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Page et al 1985

The reaction of some sand-dune plant species to experimentally imposed environmental
change: a reductionist approach to stability*

R. R. Page, S. G. da Vinha & A. D. Q. Agnew
Department of Botany and Microbiology, University College of Wales, Aberl,stwyth, Wales, S Y23 3 DA,

Keywords: Coastal sand dune, Galium verum, Grazing, Onions repens, Stability, Trampling


  Coastal dunes in western Europe have long been under grazing and recreational pressure, but the
vegetative cover appears to be remarkably resilient. In a series of experiments on Ynyslas Dunes, Cardigan
Bay (Wales, U.K.), trampling, protection, fertiliser, and herbicide treatments were monitored using non-
destructive and destructive sampling methods. This paper discusses the behaviour of 12 important species
after these treatments on three major dune habitats: Agrostis tenuis, Ammophila arenaria, Bellis perennis,
Festuca rubra, Galium verum, Leontodon taraxacoides, Ononis repens, Plantago lanceolata, Poa subcaeru-
lea, Thymus praecox, Homalothecium lutescens, Tortula ruraliformis.
  Although stability is usually thought of as a feature of the community, a reductionist approach suggests
that grasses react quickly but temporarily, dicotyledonous forbs often show slower reaction times, each
species reacting in its own way to changes in the environment. A tentative classification of our study species is

Introduction                           the older dunes where Rhytidiadelphus triquerus is
                                 an indicator of such conditions.
  Ynyslas Dunes (Fig. 1) are a western dune system         The area is a National Nature Reserve but is not
associated with the mouth of the Dovey Estuary in         closed to the public and research was set up in 1974
Cardigan Bay, Wales. The dunes are calcareous           with the aim of providing information helpful to the
(CaCO 3 content 3-5%) and have grown extensive-          management of increasing recreation pressure on
ly in the last 100 years. They show a series of classi-      the dune system. Visitors are on foot, often using
cal dune vegetation types (Ranwell, 1972) of strand        the dunes as a passageway to the open beaches, and
plants, embryo dunes, mobile dunes with much           often as an educational facility. Over 500 000 per-
open sand between Ammophila arenaria tussocks,          son-days were recorded in 1974-75, and it was clear
semi-fixed mossy dunes with Tortula ruralis ssp.         that damage was being done. At the same time the
ruraliformis, Homalothecium lutescens and Pelti-         rabbit population recovered from the effects of
gera canescens/rufescens, and fixed grey dunes          myxomatosis and grazing was increasing.
where plant cover reaches 100% and Festuca rubra           The first research objective was to separate and
is often dominant. There is no dune heath since the        quantify the effects of human trampling and rabbit
dunes are too young and calcareous but some acidi-        grazing by means of exclosures and experimental
ty does develop in the winter-flooded slacks and on        treatments. The second was to investigate the ef-
                                 fects of the management tools of fertilisers and
*Nomenclature follows Smith (1978), for bryophytes and      selective herbicides. This is not a new approach,
Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962). for angiosperms.         having been extensively reported (Blom, 1977; Hyl-

Vegetatio 61, 105-114 (1985).
© Dr W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht. Printed in the Netherlands.

                                 further trampling. For these four series of investi-
                                 gations human passage was monitored using pres-
                                 sure sensitive counters in paths, as well as trip pins
                                 (Bayfield, 1971)and direct observation, while plant
                                 species occurrence was estimated as cover percent-
                                 age in small permanent quadrats, never larger than
                                 30 X 30 cm. Path trampling was measured in units
                                 of person per metre transect across the path. For
                                 example, 30 people using the central 25 cm cross
                                 section of a path are said to be 120 people m i. In
                                 this way various problems of standardisation were
                                 overcome. Paths were monitored for 40 summer
                                 days in the study of established paths and all year
                                 for the experiment on increased trampling of paths.
                                   For the experimentally increased use of estab-
                                 lished paths trampling (in soft soled walking shoes,
                                 exerting some 150 g m cm 2) was applied at multi-
                                 ples of current recreational use of the paths. The
                                 experiments lasted one year starting in the summer
                                 of 1974, with vegetation cover being estimated at
                                 the start and finish and soils analysed upon comple-
                                   Exclosures of nearly 20 m 2 area were constructed
                                 in 1973, half inside rabbit-proof wire mesh and the
                                 rest only restricting human access. Cover estima-
                                 tion in small quadrats was again used to monitor
                                 the effect of protection. These areas were after-
Fig. I. The location of Ynyslas Dunes, Wales, with dune habitat  wards (April 1977) used to follow the reaction of
types diagrammatically represented. Experimental sites are    species to release from competition (by a single
shown as black blocks.                      application of selective weedkillers) combined with
                                 fertiliser treatments. Here the standing crop was
                                 harvested from random quadrats of 15 X 15 cm.
gaard, 1981; Liddle & Greig-Smith, 1975; Liddle &         The subdivision of such fragmentary material into
Moore, 1974; Streeter, 1971 are the more recent          species contributions only proved possible for the
references on this topic). Nevertheless, there is a        more abundant species, and this part of the record
need to repeat experiments and validate predictions        is incomplete.
for specific areas. This paper summarises some as-          In field experiments natural population fluctua-
pects of reports by Page (1980) and Da Vinha           tions may easily override treatment effects. In these
(1981) on research undertaken from 1975-80.            studies control areas were designated and experi-
                                 mental results related to concurrent changes in the
                                 controls. Clearly, this assumes that the latter are
Methods                              due either to the current weather (for instance 1975
                                 and 1976 had dry summers), or to the continuation
 The study of this dune system was started with an        of general vegetation change in the area of the
investigation of trampling impact in four ways: 1)        experiment. Although open to criticism, we feel
the comparison of soil and species differences on         that this approach is better than using a starting
long-established paths and undisturbed areas, 2)         population as the only control value against which
experimental increase of the trampling on existing        to measure change.
paths, 3) the experimental trampling of undis-            S oils were analysed by taking replicated cylindri-
turbed areas, and 4) the protection of paths from         cal cores of 4.7 cm diameter and 5 cm depth. Com-

bustion and oven drying were used to measure or-          LEONTODON TARAXAC01DES          [
                                  TORTULA RURALIFORMI S            [
ganic matter and soil moisture content respectively,        AW0PHILA AP~ARL~
and dry bulk density by displacement with acetone          H O M A L O T ~ IUM LVfESC~S                [
                                  POA Sg~CAm~gL~A                    ..~
(Gupta, 1933). Using these data percentage satura-         FESTUCA RUBRA
tion of pore space was also calculated. All cores          THYMUS PRAECOX                     ,    [
were taken after a period of heavy rain followed by         ONONIS 2EPm~S                           [
                                  GALIUM VERUM                                    |
twelve dry hours in which state they should be near         pLANTAGO LANCEOLATA                               '  I

field capacity (Warkentin, 1971).                  AGROSTIS ~]~VUIS
                                  BELLIS P E R i l S                                      I
                                                  19        ,             2p         ,   3,o
                                                  VOLUMETRIC PERCENTAGE W T R
Species performance                         LEONTODON TARAXACOIDES
                                  ~0~ULA RURALIFORMIS
                                  HOMALOTHECIUM LUTESCENS                    I
  Great quantities of data were gathered during the
six years of the investigation. T w o species, Ononis        A ~ O P H n a A~m~mZA                           I
                                  P0A SUBCAERULEA
repens and Galium verum, are taken as examples           FESTUCA RUBR~
because data on these two are relatively complete          0NONIS REPENS                                  [
                                  BELLIS P E ~ I S                                  --~
and are reported on in detail.
                                  GALI UM VERUM                                    I
                                  pLANTAGO LANCEOLATA                                    I
Ononis repens                            AGROSTIS TENUIS      q ....                       5. . I.      . . IQ
                                                  PERCENTAGE LOSS ON IGNITION
                                  TOHTULA RURALIFORMIS         --~
General distribution                        LEONTODO~ TARAXACO I ~ S
  The mean % pore space, organic matter and            HOMALOTHECIUM LUTESC~S            ~.~
                                  BELLIS PEF~NNIS                   -.~
moisture levels at which this species occurs are in                                      I
                                  zcn~s PVaEOOX
the middle of the range of species reported on           FESTUOA R U ~                     --~
                                  POA SUBCAERULEA
(Fig. 2), reflecting its widespread distribution. On
                                  ONONIS H~PE~S
untrampled soils, a l t h o u g h c o m m o n , its percentage   AF~IOPHILA A ~ A R I A                         |
cover is negatively correlated with soil moisture
                                  PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA                            I
when all fixed and semi-fixed sites are included in         AGROSTIS TENUIS

the analysis (r = -0.62, Table 1) and with a greater
                                                    50         ~ -+-7o
                                                  PERCENTAGE PORF SPACE
                                                         J   ~
correlation coefficient (r = -0.82) when fixed dune
sites are analysed separately. N o w on paths there is      Fig. 2. Ranked species occurrence along ranges of the various
more Ononis on the drier semi-fixed dunes, even         soil factors which are associated with trampling, from 40 moni-
t h o u g h path soils are moister than untrampled        tored sites which do not all correspond with experimental areas
soils, and there is no correlation between Ononis        used in Figures 3 and 4. the mean value and one standard
                                 deviation either side of it is represented.
cover and soil moisture on paths. However, it is
only on the fixed dunes that there is a negative
relationship between trampling and soil moisture,
and the most trampled semi-fixed dune paths are         one year. In the absence of any treatment, cover
used by fewer people than the most trampled fixed        changed to 156% and 77% of starting (i 974) values
dune paths. Since Ononis repens is apparently un-        for semi-fixed and fixed dunes respectively. 1974
able to resist high levels of trampling(see below), its     had 29% more days with over 2 m m of rain than
cover is low on the driest fixed-dune soils and high       1973, and the increase in cover of Ononis probably
on the inherently dry semi-fixed dunes.             reflects its better performance during moist weather
                                 in the open vegetation of the semi-fixed dune.
Experimental changes in trampling and grazing            Thus, on two fixed dune paths monitored during
pressure                             the same year, soils were as dry as in the dry semi-
  There are a n u m b e r of suggestions, arising f r o m    fixed dune site used for the trampling but grasses
field experiments, that competititve effects are im-       (mainly Festuca rubra and Ammophila arenaria)
p o r t a n t in determining cover of this species. For     were c o - d o m i n a n t with Ononis repens which de-
example, in Figure 3 is shown Ononis cover after         clined significantly during the year.
trampling was imposed on 2 undisturbed sites over          These observations and experiments suggest that

Table 1. Significant species correlations in random quadrats on        trampling was intermediate in its response. Relative
and off paths with soil factors. LOI, loss on ignition; PS, per-       to the control here, there was no significant change
centage pore space; M FS, percentage moisture at field capacity;
                                       in total cover of all species or grasses taken alone.
NS, no significant correlation; +, correlation positive; , correla-
tion negative.                                 However, cover of some species such as Festuca
                                       rubra whose mean cover in the exclosure at the start
            Untrampled soils   Path soils           of the experiment was 30.9% increased relative to
Agrostis tenuis     +: LOI, PS, MFS    +: LOI, MFS
                                       the control in the rabbit-grazed but not in the
A mmophila                                  rabbit-proof parts, whilst others such as Agrostis
 aretlaria       +: LOI, PS      NS               tenuis, Ammophila arenaria and Holcus lanatus
Bellis perennis     NS          NS               (whose total mean cover in the exclosures at the
Festuca ruhra      +: LOI, PS, MFS    NS
                                       start of the experiments was 6.1%) declined in both
Galium v e r u m    NS          +: LOI, PS, MFS
Leontodon                                   exclosures, but only significantly in the rabbit-
 taraxacoides     NS          NS               proof treatment. Soil moisture content and com-
Ononis repens      : MFS        NS               paction levels were slightly, but significantly, lower
Plantago lanceolata   NS          +: LOI, PS, MFS         in the rabbit-proof than the rabbit-grazed treat-
Poa suhcaerulea     +: PS         +: LOI, PS, MFS
                                       ment and control soils. Broadly speaking then, the
Th.l'mUS praecox     : LOI, PS      NS
Tr(/~)lium repens    NS          +: LOI, MFS           changes in cover of Ononis repens could be ex-
Tortula                                    plained by assuming that trampling was so impor-
 rural(lormis      : LOI, MFS      : LOI, MFS           tant that release from its suppressive effect allowed
                                       Ononis to compete successfully with grasses, but
                                       the greater resistance to trampling on the fixed
competition is related to moisture supply in deter-              dunes (Fig. 3) may relate to reduced competition
mining cover of Ononis repens, but the summer of               from grasses combined with the more equable
1975 was particularly dry after April and the tram-              microenvironment and soil conditions.
pling experiments were terminated earlier than the                When trampling was applied at a range of fre-
exclosure experiments, thus making prediction dif-              quencies, but the same intensity (150 passages m i
ficult. Table 2 shows changes in Ononis cover dur-              year I), the least damage was caused on both the
ing 1974/1975 in an exclosure on a fixed dune area              fixed and semi-fixed dunes by spreading the tram-
previously little used by the public. Ononis fared              pling over one year at weakly rates that were a
worst in the control, increased in the: rabbit-proof             percentage of actual use made of a path by the
part and in the part simply protected from human               public (Fig. 3). On the fixed dunes there was no

Table 2. Differences in percentage cover after 2 years of protection from trampling and grazing or trampling alone, in 3 sites. Control is
an area which continued to receive use. Asterisk marks differences from control at 5% or better.

              Fixed dune high-use site          Fixed dune low-use site      Trampled slack site

              Con-   Trampling   Grazing &     Con-   Trampling  Grazing &  Con-  Trampling   Grazing &
              trol   prevented   trampling     trol   prevented  trampling  trol  prevented   trampling
                          prevented                prevented             prevented

Agrostis tenuis       +3.0   -5.0"      1.0"       +4.5  + 1.0       1.0"
Ammol]hila arenaria                          +1.5  +0.5       -2.5
Poa subcaerulea       + 1.5   0.5     + 1.5        4.5   I 1.0       1.5
Festuca rubra         7.5   -2.5      6.0       -32.0   15.0'      25.0
Bellis perennis                                             -2.0    2.0     4.0*
Galium verum        +4.5   +7.5     +5.0        12.0   15.0       1.5
 taraxacoides                                             +2.0   11.0"    +3.0
Ononis repens                             12.5   -6.5*    +12.0'
Plantago lanceolata     15.5   -5.5      8.5*
Thymus praecox       +4.0   + 17.5      2.0       +7.5   +2.0       2.0

                        A B C                        A B C D E
                   C N R L 01~ ~
                   O T O                 CONTROL 01               i.o I   I---7
                                                    A!     i .I    ! 1
                                                        B I**,, I  4.14.*, I

              Z   150   '~" O  ~     o

              W   100

              W                                                      O
              n         A
                             B        C
                                             A       B        c   ?    E,
                       74    296        1184   0   74   148 296 592 1184
                       passages m-1 yr-1                 passages m-1 yr-1

                                 O T Y             O T       Y
                                             CI    t    t    t

                      150                   150~

                  c.oz 100                    100

                  Ww    50                   5O

                          C   O    T   Y           C   0  T
                            TET ET
                            RAMN                    TREATMENT

Fig. 3. Cover changes expressed as percentage of the starting value in Ononis repens populations after trampling treatments in previously
undisturbed sites. Above are shown the effect of trampling increases on (left) a semi-fixedand (right) a fixed dune site. Beloware shown
the effects of different frequencies of application of trampling equivalent to 150 passages m i year 1 as: C no trampling control; D, all in
one day; T, all in one week; Y, distributed throughout the year. Triangular matrices give significance of t tests between means
(+, 0.5 > p > 0.1 ; ++, 0.1 > p > 0.01 ; +++, p < 0.01 ) because heterogeneity of the populations precluded the use of variance analysis.

significant difference in relative cover from the con-             of drought. U n d e r more average weather condi-
trol.                                      tions results may have been different. W h e n all the
  A p p l i c a t i o n of the t r a m p l i n g over ten weeks or       t r a m p l i n g was applied on one day the c o n t e m p o -
all in one day resulted in some reduction in relative              rary soil moisture c o n d i t i o n was also p r o b a b l y very
cover in c o m p a r i s o n with the c o n t r o l on both sites,       i m p o r t a n t . However, it was possible to find a rela-
but this was not significant in the fixed dunes. O n              t i o n s h i p between the changes in O n o n i s in these
the semi-fixed d u n e s the ' t e n - w e e k ' t r e a t m e n t was     e x p e r i m e n t s a n d changes in measured soil factors,
the most d a m a g i n g . It must also be repeated that            of which c o m p a c t i o n was the only one to be affect-
the s u m m e r of 1974 in which the e x p e r i m e n t started        ed by the e x p e r i m e n t s o n the fixed dunes. Cover of
was particularly h u m i d a n d 1975 included a period             O n o n i s r e p e n s was not correlated with percentage

pore space on paths or u n t r a m p l e d soils. The lack         r e m o v a l alone resulted in a p p a r e n t l y p e r m a n e n t
of any change in moisture levels was u n e x p e c t e d          d a m a g e to Ononis p o p u l a t i o n s . Willis & Y e m m
because a significant c o r r e l a t i o n between c o m p a c -     (1961) f o u n d that Ononis repens was e r a d i c a t e d
tion a n d m o i s t u r e levels was f o u n d in b o t h long      f r o m turf t r a n s p l a n t s in the greenhouse (to which
established p a t h s and u n t r a m p l e d soils. The results,     either c o m p l e t e nutrients, N + P + K or nitrate only
therefore, suggested that not all soil factors are in           were a d d e d ) by the dense g r o w t h of Festuca rubra,
e q u i l i b r i u m with t r a m p l i n g pressure after one years'   but we have not c o n f i r m e d this in the field. Here,
trampling.                                 fertiliser t r e a t m e n t a l o n e had little effect but there
                                      was a chance a b s e n c e of Ononis u n d e r this treat-
Field manipulation o f nutrients and competition              ment in the semi-fixed d u n e site.
   D i s t u r b a n c e resulted in c o n s i d e r a b l y m o r e
c h a n g e in the semi-fixed site ( m o s s y dunes) t h a n in      S u m m a r y o f O n o n i s repens performance
the fixed d u n e site ( T a b l e 3), as w o u l d be expected,       Ononis repens is a c o n s p i c u o u s plant, easily ob-
a n d this was reflected in the b e h a v i o u r of Ononis.        served a n d o f wide d i s t r i b u t i o n in W e s t e r n Europe.
On b o t h sites fertiliser a d d i t i o n c o m b i n e d with se-.   T h e r e is m u c h i n f o r m a t i o n a n d yet the picture of its
lective d i c o t y l e d o n o u s r e m o v a l resulted after two    e c o l o g y a n d b e h a v i o u r in the face of a c h a n g i n g
years in e n h a n c e d p o p u l a t i o n s of Ononis (which      e n v i r o n m e n t r e m a i n s r a t h e r confused. F r o m our
r e i n s t a t e d itself very q u i c k l y f r o m rhizomes). O n l y  analyses we can say that p o p u l a t i o n s fluctuate
on the semi-fixed dunes was there a significant              widely, p r o b a b l y c o n t r o l l e d by seasonal weather
c h a n g e in this species when m o n o c o t y l e d o n s were     variables, a n d a rather c o m p l e x interaction be-
r e m o v e d but an excessive v a r i a n c e in the fixed d u n e    tween soil moisture, t r a m p l i n g and c o m p e t i t i o n .
site m a y m a s k a real effect here. In b o t h sites dicot       But the species is an o p p o r t u n i s t i c one, c a p a b l e of
                                      r a p i d e x p l o i t a t i o n of t e m p o r a r i l y f a v o u r a b l e sites.
Table 3. Ononis repens above ground dry weight mean g • m 2
                                      C o m p e t i t i o n seems to play a key role in switching
after treatment in April 1977 as follows: M, monocotyledon
selection herbicide and M + F, with NPK fertiliser; -D,          the species to o c c u p y resources, as is indicated by its
dicotyledon herbicide and -D + F, with NPK fertiliser; F, NPK       increase u n d e r p r o t e c t i o n f r o m t r a m p l i n g in one
fertiliser alone; C, control. Asterisks mark significances better     site a n d when p r o t e c t e d f r o m c o m p e t i t i o n with
than 5%. NP, species not present in this treatment.            o t h e r d i c o t y l e d o n s after herbicide treatment.
                                      A g a i n , g r a z i n g s h o u l d be c o n s i d e r e d as an interac-
A. Grey dunes, untrampled
                                      tive effect.
Treatments     June     August     June     F ratio
          1977     1977      1978           Galium verum
-M         18.4     23.5       45.3     1.3
-M + F       26.2     54.7       76.1     3.6     General distribution
-D         11.3     17.4       8.0     0.6
                                        This species is c o n f i n e d to the fixed dunes. T h e
-D + F       7.3     40.4       53.7     5.7*
F         68.4     73.7       92.5     0.7     significant c o r r e l a t i o n s between percentage cover
C         13.6     50.9       47.3     4.0*    of this species a n d soil moisture, measured volu-
F ratio       4.7*     2. I       5.5*          metrically, (r = 0.58) o r g a n i c m a t t e r (r = 0.61) a n d
                                      p o r e space (r = 0.50) when all p a t h sites, b o t h on the
                                      fixed a n d semi-fixed d u n e s are included in the anal-
B.  Semi-fixed dunes, previously trampled                 ysis is t h e r e f o r e to be e x p e c t e d ( T a b l e 1). T h e r e was,
                                      however, no significant c o r r e l a t i o n between per-
Treatments     June     August     June     F ratio
          1977     1977      1978           centage cover a n d a n y m e a s u r e d soil f a c t o r when
                                      fixed d u n e paths were a n a l y s e d separately. Galium
-M         12,.1     11.7       88.2     4.1
-M + F       7.7     NP        17.2     2.6     verum was present at t o o low a p e r c e n t a g e cover on
-D         NP       1.0       5.8     0.8     u n t r a m p l e d fixed d u n e sites to allow regression
-D + F       46.6     38.0      147.1     8.4*    analysis to be u n d e r t a k e n ,
F         NP      NP       NP      NP
C         66.4     60.4      106.2     1.3     Experimental trampling change
F ratio       4.9*     6.3*      14.9"
                                       Galium verum is p r e s e n t on the most highly

                 /                        The difficulty of dealing with data from c o n t r o l
                                       sites is seen in the changes in G a l i u m v e r u m on
    A B C    0
 0J  I***1~* I  *
                soF                      c o n t r o l areas a d j a c e n t to enclosures (Table 2). O n a
                                       moderately t r a m p l e d fixed d u n e site percentage
                     o~        jo         cover r e m a i n e d statistically u n c h a n g e d between
                                       1973 a n d 1975 whilst it declined over this period on
                 8854 I'7"/06 26562 35416 442?0
                  0   A    B   C   O        a lightly t r a m p l e d site. The difference in changes in
                    passages rn-1 yr-1
                                       percentage cover on controls is also seen in an
Fig. 4. Cover changes expressed as percentages of starting values       e x p e r i m e n t in which levels of t r a m p l i n g on paths is
in Galium verum after increasing the trampling of a previously        increased. O n the heavily used path (Fig. 4) cover of
used path. Significancesshown as in Figure 3.                 G a l i u m v e r u m declined significantly over the ex-
                                       p e r i m e n t a l year, but remained statistically un-
                                       changed on a moderately trampled path in an
t r a m p l e d path recorded on the dunes, used by              e x p e r i m e n t not reported here.
8 854 people m i y e a r l , a n d a l t h o u g h the mean            Relative to changes on the control, there was a n
percentage cover was only 1.7%, only three other               increase in cover of G a l i u m v e r u m on a previously
d i c o t y l e d o n o u s species had a greater cover. O n this       little trampled enclosure site (68% grass), only when
path there was an a p p a r e n t l y steady decline in rela-         rabbits as well as h u m a n s were barred access (Ta-
tive cover with e x p e r i m e n t a l l y increased t r a m p l i n g    ble 2), but on a previously more trampled site (20%
until a 300% in use was applied (Fig. 4).                   grass), cessation of t r a m p l i n g and rabbit grazing
   A p a r t from a significantly higher moisture level           had no effect relative to changes on the control.
in the e x p e r i m e n t a l area suffering a 300% increase           Given the occurrence of G a l i u m v e r u m in rela-
in t r a m p l i n g , which was p r o b a b l y not related to the      tion to soil factors, it is p r o b a b l e that the relative
t r e a t m e n t , there were no significant differences be-         increase (or rather failure to decline) on the pre-
tween measured soil parameters on the trampled                viously little t r a m p l e d site is related directly to ces-
area a n d the control, a n d the effect of increased             sation of grazing, a n d the difference between the
t r a m p l i n g on the species in this e x p e r i m e n t is most     changes on the two enclosure sites relates to compe-
likely a direct one.                             tition from grasses.

Table 4. Galium verum above ground phytomass dry weight in g • m 2 in a fixed dune enclosure after 4 years of protection from
trampling. Treatments as in Table 2. Below is shown ranges of values within which there are no significant differences at 5% or better.
Asterisks mark significanceat 5% or better.

Treatments        June 1977                August 1977            June 1978               F ratio
-M              4.4                   15.6               15.3                 2.1
-M + F           21.7                   89.2               62.8                10.4"
D              4.9                   10.6               9.8                 0.9
-D + F            4.1                   21.8               21.5                 4.5
F              20.4                   27.5               5.6                5.6*
C              14.2                   21.1               21.0                 1.0
F ratio           4.1"                   10.1'              12.9"
June 1977         -M + F         F           C      -D        -M        -D + F

August 1977         M+ F          F        -D+ F        C        M          D

June 1978         -M+ F        -D + F          C      -M        D          F

Field manipulation of nutrients and competition       While Homalothecium lutescens and Tortula ru-
  Galium was present only in one site in sufficient   raliformis are semi-fixed dune moss species which
quantities for analysis of these manipulations. This   are associated with paths on the fixed dunes, there
is an area of heavily trampled and grazed fixed-     is no large group of species which is distributed in
dune vegetation which resembled a close cropped     this way, and, apart from a short list of winter
lawn in 1973 when enclosed. Considerable phyto-     ephemerals, it is difficult to suggest others, except
mass had accumulated by 1977 when treatments       for Leontodon taraxacoides and Plantago lan-
were applied to a totally protected section, although  ceolata, where evidence is less clear. This merely
it was still more uniform and less tussocked than    confirms that paths, although developed through
undamaged fixed-dune vegetation. Table 4 shows      disturbance of fixed dune vegetation, are not com-
that it is only the fertilised treatment in which    parable with a successional stage.
monocotyledons had been killed which showed en-       The fast recovery of Festuca rubra is of interest.
hanced growth of G. verum, but there is little sign of  This is a dominant species of fixed dunes. Willis
a return to normal level after 18 months.        (1963) has documented the same sort of reaction to
                             increased NPK as we have here, but in this case the
Summary of Galium verum performance           fertiliser inputs were sustained and the fast rever-
  There is much less evidence here than in the case   sion to lower production was not observed. Our
of Ononis repens. This species is particularly asso-   pulsed treatments allow us to distinguish between
ciated with paths on the fixed dunes, and is resistant  grasses and most dicotyledons in their rates of re-
to trampling. It reacts very positively indeed when   version to original biomass. Some dicotyledonous
monocotyledons are removed, so that we suspect it    species are stress tolerant in the sense of Grime
is sensitive to competition with grasses as its mor-   (1979) (Ononis, Galium, Thymus) and their slow
phology would suggest. Its performance fluctuated    recovery from perturbation is no surprise, but the
from year to year in the control of some experi-     instability of their resident populations is unex-
ments, yet in the perturbed fixed-dune site it was    pected in this respect as is their response to the
remarkably stable and recovery in the latter site was  removal of grasses, taken to be competitors. We
rather slow.                       may attempt to categorise the species reported
                             upon here as follows.
                              A. Those which have constant cover resistant to
Discussion                        change and which reinstate quickly after release
                             from stress. The grasses are examples of this type.
  The accounts of the two species' reaction to en-     B. Those having cover varying from year to year
vironmental change illustrate the complexity of the   with fast reaction to environmental change and,
data base from which we work, and the difficulty of   paradoxically, slow equilibration to the environ-
interpretation. A detailed survey of the reactions of  ment thereafter. The latter feature is possibly a
every species would not only take a lot of space but   matter of slow migration rates. Ononis, Galium and
would obscure an overview of the situation. For     Thymus exemplify these.
this reason, Table 5 has been prepared to display      C. Those with a particular advantage in certain
the overall features of the species' behaviour. Not   types of environmental perturbation which over-
all of the data base for this survey table has been   rides other characteristics. Here perhaps the re-
figured in this paper, and reference must be made to   mainder of our species belong: Bellis, Leontodon,
Page (1980) and Da Vinha (1981) for the original     Homalothecium and Tortula.
analyses.                          Finally, we turn to the community concept and
  The semi-fixed funes, having a lower cover of     stability. Our analysis so far has been of individual
plants, lower soil organic matter and drier soil, are  species, a reductionist approach. Competition for
conventionally considered to be less stable than the   space must be taken into account in explanations of
fixed dune areas. Here species should be opportu-    a species' behaviour following experimental treat-
nistic, capable of fast reaction to change and fast   ment, as we have tried to show for Ononis repens,
recovery from disturbance. Table 5 does not con-     but competition and species' response is the link
firm this supposition.                  between species and the community. Is the behav-
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Table 6. Variance ratio between dry weights in g • m 2 under treatments as itemised in Table 3 for various categories of species.
Significances of 5% or better are given by variance ratios greater than 2.62.

                           Semi-fixed                 Fixed dune
                           dune 4 year     Fixed dune       4 year
                   Mobile dune   enclosed path    untrampled       enclosed path     Slack

             June   '77   "78   "77   '78     "77    '78     "77   '78      '77    '78

Total lower plants                  1.5    3.1                4.0    3.6
Total dicots            1.9   2.1   5.3   43.6    10.8     7.1    5.0    15.8     17.1    18.9
Total monocots           3.2   2.4   3.8    1.5    48. I    4.3    6.6    2.7     I 1.4    2.9
Total green             4.4   4.5   3.7    9.5    35.8     1.3   1.9    7.4     6.7     8.8
Litter               1.8   5.2   1.1    1.5     2.5    10.7    1.9    5.3     8.7     1.6
Total                3.4   5.0   1.8    3.5     6.6    I 1.3   1.3    1.9     4.4     7.2

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by Sarah Freed last modified 09-11-2009 17:21

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