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                Australian Geographer
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                The Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species on Foredune Development in
                Australia and New Zealand: a case study of Ammophila arenaria and
                Thinopyrum junceiforme
                Mike Hilton a; Nick Harvey a; Andrew Hart a; Kris James a; Chris Arbuckle a
                 University of OtagoUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of OtagoUniversity of AdelaideOtago Regional Council,
                Dunedin, New Zealand, Australia, New Zealand, Australia, New Zealand

                Online Publication Date: 01 November 2006

To cite this Article Hilton, Mike, Harvey, Nick, Hart, Andrew, James, Kris and Arbuckle, Chris(2006)'The Impact of Exotic Dune Grass
Species on Foredune Development in Australia and New Zealand: a case study of Ammophila arenaria and Thinopyrum
junceiforme',Australian Geographer,37:3,313 — 334
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/00049180600954765


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                                             Australian Geographer, Vol. 37, No. 3,
                                             pp. 313 Á334, November 2006

                                             The Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species on
                                             Foredune Development in Australia and
                                             New Zealand: a case study of Ammophila
                                             arenaria and Thinopyrum junceiforme
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                                             MIKE HILTON, NICK HARVEY, ANDREW HART, KRIS JAMES
                                             & CHRIS ARBUCKLE, University of Otago, New Zealand; University of
                                             Adelaide, Australia; University of Otago, New Zealand; University of Adelaide,
                                             Australia; Otago Regional Council, Dunedin, New Zealand

                                             ABSTRACT Marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) and sea-wheat grass ( Thino-
                                             pyrum junceiforme) have been introduced to Australia and New Zealand. This study
                                             examines the morphology of incipient foredunes and established foredunes associated with
                                             these species at two sites, Mason Bay in southern New Zealand, and the Younghusband
                                             Peninsula in South Australia. Both species invaded the existing foredunes very rapidly. In
                                             both cases the antecedent topography comprised relatively sparsely vegetated, irregular
                                             foredunes. Invasion resulted in continuous, regular, evenly vegetated foredunes. At Mason
                                             Bay a massive foredune has formed since 1958, in conjunction with Ammophila.
                                             Thinopyrum has formed an incipient foredune, with a ramp or terrace morphology, along
                                             the Younghusband Peninsula, South Australia. In both cases gaps in the former foredune
                                             have been closed and the indigenous foredune vegetation has been displaced. Both species
                                             may decrease the frequency and severity of blowout development. They are likely to be
                                             resilient to aeolian processes of sedimentation compared with dunes formed by indigenous
                                             species. Ammophila survives burial, is tolerant of drought and is resistant to erosion
                                             associated with storm surge and high waves. Thinopyrum is very tolerant of salinity.
                                             These species may adversely affect the long-term development of coastal barriers by
                                             inhibiting transgressive dune development.

                                             KEY WORDS   Marram grass; sea-wheat grass; invasive species impacts; coastal dune
                                             development; Australia; New Zealand.

                                             The development and morphology of established foredunes has been well
                                             documented in relation to climate, sediment supply and type, wave climate and
                                             onshore winds (see Hesp 2002 for a review), but less attention has been paid to the
                                             important role of sand-binding grasses, sedges and herbs. Dense, tall, erect grasses

                                             ISSN 0004-9182 print/ISSN 1465-3311 online/06/030313-22 # 2006 Geographical Society of New South Wales Inc.
                                             DOI: 10.1080/00049180600954765
                                             314   M. Hilton et al.

                                             are associated with high, steep-sided, asymmetric foredunes (Hesp 1983, 1989;
                                             Van Dijk et al . 1999). In contrast, species with a lower, more spreading rhizomatous
                                             growth form tend to produce lower, less hummocky dunes (Hesp 2002). The
                                             alongshore morphology of established foredunes is likewise influenced by vegeta-
                                             tion cover, which may be more or less uniform, depending on patterns of species
                                             type, vigour or cover (Carter 1988; Hesp 1999). Over the last 50 years there is
                                             evidence for the global redistribution of dune grass species (Hilton & Harvey 2005)
                                             which may change the dominant foredune grass species and hence affect the dune
                                             morphology. This paper explores such changes using examples from Australia and
                                             New Zealand, and considers the long-term implications of these species for dune
                                             system and barrier genesis, in particular the impact of these grasses on transgressive
                                             dune systems.
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                                               The beaches and dunes of the temperate coasts of Australia and New Zealand
                                             contained only a handful of marine-dispersed species capable of colonising and
                                             occupying the back-beach, between the strandline and the established foredune:
                                             Spinifex sericeus , in both countries; Atriplex billardierei in Australia; and Atriplex
                                             hollowayi (a crystalwort) in New Zealand. In contrast, the established foredune and
                                             back dune floras of both countries contain a rich diversity of species. Of those
                                             indigenous species capable of forming incipient foredunes and established
                                             foredunes, just four are widespread. Spinifex sericeus (spinifex) and Austrofestuca
                                             littoralis (sand tussock) occur in both countries. Desmoschoenus spiralis (pingao or
                                             pikao), a sedge, is endemic to New Zealand. Spinifex longifolia is dominant in
                                             Western Australia. In addition, Atriplex cinerea (grey salt bush), is locally important
                                             in southeast Australia.
                                               The dune flora of Australia and New Zealand changed rapidly over a 50-year
                                             period, from the late 1800s, with the introduction of European, American and
                                             South African dune plants (Heyligers 1985; Hilton & Harvey 2005). Sea spurge
                                             (Euphorbia paralias ), European sea rocket (Cakile maritima ) and American sea
                                             rocket (Cakile edentula ) were accidentally introduced in the ballast of ships. The
                                             seeds of these species apparently survive in sea water for long periods. Sea wheat-
                                             grass (Thinopyrum junceiforme ) and marram grass (Ammophila arenaria ) were
                                             deliberately introduced to New Zealand and Australia to stabilise mobile dunes.
                                             Two South African species, bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ) and pyp grass
                                             (Ehrharta villosa ) were also introduced for this purpose. Arctotheca populifolia
                                             (beach daisy), another South African plant, was probably brought to Australia as an
                                             ornamental. These introductions contributed four new species to the strandline Á
                                             back-beach community in southeast Australia (the two sea rockets, beach daisy and
                                             sea spurge); two new species capable of forming incipient and established foredunes
                                             (Ammophila and Thinopyrum ) and two species more commonly associated with
                                             backdune environments or established foredunes (bitou bush and pyp grass). Sea
                                             spurge occurs in all environments, but has limited dune-building capability.
                                               We are concerned primarily with Ammophila and Thinopyrum in the present
                                             paper, in particular the ability of these plants to form incipient foredunes and
                                             established foredunes that are resilient to disturbance. The potential for Ammophila
                                             to trap large volumes of sand in massive foredunes has previously been noted (Esler
                                             1970; Heyligers 1985). More recent work has suggested that Ammophila and
                                             Thinopyrum may also inhibit or prevent blowout and transgressive dune develop-
                                             ment (Hilton & Harvey 2002; Hilton et al . 2005). Suppression of blowouts might
                                             have a significant impact on the natural development of sandy coasts in Australia
                                                                 Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species    315

                                             and New Zealand. Transgressive dune activity is critical to the physical develop-
                                             ment of coastal barriers on windward coasts in both countries. Transgressive dune
                                             activity is also closely linked with dune habitat and species diversity, since such
                                             activity inevitably leads to topographic and environmental diversity. We examine
                                             the impact of these species on foredune formation through two case studies:
                                             Ammophila invasion in a large transgressive dune system on the west coast of
                                             Stewart Island, New Zealand and, secondly, Thinopyrum invasion along the
                                             Younghusband Peninsula, South Australia. Finally, we examine the proposition
                                             that these species develop incipient foredunes and established foredunes that are
                                             more resilient to environmental disturbance than foredunes associated with
                                             indigenous species.
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                                             Fieldwork was undertaken at two locations on the Younghusband Peninsula,
                                             South Australia (see Figure 1) and one location at Mason Bay, Stewart Island (see
                                             Figure 2), during 2003 and 2004. The purpose of this work was to describe,

                                             FIGURE 1. The location of the ‘28 Mile Crossing’ and ‘The Granites’ study sites,
                                             Younghusband Peninsula, South Australia. The Younghusband Peninsula is the most recent
                                               in a progradational sequence of Quaternary coastal barriers (after Belperio 1995).
                                             316   M. Hilton et al.

                                             through systematic survey, the morphology of established foredunes associated with
                                             Ammophila and Thinopyrum, as well as the morphology of the adjacent hinterland;
                                             and to map and classify the associated beach-dune flora. Surveying was
                                             accomplished using a Leica 305 total station. Shaded relief plots, contour maps
                                             and profiles were generated for each site using Surfer 3D (Golden Software).
                                             Historic aerial photographs were used to determine the invasion history of these
                                             species, change in vegetation cover and community type and landform develop-
                                             ment. Ground photographs taken by Andy Short and Patrick Hesp during survey
                                             work in 1979 were compared with recent photography.
                                               Foredune morphology and vegetation cover were surveyed at two sites on the
                                             Younghusband Peninsula *‘The Granites’ and ‘28 Mile Crossing’ (see Figure 1).
                                             These sites were chosen to examine the morphology of Thinopyrum incipient
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                                             foredunes on quasi-stable and eroding coastlines, respectively. ‘The Granites’ site is
                                             located within the relatively low energy ‘Coorong III’ morphodynamic class of
                                             Short and Hesp (1980). Compared with ‘28 Mile Crossing’ (Coorong II), this site
                                             is relatively sheltered from the prevailing southwest winds by Cape Jaffa. In
                                             contrast, foredune scarping appears to have occurred frequently over a period of
                                             some years at ‘28 Mile Crossing’. It has not been possible to reconstruct the
                                             invasion history of Thinopyrum along the Younghusband Peninsula, in part because
                                             it established rapidly, in part because it is associated with narrow (5 Á10 m)
                                             incipient foredunes, which are difficult to identify on the earlier aerial photographs.
                                             We do know it established some time after 1979, when Short and Hesp (1980)
                                             undertook a systematic study of the established foredunes along the Younghusband
                                             Peninsula. We utilised a series of ground photographs, made available by Andy
                                             Short, to determine the foredune morphologies that existed prior to Thinopyrum
                                               A sequence of aerial photographs records the invasion history of Ammophila at
                                             various sites along the west coast of Stewart Island. Mason Bay has a record of
                                             aerial photography dating from 1958 with subsequent images available for 1978,
                                             1989 and 2002. Ammophila established in the study area in the early 1950s. These
                                             data document (i) the invasion history of Ammophila and indigenous species
                                             displacement; (ii) the physical development and changing morphology of the

                                                                            Active dune system
                                                STEWART ISLAND
                                                                                       Mason Head
                                                             NEW ZEALAND

                                                                   0  200 km

                                                                                      Mason Bay              Island Hill
                                                               StewartI s                                     Homestead
                                                  Mason Bay                                        Duck Ck

                                                                     47OS                     MartinsC k
                                                                                                    Parabolic ‘6’

                                                                          Ernest Islands

                                                           0        20 km                 Kilbride Homestead

                                                                                                  0          5 km

                                                 FIGURE 2. Location of Mason Bay study site, Stewart Island, New Zealand.
                                                                 Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species    317

                                             established foredune; and (iii) associated coastal progradation. Changes in the
                                             density and extent of Ammophila and Desmoschoenus , the dominant indigenous
                                             foredune species, are mapped for the period 1958 Á2002. Ammophila appears as a
                                             relatively uniform vegetation cover in the aerial photographs, in contrast to the
                                             variable texture of bare sand and scattered Desmoschoenus.
                                               The pre-Ammophila morphology of the established foredune in Mason Bay was
                                             interpreted from photographs dating from the 1930s, descriptions by Leonard
                                             Cockayne, an eminent New Zealand botanist with a particular interest in dune
                                             flora, the 1958 aerial photograph, and small sections of Desmoschoenus foredune
                                             that survive in Mason Bay north of Duck Creek. The elevation and position of
                                             former nabkha associated with Desmoschoenus are indicated by the presence of
                                             rhizomes of this species (as indicated in Figure 5).
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                                             Ammophila arenaria and Thinopyrum junceiforme
                                             Ammophila is a perennial rhizomatous dune grass that forms dense erect tufts with
                                             the aerial shoots taking a tussock form. The plant has an extensive rhizome network
                                             that extends both horizontally and vertically. The primary mode of reproduction of
                                             Ammophila is vegetative (through spreading rhizomes), although seed production is
                                             locally important. Rhizomes are easily broken into fragments by storm waves that
                                             are then transported by currents and washed onshore at new locations (Aptekar &
                                             Rejmanek 2000). Vegetative reproduction can occur from buds attached to the
                                             parent plant or from the long-distance dispersal of rhizome fragments that contain
                                             viable buds (Pavlik 1983; Buell et al . 1995). Rhizome fragments can be dispersed
                                             over long distances by strong winds or sea currents in this way (Baye 1990).
                                             Ammophila is native to the coasts of Europe and North Africa (between 638 N and
                                             308 N latitude), where it is abundant on mobile and semi-fixed dunes (Huiskes
                                               Ammophila responds positively to burial. The leafy shoots of Ammophila are able
                                             to grow vertically following sand deposition. However, once a burial threshold is
                                             reached for an individual plant, auxiliary buds develop to create vertical shoots with
                                             long internodes (vertical rhizomes). With further growth, the vertical rhizomes
                                             reach the sand surface with the apex becoming a new leafy shoot (Gemmell et al .
                                             1953). Aerial shoots form along the vertical rhizomes creating dense tufts. These
                                             clusters of tillers decrease the wind speed around the plant resulting in increased
                                             sand deposition (Willis et al . 1959; Huiskes 1979). This increased deposition of
                                             sand is counteracted by the rapid production of elongated internodes along the
                                             stems of the vertical rhizomes, resulting in Ammophila being able to tolerate burial
                                             of up to 1 m (Ranwell 1972; Sykes & Wilson 1990). Ammophila not only responds
                                             positively to burial but actively encourages burial by sand for maximum growth and
                                             full completion of its life cycle (Kent et al . 2001).
                                               Ammophila builds high and often steep foredunes across its home range (Doing
                                             1985). Along the coasts of Australia and the Pacific coast of the USA, Ammophila
                                             has been shown to build larger and more continuous dunes than the native sand-
                                             binders (Wiedemann & Pickart 2004). Along parts of the Victorian coast, low and
                                             wide foredunes, characteristic of areas dominated by native grasses, are replaced by
                                             Ammophila foredunes up to 5 m high (Bell 1988). These changes have been
                                             attributed to differences in plant morphology and habit between Ammophila and
                                             the native sand-binders. In New Zealand, Ammophila tends to build higher and
                                             318   M. Hilton et al.

                                             steeper dunes compared to Spinifex or Desmoschoenus. In a study of Manawatu
                                             foredune profiles, Esler (1970) found that dunes formed under Ammophila had
                                             slopes less than 288 and heights over 6 m, whereas dunes formed under
                                             Desmoschoenus had slopes less than 148 and were approximately 0.5 m in height.
                                             These differences were attributed to the ability of the dense Ammophila cover to
                                             trap and bind sand more effectively than the sparse Desmoschoenus cover.
                                               Ammophila can cause major changes to the structure and composition of
                                             indigenous plant communities related to alterations to dune morphology, sand
                                             budgets and nutrient supply (Pickart & Sawyer 1998; Duncan 2001; Hilton et al .
                                             2005). Ammophila excludes other species unable to cope with high rates of burial
                                             (Maun 1998) or burial/erosion during shadow dune development (Hilton et al .
                                             2005). The impact of Ammophila on indigenous dune systems in New Zealand has
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                                             been recognised largely in the context of its potential to displace indigenous species
                                             and degrade habitats. This is reflected in Ammophila being rated as the most
                                             invasive species in New Zealand (Owen 1996). To date, there has been little
                                             consideration of the long-term loss of dune system function as a result of
                                             Ammophila invasion. Ammophila may reduce or prevent phases of instability that
                                             create habitat for specialist dune species (Hilton et al . 2005). These phases of
                                             instability are characteristic of transgressive dune systems and favour the continued
                                             dominance of native dune species. Ammophila -dominated dune systems are
                                             unlikely to respond to climate fluctuations and vegetation stress (such as drought)
                                             in the same way as pre-Ammophila systems (Dixon et al . 2004). Hence, we
                                             postulate that Ammophila is likely to prevent or inhibit episodes of foredune
                                             instability and accelerate vegetation succession, to the detriment of dune system
                                               Thinopyrum is an erect, perennial, rhizomatous grass, native to the Baltic,
                                             Atlantic and western Mediterranean coasts of Europe. It has a wide latitudinal
                                             home range, from Finland (628 N. Lat.) to the Cadiz region of Spain (368 N. Lat.).
                                             It is also known as ‘sea couch’, ‘sand couch-grass’ or ‘Russian wheatgrass’ (in the
                                             USA). It was formerly identified as ‘Elymus farctus’ in Australia, where it was first
                                             observed in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, in 1933 (Heyligers 1985). The circum-
                                             stances of the introduction of Thinopyrum to Australia (and New Zealand) are
                                             unclear; however, it probably arrived in Australia with ballast water (Heyligers
                                             1985; Mavrinac 1986). Since 1933 Thinopyrum has spread naturally or with human
                                             assistance to South Australia and the northern coasts of Tasmania. It is capable of
                                             dispersal by sea-rafted fragmented rhizome or seed (Harris & Davy 1986).
                                               Thinopyrum grows closer to the sea and lower down the beach than any
                                             indigenous Australian foredunes species. It is exceptionally tolerant of salinity and
                                             occasional tidal inundation (Heyligers 1985). Mavrinac (1986) states that it grows
                                             closer to the sea than any other ‘British’ dune grass. It is capable of rapid tiller and
                                             lateral/oblique rhizome growth and has excellent sand-trapping and dune-forming
                                             abilities. In Europe, Thinopyrum often forms embryonic dunes or the first (frontal)
                                             dune (zone 3 of Doing 1985), which seldom exceed 1 m in height (see Plate 1). The
                                             morphology of Thinopyrum foredunes in Australia has not been described system-
                                             atically. Heyligers (1985) describes Thinopyrum as forming ‘low wide foredunes’ in
                                             low to moderate energy conditions. As wind conditions increase Thinopyrum dunes
                                             become increasingly hummocky. It tends to form a dune with a steep stoss face
                                             when growing in front of a former dune or a terrace if the beach is prograding
                                                                  Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species   319
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                                             PLATE 1. Low Thinopyrum incipient foredunes on the southern coast of Texel Island (De
                                             Hors), Netherlands, in a situation of rapid coastal progradation (24 June 2005). Marram
                                                    grass occurs on the first established foredune, further inland.

                                             (Heyligers 1985). The vigour of Thinopyrum is much reduced where it grows at
                                             higher elevations on foredunes.

                                             Foredune development following Ammophila invasion, Mason Bay,
                                             Stewart Island
                                             Ammophila was intentionally introduced to Mason Bay during the 1930s to stabilise
                                             dunes on Kilbride farm, at the southern end of the bay (see Figure 2). Subsequent
                                             dispersal probably occurred through the natural spread of rhizome fragments from
                                             north to south (Hilton et al . 2005), although there is anecdotal evidence that some
                                             Ammophila was planted in the vicinity of Duck Creek in the 1950s. By 1958
                                             Ammophila had established between Martins Creek and Duck Creek (hereafter
                                             ‘central Mason Bay’), where it occurred in small patches within 400 m of the high
                                             water line. The area dominated by Ammophila , where canopy cover exceeded 50
                                             per cent, was 1.4 ha, representing 0.6 per cent of the area of central Mason Bay (Jul
                                             1998) (see Figure 3).
                                               The area occupied by Ammophila increased exponentially between 1958 and
                                             1978. Ammophila had established across most of the foredune environment
                                             between Martins Creek and Duck Creek by 1978, although the cover was
                                             discontinuous. At this time Ammophila extended up to 750 m inland and
                                             dominated 17.8 ha of the central dunes, an increase of 1137 per cent over 20
                                             years (Jul 1998). A significant increase in both the extent and density of Ammophila
                                             occurred between 1978 and 2000 (see Figure 3). During this period Ammophila
                                             achieved almost total cover between Martins Creek and Duck Creek, eventually
                                             forming a continuous foredune and displacing all Desmoschoenus. By 1998
                                             320   M. Hilton et al.
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                                             FIGURE 3. Pattern of Ammophila invasion north of Martin’s Creek, Mason Bay, Stewart
                                                         Island, 1958 Á2000 (Hilton et al . 2005).

                                             Ammophila covered 74.9 ha of the central dunes (Jul 1998). This represents an
                                             increase in area dominated by Ammophila of 5204 per cent in the 40 years between
                                             1958 and 1998.

                                             Foredune development    *  central Mason Bay
                                             Ammophila invaded the central dune system from south to north and inland from
                                             the established foredune. During this process, the morphology of the foredune
                                             changed from a low, sparsely vegetated and hummocky foredune, discontinuous
                                             alongshore (Stage IV after Hesp 1988), to a relatively massive, densely vegetated,
                                             uniform and continuous alongshore foredune complex (Stage I). We have a good
                                             understanding of the foredune landscape prior to Ammophila invasion. Cockayne
                                             (1909, p. 18) described the foredunes of Mason Bay, prior to the introduction of
                                             Ammophila , as comprising ‘6 Á10 ft (1.8 Á3.0 m) tall, haystack-like dunes’. That is,
                                             the foredune comprised a series of isolated nabkha or shadow dunes (Type 4Á5;
                                             Hesp 1988), formed in association with Desmoschoenus (with some Austrofestuca
                                             littoralis and Euphorbia glauca ). Three dunes of this type still occur in the foredune
                                             environment in Mason Bay, north of Duck Creek (see Plate 2a). Cockayne’s
                                             descriptions accord with ground photographs of the foredune environment near
                                             Duck Creek, taken during the 1930s. The 1958 aerial photograph is of average
                                             quality, but also shows that the vegetation cover at this time was patchy with
                                             numerous nabkha or shadow dunes (see Figure 4a). The irregular alongshore
                                             topography of the Desmoschoenus foredune in 1958 suggests that blowout formation
                                             through the foredune occurred from time to time (see Figure 3).
                                               Ammophila invasion and foredune development progressed rapidly between 1958
                                             and 1998, culminating in a relatively massive, stable, continuous foredune (see
                                             Figure 5). Ammophila had formed a semi-uniform cover by 1978 (see Figure 4f),
                                             creating a continuous, though topographically irregular, foredune (Stage III, Hesp
                                             1988). Development of the foredune during this period occurred through
                                             coalescence of adjacent Ammophila shadow dunes, as the vegetation cover
                                                                  Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species   321
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                                             PLATE 2. (a) One of three surviving Desmoschoenus foredunes north of Duck Creek (viewed
                                             from about the high water line, looking inland) and (b) the Ammophila foredune between
                                                           Duck Creek and Martins Creek.

                                             increased (Hilton et al . 2005). Desmoschoenus had been displaced from the stoss
                                             face of the established foredune during the period 1958 Á1978, as the new marram
                                             foredune prograded seawards and accreted. Ammophila increased in extent and
                                             density through the backdune environment, with a corresponding decline in the
                                             area of unvegetated and Desmoschoenus-dominated habitat. By 1989, Ammophila
                                             had formed a dense, uniform cover along the stoss face and had become the
                                             322   M. Hilton et al.
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                                             FIGURE 4. A sequence of aerial photographs and vegetation maps highlighting the rapid
                                             spread of Ammophila and concomitant development of foredune and parabolic dune
                                             landforms and vegetation cover. The outline of the parabolic dune (‘parabolic 6’) at each
                                             stage of development is highlighted by the dashed line. The arrow indicates the closure of the
                                             blowout which gave rise to the central parabolic dune. TA: trailing arm; EF: erosional face;
                                             DL: depositional lobe; DS: deflation surface. The location of ‘parabolic 6’ is indicated in
                                                                  Figure 1.

                                             dominant cover through the lee face of the foredune (see Figure 4g). During the
                                             period 1989 Á2002, the density of Ammophila increased to form an extensive mono-
                                             specific (/80 per cent) cover (see Figure 4h). The contemporary foredune is
                                                                  Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species    323
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                                             FIGURE 5. Comparison of the foredune morphology before and after Ammophila invasion,
                                             for the central dune system of Mason Bay. The morphology of the Desmoschoenus -dominated
                                             foredune is derived from the descriptions of Cockayne (1909), field observations of remnant
                                                     (dead) Desmoschoenus rhizome and the 1958 aerial photograph.

                                             characterised by a steep stoss face, a broad, relatively flat terrace and a gently
                                             sloping lee face (see Plate 2b and Figure 5) equivalent to Stage I of Hesp (1988).
                                             The overall morphology of the foredune is now very different from the pre-
                                             Ammophila foredune (se Table 1). Lateral growth has occurred primarily through
                                             seaward progradation, averaging 50 m between 1958 and 2002, probably
                                             encouraged by high rates of deposition and stabilisation under Ammophila , rather
                                             than any change to the beach-dune sediment budget.
                                               The stoss face of the massive Ammophila foredune between Duck Creek and
                                             Martin’s Creek appears to be stable. The numerous corridors and depressions that
                                             dissected the foredune at the time of Ammophila invasion have now closed. Two
                                             narrow blowouts adjacent to ‘parabolic 6’ persisted until 1989 (see Figure 4c).
                                             During the initial stages of Ammophila invasion, the width and depth of these
                                             blowouts was enhanced, providing a major pathway for sediment input into the
                                             backdune system. Closure of the blowouts occurred between 1989 and 2002 as the
                                             density of Ammophila increased, stabilising the throat of the blowout and reducing

                                                     TABLE 1. Changes to foredune morphology,a 1958 Á2002

                                                                         1958        2002

                                             Dominant species                  D. spiralis    A. arenaria
                                             Vegetation cover (per cent)            10 Á30      /80
                                             Hesp (1988) foredune stage             IV        I
                                             Maximum height (m)                 3         11
                                             Width (m)                     80        150
                                             Area (m2)                     240        1650
                                             Volumeb (m3)                    4.8 )/105     3.3 )/106

                                             Notes: aDimensions are derived from Figure 5.
                                              Assuming a 2 km foredune length.
                                             324   M. Hilton et al.

                                             rates of sediment transport. Narrow channels still occur along the stoss face of the
                                             foredune, but these are ephemeral features, a few metres wide and 20 m or so deep
                                             (Hilton et al . 2005). To date none of these depressions has developed into a

                                             Case study I: foredune parabolic dune development, Mason Bay
                                             Parabolic dunes and sand sheets are the most prevalent dune form in the Mason
                                             Bay dune system. Climbing, imbricate forms occur most widely, usually modified
                                             by the underlying bedrock. However, a series of long-walled parabolic dunes
                                             (terminology after Pye 1983) has developed in a relatively flat section of the central
                                             dunes of Mason Bay. The contemporary dune system between Duck Creek and
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                                             Martins Creek comprises six adjacent parabolic dunes transgressing over a low
                                             gradient stonefield. The most southerly of these parabolic dunes (‘parabolic 6’) is
                                             the best defined of these dunes (see Figure 2).
                                               ‘Parabolic 6’ evolved from a blowout, some time prior to or coincident with
                                             Ammophila invasion, probably in the late 1940s. The formation of relatively steep-
                                             sided Ammophila shadow dunes may well have caused the development of such
                                             blowouts. In 1958 the blowout lacked trailing arms (see Figure 4a). The
                                             depositional lobe of the incipient parabolic dune would probably have been a
                                             relatively low, sparsely vegetated feature (see Table 2). Ammophila had established a
                                             sparse, patchy cover within the foredune by 1958 and had started to colonise the
                                             more stable walls of the blowout/incipient ‘parabolic 6’ (see Figure 4a). The
                                             characteristic features of a long-walled parabolic dune had formed by 1978.
                                             The northern trailing arm (TA) and a deflation surface (DS) are clearly defined,
                                             along with a sparsely vegetated depositional lobe (DL) (see Figure 4b). Develop-
                                             ment of the deflation surface occurred primarily through elongation, increasing in
                                             length at 7.91 m/year between 1958 and 1978 (see Table 3). Widening of the
                                             surface also occurred, which resulted in an increase in area of the deflation surface
                                             from 0.35 to 1.15 ha between 1958 and 1978, a 226 per cent increase. Ammophila
                                             had formed a near-continuous cover across the foredune by 1978, but it was still
                                             absent from the parabolic dune (see Figure 4b).
                                               ‘Parabolic 6’ became increasingly sheltered by the rapidly accreting Ammophila
                                             foredune between 1978 and 1989. It continued to migrate downwind between
                                             1978 and 1989; however, the rate of advance declined (see Table 3). During this

                                                    TABLE 2. Temporal changes in the morphology of ‘parabolic 6’

                                                                      1958a  1978   1989    2002

                                             Total lengthb (m)                 176.12  600.71  657.83  664.50
                                             Length of trailing arm (north) (m)         Á   308.40  343.70  468.40
                                             Length of trailing arm (south) (m)         Á    Á   325.60  325.60
                                             Length of deflation surface (m)          92.34  183.74  285.60  452.20
                                             Length of depositional lobe (m)          90.44  355.10  329.39  243.71
                                             Area of deflation surface (ha)           0.35   1.15   2.14   5.20
                                             Area of erosional face (ha)             Á    0.68   1.68   0.61
                                             Area of depositional lobe (ha)           0.51   4.35   2.62   2.34

                                             Notes: aBest estimate only, due to poor image quality.
                                              Excluding foredune.
                                                                  Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species     325

                                                    TABLE 3. Calculated migration rates (m/year) of ‘parabolic 6’

                                                               1958 Á78     1978 Á89      1989 Á2002

                                             Deflation surface           7.91       6.02         15.60
                                             Erosional face             Á        16.29         7.00
                                             Depositional lobe           24.19       5.56         0.79

                                             period the deflation surface became significantly larger, with a corresponding
                                             decline in the length and area of the depositional lobe (see Table 2). The deflation
                                             surface increased in length at a rate of 6.02 m/year between 1978 and 1989, with an
                                             increase in area from 1.15 to 2.14 ha, representing an 86 per cent increase.
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                                               Ammophila had established throughout the parabolic dune by 2002, although
                                             some remnant areas of Desmoschoenus on the northern trailing arm persisted (see
                                             Figure 4f). Between 1989 and 2002 the rate of landward advance of the
                                             depositional lobe was almost negligible (see Table 3). At the same time the
                                             deflation surface increased in length at an average rate of 15.60 m/year and
                                             increased in area to 5.20 ha, representing a 143 per cent increase over 13 years. The
                                             length of the depositional lobe decreased as the eroding face advanced. Develop-
                                             ment of the depositional lobe during this period occurred through vertical
                                             accretion, rather than downwind extension. The depositional lobe now comprises
                                             a series of large Ammophila shadow dunes, 3 Á5 m high.
                                               ‘Parabolic 6’ has been relatively stable since Ammophila invasion. The develop-
                                             ment of a massive Ammophila foredune has caused a decline in available sediment
                                             within the parabolic dune system. The development of the deflation surface, and
                                             concomitant reduction in length of the depositional lobe, occurred as the
                                             established foredune evolved. The development of large deflation surfaces of this
                                             type in this context has also been observed in Oregon (Carter et al . 1990).
                                             However, the ongoing formation of nabkha dunes across the seaward half of the
                                             deflation (and former deflation) surface indicates that some sand is still in
                                             circulation. We have observed significant jettation (terminology after Arens 1996)
                                             across the foredune, during strong westerly winds, that provides sand for ongoing
                                             nabkha development across the rear slopes of the foredune and former deflation
                                             zone of the parabolic dune (see Figure 4d).
                                               Ammophila invasion and foredune development may have contributed to the
                                             subsequent stabilisation of ‘parabolic 6’ and the adjacent parabolic dunes. This
                                             foredune has trapped a great deal of sand that might otherwise have contributed to
                                             parabolic dune development and reduced rates of sedimentation in its lee.
                                             Ammophila has also established in almost all elements of the parabolic dunes,
                                             with the exception of the erosional face, forcing stability. However, it may be that
                                             these parabolic dunes were close to completing their life cycle at the time
                                             Ammophila was introduced.

                                             Case study II: sea-wheat grass, Younghusband Peninsula
                                             The coastal plain between the Murray River mouth and Naracoorte in southeast
                                             Australia contains a sequence of at least eight coastal barriers, which have been
                                             stranded and preserved by uplift. The oldest barrier, approximately 800,000 years
                                             326   M. Hilton et al.

                                             old, is situated around 90 km from the coast. The youngest and active barrier, the
                                             Younghusband Peninsula (see Figure 1) is less than 7000 years old (Harvey 1981;
                                             Belperio 1995). This sequence is widely regarded as one of the classic records of
                                             Quaternary sea-level change and barrier development.
                                               The Younghusband Peninsula is a modern analogue for the formation of the
                                             older barriers (Bourman et al . 2000). Short and Hesp (1984) propose a five-stage
                                             model for the Sir Richard and Younghusband Peninsulas (see Figure 6), involving:
                                             (1) the formation of Pleistocene barriers below modern sea level; (2) Holocene sea-
                                             level transgression and formation of the initial Holocene shoreline; (3) barrier
                                             progradation, as foredune ridges; (4) depletion of nearshore sand supplies and
                                             initial dune transgression and shoreline erosion; and (5) continued dune
                                             transgressions and barrier regression. Episodes of transgressive dune development,
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                                             following foredune disturbance were, therefore, central to barrier and dune system
                                               Short and Hesp (1980) describe the morphology of incipient foredunes and
                                             established foredunes between Kingston and the Murray Mouth, in relation to
                                             variations in beachÁsurfzone morphodynamics. At the time of the field survey

                                             FIGURE 6. An interpretation of the genesis of the Younghusband Peninsula (after Short &
                                                                Hesp 1984).
                                                                  Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species    327

                                             Spinifex sericeus and Austrofestuca littoralis were associated with incipient foredunes.
                                             A wide range of incipient foredune and foredune morphologies were present. In
                                             1979, when Short and Hesp conducted fieldwork, topographically variable and
                                             highly eroded foredune morphologies (types Fd and Fe) occurred widely between
                                             the Murray Mouth and ‘The Granites’, as might be expected with a regressive
                                             barrier. Incipient foredunes were intermittent, particularly in the region extending
                                             between 95 and 123 km south of the Murray Mouth. They observed foredune
                                             stability to increase towards Kingston and transgressive dune development to
                                             decrease, consistent with declining levels of wave and wind energy in the lee of
                                             Cape Jaffa.
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                                             Thinopyum invasion
                                             Thinopyrum established along much of the length of the Younghusband Peninsula
                                             with remarkable rapidity. It was not observed by Short and Hesp (1980) during a
                                             systematic survey of foredune morphology between Kingston and the Murray River
                                             mouth in 1979. Thinopyrum was observed soon after, in 1986, at Butcher Gap
                                             Drain and Blackford Drain near Kingston and the Murray Mouth (Mavrinac
                                             1986). It was also present at this time along sections of the Adelaide coast (Torrens
                                             Outlet and Bungaloo Creek). Thinopyrum had formed a substantial incipient
                                             foredune at each of these sites, 15 Á20 m wide, 1.0 Á1.5 m high, seaward of the
                                             existing Spinifex foredune.
                                              Thinopyrum appears to have occupied the coast between the Murray Mouth and
                                             Kingston, a distance of about 170 km, during the early to mid-1980s. There has
                                             been no work, to date, on processes of Thinopyrum dispersal. There is no evidence
                                             that this species was deliberately planted in South Australia, and it almost certainly
                                             established along the Younghusband Peninsula without assistance. It most likely
                                             spread by fragmented rhizome, which is likely to enter the sea in large quantities
                                             during storm-forced erosion of the incipient foredune. The low elevation of
                                             Thinopyrum foredunes would ensure this process occurs frequently.

                                             Incipient foredune development in conjunction with Thinopyrum ,
                                             Younghusband Peninsula
                                             ‘The Granites’
                                             ‘The Granites’ site is located in the relatively sheltered ‘Coorong III’ sector of
                                             Short and Hesp (1980). This is a stable site, with no significant trend of
                                             progradation or erosion over the period 1945 to the early 1980s, prior to the
                                             arrival of Thinopyrum. The site is situated 250 m south of the public car park
                                             and beach access point. The incipient foredune at this locality is typical of the
                                             dune for some kilometres north and south of ‘The Granites’. It exhibits a
                                             ‘terrace’ form (described in Hesp 2002), with a high cover of Thinopyrum (/75
                                             per cent) (see Figure 7). This feature is 10 m wide and 1 Á2 m high and
                                             continuous alongshore. The backdune comprised a former blowout, now well
                                             vegetated with Leucophyta brownii , Olearia axillaris , Carpobrotus rossii and other
                                             species. The new Thinopyrum foredune partially overlies the stoss face of the
                                             former Spinifex foredune. Spinifex occurs throughout the surveyed area, though
                                             nowhere is it particularly dense (see Figure 7).
                                             328   M. Hilton et al.
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                                             FIGURE 7. ‘The Granites’ *Thinopyrum occurs in a narrow band seaward of the former
                                                              Spinifex foredune.

                                             ‘28 Mile Crossing’
                                             ‘28 Mile Crossing’ is one of several 4-wheel-drive tracks that enable access to the
                                             beach along the southern Coorong. The ‘28 Mile Crossing’ study site is located
                                             approximately 100 m southeast of the beach access of the ‘28 Mile Crossing’ 4-
                                             wheel-drive track. The site was chosen to examine the morphology of incipient
                                             Thinopyrum foredunes on a section of eroding shore. The former Spinifex foredune
                                             comprises a series of remnant knobs (Type 3 Á4 foredune; Hesp 1988), interspersed
                                             with lobes of sand associated with Thinopyrum (see Figure 8). These lobes
                                             constitute sections of incipient foredune, which extend 3Á4 m from the face of the
                                             eroding foredune. They have a ‘ramp’ morphology (after Hesp 2002). Unvegetated
                                             sections of scarped foredune separate these lobes. An extensive deflation surface
                                             lies inland of the foredune, with transverse dunes occurring downwind. The
                                             strandline was 15 Á20 m in front of the foredune on the day of the survey.
                                               Thinopyrum forms a dense patch of vegetation across and extending away from
                                             the eroding face of the foredune and, secondly, a sparse cover over the lee slopes of
                                             the foredune and into the deflation surface (see Figure 8). Spinifex occupies the
                                             remnant knobs and overlaps with Thinopyrum in places. Euphorbia paralias occurs
                                             across the crests of the knobs and across the rear of the foredune. The presence of
                                             various mature backdune shrubs and sedges (Stackhousia spathulata , Olearia
                                             axillaris , Isolepis nodosa and Ozothamnus turbinatus , for example) suggests that
                                             the former Spinifex foredune has been stable for some time, albeit the face of the
                                             foredune is eroding.
                                                                  Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species    329
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                                             FIGURE 8. 3D representation of the ‘28 Mile Crossing’ survey area. Thinopyrum has
                                             occupied hollows between remnant knobs of Spinifex and built incipient ramp foredunes 3 Á4
                                                           m seaward of the foredune scarp.

                                             Incipient foredune formation in conjunction with Thinopyrum
                                             Thinopyrum has formed a narrow, usually low, incipient foredune along the
                                             Younghusband Peninsula since the early 1980s. The terms ‘foredune’ and
                                             ‘incipient foredune’ require some clarification. Foredunes are ‘shore-parallel
                                             dune ridges formed on the top of the backshore by aeolian deposition within
                                             vegetation’ (Hesp 2002, p. 145). ‘Incipient foredunes are new, or developing,
                                             foredunes within pioneer plant communities’ (Hesp 2002, p. 145). The sites
                                             described contain type 2a and 2b incipient foredunes (after Hesp 1989), that is,
                                             they have formed on the backshore by growth of Thinopyrum rhizome growth into
                                             that section of the back-beach that lies between the toe of the foredune and the
                                             driftline. At the two sites described, Thinopyrum has formed a terrace against the
                                             former Spinifex foredune, usually at a slightly lower elevation. We do not know, at
                                             present, whether Thinopyrum is in the process of establishing a more substantial
                                             incipient foredune at ‘28 Mile Crossing’, or whether the environment is preventing
                                             continuous alongshore colonisation.
                                               Thinopyrum invasion has had a significant impact on the morphology of the pre-
                                             existing Spinifex foredune at both sites. It has caused the stoss face of the foredune
                                             to prograde and establish at lower elevations. Thinopyrum tends to occupy low-lying
                                             gaps in eroding foredunes and encourage deposition, resulting in a higher overall
                                             vegetation cover and more uniform topography. Hence, the overall impact of
                                             Thinopyrum is to encourage the formation of wider, more uniform and more
                                             continuous foredunes, at least in situations of low to moderate rates of accretion.
                                             We have seen higher (4Á5 m) Thinopyrum foredunes at the Murray Mouth, where
                                             330   M. Hilton et al.

                                             the rates of accretion may be significantly greater than observed at the sites
                                             reported here.
                                               Thinopyrum grows vigorously on the stoss face of the foredune, and is clearly
                                             tolerant of more frequent sea-water inundation and soil salinity. Our surveys
                                             demonstrate that it also survives in backdune environments, albeit in a semi-
                                             moribund form. It is not, therefore, vulnerable to catastrophic removal during
                                             episodes of severe foredune scarping. Backdune plants of Thinopyrum are probably
                                             capable of rapid growth when erosion exposes them to higher rates of sedimenta-
                                             tion and higher nutrient levels.
                                               Spinifex has been displaced from the front face of the foredune along the
                                             Younghusband Peninsula. This will greatly reduce the distribution of Spinifex and
                                             associated indigenous species, but it may have significant ecological implications for
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                                             other flora and fauna. It is inevitable, for example, that the habitat of shore birds
                                             such as the hooded plover will decline, as Thinopyrum colonises gaps in the
                                             foredune and blowouts, and occupies areas of the backbeach that would not
                                             normally be colonised by Spinifex .

                                             The potential impact of Ammophila and Thinopyrum on blowout
                                             Ammophila and Thinopyrum have produced new dune morphologies in the dune
                                             systems described. A massive foredune complex established at Mason Bay
                                             following Ammophila invasion. The landscape associated with Desmoschoenus has
                                             been buried beneath an evenly vegetated, continuous established foredune, 150 Á
                                             200 m wide and 10 Á12 m high. Large quantities of sand, which would otherwise
                                             have entered the dune system, are now trapped in this foredune complex.
                                             Ammophila has also invaded the hinterland of the dune system, with resulting
                                             loss of dune flora and transgressive dune mobility. Thinopyrum occupies a more
                                             limited range *it is primarily a species of the back beach. It has also established
                                             continuous incipient foredunes along most of the length of the Younghusband
                                             Peninsula, and by the mid-1980s occupied approximately 170 km of coast between
                                             the Murray Mouth and Kingston. In both cases irregular foredunes have been
                                             replaced by regular, continuous-alongshore foredunes. Thinopyrum and Ammophila
                                             have also had a major impact on the indigenous flora of the two study sites.
                                             Thinopyrum has displaced Spinifex from the stoss face of the foredune along the
                                             length of the Younghusband Peninsula. The range of Spinifex may be reduced over
                                             time, since it is likely that the crest and rear of the foredune will experience less
                                             sediment input, greater stability and (possibly) accelerated vegetation succession.
                                             Ammophila has had an overwhelmingly adverse impact on the indigenous dune
                                             flora of Mason Bay. The indigenous species associated with the pre-Ammophila
                                             foredune have been totally displaced.
                                               Thinopyrum and Ammophila have produced new dune landscapes and new dune
                                             ecosystems. Here we will consider whether these grasses are likely to reduce the
                                             frequency or intensity of blowout development. This impact would have significant
                                             implications for the long-term development of Mason Bay and Younghusband
                                             Peninsula dune systems, by reducing the incidence of transgressive dune develop-
                                             ment. This would, in turn, impact on the diversity of habitats within the dune
                                                                 Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species   331

                                               The processes that lead to blowout development are well documented. A
                                             blowout is a saucer-, cup- or trough-shaped depression or hollow formed by wind-
                                             forced erosion in a pre-existing deposit of sand. They may be initiated as a result
                                             of: wave erosion along the seaward face of the foredune; topographic acceleration
                                             of airflow over the dune crest; climate change; vegetation variation through space
                                             or change through time; water erosion; high velocity wind erosion, sand inunda-
                                             tion and burial; and human activities (for a review of these processes see Hesp
                                               There is some evidence that Ammophila and Thinopyrum respond differently to
                                             these processes compared with indigenous foredune species. Both species form
                                             uniform, continuous, Type I foredunes (or contribute to this character along the
                                             stoss face of pre-existing Spinifex foredunes). The potential for blowout develop-
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                                             ment through topographic acceleration of airflow is, therefore, likely to be reduced.
                                             Ammophila and Thinopyrum occur on a range of coasts, including those with dry
                                             Mediterranean climates. Ammophila has a number of physiological and morpho-
                                             logical adaptations that reduce the impact of drought stress. In a series of
                                             glasshouse experiments, Dixon et al . (2004) compared the tolerance of Ammophila
                                             and Desmoschoenus to drought conditions. Desmoschoenus showed signs of water
                                             stress after 8 days in glasshouse drought conditions, whereas Ammophila showed no
                                             signs of stress until day 18. At the completion of the drought trial, 5 per cent of
                                             Desmoschoenus and 80 per cent of the Ammophila recovered. These results accord
                                             with field observations and the results of earlier glasshouse experiments (Huiskes
                                             1979). The relative tolerance of Spinifex and Thinopyrum and Spinifex and
                                             Ammophila to drought has not been ascertained.
                                               Both Ammophila and Thinopyrum species are rhizomatous grasses capable of
                                             trapping and binding sand. Their leaves are capable of ‘lodging’ and so are able to
                                             withstand strong winds and maintain a uniform vegetation cover. Established
                                             foredunes associated with both species are vulnerable to scarping by storm wave
                                             swash; however, gaps or low points are likely to be rapidly repaired by post-storm
                                             growth. Our observations at ‘28 Mile Crossing’ on the Younghusband Peninsula
                                             indicate that Thinopyrum is able to establish cover and form incipient foredunes on
                                             an eroding coastline. Burial may pose a significant threat to Thinopyrum ; however,
                                             like Ammophila , it is possibly tolerant of darkness and may be able to emerge when
                                             buried. The incipient foredunes of both species are scarped during episodes of
                                             storm wave activity and storm surge. We suspect that in both cases incipient
                                             foredunes are rapidly repaired by, first, mass failure of the upper sections of the
                                             scarp and then rapid elongation of lateral rhizomes. The toe of foredunes of both
                                             species must be in constant flux, even on prograding coasts, given their proximity to
                                             the sea. Finally, Thinopyrum is known to be exceptionally tolerant of salt during
                                             episodes of elevated sea level associated with storms. Ammophila is not tolerant of
                                             salt in the root zone, but avoids the problem by building relatively high, massive

                                             In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that two exotic dune grasses, namely
                                             Thinopyrum junceiforme and Ammophila arenaria , have been introduced into dune
                                             environments in Australia and New Zealand, respectively, where they have:
                                             332   M. Hilton et al.

                                             (1) replaced irregular, sparsely vegetated, established foredunes with continuous
                                               incipient foredunes;
                                             (2) encouraged accretion and progradation;
                                             (3) increased the extent and evenness of vegetation cover;
                                             (4) rapidly displaced native species; and
                                             (5) altered dune habitat for indigenous fauna and flora.

                                             These impacts have occurred over the last few decades. We have raised the question
                                             of the long-term impact of these species on barrier and dune system development.
                                             Are these species likely to reduce the incidence or extent of blowout development?
                                             If so, could a reduction in transgressive dune development affect the natural
                                             development of coastal barriers along coasts occupied by Ammophila and
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                                             Thinopyrum? These processes are an essential part of the geomorphic and ecologic
                                             character of temperate sandy coasts. Both study sites are located in national parks
                                             which have been designated to conserve natural values.
                                               A substantial programme of research is required to resolve this matter. Such a
                                             programme would need to compare the relative response of indigenous and exotic
                                             species to the environmental stresses identified above, both in isolation and in
                                             combination. We already know that Ammophila is more tolerant of burial (Sykes &
                                             Wilson 1990) and more tolerant of drought (Dixon et al . 2004) than Desmoschoe-
                                             nus. Relatively little is known about the response of Thinopyrum to environmental
                                             stress on temperate coasts, in part because this species has attracted virtually no
                                             attention in the short period it has been in Australia.
                                               There is clearly a need for a management response to this issue. In New Zealand
                                             the Department of Conservation (DoC) has commenced a programme of
                                             Ammophila eradication in Fiordland and Rakiura National Parks (Stewart Island)
                                             in southern New Zealand. The DoC has employed helicopters, all-terrain vehicles
                                             and back packs to apply selective herbicides in these parks. Much smaller
                                             operations, targeting Ammophila , are occurring elsewhere in New Zealand. The
                                             Stewart Island operations commenced in 1987 and are likely to run for at least
                                             another 15 years. The question remains as to whether the DoC, local authorities or
                                             private landowners will undertake Ammophila eradication in significant conserva-
                                             tion areas outside national parks. At least one NGO, the Yellow-eyed Penguin
                                             Trust, based in Dunedin, has initiated marram-control operations on private land
                                             to improve penguin habitat and restore indigenous vegetation. In contrast, there
                                             has been little extensive control of Ammophila in Australia, apart from work by the
                                             Department of Primary Industry, Water and the Environment (DIPWE) in
                                             southwest Tasmania. No control of Thinopyrum has yet occurred in Australia.
                                             This may be due to the recent focus on invasive species of backdune and established
                                             foredunes such as Bitou Bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ), but this inaction
                                             probably also reflects low levels of awareness of the impact of introduced foredune
                                             species. The recent release of the Tasmanian Beach Weed Strategy (Rudman 2003)
                                             and initiation of an investigation of the impact of South African Pyp Grass
                                             (Ehrharta villosa ) in Coorong National Park by the Department of Environment
                                             and Heritage indicate a developing awareness of exotic dune weeds.

                                             Correspondence: Mike Hilton, Department of Geography, University of Otago, PO
                                             Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand. E-mail:
                                                                    Impact of Exotic Dune Grass Species      333

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by Sarah Freed last modified 14-11-2009 14:25

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