from the other coastal provinces of Kampot and Sihanoukeville, and from
  Kandal province and Phnom Penh 22% (Diagram 1).

   A high percentage (76%) of migrants came to the area during the period 1980-1995. The greatest influx of people was
  between 1985-90 (37%). Prior to 1980, in-migration was relatively low (3%), and since 1995 it has fallen to 10%
  (Diagram 2).

  By comparison, out-migration is minimal. It is estimated that 2% of the population has moved to other areas in the past 5
  years, either to study or to get married. A key reason for the lack of movement out of the area, despite the low living
  standards now facing the majority of households, is the fact that a lot of people lack the resources to move being heavily
  in debt.

  An estimated 87% of households are dependent on fishing for their livelihood (for 65.5% of households fishing is their
  only form of income). At the time of survey 6% of households were involved in charcoal production (only in Koh Sra
  Lao) and 8% were involved in other activities such as trading fish or general products (Diagram 3). As of January 1997
  no charcoal kilns were in operation in Koh Sra Lao and it is assumed that ex-charcoal producers will now turn to fishing
  as their only alternative means of income. This increases to 93% the number of households dependent on fishing.

  As many as 90% of households (excluding charcoal producers) claim that it was harder to fish than it was five (5) years
  before. The main reasons are: more fishermen (40%), loss of mangrove area (31%), water pollution caused by shrimp
  farms (16%), illegal fishing, and use of modern fishing equipment (16%), and loss of mangroves due to charcoal
  production (3%). See Diagram 4).                                          Page 14 of 58
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   Given the declines in fish yields, interviewees were asked what alternatives existed to fishing and charcoal production.
  The majority felt that there are no alternatives (66%),15% of households said they would return to their birth village, 10%
  would farm in upland areas, 3% would collect upland wood, and, 4% would trade (Diagram 5). Those who would return
  to birth village are typically those who still have land in their birth village and are not in debt. Thus, they can afford to make
  the move.

  Only 15% of households claim not to face any economic problems. The main economic problems faced by other families
  include: poverty/low standard of living (34%); loss or lack of fishing equipment (28%); declining fish productivity (18%);
  health problems (10%); food security (9%); illegal check points (8%); and other reasons such as too many children and
  shortage of water in the dry season (5%). See Diagram 6.

  The main environmental problems cited by households include: storms and unstable climate patterns (66%), deforestation
  (36%), water pollution created by shrimp farms (9%), use of illegal fishing techniques (14%), loss of fish (8%), and
  catching of wild water birds (1%). See Diagram 7.

  Nearly all households interviewed (94%) consider themselves totally dependent on the mangrove forest or for it to be
  very important to them. Only 2% did not consider mangroves important to their livelihood (Diagram 8).

  The vast majority of households (93%) were not supportive of the shrimp farms in the area. The main reason for this
  were: water pollution caused by the farms leading to the loss of fish (60%); loss of mangroves (9%); restricted access to
  fishing areas (4%); and the shortage of fresh water (1%). See Diagram 9.

  Households were asked to estimate their monthly income. Annual income estimates derived from this information are
  presented in Table 5.1. The highest incomes were in Lamdam and the lowest incomes in Koh Sra Lao.

                 Table 5.1. Net Income per Household, Based on Survey Information (US$)

        Village       Average       Average        Average       Charcoal   Charcoal   Trader (fish or
                  Income per      income fish      income fish     only     plus other  general
                  hh /per year     only          plus other            activity   products) /
                                        activity                    Creditor

        Koh Sra         2,023         1,296         1,070                     6,120
        Lao1         (408-14400]      (408-3840]       (432-2880]                  (2160-14400]

        Koh Sra                     n.a          n.a                      n.a.
                    1,800                              2,140    1,120
        Lao          (960-2880]                           (1600-2880]  (960-1200]

        Koh                                           n.a      n.a
                    2,703         1,832         3,960                     7,987
        Kapik3       (288-14400]      (288-4800]       (960-9600]                  (1400-14400]

        Lamdam                                          n.a      n.a
                    2,811         2795          2,160                     3,520
                   (480-7200]      (1440-2880]      (1440-2880]                   (480-7200]

  1 Other employment in addition to fishing in Koh Sra Lao include: soldier, nurse, lottery ticket seller; charcoal kiln worker
  (employed to collect wood or put charcoal into bags).
  2 Other employment undertaken by charcoal producers in Koh Sra Lao include: video seller, repair man, fishing.
  3 Other employment in addition to fishing in Koh Kapik include: policeman, seller of general products
  4 Other employment in addition to fishing in Lamdam include: carrying wood from sawmill and trading.                                              Page 15 of 58
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  Traders/creditors had the highest incomes ranging from US$3,520-7,989. Income from fishing ranged from US$1,296-
  2,795 per year, and income from charcoal ranged from US$1,120-2,140.

   Background information pertaining specifically to the three study villages is discussed in succeeding pages.

  5.2 Koh Kapik

  The population of Koh Kapik is estimated to be 1,149, consisting of 225 households. The people are mostly ethnic
  Khmer (with around 10 Thai and Vietnamese families). The nearest markets are Dong Tung (50km away) and Park
  Klong market (40 km away).

   Only 11% of households originate from Koh Kong Province. Other households are from: Kampot (22%); Sihanoukeville
  (19%); Takeo (14%); Kandal (11%); Phnom Penh (8%); Kompong Speu (6%); Pursat (3%); Kompong Cham (3%);
  Siem Reap (3%). Most migrants (72%) moved to Koh Kapik between 1980-1995 (pre-1980: 8%; post-1995: 6%).

  Based on the survey information, the average income per household per year is US$2,703. Most household (91.5%)
  depend on fishing as their source of income (80.5% only fish, while 11% fish, run a small shop, or serve as local
  policeman). Few (8.5%) are involved in the trade of either fish or general goods.

  Fish is sold to traders in the village (there are reportedly six traders in the village) and then exported to Thailand. Most
  fishermen own boats and only a few has to borrow money in order to support their fishing activities.

  All interviewees claimed that it was harder to fish now than it was five years ago. The main reasons for this were:
  increased number of fishermen from within the village and outside such as from Thailand (47%); loss of mangrove forest
  to shrimp farms and charcoal production (47%); water pollution from shrimp farms (31%); and, the use of illegal
  equipment and fishing methods (e.g. use of dynamite and poisonous substances) and modern fishing equipment by
  outsiders (19%).

  When questioned about alternative livelihoods to fishing, 64% believed there was no alternative. Others said that they
  would: farm in upland (11%); return to birth village (19%); trade (3%); and collect wood in the upland (3%).

  About 25% of the families claimed to have no problems. The main economic problems facing other families (in order of
  importance) are: poverty, declining fish productivity, food security, illegal check points, loss and lack of fishing equipment,
  and too many children.

  The main environmental problems are considered to be: storms and unstable rain patterns (72%), deforestation (36%),
  illegal fishing techniques (19%), water pollution of shrimp farms (17%), loss of fish (8%), and others (6%).

  Approximately one-third of all the households see themselves as totally dependent on mangroves, the remaining two-
  thirds of households consider the mangrove important.

   The main products collected from the mangrove area are: fuelwood, snails, and crabs. The village recognised the
  importance of the mangrove resource as a habitat for crab, fish, and local aquatic animals on which they depend for food.

   Wildlife in the area includes lizards, leopard, wild pig, deer, pangolin, porcupine, and hornbill. Wildlife is reportedly not
  collected by the villagers.

  Nearly all interviewees (97%) are unhappy about the shrimp farms (3% did not answer). Construction of a dike
  apparently restricted the flow of the river from many to one waterway that is filling with silt and restricting the depth of the
  river. Complaints have been made to the government, but there has been no response. The main problems with shrimp
  farms include: water pollution leading to loss of fish (64%); loss of mangroves (11%); restricted access to fishing area
  (8%); and, shortage of fresh water (3%).                                   Page 16 of 58
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  5.3 Koh Sra Lao

  The population of Koh Sra Lao is estimated to be 1,046 made up of 226 households. The ethnic origin of villagers are
  Khmer, Thai, and Cham. The nearest local market is Dong Tong, located 40 km from the village.

   Originally the village consisted of only 10 households, but it has grown rapidly as a result of in-migration. Only 3% of
  households are originally from Koh Kong province. The remaining population has migrated from: Kampot (31%), Kandal
  (17%), Phnom Penh (14%), Prey Veng (11%), Sihanoukeville (6%), Takeo (6%), Svay Reing (3%), Banteay
  Meancheay (3%), Pursat (3%), Battambang (3%), and Kompong Speu (3%).

  For households not involved in charcoal production, 100% of migrants moved to the area between 1980-1995, with the
  highest influx (50%) in the 1985-1989 period. For charcoal producers, migration to the area did not start until 1985.
  About 50% of charcoal producers moved to the island after 1995. The majority of charcoal producers (60%) were
  previously farmers in their home village.

  The majority of the people in the village are fishermen. At the time of survey, 84% of households were dependent on
  fishing for their livelihood (for 66% of households, fishing is their only source of income); 13% were involved in charcoal
  production and 3% were buying and selling fish or general products. It is assumed that charcoal producers will now turn to
  fishing as their only alternative source of income following the destruction of their kiln, raising the number dependent on
  fishing to 97%.

  In the past, everyone in the village fished. It is claimed that people in the village turned to charcoal production because of
  the fall in fish yields (especially in the rainy season). The only alternative to charcoal production in the rainy season is to
  sell their labour.

  An estimated 98% of fishermen borrow money in order to buy fishing equipment. The loan is paid off by supplying the
  creditor with a certain percentage of the fish catch. Fish is sold to Park Klong market, Mondlesema District, 30km from
  the village.

   A high percentage of households (81%) find it more difficult to fish now than compared to 5 years ago. The main reasons
  for this are: more fishermen 50%; loss of mangrove due to shrimp farms 27%; water pollution from shrimp farms 8%; loss
  of mangrove due to charcoal production 4%; and, illegal fishing 8%.

   A small number of families (between 4-10) have gardens located in the upland area and grow coconut, banana, cassava,
  sugarcane, mango, and jackfruit. Cassava is sometimes sold. One household started to cultivate tekke fish in the past year
  (the viability of this activity is not known). Illegal logging is evident in the upland areas of Koh Sra Lao.

  Hemp is illegally grown by local people in Koh Kong Province financed by Thai investors. Some women in Koh Sra Lao
  are occasionally employed to take the leaves off the plant. Normally 1kg of fruit can be prepared in a day for which they
  are paid 25Baht. This is not a popular job as payment is so low.

  alternatives to fishing or charcoal production: 12% would farm in the upland area; 12% would return to their home village;
  4% would trade; and 4% would collect wood in the upland.

  Twelve percent of households claim not to face any economic problems. Main economic problems faced by other
  households include: loss/lack of fishing equipment (62%); poverty/low standard of living (46%); health problems (27%);
  fall in fish productivity (8%); food security (8%); and water pollution (4%).

  The main environmental problems facing the households are: deforestation (54%); storms/unstable climate patterns (43%);
  water pollution from the shrimp ponds (31%); illegal fishing techniques (15%); harvesting of wild water birds (4%); and,
  the loss of fish (4%).

   Most households consider themselves totally dependent on the mangrove or claim that the mangrove is very important to                                   Page 17 of 58
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  them (94%). The main products collected from mangrove areas are: fuelwood; wood for charcoal; horse and stone crab;
  and, snails (one type of snail is collected for food, a second type of snail is sold to shrimp farms as shrimp feed).

   Houses are built from products collected from the mangrove areas, or bought from outside depending on the wealth of
  the household. Medicine is collected from upland areas, not from the mangrove. Wildlife in upland area includes: tiger,
  wild pigs, fishing cat (small tiger), water bird, pigs, monkeys, and snakes. There are monkeys in the mangrove area, but
  they are not harvested by the village. The degree of dependence on upland resources for medicine and food is not clear.

  The village understands that activities destroying the mangrove areas will affect their livelihood. They recognised that the
  mangroves are important for storm protection, as a source of charcoal and fuelwood, and as a habitat for crab (an
  important food source).

  The vast majority of households, 85%, do not support the shrimp farms because the shrimp farms have cleared areas of
  mangrove forest (while charcoal producers only cut the trees which can then grow back). It is asserted that before the
  shrimp farms were constructed, the productivity of the mangrove areas was much higher. In particular, effluent discharge
  is polluting the waters and affecting fish productivity.

  5.4 Lamdam

  Lamdam village was established in 1984 and consists of approximately 130 households. The villagers are mainly
  fishermen or traders (the village is used as a fishing port). Before 1984, the area was a military base and families of the
  soldiers came settled there. There are estimated to be 15 Thai, 15-20 Vietnamese and 3-4 Cham households living in the
  village. Lamdam hosts a local market supplied with goods bought by traders from Dong Tong and Park Klong markets
  (2-3 hours by boat; 35-40 mins by speed boat).

   Only 6% of households are originally from Koh Kong province. The remainder are from: Kampot (39%); Kandal (11%);
  Phnom Penh (11%); Kompong Cham (11%); Kompong Speu (11%); Sihanoukeville (6%); and Battambang (6%). Most
  households (78%) moved to the area between 1980-1995; 17% of households arrived after 1995, possibly attracted by
  logging activities in nearby upland areas.

  A high percentage of households (72%) claims that it is more difficult to fish now compared to five years ago. The main
  reasons for this are: more fishermen (47%); loss of mangrove area and construction of shrimp farms (44%); water
  pollution from shrimp farms (31%); use of modern fishing equipment and, illegal fishing (19%).

  According to Mr. Cheam Touch it used to be very easy to generate income in the area. Now, with the fall in fish
  productivity, it is much harder. For example, in 1990 it was possible to catch 10 kg of crab meat. Now, fishermen bring
  home only 1 kg of live crab (4 kg crab=1 kg meat). Because it is no longer possible to collect crab, villagers have become
  workers, cutting wood in upland--and sometimes--mangrove areas. The wood is sold for fences, fuelwood, and charcoal.

  A typical family is one where the husband fishes in the dry season and works as an employee with a logging company in
  the rainy season. The wife is a trader. According to the village chief, living standards are still considered to be better in
  Lamdam than other places in Cambodia and people still come to the village to earn money to send home. Since returns
  from fishing are said to be insufficient to support families, it can be assumed that high incomes are possible because of
  involvement in logging activities, some of which are illegal (Box 5.1). Security is a problem in upland areas, although this
  has improved with the recent defections of the Khmer Rouge to the government.

  Most households (67%) believe there is no alternative to fishing. A few (6%) would farm in the uplands, 11% would
  return to their birth village, and 6% would trade.

  The main economic problems facing households are: fall in fish productivity (22%); loss/lack of fishing equipment (17%);
  illegal check points (11%); health problems (6%); poverty (6%); food security (6%); other (11%) (too many children, not
  enough fish to eat).                                   Page 18 of 58
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  The main environmental problems facing the village are: storms and unstable climate (83%); deforestation (11%); loss of
  fish (11%); and water pollution from shrimp farms (6%).

  There are reportedly no charcoal kiln producers in the village. However, the village would like the charcoal kilns to be
  legalised and regulated. The number of kilns allowed to operate and the areas where people can collect wood for the kilns
  should be stipulated.

  There are two shrimp farms in Lamdam. The local people are unhappy with the farms, but have no voice on the matter
  and are unable to do anything about the farms. Virtually all households (94%) are against the farms. The main reasons for
  this are: pollution leading to fish loss (33%) and the loss of mangroves (6%). The main problem is polluted water
  discharged from the ponds. Pollution causes crabs to escape to deeper and cleaner waters, making them harder to catch
  and also results in death of fish and snails.

                             Box 5.1: Logging Activities in Koh Kong

   Both Khmer and Thai logging companies are operating in the upland areas in Koh Kong. The logs are typically sold
   directly to Thailand. Companies employ 200-300 workers. An estimated 30-40 households from Lamdam village are
   employed by the logging companies. In addition, more than 100 workers from Lamdam are involved in the collection of
   sawn timber from nearby Koh Kong island which is under the control of the navy. It is estimated that more than 100
   electric saws are in use on the island (one owner may have 2-3 saws). One machine can cut 1-2 m3 wood per day.
   Soldiers are paid 10, 000 Baht/month (US$400) per machine. Anyone can cut wood provided they pay the soldiers.

   Workers who carry wood from the island can earn 400-1000 Baht per m3 depending on the distance the wood is
   carried. A worker can transport on average 2-3 m3 per day, thereby earning between 800-2000 Baht per day
   (US$32-$80). Workers operating cutting machines are paid between 500-700 Baht (US$20-28)/m3 (i.e., US$40-$56
   per day including food). Trees are reportedly cut indiscriminately, often on steep slopes.


  6.1 Values Selected for Economic Analysis

  The research focused on the economic valuation of non-timber forest products (NTFP) collected by households from the
  mangrove area. All NTFP collected by households, and considered to be of high importance, have been included in the
  analysis. These include fuelwood, construction materials, and, crabs, shrimp, fish and snails (Table 4.2). Information on
  charcoal production is also included. This information highlights the traditional uses of the mangrove area by local
  communities and the high monetary value of these products.

   For the indirect use values of the mangrove resource, where monetary assessment was not possible, a qualitative analysis
  is presented and results from other studies highlighted.

  6.2 Direct Use Values

   Mangrove forests in Koh Kong are directly harvested for a number of products. Mangrove wood collected for
  fuelwood, charcoal production and house construction is widely used by all villagers. While other studies cite the use of
  non-wood products such as resins, medicines and reed/cane, survey work for this study did not show use of these
  products to be significant.

   6.2.1. Fuelwood

   Fuelwood is an important resource collected from the mangrove. It is used locally for cooking and sometimes, small
  amounts are burned to repel mosquitoes and other insects. Between 55%-66% of households collect fuelwood from
  mangrove areas near their homes. Fuelwood is readily available, with 80% of household claiming that it is now more                                 Page 19 of 58
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  difficult to collect fuelwood now than it was compared to five years ago. Types of fuel used by households are presented
  in Table 6.1.

                             Table 6.1. Types of Fuel Used by Households

                      % HH         %HH            %HH         %HH Buying     % Post January
                      Collecting     Purchasing        Purchasing        Gas         1997
                      Fuelwood       Fuelwood         Charcoal

            Koh Sra         58%          0%            47%          0%         100%

            Koh Kapik        55%          0%            39%         19%         81%

            Lamdam         66%          6%            22%          6%         94%
                          Note: Some households buy charcoal and collect fuelwood.
                             Gas is purchased predominantly by traders.

  Tables 6.2-6.4 summarise the use and value of charcoal and gas in the study villages. At the time of survey, significantly
  higher quantities of fuelwood and charcoal were being used in Koh Sra Lao, presumably because of the demands of the
  charcoal kilns. Since the market price of fuelwood is unknown, the value of fuelwood has been based on the average
  expenditure per household on charcoal for each village as the closest available substitute (Table 6.2). The total value of
  fuelwood, at the time of survey, is estimated at US$42,302 per year.

  If charcoal is no longer available, it is assumed that households previously using charcoal will collect fuelwood instead.
  Using US$96 as the average expenditure per household per year on gas (the closest substitute to fuelwood if charcoal is
  no longer available), fuelwood can be valued at US$50, 880 per year.

                         Table 6.2. Summary of Charcoal Value and Use (US$)

                                              Average cost1
                    Village                                      Source
                              Average quantity
                               Kg /HH/year           HH/year

                 Koh Sra Lao            3051               244      Charcoal producer

                 Koh Kapik              594               47.52      Charcoal producer

                 Lamdam               640               51.20      Charcoal producer

            Note:Based on a price of 2 Baht/kg

                             Table 6.3. Summary of Gas Value and Use
                        Average Number        Cost Per        Average         Source
                         of Tanks         Tank/ Baht       Cost Per
                        Purchased/HH/                    HH/Year /
                           Year                       US$

             Koh Sra             0            -          -           -

             Koh Kapik            16           200         128           -                                                 Page 20 of 58
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             Lamdam             8           200        64     Imported from Thailand and
                                                        bought in Park Klong market

                         Table 6.4. Summary of Fuelwood Use and Value

           Village         Average       % of HH                   Average   Average net value to
                                            Average Petrol
                       quantity      who collect                 net value  village/Year /US$[no.
                                            Costs/Year /US$
                      collected kg/     fuelwood                   to HH/   of HH * average net
                        HH/yr                             Year /US$    value /HH/Year]

           Koh Sra                     58%                    244     131*244 = 31964
                        21,019                     10.29
           Lao1          [400-72000]                   [0-33]

           Koh Kapik                    55%                    48      124*48 = 5952
                         3488                     12
                       [900-7,200]                  [0-17.28]

           Lamdam                      66%                    51       86*51 = 4386
                        9668                     13.50
                       [900-18000]                 [11.52-14.40]

           Note: Quantity collected is considerably higher in Koh Sra Lao. It is assumed that this is because at
        the time of survey, fuelwood was being collected for charcoal kiln production as well as domestic use.

             Table 6.5. Use and Value of Fuelwood Assuming Charcoal Is Unavailable

                     Village         % of HH collecting           Value per village per year
                                                     @US$96 per household1

                  Koh Sra Lao               100%               226*96 = 216, 96

                  Koh Kapik                81%               182* 96 = 17, 472

                  Lamdam                  94%               122* 96 = 11, 712

            Note : Based on the average cost of purchasing gas per year, as the next closest substitute.

  6.2.2 Charcoal

   The History of Charcoal Production In Koh Kong                                                 Page 21 of 58
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   Mangrove species are well suited for charcoal production, their wood being dense and hard, with high calorific value and
  producing little smoke on burning. Mangrove species such as Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata are
  especially valued.

  Traditionally, charcoal was produced in Koh Kong on a small scale for domestic purposes with limited impact on the
  mangrove resource. Since 1979 however, entrepreneurs from Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia, begun buying charcoal
  and this led to the creation of a thriving charcoal market in Park Klong Commune and in Koh Kong Provincial town.

   In 1992, there were more than 300 charcoal kilns producing over 24,000 tons of charcoal-- 94% of which was exported
  to Thailand. Around 100,000 tons of mangrove wood is needed to produce this amount of charcoal (Chea Peng Chheang
  1994). In 1994, 200 kilns with diameters between 8-10m were destroyed by the Anti-charcoal Kiln Committee set up by
  the local authorities to control illegal charcoal activities. The committee was active for only a short while during this period
  due to a lack of resources, and, as a consequence, failed to stem charcoal production in the area. In time, the number of
  kilns using smaller diameter of 3-5m increased and operated deeper inside the forest to avoid detection.

   Despite the fact that the export of charcoal has been made illegal since mid-1994, the number of kilns continued to
  increase--even in Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary. According to one commune chief, the number of kilns had reached
  almost 1,000 by November 1994. The total number of kilns located in Koh Kapik is unknown, although there were
  estimated to be 30 kilns operating in Koh Sra Lao village. Charcoal production in Koh Kong has destroyed large areas of
  mangrove forest, resulting in loss of species diversity, sedimentation, and erosion.

   Concerns over the effects of charcoal production on the mangrove resource, led to a second attempt by the charcoal kiln
  committee in July 1996 to stop charcoal production. By January 1997, the Committee had demolished virtually all of the
  charcoal kilns in the area and was in the process of closing the few remaining (pers. com.Pall San).

  Following the closure of the charcoal kilns, the Government intends to fully regenerate the mangrove forest and then to
  regulate and legalise the charcoal industry. It is recognised that local people need to produce charcoal because they
  cannot afford to buy fuel.

  However, the level of charcoal production that would be sustainable for the area is as yet unclear, and needs to be
  considered in any future management plan.

  Local People, Charcoal Production, and the Issue of Resettlement

   Many households in Koh Kong have become dependent on charcoal production. Most claim to have turned to charcoal
  production because fish catch is no longer sufficient for survival. The fact that charcoal production increases in the rainy
  season when it is difficult for people to fish would appear to support this linkage affect. The only other option in the rainy
  season when it is not possible to fish is to collect snails but the returns from this are low. Some families do nothing at this

   As yet, no viable livelihood alternatives to fishing have been identified in the area and the majority of people are very
  poor. The possibilities appear limited as there is no land available for crop cultivation. One possible solution, promoted by
  the provincial government, is to relocate people living in environmentally sensitive areas (such as the proposed Ramsar
  site) to a new village located in the upland area where they can cultivate crops as well as fish.

  In support of relocation is the fact that most people (around 94%) have migrated from other provinces since 1985 to
  villages located in areas with limited carrying capacity and therefore inappropriate for extensive human settlement (often
  within protected areas). A problem is that the Government does not have money to support such a transition. The issue of
  relocation is discussed in more detail in Section 9.

  More than 30 households had their kilns destroyed in Koh Sra Lao village. Discussions with the chief of Koh Sra Lao and
  ex-charcoal producers were conducted after the charcoal kiln campaign (January 1997). According to the village chief,
  some ex-charcoal producers have returned to their birth village following the destruction of their kilns. However, the
  majority have no money and cannot leave. Some have borrowed more money to buy a boat and engine for fishing. Some                                   Page 22 of 58
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  women are being hired to extract crabmeat from horse crab, for which they are paid 10 Baht/kg. If there is a lot of crab
  they can extract 3-4 kg per day, 6 months a year. Women may also prepare bamboo traps for catching stone crab in the
  rainy season. Bamboo is bought from people who have bamboo on their land (60 Baht a stand). From this 7-10 traps can
  be made which are sold to fishermen or alternatively traded for a percentage of the catch.

  The general feeling of people in Koh Sra Lao village is that if they had enough money they would prefer to move back to
  their birth village rather than start somewhere new. However, if the government prepared a new village for them, they
  would move.

   According to the village chief, people in Koh Sra Lao are not upset because they know the effect of charcoal production
  on the mangroves. Fishers are very happy with the decision. The big problem is said to be debt with an estimated 50% of
  charcoal producers owing between 4,000-20,000 Baht (US$160-800).

   An ex-charcoal producer from Kompong Cham who moved to Koh Sra Lao in 1993 stated that she would like to return
  home but has no money. She would move to another village if the Governor prepared land for her. She believes that most
  people in the village feel the same way. She was offered no compensation after her kiln was destroyed. The family will
  now trap stone crab, there being no other alternative. The household knows that charcoal production is illegal, but would
  prefer to be allowed to produce charcoal because catching crab is difficult and traps are often stolen.

   Economic Analysis of Charcoal Production

   An economic analysis of charcoal production was undertaken as part of this project to provide information on what level
  of charcoal production might be sustainable for the area. Ten charcoal producers were surveyed in December 1996. On
  the average, kilns were found to produce 28 habs (1,680kg) of charcoal per month.

  The duration of burning depends on the size and location of the kiln. For example, if the kiln is close to water, it may
  become damp at high tide and take time longer to burn. A small kiln in a good location may take 15 days to burn while a
  big kiln, 30 days. Smaller kilns therefore have a quicker turn overrate. After burning the kiln cools for 7-10 days
  depending on the size. The production cycle (i.e. wood collection, loading of the kiln, burning and cooling) ranges
  between 21-40 days (assuming that wood is collected during the burning/cooling period). A production cycle of one
  month was used in the analysis.

  Due to high demand and high prices charcoal production was a lucrative practice in the past. Since 1991 (when charcoal
  prices became available), prices rose steadily from approximately 60 Baht/hab to a high in late 1995 of 270 Baht/hab
  following the charcoal ban. Prices plummeted for a period in 1994 to 140 Baht, presumably due to the dumping of illegal
  products on the market to avoid persecution at a time when monitoring was high (Smith 1996).

   A lower price of 120 Baht/hab is used in calculations as the average farm gate price quoted by charcoal producers.
  Sellers in Park Klong market buy from traders or middlemen for 192 b/hab, and sell for 240b/hab. Prices appear to be
  lower in Dong Tong Market. Charcoal is bought from producers for 132b/hab and sold for 180b/hab. The reason for this
  difference is not clear. Bad quality charcoal is bought for 60-90 Baht/hab and sold for 90-120Bath/kg.

  Benefits to Households

   Based on survey results, households can earn US$927 a year from charcoal production. If the costs of kiln construction
  are taken into account (assuming that the life-time of the kiln is 3 years), net profits are US$868 per year (Table 6.6).

   Similar calculations performed for the individual kilns reveal net incomes per kiln of US$71-1, 614 (taking into account
  kiln construction costs, but not debt). However, according to survey results, 60% of households borrow money. A typical
  arrangement is for half of the returns from the sale of charcoal to go to the creditor. In such cases, the average gross
  returns to family per year is US$464. An alternative arrangement is for the debtor to sell all charcoal to a creditor at a
  preferential price and to be bound to buy all goods from him at an inflated rate.                                Page 23 of 58
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                             Table 6.6. Net Benefits Per Kiln Per Year (US$)

                  Prod kg/yr1       Returns @ 0.08/       Cons cost/3  Hired  Net Ben  Net   Debt
                                 kg           years    Labour  (B-C-D)  Ben
                                                   costs3       (B-D)

                                                         868   927
        Average       20,160           1,612            104    640              266
       [min/max]     [10,800-21,600]       [864 - 1,728]        [53-200]  [0-740]           [160-400]

  1 1 hab = 60 kg
  2 Construction cost per kiln range from US$159 -600. The average life of a kiln is 3 years.
  3 Between 0-2 workers are hired per kiln (with an average of one worker per kiln). The average salary is 1,100 Baht/month,
  ranging from 500-2000 Baht/month. Family labour is considerable averaging 11.5 man-months per kiln per year. At an average
  salary of 11,00 Baht, the opportunity cost of family labour could be estimated at US$505. This has not been included in the
  calculations on the bases that employment opportunities in the area are limited and therefore the opportunity cost of labour

  Approximately 60% of households claim to sell all charcoal produced (left over charcoal ash is sometimes use
  domestically). Other households use on average 52kg of charcoal a month or 628 kg a year for domestic purposes. This
  reduces their net income by 1,256Baht (US$50.24)

  Net returns from charcoal production can therefore be taken to range from US$868-$413.76 per year. The maximum
  amount represents returns to a family who is not in debt and sells all charcoal produced while the minimum, is the returns
  to a family in debt and who uses charcoal domestically.

  These estimates are lower than those presented in previous studies. This is due to the fact that other estimates represent
  gross values (i.e. no account is taken of costs) and are based on higher prices for charcoal.
  Benefits to Traders and Creditors

   Around 30% of the households sell charcoal to creditors, 30% to Thai traders, and 40% to local traders. Charcoal is
  exported to other Cambodian provinces and to Thailand. Demand is high locally, nationally, and regionally due to its
  competitive price.

   Assuming a trader or creditor buys all the charcoal produced by a single kiln in a year (20,160 kg/year) at US$0.08/kg
  (selling price reported by charcoal producers) and sells to the market for US$0.128 (market price), then, he will be
  making a profit of US$959 per year per kiln. This analysis suggests that the only people really earning money from
  charcoal production are the larger producers who have not borrowed money to produce, and the traders, and creditors.
  Smaller producers who borrow money to set themselves up, and hence are tied to their creditors who control the
  production and sale of the product, often remain trapped in debt.

  Value of Charcoal Produced in Study Area Pre-January 1997

  Charcoal can be valued 80,640 Baht (US$3,226) assuming that a typical kiln produces 336 habs and given a market
  price of 240 Baht/hab. With an average cost of US$744 (hired labour costs plus construction costs) per kiln operator, the
  net benefit is estimated as US$ 2,482. The estimated number of kiln operators in Koh Sra Lao in 1996 is 30, thereby
  generating a total net benefit from the area of US$74, 460 per year.                                          Page 24 of 58
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  Quantity of Wood Required to Produce Charcoal

  Charcoal producers were questioned on their wood collection practices. While the results should be used with caution as
  quite a large range in survey responses is evident, they do give some indication of the amount of mangrove wood required
  per kiln. The information is summarised in Table 6.7.

            Table 6.7 Estimates of the Quantity of Mangrove Wood Used for Charcoal Production

                                      Average                 Comment

              Number of boats of wood                    76    Number of boats ranges from 40-120.
              collected / year

              Number of kg of wood per                 1,343     Number of kg of wood per boat ranges
              boat                                   from 600-4000

              Kg of wood used / year                121, 467      Average number of boats multiplied
                                                  by average kg of wood per boat

              Average number of trees                    3.5    Range 1-15
              per boat

              Average number of trees               266 - 538      266 Based on average number of boats
              collected per year                            multiplied by average number of trees per
                                                  boat. (Range per survey result 220-823
                                                  with an average of 538)

              Weight of tree / kg                     418     Range 75-1000 (weighted average used)

              Kg of wood used / year            111188-22484        Average weight of tree multiplied by
                                                  number of trees collected per year

  Producers were also questioned on the quantity of wood required for one kiln. Based on survey responses, an average
  3.6 kg of mangrove wood is needed to produce 1kg of charcoal. This is close to the Chea Peng Chheang estimate in
  1995 of 4:1. Assuming that the ratio of mangrove wood to charcoal is 3.6:1, and the average production per year is
  20,160, the average quantity of mangrove wood used per year is 72,576. The two estimates of the quantity of wood used
  per year presented above, while quite similar, are higher than the estimates based on the quantity of wood needed per
  kiln. They suggest that the ratio of mangrove wood to charcoal is around 6:1.

  Forest Inventory

   A rapid forest inventory was undertaken in December 1996, in order to provide rough estimates of the number of trees in
  a hectare of mangrove forest. The results are presented in Table 6.8

                 Table 6.8 Estimated Number of Trees in One Hectare of Mangrove Forest

                               No. of        No. of       Total   Hectares     Comment
                                trees        trees             required
                               diameter        from             per kiln
                               0.15-0.20       0.1m                                               Page 25 of 58
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           Long time disturbed             304         368      672    0.34    Selective cutting
           area, close to Koh Sra                                        Some old trees

           Regeneration area (In                             1088    0.20    Clear cut area
           front of check point)                                         Natural

           Undisturbed mangrove            368         192      560    0.40    Less trees
           forest (Koh Kapik)                                          because
                                                              big old trees

       Notes: A 25m*25m area was covered for each category. Trees bigger than 0.1 were included in the count

  Assuming that 400 kilns were operating in Koh Kong up to December 1996, and that each kiln uses an average of 266
  trees per year, a total of 106,400 trees would have been required per year. The mangrove area used by these kilns is
  estimated to be between 98-190 hectares.

  With 30 kilns operating in Koh Sra Lao, an estimated 7,980 trees were used per year, affecting 7.33-14.25 hectares of
  mangrove. The area of mangrove forest required per kiln per year can be estimated to be between 0.20 -0.40 hectare.

  Assuming a 30-year cutting cycle, and that only the disturbed areas would be allocated for charcoal production, the
  potential returns per hectare per year for sustainably managed charcoal production can be estimated at US$243-413.519.

  Table 6.9 summarises the key data available on the charcoal industry in Koh Kong.

                     able 6.9. Key Data Relating to Charcoal Production in Koh Kong

            Parameter             Before March, 1994       After June, 1995  Per survey December 1996

            Type of kiln           Large mosque          Small; mosque    Small mosque shape
                             shape             shape        (on average
                             (5-6 m diameter, 3-      (2 -2.5m      2.4m diameter,
                             4m               diameter,      2.4 m height)
                             height)            1.5-2m height)

            Location             Non-flooded upland       on flooded area   on flooded area

            Construction           Brick and clay mud       Fiber clay (straw  Bricks, clay
            material                             and clay)      and straw

            Number of kilns          132              400         400

            Number of locations        22               > 100

            Ownership             40               Unidentified but  Typically one hh
                                            > 40        operates one kiln                                               Page 26 of 58
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            Average number of                                  1-3 workers/kiln
                             4-7 persons          1-2 persons
            workers              (displaced)/kiln        (displaced)/kiln

            Construction cost         US$ 400 / kiln         Labour cost only  US$ 160-600 / kiln(average

            Life cycle of kiln        2-3 years           1 year       3 years

            Owner responsibility       Investment, labour       self labour,    Sometimes
                             food, safety          family labour    investmentlabour

            Labour responsibility       cutting tree,         Selling to     Cutting trees, incineration,
                             incineration          contacted      selling charcoal

            Time spent cutting        1 month            1 week       12 days/month

            Time spent for          2 months            2 weeks       15 days

            Size of targeted         10 meters height        Any         Any

            Size of stake to be        (0.2 * 1.5 m) size;      (0.1 or less *
            incinerated            peeled             1m) size; peeled

            Number of stakes         600              100-200

            Output              1.5 - 2 tons/kiln/       0.3 - 0.5 tons/   Average 1.6 tons/kiln/
                             time              kiln/time      time[0.9-1.8]

            Farm gate price          US$ 0.04 kg          US$0.03 - 0.04 /  US$0.02

            Export market price        US$ 0.05 - 0.07/kg       US$ 0.05 - 0.07 /  US$0.03-0.04

       Source: Original Table ADB, May 1996, with additional data from this study.

  6.2.3 House Construction

  Mangrove wood is often used for building houses, boats, and fences. The species Rhizophora macronata is ideal for
  making fences, beams for houses, and foundation pilings. The leaves of Nypa fruticans are used as shingles on the roofs of
  houses (MOE/IDRC 1995). All households within the three study villages use mangrove wood in combination with upland
  wood for building houses. Roofs are typically made of corrugated iron or seagrass (leaves). Upland wood is either
  collected from upland areas or bought from the sawmills, mangrove wood is collected from the forest. The proportion of
  upland to mangrove wood used per house is unknown. Information on the cost of building and repairing houses is
  presented in Table 6.10. These figures are based on expenditures in house construction as expressed by households. It is
  not clear what proportion of this cost can be attributed to labour and what proportion can be attributed to the purchase of
  materials. It is also not clear why house construction is higher in Koh Kapik relative to the other study villages. Houses
  typically last 3 years and are repaired once a year. In Lamdam, households have to repair house stilts every year because
  salt destroys the wood.                                             Page 27 of 58
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                          Table 6.10 Cost of House Construction and Repair

              Village                                           Repair Cost
                         Average       Average        Construction  Average
                        construction     Construction       Cost per         per village
                         time/days                                /year
                                   Cost/hh per        village/   Cost/hh
                                    3 year          year     /year

            Koh Sra Lao            27         557           125,882  47.50   10,735

            Koh Kapik             25        954.82          214,834  71.25   16,031

            Lamdam              113        511           51,100   37.20   4, 836

  6.2.4 Marine Fisheries

  Mangrove ecosystems are an important support to in-shore and off-shore fisheries. They provide nurseries and shelters
  for important marine stock, while decomposed litter-fall supplies a considerable amount of nutrients that can be used
  directly by fish and other aquatic species. Detritus matter is exported to nearby sea-grass beds, coral reefs and other
  coastal communities.

  The value of mangrove forest as a food source as well as shelter and nursery for both culture and capture fisheries along
  coastal areas of Koh Kong is not well understood but is considered to be high. This mangrove function is especially
  important to local communities given that over 80% of the Koh Kong population are fishermen.

  Local Fishing Fishing is the main source of income for the majority of coastal families. Local fishing tends to occur near the
  shore since boats are typically 5Hp and local people cannot afford the equipment needed to fish off-shore.

  Species caught and fishing techniques in the three study villages vary according to the season, location, and equipment
  available. Proximity to fishing grounds appears to be a key factor (there are no boundaries regarding where people can
  fish). In Koh Kapik, 80% of households collect shrimp as the village is close to the Big Gulf. Only 8% of households
  collect crab. In Koh Sra Lao (which is close to the mangrove), 70% of households catch crab, and only 3% catch shrimp.
  Proximity to the mangrove resource is also one explanation why charcoal is produced in Koh Sra Lao and not in Koh
  Kapik. In Lamdam people mainly catch crab. Few households (6%-14%) catch fish as the price is low. Fish caught is
  often used for domestic consumption. It is also used as bait.

  Shrimp fishing is more expensive, requiring a big engine boat and fishing net in order to fish in the Big Gulf. However,
  income from shrimp is higher than that from crab, hence living conditions are generally better in Koh Kapik than in Koh
  Sra Lao. The fact that no one produces charcoal in Koh Kapik may reflect the linkages between low income levels and
  charcoal exploitation, but location would be another factor. Big shrimp are caught in the rainy season and small shrimp in
  the dry season. Typically fewer days are fished during the rainy season, but the price of big shrimp is much higher.

   It is often not possible to fish in June and July due to storms (also when there is a lot of rain the water is shallow and
  yields are low). When not fishing, time is spent repairing fishing equipment (this is usually the responsibility of the wife).
  According to fishers in Koh Kapik, households only used to fish in the rainy season and had enough to eat. Now this is
  impossible because of declining yields caused by the big boats from Thailand and the use of modern equipment.

  Stone crab can be caught all year round, but are typically only caught in the rainy season when it is not possible to catch
  horse crab (the income from stone crab is low). It is reportedly not possible to catch crab using a net any more because
  of overfishing and the increased use of traps. Horse crab is collected on average for 6 months of the year, 21 days per
  month, while stone crab is collected between 5-9 months a year.                                          Page 28 of 58
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  A lot of families collect snails during the rainy season when the weather is too bad to collect crabs and income levels are
  low. Snails are typically collected for 20 days a month, 3 months a year, and sold for 18-20Baht/kg. One person can
  collect around 3 kg per day. Snails are used domestically, sold in the village or exported to Thailand where they can be
  sold for a high price. They are usually collected by young boys with good eyesight and agility.

  Push nets, while illegal, are commonly used. Officials at the Fisheries Department are aware of illegal fishing activities but
  do not have the resources to monitor and control such activities.

   Economic Analysis of Fishing Activities Expenditure on Fishing Equipment Information collected from Koh Sra Lao
  on expenditure on fishing equipment is discussed below and summarized in Table 6.11.

  Nets and Traps. Crabs are caught using nets and traps. On the average. three nets are used each season as the crabs
  destroy the nets. One net costs 3,000 Baht, so expenditure on nets per year is 9,000Baht (US$360). The string around
  the net costs 500 Baht and lasts for three seasons. Fish caught in the nets are either sold or used as bait as they are of
  poor quality.

   Traps are used to catch stone crab and are normally made of metal. Two hundred traps cost 3,000-3,500 Baht
  (US$120-$140) using family labour, or 20 Baht each if someone is hired to make the traps. A trap will normally last one
  season. Bamboo traps are sometimes used to catch stone crab but are are not popular as they are often destroyed by

   Bait. Bait is bought from fishers using nets and costs 5-7 Baht/kg. The use of fishing nets is illegal. However, it is argued
  that if nets were not used there would be no bait--without bait it would not be possible to catch crab. Around 10
  households in Koh Sra Lao catch fish, but this activity is not popular because prices are low.

   Bait is put in traps to collect stone crabs. An average of 7-15 kg of baits are used per trip. Assuming that horse crab is
  typically collected 92 days a year, the average cost of bait per household per year is estimated at 6,072 Baht or US$243
  (11 kg per day * 92 days * 6 Baht per kg).

   Fishing Boats. Most people buy boats; only few households build their own boat. Boat prices depend on the size of the
  boat and the engine. Most boats have a 5HP engine (approximately 10% of boats have an 8HP engine).
  A new boat with a 5HP engine (length 8-9m; width 1.2-1.5m; height 0.6-0.5m) for fishing crab or shrimp (but not in the
  big sea) costs between US$620-720. A second-hand boat without an engine costs around US$280. Total expenditure
  on net, trap and bait per year amounts to US$740.

                    Table 6.11. Summary of Expenditure on Fishing Equipment (US$)

                           Product                Cost

                       Boat                    620-720

                       Net                    367/year   Horsecrab

                       Trap                  120-140/year   Stonecrab

                       Bait                    243/year  Used with traps

  A summary of the fishing practices for the three study villages is presented in Tables 6.12-6.19. Estimates of the returns to
  households net of the cost of fishing equipment and petrol are derived for each species (the cost of fishing boats is not
  included). Strictly speaking, these estimates overstate the net benefits to households. The opportunity cost of time spent
  fishing is not accounted for on the assumption that this is close to zero in the study area, given that there are limited                                   Page 29 of 58
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  employment alternatives in the place. No data were available on the quantity of fish used for domestic consumption.

  Table 6.12. Koh Sra Lao: Summary of Benefits from Fishing per Species
  Table 6.14. Lamdam: Summary of Benefits from Fishing per Species

                             Table 6.15. Horsecrab: Collection Practices

                                Ave. no                                   Ave. cost
                      Ave. no.             Ave. no       Ave.       Ave.    Ave.
                                of       days /               travel   collection  of petrol/
                      months                       quantity
                                        year                            trip
                                days /              kg/day      time    time
                      collect /
                                month                       hrs/day   hrs/day

           Koh Sra                           126
                         6        21                 2.7     2.4     9.8     50.41
           Lao            [5-6]      [17-5]               [2-3.5]    [0.5-4]   [2-24]   [20-97.5]

           Koh Kapik           6       22       132          5      1.25     5      54

           Lamdam                           105
                         5        21                  4.5     1.6     5       48
                        [2-6]      [15-25]               [2.5-6]    [1-2]    [2-8.5]    [22-75]

                             Table 6.16. Stone Crab: Collection Practices

                                Ave. no                Ave.     Ave.            Ave.
                     Ave. no of              Ave. no                     Ave.
                                 of                 quan.    travel           litres
                      months               of days                    collection
                                                         time             of
                     collect/year     days      / year       collect          time
                                                  kg/day                  petrol
                                collect                            hrs/day

           Koh Sra                           92.5
                         5       18.5                  3.5    3.25      5.5      52
           Lao            [3-6]      [15-24]                [2-5]    [3-4]     [2-9]    [39-70]

           Koh Kapik                          117                1             54
                        9        13                  2.2            3
                       [3-12]      [10-15]               [1.5-2.6]        [4.5-45mins]

           Lamdam                            91                             70
                        5.6       16.25                 4.4     2       5
                       [2-12]      [10-25]               [2-7.5]    [1-5]    [2-8.5]

                              Table 6.17. Shrimp: Collection Practices

                     Ave. no      Ave.      Ave. no       Ave.       Ave.             Ave.
                       of       no of      days        quan.      travel           litres of
                               days      collect /                           petrol/day
                     months                        collect      time    time
                     collect /     collect              kg /day     hrs/day   hrs/day
                      year      month

           Koh Sra          3                                 3       12      45

           Koh Kapik                 12       108               3.3 hrs   10.6 hrs
                      [3-12]                                                   Page 30 of 58
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           Lamdam          6        7        42         5           10 [incls
                                                             travel time]

                               Table 6.18. Fish: Collection Practices

                         Ave. no      Ave. no      Ave.        Ave.              Ave.
                          of        of        quan.       travel            litres of
                                   days       collect /     time/trip           petrol/trip
                         months                                time/trip
                         collect /     collect       day
                          year       month       / kg

              Koh Sra         12         3         5        1      4.5        41

              Koh Kapik

              Lamdam          12        10         25                       15
                                                           12 hrs

                                    Table 6.19. Areas Fished

                                   Shrimp               Horsecrab         Stonecrab

            Koh Kapik             Big Gulf                  Big Gulf          Big Gulf
                                                  Near House         Near House
                             Small Bay
                             Chroy Brose
                             Ao Vao
                             Cham Kadong
                             Koh Kong Krong
                             Andong Touek
                             Phnom Krong

            Koh Sra Lao            Koh Kong Krad               Near House         Big Gulf
                                                                Barang Island
                             Chroy Brose                A la Lean
                             Big Gulf                  Patas Bay
                             A la Lean                 Big Gulf
                             Patas Bay                 Preak Scach
                                                  Barang Island
                                                  Chroy Brose
                                                  Tareach Island
                                                  Kabong Island
                                                  Sang Tinoing Island
                                                  Koh Kray

            Lamdam              Big Gulf                  Ta Ek            Ta Ek
                                                  Big Gulf          Big Gulf
                                                  An Dong Teuk        Ao Vao
                                                                Phea Mart
                                                  Ao Vao
                                                  Chroy Brose                                                 Page 31 of 58
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                                                  Phum Thev
                                                  Koh Sra Lao
                                                  In front of Lamdam
                                                  Small Gulf

  Net benefits from fishing per village and per household are summarised in Table 6.20. The net average benefits per
  household are considerably lower than gross income estimates presented in Table 5.1. Net benefits per species are
  presented in Table 6.21.

                          Table 6.20. Net Benefits per Village, per Year (US$)

                                            Koh Kapik     Koh Sra Lao     Lamdam

                 Net benefits per village               309, 239      121, 472      56, 695

                 Average net benefits per HH               1, 373       537         436

                                             1, 832       1, 296       2, 795
                 Average gross income per
                 household survey

                              Table 6.21. Net Value per Product (US$)

                           Product            Net Value          Net Value
                                        (selling price for       (market price)

                      Shrimp                  535, 015            756, 007

                      Horsecrab                198, 477            198, 478

                      Stonecrab                 47, 065            47, 065

                      Snails                  2, 034            4, 406
                                         (gross benefit)       (gross benefit)

                      Total                  487, 406          1,005,956

  Fishing Debt

   According to the village chief of Koh Sra Lao, 93% of fishers have debts ranging from US$400-$2,000. This is lower
  than the estimates reported in Table 6.22 that are based on the household survey information. Some people are said to
  succeed in reducing their debt, others do not. A big problem is that fishing equipment is frequently stolen, so the debt is
  always increasing, no matter how hard fishers work.

  Creditors typically do not charge interest on monies lent but buy fish from their debtors at low prices. Debtors are
  required to buy all fishing equipment, and sometimes household goods from them at inflated prices. For example, a new 5
  HP engine costing US$260 would be sold by a creditor for US$300-$320, a US$640 boat would typically cost
  US$720, and nets are 200b (US$8) more expensive if purchased from a creditor. Creditors are reportedly reluctant to
  provide credit now because of low fishing yields and as a consequence the long payback periods.                                            Page 32 of 58
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                                  Table 6.22 Amount Borrowed

                                       % of HH who borrow   Average amount

                      Koh Sra Lao                 35%     14,286 Baht

                      Koh Kapik                  55%     13,492 Baht

                      Lamdam                   27%      4,360 Baht

                                   Box 6.1 Mussel Cultivation

   Approximately 10 families (12.5% of the total) cultivate mussels in Koakan village. The shallow waters near the village
  make it a suitable location for planting sticks for mussel cultivation. Other households are involved in fishing, shrimp
  farming and prior to December 1996 charcoal production.

  Mussels are sold to nearby shrimp farms for feed, although some shrimp farms have stopped buying mussels because of
  doubts concerning the quality of the mussels. The price of mussels is 2 Baht /kg.

  Mussels need salty water, so if there is a lot of rain, production is often poor. Production is therefore uncertain due to
  unpredictable rain patterns. The largest producer in the village earned US$3,600 (45,000kg) and US$2,800 (35,000kg)
  the past two years. In addition, 4-5,000 kg per year were used for domestic consumption.

   The biggest producer has planted 7000 sticks this year. Other families have planted between 1-5, 000. Production costs
  are high. One stick costs 5 Baht and is bought from the upland area. Five people were hired for 7 days to plant 7, 000
  sticks at 100 Baht per person (US$20 total). When mussels are harvested, five people are hired for two months and are
  paid 2-300 Baht per ton.The viability of mussel cultivation at other locations in the area is unclear.

  Commercial Fishing

  Information about Cambodia's marine fisheries is limited. Available records cover fishing boats, total annual commercial
  capture by province, species composition by seven broad categories and commercial capture by type of fishing gear.
  Data do not clearly distinguish between in-shore and off-shore fisheries.

   Number and size of fishing vessels. Annual reports of the number and size of licensed Cambodian fishing vessels have
  been compiled since 1983. The total number of licensed vessels ranged from a low 2,843 in 1983 and 3,675 in 1990 to a
  high 6,173 in 1994 and 6,087 in 1988. However, the reports include only licensed vessels and it is well known that
  unlicensed vessels are fishing in Cambodian waters (both inshore and offshore). The number of unlicensed vessels is either
  not known or not reported. The reports also show huge unexplained fluctuations from year to year in the number of
  vessels registered in different categories of vessel size and motor size. There are no data on the location or intensity of use
  of these boats or their gear, but it is fairly clear that most of the vessels are not capable of operating beyond the inshore

   Annual commercial catch. Annual reports of total commercial inshore marine capture in coastal zone provinces have                                  Page 33 of 58
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  been compiled since 1980, and the distribution of this capture among seven categories of seafood has been compiled
  since 1990.

   Total landings can be seen to have ranged from a low value of 814 tons in 1981 and 1,200 tons in 1980 to a high value
  of 39,900 tons in 1990 and 36,400 in 1991. The reports suggest that the increased landings in 1990s are mostly
  attributable to Koh Kong Province.

   The accuracy and completeness of the figures are unclear, and the quantity of fish being captured in Cambodian waters
  and landed in foreign ports is not known.

   There are no time series, species-specific, and site-specific data that define existing conditions and trends in the stocks
  and habitats of commercial marine species (some limited data are available on the distribution and relative densities of
  squid, cuttlefish, and shrimp).

  Commercial capture by type of fishing gear. Marine fish production data collected by the Department of Fisheries are
  not systematically recorded. There are no data related to catch per unit of effort that makes it difficult to identify trends of
  specific fisheries resources and the impact of specific harvesting and management practices. Table 6.23 classifies catch
  per unit of effort based on existing data.

   The ADB report concludes that based on anecdotal evidence from field investigations, the catch of about 3,000 boats
  and small gill-netters may not be included in the recent statistical data. Inclusion of these data could double recent shrimp
  and crab catches by about 3,000 tons and 2,000 tons respectively, and adds about 5,000 tons to the total annual
  commercial marine catch.

                          Table 6.23. Catch Effort by Gear Type, 1994 (tons)

               Type of Gear             Koh Kong             Kampong Som        Kampot

            Mackerel purse seine                   1,200            4, 500

            Anchovy purse seine                     850              200

            Shrimp trawl                 1,100 + 4, 845      200 + 1, 000 trashfish  150 + 1, 430 trashfish
                                     trashfish                   + 132 seacucumber

            Shrimp gill net                      1,295              500           379

            Fish gill net                      2, 000              500          1,507

            Crab trap                          212              150          1,031

            Squid trap                          487              120            -

            Fish stake trap                       200                           -

            Hook-and line                        300              300           30

            Push net                           626              500  1,838 + 350 cuttlefish

            Shellfish collector                     135               7           873                                                Page 34 of 58
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            Beach seine net                        50       100  100 + 68 cuttlefish

            Crab gill net                        400       350   500+ 89 lobster

       Source: ADB. May 1996

  Off-shore fisheries

   Reliable records of fisheries activities in the offshore areas of the EEZ are unavailable in Cambodia. General impressions
  of this sector are that there seems to be little fishing activity by Cambodian vessels in off-shore areas because Cambodian
  vessels are not equipped to stay at sea overnight and cannot reach these areas in a one-day round trip. Therefore, from
  the Cambodian perspective, these areas are unexploited. Oil company employees and others familiar with these waters
  are of the impression that foreign fishing vessels operate freely in these areas, including the undisputed area that is claimed
  only by Cambodia.

  Prior to 1990, Cambodian waters were believed to have been exploited much less intensively than other parts of the Gulf
  of Thailand. The latter are dramatically overfished following the mechanisation of the Thai fleet in the 1960s.

  6.2.5 Medicine

  Coastal people have traditionally used various resources extracted from mangroves for medicinal and other purposes.
  Previous studies in Koh Kong cite the use of the species Exciecaria agallocha as an anti-diarrhoea treatment, and a
  fungus called Sam Bok Sramoch ('Home of Ant'), which is dried and used as a medicine for lung disease (IDRC/MOE
  1995). However, the use of traditional medicine from mangrove areas was not evident from the survey results.

  6.2.6 Wildlife Resources

   Wildlife resources that are hunted (e.g. for meat, skins, fur), or gathered (e.g., honey from bees, tortoise, birds eggs) will
  either have a commercial or subsistence value. Detailed information on wildlife in Koh Kong's mangrove areas is yet to be

  6.2.7 Recreation and Ecotourism

  The mangroves of Koh Kong have ecotourism potential, but this is unlikely to be developed on a significant scale in the
  near future. A specialised tourism attraction that might be developed is bird watching as the area is important for

  6.2.8 Education and Scientific Research

   There has been no scientific research undertaken at the site, although the area could potentially be used to test different
  management strategies for the utilization of Melaleuca forest. The education and scientific research value of the study site
  is therefore considered to be high.

  6.2.9 Water Transport

  Villages in Koh Kong are situated near channels, along rivers, or on islands near and inside the mangrove forest areas.
  Travel is mostly by boat. The waterways within the mangrove boundary are therefore important conduits for goods and
  public transport. The lack of an alternative transport system suggests that the value of mangrove transport is high.                                       Page 35 of 58
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  6.2.10 Other values

   Nypa fruticans are valuable for many purposes. In addition to house construction, nypa leaves are used to make crab
  traps and as a cover for Num Chak (a local cake) or Num An Sam (a traditional cake commonly eaten during Khmer
  New Year). Mats are also made from nypa palms. In the past, mangrove barks from Rhizophora sppand Ceriops spp
  were used in tannin production for dying of fishing nets. This practice has been replaced by nylon fishing nets (IDRC/
  MOE 1995).

  6.3 Indirect Use Values

   A qualitative discussion of the indirect use value of mangroves in Koh Kong is presented below. Due to data constraints,
  it was not possible to place a monetary estimate on these functions within the time frame of this study. However, many of
  these functions are believed to be of significant value in Koh Kong, and will be lost if the mangroves are not conserved.

  6.3.1 Biodiversity Benefits

  Biodiversity refers to the different types of biological diversity - species, habitats, or traits - which exist in any given
  system. Biodiversity includes direct and indirect use values, option, and existence value.

  Koh Kapik is considered to have a high biodiversity value. The site is an excellent representative of a mangrove system
  backed by Melaleuca, which is rapidly being lost elsewhere. It is also considered to be an internationally important site for
  migratory birds.

  Biodiversity benefits are inherently difficult to estimate because a large part of its value lies in undiscovered species of
  unknown uses that might have potential commercial value sometime in the future (e.g., commercial medicinal or agricultural
  value). The biological diversity of a mangrove may also have a valuable role in maintaining its regulatory functions.

  6.3.2 Storm Protection

   Mangroves serve as natural barriers against strong winds, tidal bores, and waves. The buffer zone offered by shoreline
  mangroves in Koh Kapik is recognised as helping to protect against the damaging effects of large storms and tidal surges.
  It may be one of the main reasons why Koh Kong has not been devastated by any natural disasters. However, local
  people do sometimes suffer from huge waves, storms, and strong streams and have on occasion moved their floating
  houses or boats into the forest or island for shelter and protection from destructive natural forces. The survey results show
  that storms and unstable weather patterns are the biggest concerns of villages in the area.

  The storm protection of mangrove in Koh Kapik therefore has indirect value through the protection afforded to coastal
  property and economic activity. A possible valuation approach is to estimate the amount of area and damage to economic
  activity and property that would be effected by high winds and storms if no protection was provided by mangroves. The
  value of this damage avoided would be one estimate of this function's worth. Alternatively, any preventive or relocation
  expenditures would also provide a value estimate, as well as the costs of building alternative wind breaks or sea walls.

   Using the estimates on the cost of house construction (Table 6.10), if villages within Koh Kapik were to suffer storm
  destruction, the loss to property alone can be estimated at US$391,816. This estimate may be taken as an upper bound
  figure for the damage protection function of mangroves since it is unlikely that all houses would be completely destroyed
  by storms. However, because many houses on silts are located by the water's edge, it is assumed that the damage would
  be significant. Further, this figure does not account for the probability of such an event occurring given the deterioration or
  loss of the mangrove (again, on the information available it may be assumed that this probability would be high).                                     Page 36 of 58
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  6.3.3 Groundwater Recharge and Discharge

   Groundwater recharge refers to the role of mangroves in supplying aquifers. Groundwater discharge involves the role of
  all mangroves in releasing water from aquifers. This may be an important 'safety valve' to prevent flooding when upland
  water tables are high. These values are considered to be low for Koh Kong.

  6.3.4 Flood and Flow Control

  The flood and flow control services of mangroves in Koh Kong are important. In order to value this function, it is
  necessary to know the extent and frequency of flooding in the flood plain area that would occur if this mangrove function
  did not exist. Several scenarios might be constructed (e.g., 50% loss of flood control, 75% loss). The types of economic
  activity and property that would be affected, and their values, would also have to be known. Various techniques could
  then be used, including estimating the damage costs of flooding avoided, the flood prevention expenditures, the costs of
  relocation and the costs of constructing any alternatives or substitutes for mangrove flood and flow control.

  6.3.5 Shoreline Stabilization /Erosion Control

  Mangroves in Koh Kong are important for protecting the coastline from erosion, thus preventing the loss of valuable
  agricultural land and property. ADB (1996) concluded that to date there were no serious problems with coastal erosion in
  Koh Kong. This was tentatively attributed to benign meteorological and oceanographic conditions.

  Valuation of the shoreline stabilization function of mangroves requires an estimate of the net area of land that would be lost
  without this stabilising influence. In some cases (see sediment retention) mangroves may actually lead to land accretion.
  Any such positive additions of land should be added to that saved through shoreline stabilisation and erosion control. The
  change in productivity approach can then be employed. For example, the value of the marginal agricultural productivity of
  any arable land, or the value of any real estate and the value of any property that might be potentially lost.

  6.3.6 Sediment Retention

  The sediment retention function of mangroves may have two important effects. Firstly, it may lead to accretion of arable
  land within mangrove areas, and secondly it may protect downstream economic activities and property from
  sedimentation. The sediment retention value of mangroves in Koh Kong is believed to be high.

  6.3.7 Nutrient Retention

  Organic nutrients, including those from humans and animal waste, are often also trapped along with sediment by
  mangroves. The nutrient retention value of mangroves in Koh Kong is believed to be high to medium.

  6.3.8 Water Quality Maintenance

  Nutrient and sediment retention by mangrove are also linked to their other water quality maintenance functions, such as
  nutrient transformation (i.e., actual uptake of mangroves vegetation), retention of toxins, and particle suspension.

  6.3.9 Micro-climate Stabilization

  The overall hydrological, nutrient and material cycles and energy flows of mangroves may stabilize local climatic
  conditions, particularly humidity and temperatures. This in turn has an influence on any agricultural or resource-based                                  Page 37 of 58
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  activities, as well as on the stability of natural ecosystems and the mangrove itself. The microclimate stabilization function
  of mangroves in Koh Kong is considered to be high.

  6.4 Summary of Results

  A summary of the value of the mangrove forest components analysed in this study is presented in Tables 6.24 and 6.25.
  Value estimates per hectare have been derived for the sustainable traditional use of the mangrove by local communities
  and for sustainable charcoal production. Table 6.26 summarises the results from other mangrove valuation studies.

                             Table 6.24.Summary of Net Benefits (US$)

            Resource/Service          Total value per           Sustainable             Sustainable
                             survey results/year        Traditional Use-Value           Charcoal
                                               per hectare/yr1          production-Value
                                                                  per hectare/yr

          Fuelwood                   42, 302                 3.5

          Charcoal                                                      413

          Local Fishing               1, 005, 956                 84

          Storm protection              391, 816                  32

          Total                    1,440,074                119.50            413

                         Notes:1 Based on the area of Koh Kapik, i.e., 12,000 hectares

                      Table 6.25. Average Net Benefits to Households / Year (US$)

              Forest product         Koh Kapik           Koh Sra Lao        Koh Sra Lao      Lamdam

          Fuelwood1                    48               49         244          51

          Charcoal                     -               -         640          -

          Fishing                    1,373            537           -          436

          Construction materials             159               93         93          85

          Total                     1,580            679          947          572

  1 Fuelwood benefits for Koh Sra Lao (non-charcoal producers)  based on the average
  benefit of other two villagers.
  2 Based on house construction value, assuming 3-year life time of house and that 50% of
  construction materials come from mangrove areas.                                                 Page 38 of 58
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  3 Due to data limitations it was not possible to include
                              the net benefits to traders and money
  lenders involved in fishing and charcoal production. These categories can therefore be
  seen as underestimates.

                         Table 6.26. Results from Other Studies, US$/Ha/Year

                                                             Dixon,            Koh
                 Thailand      Fiji    Indonesia      Philippines  Giesen  Costanza        Primavera,
                                                             1989             Kong
                                          Jansen and                     1993
                Christensen     Lal,    Ruitenbeek,             et al,   et al,
                  1982       1990      1992       Padilla,   1991    1989

    Forestry           30         6      67         151

                                                   600 1
    Fisheries          130       100       117         60          62.66

    Erosion           165         52      3

                                   15 2

    Storm protection                                                                 32

                          5820 3

    Local Uses          230                33                                       87.5

    Charcoal                                                                    413

    Intact Mangrove                                                 500-2500   11, 600
    System                                                      [forestry


  1 Marine fishery production is linked to an area of healthy   mangroves (i.e., fishery impacts were quantified based on the
  number of hectares of healthy mangroves in each project year) This value appears to be high when compared to other
  studies. It is possible that the high per hectare value represents a net present value per hectare rather than an annual value,
  or the study may be reporting an average value rather than a marginal value. The average value may represent the total net
  value of the fish catch divided by the total area of mangroves. This would be a valid value only if mangroves were the sole
  factor influencing the size of the catch.
  2 Based on the commercial value of medicinal plants from mangroves. Ruitenbeek argues that this biodiversity benefit is
  only relevant if it is 'capturable biodiversity benefit', defined as 'the potential benefit which the country might be able to
  capture from the international community in exchange for maintaining its biodiversity base intact'.
  3 Based on the cost of constructing a sewage treatment plant.

                               7.0 Economic Analysis of Shrimp Farms

  7.1 Shrimp Farming in Koh Kong                                                Page 39 of 58
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   Since its introduction in 1985 shrimp culture has developed rapidly along Cambodia's coastline. The highest
  concentration of shrimp farms in Cambodia is in Koh Kong province. A clear reason for this is Koh Kong's proximity to
  the Thai border, facilitating Thai investment. Shrimp farming began in Koh Kong in 1988 with a modern extensive farm of
  5 hectares. By 1991, intensive shrimp farms involving high stocking densities, formulated feeds, aeration, and regular
  water exchange, financed by Thai shrimp farmers and businessmen were in operation. The farms are situated in three
  districts in Koh Kong province--Mondulsema, Koh Kong, and Dongtung -- all of which support large areas of mangrove

  Thai influence in the shrimp farming industry in Koh Kong is intense. Thai investors enter into joint ventures with
  Cambodians to gain concession licences to operate the shrimp farms. The Fisheries Department of the Ministry of
  Agriculture is responsible for issuing licenses for shrimp farms. Investment and labour, and almost all the inputs required
  such as feed, seed, chemicals and equipment are supplied from Thailand. Almost all production is exported back to
  Thailand. With Cambodians supplying only cheap labour, the benefit to Cambodia is minimal.

   Information on farm numbers, production and area covered in Cambodia is given in Table 7.1. Estimates based on aerial
  photography (1994) indicate that there are approximately 360 ha of land along the coast of Koh Kong being used for
  aquaculture which contradicts the value reported in Table 7.1. The reason for this contradiction is not clear.

   A review by the ADB (late 1995) showed licensed shrimp farms in Koh Kong province to have increased to 1,000 ha
  (1.56% of the total mangrove area), with 280 ha stocking and growing out and 150 ha under construction. The rest were
  waiting for the opportunity to sell or to establish joint ventures with Thai shrimp farms. The latest statistics for 1996 (Table
  7.2) show the total area of shrimp farms to be 904.80 hectares. The area of shrimp farms in Koh Kapik is unknown, but
  511 ha are assigned to shrimp farming in Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary (Table 7.2).

  A feature of the 1996 figures is the high area of abandoned 'unprofitable' shrimp farms (71% of total area devoted to
  shrimp farming). This illustrates the fact that the industry in Koh Kong is increasingly plagued by the self-induced negative
  side-effects of its operations. Economic losses are common due to shrimp disease, and sea pollution of culture areas
  caused by indiscriminate discharge of pond effluents (ADB, 1996). Resource conflicts, particularly with farms located in
  or near mangrove areas, are also increasing.

  Table 7.3 shows shrimp productivity in Koh Kong since 1991. The year 1996 can be seen as the first year in which total
  production in Koh Kong fell, suggesting that the productivity of farms has declined.

                             Table 7.1. Data on Shrimp Farms in Cambodia

                Province            Farm area (ha)            Number of farms  Production (tons)

                Kampot                 422                63         23

               Koh Kong                 850                54        450

                  Total               1272                117        473
                             Source: Department of Fisheries, MAFF 1995

                         Table 7.2. Shrimp Farms in Koh Kong, 1996 Statistics                                            Page 40 of 58
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            Total area of shrimp farm                                904.80

            Area under use1

            Area under construction                                   0

            Abandoned area                                      643.80
                               Source: Dept Fisheries, Koh Kong, 1966
          1 According to the Shrimp Farm Association, the area under use is 267 hectares.
          There are 88 owners and a total of 234 ponds.

                              Table 7.3. Shrimp Production, Koh Kong

                    Year                            Production (tons)

                    1991                                5

                    1992                                50

                    1993                               470

                    1994                               510

                    1995                               730


       Source: Dept of Fisheries, Koh Kong

  1The 1996 total may overestimate production in the range of 20-40 tons
  representing fish and oyster production which may not have been netted out.

   Pond yields are reported to be up to 7-8 ton/ha/crop which is relatively high. High potential profits continue to attract
  investors. In reality, however, shrimp farming requires hefty initial investment and operating costs, and has proven to be a
  risky business for investors in Koh Kong. Productivity has been very unpredictable and depends on disease, water
  quality, technique, and climate. An estimated 87% of farms have experienced a fall in productivity since they started
  producing and poor yields have meant that many shrimp owners have made losses and can no longer afford to run their
  farms. Typically, farms are abandoned after five years.

  These problems have led to the local Government and concerned Ministries (MAFF and MOE) to place a moratorium on
  further licensing of shrimp farms.

  In Thailand and in most other countries where it has been attempted, widespread semi-intensive and/or intensive culturing
  of shrimp has resulted in a catastrophical collapse of the industry, primarily through disease (Lin 1989; Phillips et al
  1993; Wigglesworth 1994). The precise reasons for failure are unknown (Kikuchiu 1993). Poor water quality is                                    Page 41 of 58
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  commonly cited as the reason, there being a generally accepted, but little understood relationship, between poor water
  quality and disease proliferation.

   Collapse can be more gradual as pond productivity generally declines at a rate of 3-8% per production cycle
  (Tiensongrusmee and Phillips 1994; Funge-Smith and Briggs 1994a; Primavera 1993). The exact reason has not been
  identified, although deterioration of pond sediment quality, the loss of essential minerals from pond soil, and poor pond
  management (which lead to low oxygen and high ammonia concentrations) are common explanations.

   The shrimp farming industry in Cambodia appears to follow the path of the industry in Thailand. The explosion of
  intensively operated shrimp farms from the mid-eighties has negatively impacted the coastal zone, while failing to establish
  a sustainable industry. Abandonment of shrimp ponds is common due to either a drastic collapse caused by disease
  infestation or gradually, due to yearly reductions in the productivity of the pond. The difference between Thailand and
  Cambodia is that Thailand has at least benefited socially and economically. In 1992, product export was valued at $124
  million dollars, close to 1% of Thailand's GDP (FAO/NACA 1995).

  7.2 Survey Results
  Eight shrimp farms were surveyed in Koh Kong in December 1996, in order to provide information on farm management
  practices, investment costs, and productivity. All farms practice intensive shrimp farming. The average farm size is 5 ha,
  with a total of 5 ponds of just over 1 ha each (Table 7.4). All farms cleared an area of mangrove forest equal to the size of
  the farm. The main species farmed is P. morodon. All farms have sediment ponds for waste. However, untreated
  wastewater is being discharged directly into the sea.

                        Table 7.4. Summary of the Size and Age of Shrimp Farm

            Average age of farm        Average size of farm         Average no. ponds  Average size of
              (years)              (hectares)              per farm    ponds (hectares)

                 2(1-4)               5(1-10)             5(1-9)      1.1(0.7-1.5)

       Note: Figures rounded to nearest decimal

  7.3 Financial Cost- Benefit Analysis of Shrimp Farming

   Information on investment costs, operating costs, and productivity was provided by the shrimp farm owners. These data
  are used to calculate the financial returns to shrimp farming.

  Investment at the construction stage includes the cost of a license and expenditure on farm construction and equipment
  (e.g., dike construction, gates, fan for aerating water). The average expenditure at the construction stage was estimated to
  be US$28,662 per hectare.

   Only 25% of farms surveyed were operating under license. Licenses are valid for the lifetime of the farm and cost
  between US$800-$1,200. Technically, the fisheries department needs to be informed each year of the farm's intention to
  continue its operations.

  Costs per harvest include expenditure on labour and inputs such as larvae, food, and Ca2Co3 which are all imported from
  Thailand. A tax of 2,000 Baht/ha year is payable to the Department of Fisheries. However, only one shrimp farm owner
  mentioned this tax.

  On the average, a farm hires 8 workers (ranging from 2-15). Typical salaries are: cook, 600-1,000 Baht/month; worker,                                          Page 42 of 58
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  1,000-1,500 Baht/month; manager, 2,000-2,800 Baht/month; and technical expert 25,000 Baht /month. A farm spends
  US$7,566 for labour on the average per year. The average expenditure per year, per hectare on inputs and labour is
  estimated at US$38,777 (ranging from US$12,604 - $87, 520).

  Productivity per harvest ranges from 3-16 tons per hectare, with an average of 5 tons per hectare. Sixteen tons per
  hectare is very high and represents the first harvest of a newly constructed farm. Excluding this figure, productivity per
  harvest ranges from 3.1- 4.4 tons per hectare, with an average of 3.6 tons per hectare.

                       Table 7.5. Relationship between Farm Productivity and Age

            Age of farm /       Yield/ha/Harvest        Gross value    Gross value  Gross value
              years                          US$ per      US$ per    US$ per
                                          hectare      hectare    hectare
                                          / harvest    / harvest @  / harvest @
                                         @120Baht kg    35Baht / kg    185
                                                          Baht / kg

                 1              16            76, 800    22, 400   118, 4000

                 2             3.78            18, 144    13, 230    27, 972

                 3             3.26            15, 648    4,564     24, 124

                 4             3.12            14, 976    4,368     23, 088

  The price of shrimp ranges from 30-185 Baht/kg depending on size and quality. The shrimp are sold to Thailand. Prices
  are dependent on the international market and have fallen over recent years from a high of 210 Baht. Using a price of 120
  Baht/kg (weighted average) and using the average productivity of 5.1 tons/hectare/harvest, the average gross income from
  shrimp production per harvest can be estimated at US$24,480 per hectare. Table 7.5 shows gross returns at different
  price levels and indicates a relationship between farm age and productivity.

   Assuming a five-year productive life of a shrimp farm, and two successful harvests per year at 5.1 tons/hectare/harvest,
  net income per farm is estimated at US$4,451 per hectare. If however, one harvest fails because of disease or technical
  problems (which is very common), the farm will loss US$20,029 per hectare. A year of loss in which both harvests fail
  means losses of US$44, 509. At 120 Baht/kg productivity has to be at least 4.7 tons/kg to breakeven. At a productivity
  rate of 3.6 tons per harvest, a loss of US$9,949 per hectare is incurred.

  Given the risks facing shrimp farming, it is becoming increasingly rare for farms to have two successful crops a year. Half
  of the farms surveyed have incurred losses ranging from 1-6 million Baht (US$40,000-$240,000).

  The calculations for each of the eight farms surveyed revealed that 50% of farms are making profits of between
  US$17,508-$100,880 (US$1,782-$100,880 per hectare), and 50% to be making losses of between US$3,602-$162,
  216 (US$1,125-$20,481 per hectare).

  Excluding the farm with the unrealistically high productivity rate of 16ton/harvest, profits range from US$74,658-17,508
  per farm (US$11, 109-1,782 per hectare).

   Overall, the farms are making a loss of US$8,826, or US$1,103 per hectare.

  Calculations for individual farms are based on the investment, operating and productivity figures, and selling price of
  shrimp of the individual farms covered in the survey. Shrimp prices ranged from 98-158 Baht /kg and obviously affected                                       Page 43 of 58
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  profit margins.

   The survey results show that intensive shrimp farming in Koh Kong as currently managed is unsustainable. On a narrow
  financial analysis alone (without accounting for the wider environmental costs imposed by the industry), shrimp farming is
  seen to be unprofitable.

  7.4 Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)

  Typically, CBA is based on financial data and does not account for the wide social and environmental costs to society.
  However the environmental impacts associated with shrimp farming are significant and should be incorporated in any
  evaluation in order to present an accurate statement on the economic benefits or costs of the industry.

  At present, shrimp farming in Koh Kong is practised in a way detrimental to the environment. Large areas of mangrove
  forest have been cleared for shrimp farms, untreated liquid waste is discharged directly into nearby waters, and some
  farms are operating without sediment ponds.

   A qualitative description of the possible ecological costs associated with shrimp farming is presented below:

  (i) Loss of mangroves

   Shrimp ponds are often located in mangrove areas where close proximity to the ocean means that tidal energy and the
  short length of the canals can provide cost savings in water exchange, and perhaps a cleaner source of supply water.

   Intact mangroves provide a range of goods and services (Sections 6.2 and 6.3) which will be foregone if mangroves are
  lost. The impacts associated with the removal of mangroves for shrimp ponds are usually external to the decision making
  process, often because it is difficult to assess them quantitatively due to lack of scientific data. Hence most economic
  analyses demonstrates that there are higher returns from intensive shrimp farms than from intact mangrove (FAO/NACA

   However, the economy may be substantially affected when mangrove long term sustainability, its multi-purpose uses (i.e.,
  wood production, nursery/breeding grounds for crabs), and unsuitability of the acid sulphate sediments are considered in
  the analysis (FAO/NACA 1995).

   Shrimp farming in Koh Kong has resulted in the widespread destruction of mangrove forests through their conversion to
  ponds, with the resultant loss of associated biodiversity and other resources and ecological functions of the ecosystem
  (assumed decreases in off-shore fisheries). This is detrimental to both the stability of the system and to the livelihoods of
  the local people.

  (ii) Groundwater depletion

   Groundwater is sometimes pumped to the culture ponds to dilute salt water in the belief that brackish water is best for
  rearing shrimp. Groundwater depletion has resulted from excessive pumping. The emptied aquifers are then subjected to
  salt water intrusion. Furthermore, the fall in water level and attendant compaction of aquifers can lead to land subsidence
  and vulnerability to floods.

   Irreversible change in the soil composition of both prawn pond and adjacent areas may change irreversibly. Pond
  salinisation and the use of chemicals may affect the soil so as to preclude conversion to agriculture or even other aquatic

   (iv) Eutrophication as a result of the use of antibiotics and chemicals

  (v) Pollution of coastal waters and neighbouring communities from the discharge of harmful effluents from shrimp ponds
  (e.g., excess lime, organic wastes, pesticides, chemicals, and disease micro-organisms)                                  Page 44 of 58
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   The release of such products may directly or indirectly affect estuarine and marine organisms and produce resistant
  strains of pathogens. Impact on water quality can be considerable when the cumulative impacts from water exchange
  during the grow-out cycle, pond drainage during harvesting, and illegal pond sediment disposal are taken into account
  (Dierberg et al 1996).

   (vi) Sediment disposal

  The sediment that accumulates within the rearing cycle is removed or allowed to oxidize after each production cycle as a
  maintenance measure to safeguard against deteriorating water quality during the next cycle.

  Estimates of the amount of sediment generated per hectare in Thailand are: 185-199 t/dry wt/ha or 139-150 m3 (Funge-
  Smith and Briggs 1994); and, 200-836 t/dry wt/ha or 151-629 m3/ha (Tunvilai et al1993).

  Sediment removal is almost exclusively done in Thailand, which has led to water pollution (if disposal is done in an illegal
  manner), salinization of soils and water, and a solid waste disposal problem.

  (vii) Abandoned shrimp ponds

   The average lifetime of an intensive shrimp pond in Koh Kong is estimated to be 5 years before disease outbreaks make
  the enterprise unprofitable. Abandonment of ponds is therefore a common phenomenon. In Thailand this has resulted in a
  pattern that has been dubbed 'shifting aquaculture', as investors move on to new, unspoiled locations.

  While shrimp farms negatively impact the environment, ironically they require large ecological support areas, large
  amounts of clean, nutrient rich water, wild shrimp fry from undisturbed mangrove lands, and in its intensive and semi-
  intensive forms, fish and cereals feed (in the form of pellets) to be sustained.

  Most commercial shrimp farms, particularly the more intensive systems, are widely regarded as ecologically unsustainable.
  In these systems resources are pumped in, used up, and pumped out in a linear fashion, rather than being recycled. This
  leads to the accumulation of wastes in the recipient ecosystems, often raising severe and irreversible environmental

  Shrimp farms depend entirely on the resource base which, directly or indirectly, is linked to the very ecosystem they
  degrade. The lack of recognition and respect of these linkages makes the farms inherently liable to collapse, as the
  degradation of their support systems remains unnoticed (Larsson et al, 1993).

   7.5 Equity Concerns

   When mangrove areas are converted to shrimp farms, the potential for multiple use of the resource is lost to a single use
  that, if not carefully managed, provides only short-term gains for a small number of investors. In Cambodia these gains are
  not even felt nationally. A communal resource is thus transformed into a privately owned, single purpose resource because
  local populations typically lack formal property rights to the mangrove areas. Local communities therefore become
  marginalised from the traditional benefits provided by mangroves such as materials for fuel and construction and aquatic

  Over 90% of local people in Koh Kong do not support shrimp farms in the area. Mangrove conversion and water
  pollution by shrimp farms are seen by local people to be one of the key factors in explaining the decline in fish productivity
  over recent years. The depletion of coastal fisheries has further marginalised subsistence fishermen dependent on
  mangroves. Shrimp farms have also restricted access to local fishing areas and created a shortage of fresh water for local
  communities in some cases.

  The distributional reality must be a factor in any assessment of a shrimp farm's economic viability. Any development must
  show, over and above financial profitability, a responsiveness to society's needs (in addition to the requirement that                                  Page 45 of 58
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  environmental resources are not threatened).

   7.6 Intensive versus Extensive Shrimp Farming

   Local communities might benefit from the development of low to medium intensity shrimp farming, which is likely to result
  in less environmental damage and, if properly implemented, could satisfy economic, ecological, and social criteria.

  In Kampot, farms mostly use traditional (extensive) farming methods. The extensive farms rely on natural supplies of feed
  and seed, with no feeding, fertilization, or stocking. Consequently, pond productivity remains low at less than 100 kg/ha/
  year. The ponds are often constructed in or close to the mangrove areas. Some farmers use the ponds as a reservoir of
  water into salt pans. Water management practices are simple. Farmers let the water into the ponds during high spring
  tides. The water is exchanged each month. Harvesting of shrimp (mainly Metapenaeus species and some P.
   merguensis) is carried out during the monthly draining of water and also by more regular trapping or netting of shrimp in
  the pond. Fish may also be harvested along with the shrimp (ADB 1996).

   A survey on sustainable shrimp farming management (NACA 1995) concluded that extensive shrimp farms have low
  pond yields of 32 kg/ha/year and an overall national sales value of US$ 25, 000. In contrast, the intensive shrimp farms
  have an average production of 7,545 kg/ha/year, with a national sales value of US$42 million/year. However, intensive
  shrimp farms face significant environmental problems and an estimated national loss due to disease of US$14.5 million/
  year and total environmental-related losses of US$28.6 million/year (ADB 1996).

   7.7 Improved Farming Practices and Sustainability

   It is generally felt that improved technical management is needed if the performance of intensive shrimp farming is to be
  improved. However, to date, no solutions have been found for making concentrated semi-intensive and intensive
  operations ecologically sustainable. Part of the answer may lie in deployment of water treatment and minimal use systems,
  especially in locations where there are numerous farms that use common discharge canals and source waters.

  Sustainability in the aquaculture industry is thought to rest largely on two major factors; site selection, and pond
  management. An overriding factor may be the location of the farm vis a vis other farms in the immediate area (i.e., the
  density of farms within an area may be more important than the farm's intensity).

  Better wastewater treatment practices are required and minimal water use systems aimed at making aquaculture more
  hydraulically closed need to be developed. However, before this is possible, technical and economic feasibility studies on
  enhanced nitrification systems and organic solids removed by oxidation between production cycles and/or utilization of
  plastic pond liners need to be conducted.

   Partial re-circulating and integrated intensive farming systems are just beginning to be considered in Thailand and are
  producing promising results. By providing on-site treatment of effluents from the shrimp grow-out ponds, there is less
  reliance on using outside water supplies, believed to be the source of contamination (Dierberg et al 1996).

  7.8 The Shrimp Farm Association in Koh Kong and Problems faced by the Shrimp Industry

  A Shrimp Farm Association was formed in Koh Kong in October 1994. The objective of the Association is to provide
  technical advise to members and strengthen the cause of shrimp farming in the province. Membership is 500 Baht per
  month and 85 of Koh Kong's 88 shrimp farm owners are members. Fishers may be invited to join the Association in the
  future to promote dialogue between the two groups.

  According to the Association, productivity has always been very changeable with some farmers losing money from the
  beginning and others having good results. For example, one producer lost money the first year and had one good and one
  bad harvest in the second and third year of production. Sometimes in the same area half the ponds are good and the other
  half bad. However, the Association is optimistic that sustainable yields are possible with improved management.                                  Page 46 of 58
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  The main problems faced by shrimp farmers are discussed below:

  (i) Lack of technical knowledge. Many shrimp farmers in Koh Kong lack the technical knowledge and expertise
  necessary to farm shrimp successfully.

  (ii) Environmental Conditions. The area is considered difficult in terms of soil and climate

   (iii) Disease. The incidence of disease is high. Larvae take four to four and a half months to grow into shrimp during
  which time many diseases can occur. The first month is the most risky time--if shrimp catches a disease during this period
  everything is lost. After the first month, the shrimp can be harvested and it is possible to get some money back.

  There are around four types of common diseases. The most serious is red disease which is common in the Gulf of
  Thailand and for which there is no treatment. With this disease, the shrimp dies within 1-2 hours, and the disease spreads

   A second type of disease, white disease, can be treated. However, medicine has to be bought from Thailand and this
  takes time and money.

  In October 1996, 81 ponds (38%) were reported to have disease resulting in an estimated total loss of 36m Baht (

  (iv) Natural causes. Losses sometimes occur as a result of natural causes. For example, shrimp require salty water.
  However, during the rainy season (July-September) water in the river may become fresh and there may not be enough
  carbon sulphate in the water for the shrimp to develop a hard skin. The hard skin shrimp then eat the soft skin shrimp, so
  the shrimp have to be harvested immediately. Because the shrimp weigh less at this stage, the price is low and money is
  lost. According to the Association, farmers often only cultivate once a year because of the risks during the rainy season.

  (v) Fluctuations in price. The price of shrimp is not stable and is dependent on the quota that other countries buy and
  supply. The price of shrimp in Koh Kong is closely linked to prices in Thailand, since all shrimp is sold to Thailand (and
  then on to 56 countries worldwide). The international demand for shrimp, and consequently the price for shrimp, has fallen
  recently. This has affected Thailand's demand for shrimp produced in Koh Kong. Other markets for Cambodian shrimp
  (e.g., Hong Kong and Taiwan) are small compared to the Thai market, so producers are faced with excess supply.

  The current price of shrimp is 30-185 Baht/kg depending on size and quality. Previously, top quality shrimp was sold at
  200-210 Baht per kg. Prices have therefore fallen by 15-20 Baht.

  (vi) Illegal checkpoints. Illegal checkpoints are said to be common. Shrimp farmers have to pay additional money when
  buying equipment and inputs for the farms and delays are common.

  (vii) Environmental management. The Association claims to be stressing good environmental management. However,
  some owners do not see this as a priority. Not all farms have a reserve pond for storing waste. These farms discharge
  waste directly into the water, which affects the marine environment, other farms and people living nearby. Only one farm
  owner has a machine for cleaning reserve ponds, which costs 100,000 Baht (US$4,000). The machine is hired out to
  other farms for 15, 000 Baht (US$600) per hectare plus petrol.

  Request to the Government

  (i) Assistance in defining new markets for shrimp, to reduce the dependence on unstable markets in Thailand

   (ii) Technical assistance

   (iii) Provision of credit to farmers who after 2-3 years are unable to continue production due to financial losses                                  Page 47 of 58
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   (iv) Elimination of illegal checkpoints

   7.9 Recommendations

   Shrimp farming as currently practised in Koh Kong is unsustainable. In order for Cambodia to move towards a
  sustainable aquaculture industry and coastal zone environment, shrimp farms need to be carefully managed within an
  integrated mangrove management plan.

  Improvements in shrimp farm management will require not only strict environmental management and technical
  improvements, but institutional support as well.

  In the past, government policy has promoted intensive shrimp farming without addressing adequately the environmental
  and social impacts of the industry. Sustainable pond management techniques, pollution abatement, and rehabilitating
  abandoned shrimp ponds to some productive function should be emphasised.

  While the Government has taken a strong line on charcoal production, it has been reluctant to take steps against the
  shrimp farms. It is argued that shrimp farms should not be closed since they were operating before the creation of the
  1993 Royal Decree on Protected Areas and people have invested a lot of money. An integrated management plan will
  require that actions be taken against all parties threatening the natural resource base.

  The survey results show shrimp farming to be uneconomic even on a narrow financial analysis. From a broader social
  perspective, the additional social costs imposed by the environmental damage make shrimp farming even less economic.

  The survey results suggest that shrimp farmers are acting irrationally (i.e., shrimp farming is not financially viable, yet
  investment continues in this area). A possible explanation for this is that, in the past, farmers have been attracted by the
  high potential returns from a successful production cycle, without appreciating the risks associated with poor management
  and over-exploitation. Moreover, due to the lack of any industrial standards or management requirements, investors have
  no reason to behave responsibly. The fact that they do not have to account for their impacts on the environment and
  society has promoted a 'hit and run' mentality whereby investors simply abandon unprofitable ponds. Unless sound
  management of the shrimp industry is enforced, such a trend will logically result in collapse of the natural resource base, a
  common occurrence elsewhere in the region.

  In the future, Government policy should focus on sustainability issues. A balanced policy would include education on
  environmental management, technical assistance, monitoring and enforcement, rehabilitating abandoned ponds, strict
  controls on areas within the coastal zone where shrimp farming might be permitted, and, a strong emphasis on community


  Management plans for the mangroves of Koh Kong have yet to be developed. A broad discussion of possible
  management options is presented below.

  Mangroves should be managed in a way that ensures sustainable use of mangroves for traditional purposes by local
  communities, and controls commercial productive uses of the mangrove resource (charcoal production and shrimp
  farming) such that other values of the mangrove resource are not damaged. Commercial fishing activities also need to be
  regulated in order that conflicts between local and commercial fishermen are minimised. An integrated management plan
   for the mangroves in Koh Kong is therefore proposed.

  The main productive uses of the mangroves to be incorporated within the integrated management plan are: (i) traditional
  uses, (ii) charcoal production, (iii) shrimp farms, and (iv) commercial fisheries.                                  Page 48 of 58
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  Management Zoning System

   A zoning system has been proposed for the mangrove areas of Koh Kong (IDRC 1995; AWB 1994). The mangrove
  area may be divided into 2 main zones--a conservation zone (or core zone) and a multiple use zone.
  Koh Kapik is a possible conservation zone, since the mangrove resource in this area is relatively unspoilt and of high
  biodiversity value. The conservation zone will be carefully protected from any impacts which might threaten the mangroves
  in their natural state. Traditional sustainable uses of the mangrove area by local communities may be permitted (possibly
  including limited selective cutting of mangrove forest for domestic charcoal production). No shrimp farms will be allowed
  in the core conservation zone.

   The multiple use zone may be utilised but under strict management guidelines and based on sustainable yields. Some
  shrimp farms will be allowed, provided they are managed sustainably.

  To be successful any management plan must account for the needs of local communities given their intricate relationship
  with mangrove areas. Research into viable alternative income sources for communities within mangrove areas would be
  valuable in this respect. Alternative income sources that might be developed include: frog culture; crab culture; seaweed
  culture; and oyster and mussel farms. However, it is not known what alternatives would be suitable for conditions in Koh
  Kong and supported by local communities. Pilot projects might be an effective way of determining this.

  An outline of a possible zoning system for mangroves in Koh Kong is presented in Table 8.1, a range of management
  options is presented in Table 8.2, and the benefits of sustainable mangrove management are presented in Table 8.3 .

                    Table 8.1. Broad Description of Possible Management Zones for
                            Mangroves in Koh Kong Province

              Management Zone                           Management Options

            CORE AREA                  Protection of total forest area
            Koh Kapik
            12, 000 ha (within Peam
            Krasaop Wildlife

                                  X% of forest area protected
                                  X% of forest area used for sustainable traditional community

                                  Sustainable traditional community uses allowed in total area

            MULTIPLE USE                x% of forest area protected
            AREA                    Sustainable traditional community use of forest area
            51,700 ha                  x% of forest area allocated for conversion to shrimp farms
            Includes part of Peam            x% of forest area utilised for commercial charcoal production
            Krasaop Wildlife              Eco-tourism

               Table 8.2. Broad Management Options for Mangrove Resource in Koh Kong

            Management Option          Description                                         Page 49 of 58
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            Protection             Prohibition of productive uses

                              Foregone benefits of sustainable traditional/commercial uses.
                              cost of enforcement of protected area;
                              cost of regeneration of mangrove areas (if necessary)

            Sustainable             Communities are allowed to collect forest products and produce
            traditional             charcoal on a sustainable basis
            community use of          Optimal selective cutting cycling to be determined for charcoal
            forest resources          production
                              Prohibition of shrimp farms

                              Management Considerations
                              Promotion of alternative livelihoods for local communities dependent
                              on mangrove resource.
                              Management of fisheries to reduce conflicts between resource users

            Commercial             Use of mangrove forest for sustainable commercial charcoal
            charcoal production         production under range of cutting cycles

            Conversion to            Introduction of sustainable management practices, e.g. buffer zones /
            intensive shrimp          green areas, enforcement of environmental standards on water and
            farms                waste discharges and other environmental impacts associated with
                              shrimp farms

            Conversion to            Introduction of sustainable management practices
            intensive shrimp
            farms, plus
            commercial charcoal

            Subsistence             Multiple use option that recognises the requirements of coastal
            traditional use of         communities and the potential for shrimp farming.
            forest resource and
            intensive shrimp

                             Table 8.3. Benefits of Sustainable Management

            Environmental Benefits

            (i) Preserved biodiversity of the mangroves themselves as well as the biodiversity of marine
            ecosystems for which the mangroves provide habitat, nutrients, and protection from
            sedimentation. The mangroves also provide habitat for migratory birds, and are a source of
            medicinal plants.                                         Page 50 of 58
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            (ii)Decreased coastal erosion and increased protection against coastal storms and tidal waves.

            Benefits to Human Welfare

            (i) Sustainable flow of forest products, including wood products such as roundwood, poles,
            fuelwood, and charcoal, and nonwood products such as nypa palm shingles, bark for tannin,
            traditional foods, dyes, and resins.

            (ii) Sustainable fisheries, both mangrove fisheries and nearby marine fisheries, for which the
            mangroves provide nutrients and serve as spawning grounds and nurseries (mangrove fisheries
            included finfish and crustaceans (shellfish).

            (iii) Recreation (including ecotourism) for visitors to the mangroves. Mangroves also enhance
            recreation for snorklers and scuba divers in off-shore sea grasses and coral reefs by filtering out

            (vi) Protection of freshwater supplies (inland aquifers) from salination, by serving as a ground
            water pump and a barrier between the aquifers and the sea.

            (v) Nonuse benefits, including existence and bequest values related to the preservation of
            natural environments, for nationals and foreigners.

            Benefits to Human Health

            Increased safety and protection from coastal storms and tidal waves due to the mangroves
            serving as a buffer zone. Another indirect benefit may be improved health due to the availability
            of medicinal plant and foodstuff (e.g., fisheries) in the mangrove areas.

            Global Benefits

            The rehabilitation, conservation and management of mangrove areas may increase carbon
            storage. This is important globally as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  One possible option for improving the livelihoods of households located within the mangrove areas, and reducing the
  pressures on the mangrove resource (especially in sensitive areas) is relocation. Land is said to be available in nearby
  upland areas where households could cultivate crops as well as fish. According to the First Deputy Governor of Koh
  Kong province more than 100 households have already voluntarily moved to a new village in the uplands called Wonk Ka

   While the provincial office is promoting relocation, it is unable to support such a program financially. Households moving
  to uplands areas initially need assistance for building houses and for food up to the period of the first harvest. The
  provincial office has only been able to provide small amounts of sugar and rice to some households. Discussions were held
  with the village chiefs and households in Wonk Ka Thak village and village number 4, in order to gain some insight into the
  suitability and potential of the new village, and the current pressures to relocation in village 4.

  9.1 Wonk Ka Thak village

   Wonk Ka Thak village was established in June 1995 and currently has a population of 70 households (approximately                                      Page 51 of 58
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  350 people). It is planned that eventually there will be 300 households (it is believed that the village could support up to
  700 households and that similar areas in the vicinity could be developed). Currently 30% of the population are Khmer and
  70% Muslim. Villagers cultivate crops as well as fish.

   The village is well situated as it is accessible by water and road and surrounded by mountains (it is reported that a road
  from the village to the border has been proposed). The village is legally recognised, although the precise area of the village
  is yet to be delineated.

  Villagers claim to originate from Village 4, which is located near Koh Kong provincial town. However, discussions with
  the chief of Village 4 revealed that most families are not from Koh Kong province, but have migrated to the area from all
  over Cambodia. These people have learnt about the opportunities in the upland areas from their relatives in Village 4, and
  generally stay in village 4 for only a few days before moving to Wonk Ka Thak.

   There is no official procedure for moving into the village. People earn the rights to the land by clearing the forest and
  planting crops; there is a limit of two hectares per household. A problem is that some families clear the land in order to
  claim ownership and then do nothing.

  The land is considered suitable for crops and for fruit trees (e.g., durian and rambutan). However, few families can afford
  to invest in long term crops such as fruit trees and would like to be provided credit for this.

  It is hoped that once the land has been developed, income from cropping will be more profitable than from fishing. Many
  households were farmers before migrating to Koh Kong so are experienced in crop cultivation. Old people especially are
  attracted by the opportunity to cultivate crops as fishing is physically more demanding.

  Around 30 households are already producing crops such as sugarcane, cassava, corn, sweet potato, and rice. However,
  at present the village does not have enough rice to eat, so corn and cassava are being sold to buy rice. Other households
  are starting to build houses and to clear the land. While villagers claim not to be clearing land on high slopes, such areas
  are said to being cleared indiscriminately by soldiers. Some families earn more money from fishing, but other families earn
  more money from crop cultivation, and some have stopped fishing altogether.

  Seven households were interviewed. Six of these families have recently moved to the area (late 1995-1996) in order to
  cultivate crops. One family moved to the area in 1992 to be close to Thailand, as the husband is Thai. In 1992 there were
  only 3 households in the area.

  The household in residence since 1992 cultivates crops on its 0.5 hectare of land. The husband is also employed by
  timber companies to transport wood at a wage of 100 Bt/day. This is not a regular income and 3,000 Bath a year may be
  earned by this activity. The household estimates its income to be 5,000 Baht (US$200) per year.

  The most profitable crop grown is ganja. If a lot is planted to this crop, more than 10,000 Baht (US$400) can be earned
  per year. In 1996 only 10 stumps were planted and the household earned 300 Baht (US$12). Around 200 Baht is spent
  on fertilizer per year. Ganja is an illegal crop, so producers risk losing money if the crop is found and destroyed by the

  The main crops planted by families who recently moved to the area include: cassava; sugarcane; chili; corn; bean, rice,
  cucumber, eggplant and lettuce. There are plans by some families to grow grapefruit; jackfruit, banana, mango, cashew
  nut, and pineapple. Chili is reportedly the most profitable crop after ganja and is currently harvested by 50 households. It
  is sold to Thailand where the market is strong. Initially chili takes 3 months to harvest; after this it can be harvested every
  week and the tree can last for three years. The seeds are sown manually. Typically, 500 Baht per m2 is spent on fertilizer.
  Technique is important when planting chili, otherwise the crop may die or fail to produce fruit. Net income per hectare is
  estimated to be US$300 per year.

  Household income estimates ranged from US$400 to US$800 from fishing. The average income from crop cultivation is
  US$120.                                   Page 52 of 58
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  Mangroves are considered to be very important to villagers as a spawning area for fish; they are important food source.
  The villagers do not support shrimp farms, as they pollute the water and are associated with the decline in fish productivity.

   The main problems facing the village are: poverty; water shortages in the dry season (the village would like to construct a
  catchment for water but they have no experience in this); lack of medicine, hospitals and schools; and no food security;
  The village does not yet have a mosque.

   9.2 Village Number 4

   Village 4 has a population of more than 5,700 people comprising of 1,128 households. The majority of households are
  muslim (700). The village was established before the civil war, disappeared during the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-9),
  and was reestablished. Families from all over Cambodia have settled here.

  Most villagers are fishers catching crab, shrimp and fish in the Big Gulf. Between 10-20 households cultivate crops on the
  limited land available within the village. The village is suffering from severe over-crowding, poverty is widespread and the
  pressures on the natural resource base are damaging.

  Around 30 households have moved to Wonk Ka Thak village for economic reasons. Living conditions in Village 4 have
  been poor since the late 70s. From 1979-93 there was a small, but not serious, decline in fish yields. Since 1993 there
  has been a big difference in yield because a lot of fishermen are coming from the outside (Thai fishing boats). Families
  have just enough fish to eat and there is not enough money for buying fishing equipment. Income estimates from fishing
  range from 10,000 -14,000 Baht (US$400-560) per year.

  Despite the voluntary movement to upland areas, the population of Village 4 has increased by 60 new households. The
  village will always accept new households and, most of the people who move to the village are Muslim.

  Discussions are being held at the district level about relocating 154 households, on a voluntary basis, to other areas. These
  people are expected to move within the year. The first priority is to move people out of the sensitive areas (i.e., people
  living near the water), and to move old people who are not strong enough to fish. There is no financial assistance from the
  Government, only help in the identification of areas for relocation.

  The population of the village will still be too high after these people have moved and further initiatives will be needed.
  Some households do not want to move to the upland area, because of the fear of catching malaria. Others will move to
  the new village because they would like to cultivate the land.

  The livelihoods of the people of the village are dependent on the mangrove resource. The village collects fuelwood and
  materials for house construction from the rear mangrove area close to the uplands. The mangroves are also recognised to
  be an important spawning area for fish and crab. However, crabs have become very scarce as a result of polluted water
  discharged by the nearby shrimp farms.

  Mangrove areas around the village have been completely destroyed by shrimp farms and charcoal kilns; they have
  complained to the authorities but nothing has happened. The village is happy with the destruction of the charcoal kilns
  because they think that this will improve the mangroves and lead to an increase in marine productivity. According to the
  village chief, the main problems facing the village are: the growth in big engine boats using trawl nets which have destroyed
  the nets of local people reduced fish productivity, and illegal check points.

   9.3 The Cost of Relocation

   If it were decided that the total protection of the core area (Koh Kapik) was the best option, then it would be necessary
  to relocate communities currently living in the mangrove area. Alternatively, the best option may be to relocate some
  households in the mangrove area to reduce current pressures on the resource. Compensation for local people could be
  assessed in many different ways. Cash compensation (in addition to providing land and housing in viable new settlement
  areas) could be based on a transitional allowance (perhaps one year) equal to the average per capita income. Net per                                  Page 53 of 58
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  capita income in the area can be seen to range from US$436-$1,373 (Table 6.25) and US$2,023-US$2,811 gross
  (Table, 5.1). Cambodia's GDP per capita is US$1,266 (GNP US$217).

  There are an estimated 581 households in Koh Kapik. Relocation costs can therefore be estimated at US$391,594. This
  value was derived using US$674 average cost of constructing a house(Table 6.10) and 581 number of households. If one
  is to add the value of compensation of US$735,546 (obtained by multiplying 581 to US$1,266), then, the total cost of
  relocation will be US$1,127,140.

  The cost per household can be estimated at US$1,940. This figure assumes that there is only one main wage earner per
  family and may need to be adjusted upwards for large families.

  9.4 Conclusions and Recommendations

   It was not possible on the information available to draw any firm conclusions on the suitability of Wonk Ka Tank village
  as a site for relocation. However, based on the site visit and discussions with concerned parties the following observations
  and suggestions can be made:

   (i) In-migration to the new area is happening in an uncontrolled fashion. People from around the country are being
  attracted by the opportunity to own land. Careful and early management of the area is therefore required to avoid
  unsustainable exploitation practices in the upland areas.

  If the area is to be earmarked for relocating people out of the sensitive mangrove areas, priority should be given to this

   (ii) More information on the suitability of the area for crop cultivation is necessary to assess the viability of the area as a
  relocation site (e.g., soil suitability studies).

  (iii) Indiscriminate cutting of trees is evident in the area. This needs to be carefully controlled. Education on forest
  management would be an important component in the management process.

  (iv) Villagers lack the money needed to plant long term crops such as mango, jackfruit and rambutan. Credit might be
  provided for the purchase of seed and equipment. Technical assistance might also be provided (e.g., for successful
  cultivation of chilli).

  (v)Water shortage is a problem. Technical assistance might be provided in this area, e.g., on the construction of wells.

  (vi) Schools and hospitals need to be established in the area.

                              10.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

  This report presents the findings of a twelve month economic research study (July 1996-June 1997) on the mangroves of
  Koh Kong province, Cambodia. The objective of the study is to provide information on the economic benefits and
  operational practices of key activities in the area to be employed in the identification of an economically optimal integrated
  management plan for the mangrove areas.

  The mangroves of Koh Kong support a number of coastal households, are of high ecological importance, and represent a
  base for sustainable economic exploitation if carefully managed. In the past, a number of activities in the area (in particular
  shrimp farming and charcoal production) have been carried out in a way detrimental to the mangrove resource. Isolated
  policy initiatives introduced to address these issues have not been successful.                                     Page 54 of 58
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  The main conclusion of this study is that given the complexity of the system and the linkages existing between different
  components of the system, only an integrated management plan for the area can be successful in sustaining the mangrove

   Two key uses of the mangrove, namely local community use, and commercial shrimp farming were analyzed. A survey of
  90 households was undertaken in three villages within Koh Kapik, the study area, in order to provide information on the
  traditional uses of the mangrove area by local communities. The research focused on the economic valuation of non-timber
  forest products collected from the mangrove area by households such as fuelwood, charcoal, construction materials, and,
  crabs, shrimp, fish and snails. Eight shrimp farms were surveyed in order to assess the viability of shrimp farming in the

  The main findings of this study relate to local activities such as fishing and charcoal production, commercial shrimp farming
  and the issue of resettlement.

   All of these findings have a common theme, that of 'linkages' either between various activities, or between various
  physical components. These linkages highlight the complexity of the mangrove system and the fact that a single intervention
  in one area is unlikely to be of any real success in isolation as it will have knock on effects everywhere else.

   Nearly 90% of households were dependent on fishing for their livelihood at the time of survey, this may now be as high as
  93% assuming that ex-charcoal producers now turn to fishing as their only means of income. However, fish productivity
  has reportedly declined dramatically in recent years due to the increased number of fishers, the loss of mangrove areas
  due to the construction of shrimp farms and water pollution from these farms. As many as 90% of households involved in
  fishing claimed that it was harder to fish now compared to 5 years ago. Local fishing benefits are estimated to be US$84
  per hectare.

  Households claim to have turned to charcoal production and logging in upland areas because of low fishing yields mean
  that returns from fishing are no longer sufficient for subsistence purposes. If this is correct, a linkage can be made
  between, for example, shrimp farming, declines in fish yield, and the adoption of new activities by local people that result
  in new and additional stresses on the resource base.

  Following the closure of the charcoal kilns in the area, the Government intends to fully regenerate the mangrove forest and
  then to regulate and legalise the charcoal industry. However, what level of charcoal production would be sustainable for
  the area is as yet unclear, and would require careful consideration in any future management plan.

  The area of mangrove forest required per charcoal kiln per year is estimated by this study to be between 0.20-0.40
  hectare. Assuming a 30-year cutting cycle, and that only already disturbed mangrove areas would be allocated for
  charcoal production, potential returns per hectare per year for sustainably managed charcoal production are estimated at
  over US$400.

  An important result of this study is that on a narrow financial analysis alone shrimp farming in Koh Kong is unprofitable
  and unsustainable. Farms are typically abandoned after five years of operation. While 50% of farms made a profit in the
  past year, overall shrimp farms in the area suffered an average loss of US$1,103 per hectare. Largely due to problems
  with disease, associated with poor water quality management, it is rare for farms to have two successful harvests a year,
  and in some cases both harvests have failed. Individual farms have reported losses ranging from US$40, 000 - $240, 000.

  The real costs of shrimp farming are in fact much higher than this. The analysis does not account for the environmental
  costs associated with shrimp farming. Unsustainable shrimp farming is linked to water pollution and the extensive clearing
  of mangroves for farm use, preventing accretion and wiping out of nursery areas. There is also a social linkage, in that it is
  causing grief among local people. Over 90% of local people oppose the shrimp farms. This could result in social unrest
  and security problems in the future if not adequately addressed.

   The survey results show that 94% of the population have migrated to the area, attracted by the potential returns from
  fishing and charcoal production at a time when population and hence resource exploitation was low. The greatest influx
  into the area occurred during the period 1985-90.                                  Page 55 of 58
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   The issue of the 'carrying capacity' of the mangrove resource base in Koh Kapik is linked to the possibility of relocation.
  The mangrove resource in Koh Kapik cannot adequately support the current population living within the area. Returns
  from fishing are low and no viable alternative livelihoods have been identified to date. Faced with low living standards,
  people can be seen to be making short term myopic production decisions which are not in the interest of long term
  management. This is despite the fact that villagers recognise that activities destroying the mangrove areas will affect their
  livelihood. Furthermore, there seem to be some barriers to mobility that are trapping people following the fall in living
  standards. This further exacerbates matters. These barriers include the lack of money to move (the majority of people
  have no money at all being in debt), insecurity in making the move, and lack of a place to go.

  Relocation of families out of sensitive mangrove areas is supported by provincial authorities. Land is available in upland
  areas in the province where crop cultivation is possible alongside fishing. Some households in Koh Kapik have expressed
  an interest in relocation, if land will be allocated to them. While an in-depth assessment of the suitability of the assigned
  location for resettlement is lacking, the possibility of voluntary relocation is not ruled out as a way of protecting an
  ecologically valuable area and potentially improving the living standards of the local people. Relocation compensation
  (support) is estimated at US$1, 940 per household to cover the cost of house construction and living expenses up to the
  first harvest.

  Past policy initiatives (charcoal kiln destruction and shrimp farm ban) have failed to protect the mangroves, because they
  were being pursued in a 'single policy' framework. Complex systems require integrated policy interventions so that one
  policy intervention in one sector does not simply create a problem in another sector because of the linkage effects.
  Without such an integrated approach the mangroves of Koh Kong remain threatened.


  (i) A comprehensive integrated land use management plan for the mangrove areas needs to be developed which:
  safeguards the important ecological functions of the mangroves; allows sustainable traditional productive uses of the
  mangrove by local communities; and, supports a sustainably managed commercial shrimp farming industry in designated

  A land zoning system is proposed consisting of a core area representing areas of high ecological value such as Koh
  Kapik. This area could be afforded total protection, or permitted to be utilized for sustainable local use. The remaining
  area-- the multiple use area -- could be used for sustainable traditional uses, and shrimp farming and charcoal production
  in appropriately identified zones.

  The management plan should be developed in close consultation with the local people. This has been very limited in the
  past. Local institutional capacity building should be emphasised and included throughout the development of the
  management plan.

  (ii) The issue of relocation should be carefully and thoroughly assessed. Voluntary relocation of people living within Koh
  Kapik to nearby upland areas within the province may be viable following an adequate period of consultation with local
  people and a proper assessment of the suitability of new lands for relocation (e.g., soil suitability studies).

  (iii) Efforts should be directed at working with the local people to manage their areas better, whether this is within the
  mangrove area or at new relocation sites.

  Giving local people a greater stake in the mangrove resource would provide additional incentives for sustainable
  management. One possibility is to pay local people a wage to act as guardians of the mangroves. Such a system is
  currently practised in the South of Vietnam. This would also be an effective way of providing much needed local

  (iv) Studies to determine the sustainable level of charcoal production for the area need to be initiated. Before charcoal
  production is legally permitted in the area, a system needs to be put in place to regularise charcoal production. For
  example, the introduction of a licensing system to prevent the proliferation of charcoal kilns. A program to improve kiln                                  Page 56 of 58
An Economic Analysis of Alternative Mangrove Management Strategies in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia         5/16/03 11:15 AM

  efficiency might also be started.

  (v) Future management of the shrimp farming industry requires a tough focus on sustainable practices, not short term
  profit, and greater involvement of the local community. Efforts should be focused on technical improvements and the
  development of waste management models.


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