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Meeting One Agenda

A Synthetic Approach to the Science of Ecosystem-based

Management of Coastal Marine Systems

Working Group Meeting

January 30 - February 1, 2006

NCEAS, Santa Barbara, CA

During the first three day meeting of the working group, January 30-February 1, 2006, we hope to make substantial progress toward the development of a modeling framework that can support ecosystem based management decision-making in coastal California. We have already benefited substantially from the conference calls in which many of you participated. Based on the input from those calls and other discussions, we have laid out the following plan for the first working group meeting. Our goal is to leave the meeting having decided how we intend to build the framework, the fundamental modeling approaches we plan to use, data needs for the California case study, and a clear sense for who will take responsibility for different pieces in the time between working group meetings. Our time during the meeting will be divided among (1) informational presentations designed to bring us all up to speed on the California Current study system, available datasets, and potential modeling approaches, and (2) time spent in whole group discussions and smaller work sessions. Background materials that we hope everyone will have a chance to read in preparation, as well as an Excel version of the impacts and ecological functions and services matrix, which was sent out earlier will be sent in a follow-on email(s) to this one. Please spend some time thinking about this matrix as it will be a key tool in the critical process of narrowing our focus down to the key processes and interactions that we wish to model. As further preparation, please think of relevant examples from systems where you work that might be instructive for the group to learn about during our discussions. Finally, watch for future communications about other meeting materials and the announcement of a working group website where progress reports, data and background materials can be shared.

Participants in this first meeting are:

Fiorenza Micheli (Stanford University)

Andy Rosenberg (University of New Hampshire)

Kenny Broad (University of Miami)

Dan Brumbaugh (American Museum of Natural History)

Chris Costello (UC Santa Barbara)

Ron Eastman (Clark University)

Mike Fogarty (National Marine Fisheries Service)

Steve Gaines (UC Santa Barbara)

Ben Halpern (NCEAS)

Carrie Kappel (NCEAS)

Salvador Lluch (CIBNOR)

Marc Mangel (UC Santa Cruz)

Rebecca Martone (Stanford University)

Suzanne Menzel (York University)

Chato Osio (University of New Hampshire)

Jim Sanchirico (Resources for the Future)

Geoff Shester (Stanford University)

David Siegel (UC Santa Barbara).

A Synthetic Approach to the Science of Ecosystem-based

Management of Coastal Marine Systems

Meeting Agenda

January 30 - February 1, 2006

NCEAS, Santa Barbara, CA

Monday, January 30


8:30 a.m. Introductions

8:40 a.m. Meeting overview and background on EBM (A. Rosenberg)

background documents package A

9:00 a.m. Presentations on the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (20 min. each speaker plus discussion time)

background documents package B

Ecology of Coastal California (Steve Gaines)

Data sources for the California Current LME (Will McClintock)

9:50 a.m. Discussion of the California case study

Scaling issues, ecosystem boundaries, key features of the system, temporal trends, cross-sectoral issues, institutional framework, etc.

10:10 a.m. Coffee Break

10:30 a.m. Modeling Approaches to Support Ecosystem-based Management (20 min. each speaker plus discussion time)

Fisheries Ecosystem Modeling (Michael Fogarty)

Bioeconomic Modeling (Jim Sanchirico and Chris Costello)

Decision Analysis for Ecosystem Based Management (Marc Mangel)

12:00 noon Discussion of modeling approaches

Integrating ecological and economic models for EBM, alternative approaches, scaling issues

12:30 p.m. Lunch

2:00 p.m. Discussion of the work plan

Consideration of priority services and impacts (see matrix approach below)

Identification of key features of California Current system

Development of plan for working groups (potential topics listed below):

Indicators of system state and impacts

Modeling Frameworks

Data Needs

5:30 p.m. Adjourn

Tuesday, January 31

8:30 a.m. Overview key points from discussion of working plan from Monday afternoon and review tasks for working groups (Fio Micheli)

8:45 a.m. Working Group meetings

12:30 p.m. Lunch

2:00 p.m. Reports from initial WG meetings

4:00 p.m. Continue discussion of the Work Plan

5:30 p.m. Adjourn

Wednesday, February 1

8:30 a.m. Working Group meetings

11:00 a.m. Reports from Working Groups

12:30 p.m. Lunch

2:00 p.m. Discussion of Work Plan prior to the next meeting

4:00 p.m. Adjourn

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Science Frameworks for EBM


by Carrie Kappel last modified 30-10-2006 15:15

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